Royal Standard Minerals - WKN: A0BLUE


    Royal Standard calls shareholders meeting in May, 2007

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc (C:RSM)
    Shares Issued 78,248,138
    Last Close 10/27/2006 $0.71
    Friday October 27 2006 - News Release

    Mr. Roland Larsen reports


    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. has received documents purporting to constitute a requisition from a group of shareholders of RSM alleging that they hold more than 10 per cent of the company\'s shares. The documents received requested that a shareholders meeting be called to consider the removal and replacement of the existing board of directors of RSM.

    The board of directors of RSM has reviewed these documents with the benefit of outside advice and has serious concerns with respect to whether such documents constitute a valid requisition under the New Brunswick Business Corporations Act.

    While reserving all of its rights in this regard, the board of directors of RSM has called a meeting of shareholders in response to the purported requisition received from the dissident group at which the constitution of RSM\'s board of directors will be considered. The meeting will take place on May 29, 2007, in Saint John, N.B. (as required by law absent the approval of all shareholders). The board of directors of RSM (including all of its independent members) has concluded in the exercise of its business judgment that, for a number of reasons, this meeting date is in the best interests of the company.

    In reaching this conclusion, the board of directors considered, among other things, the fact that persons apparently associated with the dissident group recently sought the election of a board nominee in advance of the June, 2006, shareholders meeting. Although RSM acceded to this request, the new board member withdrew his name and declined to take the board position after his election, leaving a vacancy of one director, which has since been filled.

    RSM today also commenced a legal proceeding in the United States District Court -- Central District of California against the members of the dissident group alleging violations of U.S. securities laws.

    © 2006 Canjex Publishing Ltd


    RSM Hires CFO, Engages New Corporate Counsel and Hires Investor Relations Firm

    MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Oct 30, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. ("the Company") has hired Mr. Samuel Gulko as its Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Gulko was an audit partner with an international "big 4" accounting firm for more than 18 years. Subsequent to his retirement in 1987 and continuing through the present, he serves as the financial and tax advisor to a number of business and high net-worth clients. In addition, from 1987 through 1996, Mr Gulko held high level financial positions with several private companies. From 1996 through 2002 he was the Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President of Finance and Secretary-Treasurer of a public company. He was also a member of its Board of Directors during most of this period. Since October 2004, Mr. Gulko has served on the board of directors and as audit committee chairman of another public company. Mr. Gulko has had considerable experience working with the financial community including raising capital for corporate growth. Initially, Mr. Gulko will serve the Company on a part-time basis.

    The Company has engaged Stikeman Elliott of Toronto, Ontario as its new corporate counsel going forward. "Since Stikeman Elliott has offices in both Canada and the United States, we feel that they are better positioned to serve our legal and corporate governance needs in both countries", stated Roland Larsen, Royal Standard\'s President.

    The Company is pleased to announce that it has retained Pro-edge Consultants Inc. ("Pro-edge") to provide investor relations services to the Company for a twelve month term commencing November 1, 2006.

    Pro-edge is an investor & media relations firm lead by partners with over 75+ years of experience in the Energy Generation, Natural Resources, Technology and Entertainment industry sectors. Pro-edge is based in Toronto and has partners in New York & Houston (USA), London (UK), and Krakow (Poland). To the best of the Company\'s knowledge, Pro-edge has no interest, directly or indirectly, in the Company or its securities, or any right or intent to acquire such an interest.

    The Company has hired a superintendent to oversee the gravity plant at the Goldwedge Project located in Nye County, Nevada. Mr. George Holcomb will serve in this capicity beginning October 24, 2006. He has extensive experience with gravity plant and mills over the past 20+ years with much of this experience acquired in the Manhattan Mining district, Nevada near the Goldwedge property.

    Roland Larsen, Royal Standard\'s President stated: "The addition of these highly qualified professionals and executive personnel to our Company is consistent with our long-term goal of building the Company as we grow and positioning it for future growth, thereby enhancing shareholder value."

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. is an exploration and development company with advanced gold projects in Nevada.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    C.U.S.I.P. # 780919106


    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Contacts: Royal Standard Minerals Inc. Roland Larsen 775-487-2454 775-487-2460 (FAX)

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Copyright 2006 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

    © 2006 Stockgroup Media Inc. | Disclaimer

  • Du solltest mal mit Deinem anderen Ich ein ernstes Wörtchen reden. Sieht doch blöd aus, wenn Du hier "good news" schreibst und auf W:O dann kommentierst:



    Ich werde das dumpfe Gefühl nicht los, dass Du in diesem "Info-Thread" die Leute für dumm verkaufen willst. Dazu passt sehr gut, dass Du meine Beiträge für unseriös hältst. Der Kursverlauf läßt vermuten, dass hier etwas ganz anderes unseriös ist.

    Der einzige Lichtblick aus meiner Sicht ist, dass RSM weiterhin bei Casey im Portfolio ist. Wie regelmäßig wird das denn upgedated?



    Wenigstens hat jetzt jeder ein Bild von Deiner grenzenlosen Dummheit bekommen. Es ist schade, dass man keinen Info-Thread hier führen kann ohne von solchen Typen wie Dir ständig von allen Seiten dumm angemacht zu werden. Wer mich bei Goldseiten kennt schätzt mich für meine Kommentare.

    Du hast Dich selber disqualifiziert und ich fordere Dich auf von diesem Thread fern zu bleiben.

    Ich werde das dumpfe Gefühl nicht los, dass Du in diesem "Info-Thread" die Leute für dumm verkaufen willst. Dazu passt sehr gut, dass Du meine Beiträge für unseriös hältst.

    Wenn du Dich mit diesen Sätze reinwachsen willst bist du wirklich sehr arglistig. Solche Leute haben IMO nichts in diesen Foren zu suchen.

    Ich bin von der SUBSTANZ der Firma felsenfest überzeugt. Das das MGT sich als sehr schlecht outet konnte ich nicht vorhersehen (da ich selbst Falschinfos zugespielt bekam).

  • Wenigstens sind wir uns darüber einig, dass dies ein Info-Thread ist. Dann kannst Du ja nicht viel dagegen haben, wenn ich Dich korrigiere, falls Du versehentlich eine Fehlinformation posten solltest oder mal wieder übersehen hast, wenn RSM eine neue Hammernews gebracht hat. So wie eben:

    Royal Standard thinks hecklers supporting dissidents

    2006-11-01 15:13 ET - Street Wire

    by Stockwatch Business Reporter

    Public relations man Luke Norman is in the news again for speaking his mind. Royal Standard Minerals Inc. believes that Mr. Norman and Timothy Master are supporting a dissident shareholder rebellion. In a statement of claim, the company said the two have been badmouthing management in unseemly fashion. Mr. Norman has denied the allegation but says that, in any case, as a shareholder he has a right to speak his mind.

    Mr. Norman was also in the news for speaking his mind at a Vancouver party on Jan. 9, 2005. He and friends were celebrating -- drunkenly, apparently -- his survival of the great Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami, which killed 229,000 people. Later that night, police arrested Mr. Norman for failing to produce identification. First though, a report about the squabble at Royal Standard.

    The claim

    On Sept. 22, 2006, Royal Standard Minerals named Mr. Norman and Mr. Master as defendants in a statement of claim. The plaintiff, which holds several gold and copper projects, said the two men were once its senior employees. Mr. Norman was a public relations manager and Mr. Master was an exploration geologist. According to Royal Standard, Mr. Master resigned in May, 2006, and Mr. Norman got the boot in August, 2006. Although the court document did not provide any details about the termination, it did emphasize that there was considerable enmity between the defendants and management. Thus, Royal Standard said that Mr. Norman and Mr. Master conspired to injure the business.

    According to the plaintiff, Mr. Norman and Mr. Master disseminated misleading information and threatened management. They also allegedly contacted shareholders without permission and solicited their support. The one example Royal Standard offers is an occasion in November, 2005. Without giving any clue about the comments, Royal Standard claimed that Mr. Norman "maliciously spoke words concerning the company." The plaintiff said the words, which Mr. Norman often repeated, were defamatory. Thus, the conspiracy effectively reduced the market value of the company and damaged its reputation. Royal Standard said in September that one possible objective of the conspiracy was to trigger a proxy battle.

    In its claim, Royal Standard asked the court for an injunction restraining the two from badmouthing management any further. The plaintiff also sought damages for defamation and breach of fiduciary duty.

    The defence

    On Oct. 17, 2006, Mr. Norman filed a statement of defence. In it he denied making any defamatory statements against Royal Standard or its management. He also denied acting in any way that would injure the company, citing the fact that he himself is a shareholder. Mr. Norman similarly denied attempting to trigger a proxy battle. He noted that he is not even on the dissident slate of directors.

    As a second line of defence, Mr. Norman said that he was simply never an employee of Royal Standard. He claimed that he was an independent consultant who performed contract work for the company. As such, there was never an employment agreement forbidding him from doing anything. Mr. Norman stated that, as a shareholder of Royal Standard, he had the right to make comments about its management.

    Mr. Norman wraps up his statement of defence by denying that he defamed or slandered Royal Standard.

    Adam Brosgall of the law firm Palkowski & Co. filed the statement of claim for Royal Standard in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Nick Kambas of Kambas Galbraith, Barristers & Solicitors, filed the statement of defence for Mr. Norman. As of Oct. 27, Mr. Master had not yet filed a statement of defence. None of the allegations have been proven in court.

    In response to a recent petition from dissident shareholders, Royal Standard has called a meeting for May 29, 2007.

    Speaking out

    As readers of The Vancouver Sun might recall, Mr. Norman, then a junior employee of Canaccord Investment Corp. was featured in a Jan. 11, 2005, tsunami story. After surviving the tsunami in Thailand, he attended a "thank God we\'re alive" party at his West End apartment building. Late that night, police received several complaints about snowballs flying off the 12th-floor balcony. Two officers went to investigate the source of the snowballs, which is how they met Mr. Norman. According to him, as he told The Sun, he was merely picking up a can of beer lying on the floor in the apartment hallway when the police arrived. Rather than crediting him with tidying up, he says they accused him of having an open vessel of alcohol in a public place. When he was unable to produce identification, they allegedly slammed his head against a wall, knocked him to the ground, kicked him, handcuffed him and took him off to the hoosgow for the night. According to constable Anne Drennan, police found Mr. Norman "intoxicated, belligerent and aggressive." Police released him the next morning and did not charge him with any offence.

    Speaking one\'s mind can have its problems.

  • Irgendwie scheint der Baron mit dem Posten der Hammernews nicht mehr hinterherzukommen. Dabei ist ihm das Goldseiten-Forum doch so wichtig. :D

    Press Release Source: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Royal Standard Minerals Announces Goldwedge Progress Update
    Wednesday November 8, 11:13 am ET

    MANHATTAN, NEVADA--(CCNMatthews - Nov. 8, 2006) - Royal Standard Minerals Inc. ("Royal Standard") (TSX VENTURE:RSM - News; OTCBB:RYSMF - News), which has 100% interests in eight advanced and exploration-stage projects in four districts in Nevada; is pleased to announce a progress update on the Goldwedge project located at Round Mountain in Manhattan.

    Roland M. Larsen, President and CEO of Royal Standard comments: "We believe these zones may be developed into an area that represents the upper most, near surface portion of the gold system. Current plans are to develop this area and continue to advance the main decline. The Company core drill is currently drilling this zone between the A crosscut and the B decline. Plans also include adding a second contract core drill in late November 2006." Prior news releases that address the gold grades and thicknesses within the area currently under development include the following: November 19 & 29, 2004; July 11 & 27, 2005; and March 20, 2006 (

    Presently the primary spiral decline at Goldwedge is below the water table; therefore, there is a presence of water ( less than 20gpm) that has slowed the advancement of the decline. Royal Standard has implemented a grouting program to control the water and is securing the necessary permits from the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection ("NDEP") that will allow for additional water storage and disposal on the surface as part of an underground water-pumping program to compliment the grouting program.

    During Royal Standard\'s third quarter, mining and delivering gold mineralized material to the gravity plant has been occurring. The rate of gold concentrate produced has been affected by several variables including head grade and product through put (tons per day), equipment modifications, and water balancing issues within the plant. A stockpile of more than 70,000 tons of lower grade material has already been recovered during decline development and is being delivered to the plant as part of the testing process of the plant\'s recovery system. This material will be crushed and transported to the leach pad. To-date Royal Standard has been processing low grade (0.03-0.05 opt., 1-1.6 gpt) feed to tune up the plant and to optimize plant efficiency (gold recovery). At the current head grade of 0.03-0.05 opt the rate of gold concentrate production may range from 10-20 ounces (300-600 ounces dore/month) of gross production per day, at our current feed grade and a production rate of 500 tons per day at an initial 70% estimated recovery. Presently the plant\'s best operating day has been 350 tons per day. This rate has not been sustainable from day-to-day due to mechanical issues that have either been corrected or are presently being addressed.

    A parameter that contributes to production of ounces per day from Royal Standard\'s plant is head grade. The initial production rate target is to produce 50 ounces per day (1,500 ounces dore/month). This can be achieved by either increasing head grade at a production rate of 100-150 tons per day, a head grade of 0.4+ opt or with a throughput of 500 tons per day at a head grade of 0.1 opt gold head grade (assuming 100% recovery in each case) will achieve approximately 50 ounces per day of production. The intent is to improve the head grade slightly by blending some of the higher grade material with the lower grade stockpile and feed this material through the plant during the next 60 days. This objective will go hand in hand with a detailed sampling program to measure recovery rate at each phase of the plant before going to higher grade stockpiled material.

    Royal Standard has proven that the current system can produce a high quality gold concentrate from the lower head grade feed material according to daily sampling results of head grades and table concentrate assay results by the in-house assay laboratory. Check assays for a portion of the assayed concentrates will be sent to Auric Metallurgical Laboratories in Salt Lake City, Utah. An update will be forthcoming when assay results are available. Relevant concerns towards achieving maximum gold recoveries within the plant with both the primary and secondary recovery circuits will also be addressed. Corrective measures will test for potential gold product loss areas identified through a careful sampling program of all product points inside and outside the plant.

    About Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. is a precious metals exploration and property development company based in Reno, Nevada with 100% interest in eight advanced exploration-stage projects in Nevada. Present focus is on the following four properties: Goldwedge (Round Mountain, Manhattan), Railroad-Pinon (Carlin Trend), Fondaway Canyon and Como.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    C.U.S.I.P. # 780919106 LISTED: STANDARD & POORS

    Roland Larsen
    Royal Standard Minerals Inc.
    President & CEO
    775-487-2460 (FAX)

    Tracy Weslosky or Fred Cowans
    pro-edge consultants inc.
    Managing Partners
    416-581-0177 or Toll-Free 1-866-544-9622

    Source: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Auf W:O gibt es vom Baron auch einen vielsagenden Kommentar:

    Das mir RUN uns RSM habe ich insgeheim erwartet und wollte es nicht sehen. Eingeständnis Ende.

    (Erklärung: RUN dümpelt schon länger bei 0,6 CAD herum und notierte gestern erstmals höher als RSM)

  • Ein neues Management muss endlich her! Schon wieder 3 alte Senioren machen die Sache auch nicht besser!

    Die "dissident shareholders" werden handeln. Da bin ich mir absolut sicher.
    Die Projekte sind Weltklasse, alleine Railroad-Pinon mit seinem gigantischen Kupfervorkommen. Goldwedge produziert bereits mit low-grade Material.

    Neues Management und hier geht die Post ab.
    Larsen muss für immer weg.

    Hier noch die News dazu von gestern:

    RSM) (OTCBB: RYSMF) is pleased to announce that the Company has established an
    Advisory Board to its board of directors. The Advisory Board will initially
    include three mining industry veterans whose background and experience should be
    valuable to Royal Standard as it continues to advance bring its Nevada
    properties into production.

    The members of the Advisory Board are:
    (i) Edward G. Thompson P.Eng. Mr. Thompson is a professional
    engineer with over 45 years of experience in the mining
    industry and holds both a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. from the University
    of Toronto. Mr. Thompson has had considerable experience in
    Nevada and is a past President of the Prospectors and
    Developers Association of Canada. He currently sits on seven
    junior company boards including Chariot Resources Limited,
    Aurogin Resources Limited, and Spartan Resources Inc.
    (ii) Robert N. Granger Q.C. Mr. Granger is a former corporate and
    securities lawyer who practiced in Toronto, Canada. He has had
    considerable experience in the mining industry having
    previously been the CEO of Landmark Corporation and Anvil Range
    Mining Corporation. He is currently the Chairman and CEO of
    Hurricane River Mining Corporation which is exploring its gold
    property in Val d\'Or, Quebec and of Copper Reef Mining
    Corporation which is primarily involved in exploring for base
    metals in the Flin Flon, Manitoba greenstone belt.
    (iii) John D. Harvey P.Eng. After graduating from the University of
    New Brunswick with a B.Sc. in Geology in 1959 Mr. Harvey joined
    Noranda Mines Limited as an exploration geologist. Before
    retiring in 1995 he served as President of Noranda Exploration
    and CEO of Hemlo Gold Mines Inc. Mr. Harvey is currently
    engaged as a Qualified Consulting Geologist (P.Eng. Ontario)
    and serves as a director of a number of companies including
    Goldeye Exploration Limited, Baltic Resources Inc. and Tribute
    Minerals Inc. of which he is Chairman.

    Mr. Larsen indicates, "the Corporation will benefit from the input of the Advisory Board members to the deliberations of the board of directors. It is anticipated that the Advisory Board members would join Royal Standard\'s board at the meeting to be held on May 26, 2007."

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. is an exploration and development company with advanced gold projects in Nevada.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    C.U.S.I.P. # 780919106


    Contacts: Royal Standard Minerals Roland Larsen 775-487-2454 775-487-2460 (FAX)

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

  • WOW, Horstwalter hat ihn hochbekommen! Das ist die beste Nachricht in diesem Thread seit langem :D

    Bin mal gespannt, ob der Gold_Baron ihn auch hochbekommt. Den Kurs der Aktie meine ich. Seitdem er sich auf das Posten von Fakten beschränkt, hat RSM leichte Performanceprobleme und charttechnisch sieht es richtig übel aus.

    Der Kampf Larsen vs. Dissidents ist spannend. Fragt sich nur, ob man mit im Ring stehen und als Punchingball dienen muss oder ob es bis Mai 2007 auf der Zuschauertribüne nicht angenehmer ist. Meine anfänglichen Bedenken waren jedenfalls sehr berechtigt.

  • Goldbaron

    Zitat von Dir:

    Der "Dreck" von dem du sprichst ist bereits seit 3 Monaten bzw. 6 Monaten aus der Firma entfernt wurden!
    Bitte informiere Dich bevor du Behauptungen aufstellst.

    Nun willst du ein neues Management.... :D

    Entaeuschend die Performance von RSM.
    Als ich die kritisierte sprangst du mir an den Kragen, nun das Ergebnis.
    Ein scheiss Managment und die Leute die sie verklagen wollen haben doch irgendwie Recht.

    Ich lege sie zu den Depotleichen und kaufe nichts mehr nach bis sie ihren Dreck im Stall augeraeumt haben.

    Really Shit Management (RSM) X(



  • "Nun willst du ein neues Management.... :D "

    Vorsicht mit Kritik am Baron! Denn erstens gilt sein Satz vom 30.10.:

    "Wer mich bei Goldseiten kennt schätzt mich für meine Kommentare."

    Und zweitens kannst Du anhand seiner Äußerungen mir gegenüber und auf W:O sehen, was der mit Leuten macht, die ihn nicht schätzen X(

    Keiner freut sich, wenn er Geld verliert und eine Situation falsch beurteilt hat. Gehört an der Börse aber dazu und man sollte die innere Größe haben um Fehler zuzugeben.

    Erinnere mich dran, wenn mein Papiersilber wertlos wird :)

  • T-Trinker

    Ich habe keinen Klintsch/Tension mit Gold Baron , warum sollten wir einen haben ?(

    Er hat RSM und ich habe sie, beide sind entaeuscht wie der Kurs nun steht.

    Es ist ja keine Kritik an Gold Baron die ist fuer das Management.

    Zeige mir einen hier der keine Nieten hin und wieder zieht.

    Ich bin zu 0.12% in RSM investiert, mich regt das nicht so auf.

    Man darf nie mehr als 5% auf eine Aktie oder auf Futures legen.

    Ist ja verstaendlich das man sich aergert wenn man verliert, aber wer weiss vielleicht kommt die Sonne wieder raus.

    Was bei W/O und bei der Silberinfo diskutiert wird weiss ich nicht da ich dort so gut wie nie reinschaue.

    Think positive... und nur nicht streiten hier !

    Das hilft dem Kurs auch nicht.... :D



  • Bin gerade erst wieder ON......

    .....T-Trinker nehme ich nicht ernst, da es keinen Grund gibt warum eine Person sich die Mühe macht eine andere darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Firma in der sie/er investiert ist nicht gut ist. Punkt.


    Ich habe versucht mit diesem Thread die Aufmerksamkeit auf RSM zu lenken, da ich selber investiert bin. Das ich und viele Großaktionäre (PP im April mit 15 Milliönchen) von Larsen ins Licht geführt wurden konnte NIEMAND (!) vorraussagen. Deswegen sind wir beide noch investiert.

    Warum sollen denn keine besseren Zeiten kommen?

    Die Projekte sind gut, sonst würde ich umschichten.


    Versuch es doch einfach mal mit fundamental begründeter Kritik ohne MICH gleich dumm anzumachen. So kommt man eher weiter, als jemand der von einer Firma überzeugt ist, zu diffamieren.

  • Zitat

    Versuch es doch einfach mal mit fundamental begründeter Kritik ohne MICH gleich dumm anzumachen. So kommt man eher weiter, als jemand der von einer Firma überzeugt ist, zu diffamieren.

    Genau das habe ich hier getan. Ich fand die Firma aufgrund der Projekte interessant und stellte ein paar Fragen, da die Story für mich nicht "rund" war. Dass ich mit meinem Misstrauen völlig richtig lag, konnte ich da auch noch nicht wissen.

    "Dumm angemacht" habe ich Dich, weil Du Dich zunächst Deiner intimen Kenntnisse des Managements gerühmt hast, obwohl dem ganz offensichtlich nicht so war.


    Das ich und viele Großaktionäre (PP im April mit 15 Milliönchen) von Larsen ins Licht geführt wurden

    Kann natürlich auch sein, dass Deutsch nicht Deine Muttersprache ist und es deswegen zu Missverständnissen kommt. Vielleicht solltest Du das mal klarstellen, anstatt mich dumm anzumachen. Mir wäre es jedenfalls unendlich peinlich, wenn ich mich für einen Wert so ins Zeug geworfen hätte und auch nach kritischen Hinweisen nicht erkannt hätte, dass der Zug in die falsche Richtung fährt.

    Da ich hier ein Musterdepot führe, kann man sehen, dass ich mit Pacific Gold und Slam Exploration auch zwei Aktien erwischt habe, die die Erwartungen nicht erfüllen. Ich würde aber nie versuchen, diese Werte zu pushen, um meinen Einstandskurs wiederzusehen. Ist ne Einstellungssache, aber ich äußere mich nur dann positiv zu Werten, wenn meine ursprüngliche Erwartung auch von der Entwicklung des Unternehmens UND des Börsenkurses bestätigt wird.


    .....T-Trinker nehme ich nicht ernst, da es keinen Grund gibt warum eine Person sich die Mühe macht eine andere darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Firma in der sie/er investiert ist nicht gut ist. Punkt.

    Das ist Deine Meinung. Ich habe eine andere.

  • ROYAL STANDARD MINERALS INC.(RSM) (TSX VENTURE: RSM) (OTCBB: RYSMF) RSM plans to commence underground drilling and sampling of the 100% owned Fondaway Canyon gold project located in Churchill County, Nevada in January, 2007, according to Roland M. Larsen, qualified person. The property consists of 148 contiguous unpatented mining claims. The property was heavily drill tested by Tenneco Minerals Inc. over a 10 year period (1986-1996) indicating a gold mineralized system with a strike length of more than 12,000 feet including more than 15 separate gold mineralized veins, average widths in the 5- 20 feet range. A total of 568 holes have been drilled on this property most of this work was completed by Tenneco.

    Tenneco also completed 500 feet of underground development of the gold bearing sulfide mineralization for metallurgical testing of the underground targets and developed and operated an open pit heap leach mine on the gold oxide deposits before exiting the mining business in the 1990's. Metallurigical studies by Hazen Research and others of the gold bearing sulfide mineralization indicates that greater than 90% gold recoveries can be achieved.

    The structurally controlled mineralization in a NI-43-101 report currently classifies the resources as indicated and inferred includes 390,000 tons of 0.428 (13.3 gpt) opt indicated and 372,000 tons of 0.409 opt (12.74 gpt) inferred within an area of the Tenneco adit. These estimates include resources contained within a segment of the Half Moon-Paperweight shear zones, a strike length that includes more than 900 feet and 1500 feet (less than 500 feet in depth), respectively.

    The exploration program will include opening the Tenneco adit and continue to explore this area by test mining, drifting, on the Half Moon vein system. This effort will include bulk sampling of the Half Moon gold mineralization for metallurgical analysis. Plans include surface and underground drilling on this property after the initial underground development has started to further test the strike and dip extensions of the gold mineralization within the area of the Tenneco adit as part of an effort to build additional gold resources in this area.

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. is an exploration and development company with advanced gold-silver projects in Nevada.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

  • Royal Standard Minerals Project Update

    MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Dec 22, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE: RSM)(OTCBB: RYSMF) (the "Company") is pleased to provide a progress update at the Goldwedge Project located in Nye County, Nevada. The Goldwedge Project is completing the installation of a concrete floor and two ball mills for the regrinding circuit as a means to increase gold recoveries within the plant. Recent test work of mine-run gold bearing material by Metcon Labs, in Tucson, AZ indicated precious metal recoveries with a combination of gravity treatment and flotation returned 95.76% for gold and 95.64% for silver with a nominal minus 100 mesh grind. Knelson Research & Technology Center in Langley, BC is currently carrying out a total gravity recovery test under similar conditions to the Metcon work for a comparison; the results are expected next month. The initial results indicate that precious metal recoveries can be significantly enhanced with a more aggressive regrinding circuit. The Company commenced construction work, modifying the regrinding circuit in November, 2006. The underground program has continued with the decline development without any significant interruptions along with stockpiling any gold bearing material that has been encountered during this development to be processed through the plant at a later date, according to qualified person, Roland M. Larsen.

    At the Railroad property, Elko County, Nevada, work on the copper-skarn system by a field geologist and a geophysicist has resulted in the completion of field mapping programs during October and November 2006. The alteration mapping and a large ground magnetics program have provided very useful information, these data should be helpful in regard to Future drill hole selection on the property. The geophysical interpretation of this data is underway. No drilling was completed in October and November on this property due to delays with the availability of a drill, the changing weather and the need to complete the evaluation of the new geophysical and geologic data forced a rescheduling of the drilling program until the spring.

    The permitting process for the Pinon gold-silver project is progressing with Dyer Engineering Consultants, Inc. involved with the Water Pollution Control permit and JBR Environmental Consultants Inc. working on the Plan of Operations. Currently both firms are preparing a response to NDEP and USBLM, in regard to the last round of comments to our applications.

    The Company is pleased to announce that it has retained Pro-edge Consultants Inc. ("Pro-edge") to provide investor relations services to the Company for C$7,500 per month for a twelve month term commencing November 1, 2006. Pro-edge is a Toronto-based IR firm that represents public companies in the natural resource, energy, technology and entertainment sectors; and has partners in New York & Houston (USA), London (UK) and Singapore. To the best of the Company\'s knowledge, Pro-edge has no interest, directly or indirectly, in the Company or its securities, or any right or intent to acquire such an interest. Pro-edge is owned by Weslosky & Cowans Ltd. ("WESCOW"), which is licensed and regulated by the Ontario Securities Commission as a limited market dealer.

    About Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. ( is a precious metals exploration and property development company based in Reno, Nevada with 100% interest in eight advanced exploration-stage projects in four districts of Nevada. Present focus is on the following three properties: Goldwedge (Round Mountain, Manhattan), Railroad-Pinon (Carlin Trend) and Fondaway Canyon.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    Contacts: Royal Standard Minerals Inc. Roland Larsen President & CEO 775-487-2454 775-487-2460 (FAX) Pro-edge consultants inc. Tracy Weslosky or Fred Cowans Managing Partners 416-581-0177 or Toll Free: 1-866-544-9622

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Copyright 2006 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

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