Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Jetzt kipp nicht gleich wieder um :D..warte damit noch zwei Wochen.

    Die Rohstoffe und der Oilpreis wurden mit Deriviaten bombardiert und angeblich kommt der Winter ganz kalt mit Verspaetung.
    Durch den Ueberfall auf die Iranische Botschaft ist internationales Recht gebrochen worden und das hat nun seine Konsequenzen.
    Die ganze US Flotte ist dort nicht zum Spass, es riecht nach Krieg und der haut den Oilpreis ebenso rauf wenn 20% vom weltweiten Oilbedarf durch die Strasse von Hormus muss..

    Wir sind dazu vedammt um EM Oil Uran und Rohstoffaktien zu kaufen.
    Ebenso physisch Gold und Silber, wenn schon ! :D

  • Schaut so aus, als ob sie schön langsam wieder zu Ende gehen würde, die kleine "Korrektur". Volatilität ist nach wie vor recht hoch.

    Was meinst du, Eldorado?

    Morgen oder Montag nochmals Richtung 600 oder schon über 620?



  • Ich bin keineswegs ein Umfaller oder einer der sich aus dem EMs treiben lässt.

    Aber erstaunlich ist es doch wie DOW u. DAX trotz solchen Meldungen wie an ner Schnur nach oben gezogen werden.

    Oder werden jetzt die letzten Zweifler in den Markt gelockt, damit es dann in kürze richtig brutal einbricht.?
    Wie ne Glühlampe die bevor die kaputt geht, nochmal richtig Licht spendet.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Hoffentlich erst am Dienstag. Montag wird nochmals ne Ladung Fiat frei, die will auch noch unters Volk gebracht werden.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Man solte die Location eher Nadelöhr am Humus nenen, den es ist super enge in der Gegend und wenn hier mehrere US Trägerverbände und Öltanker in iranischen Hoheitsgewässern aufeinandertreffen gibt es Humus in vielerlei Hinsicht. Einige winzige Inseln, mitten in der Straße, sollen ja angeblich iranisches Teritory sein. Würde mich nicht wundern wen die Amis "zur Sicherung des internationalen Schiffsverkehrs" dort mal ein Landungskomando absetzen. 8) Gleiwitz ick hör dir trappsen 8o

    Ich denke, wir stehen vor einem Vietnam²

    Inflation ahoi = Fasten your golden Seat belts please :D

  • Zitat

    Original von Silberfuchs
    Ich bin keineswegs ein Umfaller oder einer der sich aus dem EMs treiben lässt.

    Aber erstaunlich ist es doch wie DOW u. DAX trotz solchen Meldungen wie an ner Schnur nach oben gezogen werden.

    Oder werden jetzt die letzten Zweifler in den Markt gelockt, damit es dann in kürze richtig brutal einbricht.?
    Wie ne Glühlampe die bevor die kaputt geht, nochmal richtig Licht spendet.

    IMHO könnte der DJ noch auf 13000 raufgehen - es läuft alles völlig surreal im Augenblick ab. Der DJ ist keine 6000 wert - IMO. Aber der Markt ist mit Liquidität überschwemmt und EMs sind bereits sehr stark aus den meisten Köpfen draussen, also kaufen die Leute Aktien, weil sie ja so schön raufgehen. Das Erwachen wird fürchterlich! Wenn erst die Flucht aus den Aktienmärkten einsetzt, hervorgerufen durch irgendein Ereignis und mag es noch so unbedeutend sein, dann wird Gold zum Himmel schiessen (physical only of course), wie es sich keiner vorstellen kann. Natürlich werden noch weitere Goldpreisdrückungen stattfinden, mit immer neuen Methoden, aber die Preise lokaler Händler werden sich gewiss von den Comex-Kursen abkoppeln, weil kein Gold mehr geliefert werden kann, und die Preise steigen MÜSSEN, egal was die Comex hier an POG "vorgaukelt".
    Mir persönlich ist der jetzige Goldpreis recht, könnte auch noch weiter runtergehen, denn ich hab' noch einen Patzen Fiat in einer Warteschleife, der zu echtem Geld gemacht werden will.

  • Zitat

    Original von Osterhase
    Ich denke, wir stehen vor einem Vietnam²

    Dazu bräuchte man aber Truppen :D und ich frage mich wo die Amis diese stehlen wollen :D
    Es wird ein reiner Luftschlag- und dieser wird nicht einfach

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    But, like the first breath of wind before a storm, evidence has begun to appear that a possibly dramatic reversal to the upside may be close at hand....

    Habe gestern die stark gebeutelte CDE nachgekauft, jetzt muss aber auch das "dramatic reversal" kommen. Die Position ist dick im Minus. Vielleicht schlage ich nochmal bei SLW zu.

  • Auf und nieder immer wieder - hammers erst gestern gmacht- mach mas heit ah .. ... immer drauf auf die Goldbugs mit einer neuen Bullenfalle.
    Die Feder ist nun so angespannt das sie denen bald ins Gesicht schlaegt.
    Darauf muss man warten koennen, also Geduld bitte. ;)
    Zuendet Eure Kerzen besser in der Kirche an, vielleicht hilft das.

  • Incognito

    "Remold It Nearer To The Heart’s Desire" [1]


    Last week we discussed the forming of the Round Table Groups, first in London, then in the other British territories, including New York, as well. The establishment of these groups, scattered across the world, created a network of elite individuals who shared the same basic goals: the establishment of a New World Order – with a one world order of international global government.

    World War I saw the Paris Peace Conference emerge as the arbiter between the fractured nation states that had fought one another into near oblivion. The people had been beaten into submission – they were ready for peace, for a helping hand to salvage the last vestiges of the life they had once known.

    For an elitist, the Paris Peace Conference was a dream come true. The world was looking for help – for salvation from the killing, and they were ready to pay almost any price – to accept anything that did not reek of the foul stench of war. It was a time to rebuild, a time to put the broken pieces back together again, a time to heal.


    We have seen that two opposing divisions existed in the British Round Table Group: one faction led by Lionel Curtis, believed in, and wanted to create, a one world order of government; the other group led by Lord Alfred Milner wanted to consolidate the existing British empire by creating an Imperial Federation.

    Milner was not a believer in international government, he preferred a supranational form of government for the British Empire. He cared not for the rest of the world. Curtis on the other hand was for a one world international government – a complete world overhaul by the creation of a New World Order.

    Failure or Victory

    It is somewhat ironic that neither group obtained their desired goals at the Paris Peace Conference. Not only did the main Round Table Group in London not establish a United Federation of the British Empire, it actually unwittingly helped build a consensus for the replacement of the Empire with a Commonwealth of Nations. Not exactly what Milner had in mind. Such are the ways of the Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.

    Likewise, Curtis’s vision of a one world government was not established, but he did see the League of Nations prevail, which was a crucial step in the right direction. However, we saw that the main source of the League was President Wilson, who ended up not signing the pact due to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and other Americans Senators who were adamantly opposed to it, and stopped the U.S.’s acceptance of it dead in its tracks.

    Nevertheless, just because the United States did not ratify membership in the League, the League was still created. An international organization with international goals now existed. This was a major step forward for the elite collectivists, who now had a recognized and accepted organization that they could work behind to establish their New World Order.

    Although the specific end goals of the elite were not realized at the Paris Peace Conference, the groundwork had been laid. The Round Table Group could now be used as a structured and detailed model upon which the creation of other similar international organizations could be based. And so they were. We will now take a look at some of them.

    Council On Foreign Relations

    One of the most famous quotes by the Scion of the Rothschild Dynasty sums up the hierarchical structure and mindset of the ruling elite:

    "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who is King or Queen." [2]

    From this we see that if one has control of a nations currency they have more power and control then the King or Queen. As stated previously – the money power is the greatest power existent, even mightier then the military power. Without money to fund the military there would be no military.

    As is readily apparent - Rothschild understood this perfectly well, and he was a master artist in using the purse strings to paint the face of the social world-view he envisioned. But how does one gain control of an entire nation’s currency? We will eventually address this issue – for now the task before us is the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR).

    We have seen that the United States would not ratify the Versailles Treaty, and consequently, the League of Nations was not accepted by the US. The League was the precipitating reason that Congress refused to sign the Treaty. They wanted no part of the socialist plan.

    Lionel Curtis recommended that a front organization was needed in both Britain and the United States that seemed innocuous and politically correct in the public’s eye. He recommended an Institute of International Affairs, having one chapter in the United States, and another in Britain.

    The British organization was named the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In the United States it was the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR was incorporated in 1921. Besides Curtis, founding members included Colonel House, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Paul Warburg.


    These were the same international elite collectivists that created the Federal Reserve, which is the answer to our earlier question: how can one control the money of a nation. It’s easy – just create a central bank that has control of the money power and allow it to create money out of thin air. J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, and Otto Kahn, were all involved in financing the CFR.

    Remember in the second paper of this series where we said that the legal profession’s role in the establishment of the New World Order is often overlooked: the founding president of the CFR was John W. Davis, one of J.P. Morgan's personal attorneys. The pervasiveness of the elite to go deep within the center of any group they target, is truly amazing.

    As far as infiltrating targeted organizations – for the CFR it was child’s play. Since 1934 almost every United States Secretary of State has been a CFR member, and ALL Secretaries of War or Defense up to Cheney have been members. Most Presidents have been members, as well.

    Allen Dulles was a founding member of the CFR. He became President of the CFR. Allen was the brother of John Foster Dulles the Secretary of State for Eisenhower. John had been one of Wilson's wiz kids at the Paris Peace Conference. He also married a Rockefeller and served on several boards of directors for Rockefeller.

    The Council of Foreign Relations is comprised of former elite government officials at the highest level, titans of industry and the transnational corporations they control, or the international banking houses that control the central banks and the world’s money.

    Honor Roll

    Some of the members whose names you will recognize follow:

    Colonel House, David Rockefeller, Thomas Foley, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Paul A. Volcker, Prince Edward, Prince Charles of Wales, Madeleine K. Albright, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Donald E. Graham, Henry A. Kissinger, Richard N. Perle, George Soros, Lawrence H. Summers, Robert S. McNamara, John D. Rockefeller IV.

    Elite collectivists may allow public awareness that the CFR exists, nevertheless they do not permit any statements made by the members to be reported in the press, unless approved of by the upper echelon of the group. This is referred to as the Non-Attribution Rule, where nothing said can be attributed to any specific member.

    The CFR has its own public publication oozing its propaganda from every pore, as well as its own website: Foreign Affairs. Check it out, you will not believe some of what you read.

    The question arises of necessity: why is there a group of non-elected officials (many of whom were previously elected officials as well as leaders in the corporate sector) discussing issues which our government is either involved in, or suddenly becomes involved in, after the CFR discusses it.

    Even more importantly is why should an elite group of individuals be allowed to decide the future of the world for the rest of us? Why should this minority decide for the majority that global governance of a one world government is needed to realize their New World Order.

    "The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded ... states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies ... Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker ... The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy." [3]

    Should a non-elected group of elite former politicians and titans of industry meet together and “hold council” that immediately gets the ear of our present administration and elected officials? How much sway and influence does this elite group have upon our government? Would We The People be listened to as readily as this group is? Think about these questions the next time you vote – and vote accordingly.

    Fabian Society

    The Fabian Society was created in 1884 by Sidney and Beatrice Webb along with Edward Pease. Some of the earliest members were George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells. They readily admit to being collectivists and socialists who want to initiate social reform and change.

    In 1900 the Fabian Society joined with the trade unions in Britain to form the Labour Party. To this day their relationship has remained intact. The Group is recognized as the architect of the welfare state: a precursor to Roosevelt’s New Deal.

    Their signature trademark was the belief in the “inevitability of gradualness” that their ideas would eventually permeate into both government and private institutions, and from there spread out into society in general.

    One of their greatest achievements (in their eyes) was the start of the London School of Economics, which became a fountainhead of socialistic economic theory, both in education and in the implementation in the real world as well. John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White were two future members steeped in the economics of socialism.

    Some of the Fabian’s main beliefs were that they were against free trade and favored protectionism to protect the all important State from foreign competition. They also believed in the nationalization of land, as opposed to private ownership.

    Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are both members. Interesting that the Prime Minister of Britain belongs to an elite socialist organization, and that President Bush and Blair supposedly see eye to eye on most issues. When no one else would back Bush’s rush to judgment concerning Iraq – Blair stood resolutely by his side, sending his own troops in harm’s way.

    Bernard Shaw summed up the mindset of the Society when he said:

    “I, as a Socialist, have had to preach, as much as anyone, the enormous power of the environment. We can change it; we must change it; there is absolutely no other sense in life than the task of changing it. What is the use of writing plays, what is the use of writing anything, if there is not a will which finally moulds chaos itself into a race of gods.” [4]

    The Work of Infamy

    Bernard Shaw designed the stain glass window below for the Fabian Society. It is a most fascinating window, not only for the messages and hidden meanings its design depicts, but also in regards to its disappearance for over 25 years from the time of its creation.

    Two men are shown smashing down on a globe of the world with two large hammers. The globe rests upon an anvil. Above the globe can be seen the inscription that reads:


    The saying is from a stanza of Omar Khayyam:

    “Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire

    To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,

    Would we not shatter it to bits,

    And then remold it nearer to the heart's desire!” [5]

    Above the globe is a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Below subjects kneel in reverence, all except one whom seems to be mocking the others. H.G. Wells also made an interesting statement shedding some light on just what the Society believed in:

    "This idea of a planned world-state is one to which all our thought
    and knowledge is tending ... It is appearing partially and experimentally at a thousand points ... its coming is likely to happen quickly." [6]

    I can’t recall just where I heard it, but I remember someone of some fame talking about a 1000 points of light.

    “It is only by the co-operation of States which have common ideals that the new world order can be built up, and the idea of the commonwealth, the principle of the conscious and responsible co-operation of the citizen in the making of laws by which he is bound, is the only possible foundation for the world-State of the future.” [7]

    As stated earlier in this paper, Tony Blair is a member of the Fabian Society. Not possible you say. Read the following excerpts from a speech Blair made in 2002 as reported in the Guardian News Paper, which is linked in the footnotes for verification.

    Time to move beyond 1945

    “It is time to acknowledge that the 1945 settlement was a product of its time and we must not be a prisoner of it. Labour created the NHS, the welfare state and expanded educational opportunity. These are our crown jewels and prize achievements, built by our political heroes and heroines. So it's understandable that to suggest they are no longer always good enough and must be radically reformed can touch raw nerves.”

    “The 1945 settlement was the social equivalent of mass production, largely state-directed and managed, built on a paternalist relationship between state and individual, one of donor and recipient.”

    “Now is the time to advance our vision. We have the potential to settle the political contours for generations to come; to establish a new consensus that shifts the gravity of British politics decisively in a progressive direction.”

    “Our task is to give modern expression to our values in a time of new and unprecedented aspirations, declining deference and increasing choice, of diverse needs and greater personal autonomy. We do so with Tony Crosland's concluding words to The Future of Socialism in mind: "Socialist aspirations were first formulated over 100 years ago. Some remain urgently relevant ... but of course new issues, not then foreseen, and increasingly important as the old evils are conquered, have arisen since; and they may be slightly significant for welfare, freedom, and social justice." [8]

    These are the words of Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Britain, published by the Fabians as “The Courage of our Convictions: Why Reform of the Public Services is the Route to Social Justice” as written in 27.09.2002: Blair's case for radical change as reported by the Guardian.

    Perhaps one of the elite collectivists most powerful tools in gaining control of the world is their patience. They know that such change, if its social structure is to remain hidden and unknown to the general public, requires extended periods of time to slowly and unknowingly seep into the social structure of society. Decades mean nothing to them. Many of the elite families have worked on the plan for centuries.

    They did not change the world overnight after World War I, but they did lay the foundation for The House of the Rising Sun – The House of Draconis. This ends part 4 – next week part 5.

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth bad fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

    “Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.” [9]

    [1] Quote From Fabian Stained Glass Window

    [2] Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    [3] Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Feb. 21st, 2006

    [4] George Bernard Shaw

    [5] Omar Khayyam

    [6] H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints For A World Revolution

    [7] Alfred Zimmern

    [8] Fabian Society | Special Reports | Guardian Unlimited Politics

    [9] Matthew 7:1520

  • Guten Morgen

    Mir kommt so vor das einige Analysten einen zu hohen Goldpreis dieses Jahr erwarten/erhoffen.
    Hier der Comment von Goldseek der einen Durchschnitt von 680-700 USD fuer 2007 vorraussagt.......

    The bull camp has to be somewhat happy with the performance of the gold market
    Thursday as the trade "mostly" stood up to more weakness in oil prices and perhaps even more surprising to a clear upward extension in the US Dollar! It is possible that the up beat dialogue toward the US economy and the rise in equity prices rekindled some inflation expectations and as was suggested in the mid day comments it is possible that the improvement in the US economic outlook prompted some physical demand expectations to be raised. With two different private forecasts suggesting that spot gold would average $700 or $680 in 2007 it is clear that many players remain optimistic towards gold and with the muted response to the sharp Dollar rally it would seem like the bull camp is to be respected. With the Fed expressing some concern over the magnitude of US Dollar holdings and suggesting that large US Dollar holdings might actually mask problems within the US economy and at the same time suggesting that increased market volatility might be seen ahead as a result of the holdings, one could suggest that the broad based diversification threat is still alive despite the current strength in the Dollar.

    While the silver market fell back moderately from the days highs, it is somewhat of a moral victory for the bull camp to come away from the session without more significant losses. In fact, with the Dollar clearly exploding into a new higher trading range and the oil market falling sharply the sellers could have really attacked the silver and gold markets. However, as in the gold market it is possible that the slightly improved US macro economic outlook and the positive action in the copper market discouraged some selling in the precious metals markets.

    The Hightower Report, Futures Analysis and Forecasting


    From LMC:

    "A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason." ---J.P. Morgan X(

    GO GATA!

    Gold was all over the place … up $4, down $1.50, etc. So were oil and the euro. The euro rose on a surprise British interest rate hike. Then it fell. Oil was lower, then rallied to go up 60 cents on the day, only to tank badly, closing down $2.14 per barrel to $51.88. Each time gold looked like it was ready to take off, it sank back. Each time it appeared ready to tank, it rallied.

    The gold open interest fell 1889 contracts to 345,602. The silver open interest dropped 1256 contracts to 100,161 and is less than 4,000 contracts off of its multi-year low. The specs have run for the hills and the traditional shorts don’t want to be that way at these low prices.

    Speaking of silver, our STALKER source spoke to his London silver dealer friend. Seems a number of smaller investors that have been out of the market for 18 months, or so, are coming back. Interest in silver is picking up considerably at the moment. One reason is that a number of people in London are looking for some kind of conflict with Iran to kick in sometime this year.

    The trading action of both gold and silver is indicative of markets probing to form a bottom, one which looks even more today like a triple bottom.

    Another technical sign of a bottom in gold:

    Hi Bill,

    The sentiment indicator spike started to look more like a spike today with the sentiment indicator declining 20%.

    This is to be expected if we have just seen a bottom in the gold price. Previously when gold has bottomed the sentiment indicator has spiked on the day of the bottom and then fell away, as gold started to slowly climb higher. This time there was a few days of spikes, this is unusual and perhaps indicates a big move ahead for gold this time around.

  • The Saudis have discounted by $1.75 its oil price on topline sweet crude sales to its US customers. If Iran cannot be given the shock & awe treatment like Iraq, since Russia is tied like a direct strong umbilical cord in defense, then Saudis will deliver serious financial blows to Iran instead by aiding and abetting the oil price down. They offer lip service to production cuts and other associated FedSpeak tactics. They are flooding the market with oil, even as Russia does the same, while almost all OPEC players are cheating. THOSE ARE THE REAL STORIES, NOT SILLY WEATHER.

    Russia is even adding fuel to the fire, as it angers OPEC by selling more oil when output cuts are debated openly and sometimes with hostility. The Russian oil production runs now at 9.75 million barrels per day.

    Russia angers US officials also, since its Urals crude is being sold in Rotterdam in euro terms. :D

    Anyone familiar with history realizes that the Saudis were as crucial as the bankers in destroying the Soviet Union. The Saudi royals were coordinated with US policy as they permitted the crude oil price to go under $10, and bankers called in huge loans. Call it a Soviet loan default, but please ignore the underlying force. History rhymes here with respect to Saudis versus Iran. An aside… now we have Russia selling oil in rubles, and also several nations selling oil in euro transactions like Norway, Venezuela, and Iran. :]

    The gold price cannot sit still with such assaults on the oil price. :(
    Gary Dorsch points out in his usually expert diligent comprehensive style in “What’s Behind the Crash in Crude Oil and Gold?” that arbitrage in the oil versus gold ratio has contributed toward pulling down the gold price. My scribbles have long cited oil as the ultimate commercial capital blood and gold as the ultimate financial capital blood. They are tied inextricably though, each inversely correlated to the USDollar. As crude fell in price, so has gold been pressured.

    My analysis points to two other crucial factors regarding gold, which unfortunately have come to the fore. In August, a few key conversations took place between me and other respected writer analysts who generously take the time to talk to me and share their experience. Each of them expected gold to zoom after September finally arrived last year. Not me, and we had respectful disagreements and interesting discussions, with a measure of debate. Seasonality is not enough in my book. Monetary inflation is not enough in my book. Weak USDollar fundamentals are not enough in my book. Each does aid the gold price from higher demand, but historically powerful trends are in place. Now we have a continued energy market decline to slug through.

    As long as the USFed delays the next official rate cut, gold is exposed as vulnerable. In my view, silver is far more resilient in holding its price. The gold to silver ratio is in a rather notable downtrend.

    Gold and silver will shine in 2007, but not until the US Federal Reserve does what it must do eventually. That is, to begin a new round of interest rate cuts.
    They are in no hurry, and have marshaled many troops to forestall the inevitable. Never underestimate Goldman Sachs. X(
    They sit in the seat of financial power at the White House cabinet. They control the largest and perhaps most successful hedge fund in existence. They influence press reports on economic status. They order shuttle missions overseas as distractions. They coerce currency traders at key points. My view of the timing for the next USFed rate cut, expressed to my analyst colleagues last August, was sometime in the spring of 2007. They thought cuts would come before the end of 2006. My new revised time frame for official rate cuts in the second half of 2007, maybe as late as autumn..

  • Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm im Forum ? :D

    Das hier hat zwar nichts mit Gold zu tun, eher mit dem Oilpreis.
    In USA stehen die Obstfarmer vor einer Katastrophe. Der Winter kommt angeblich hart mit Verspaetung und die Obstbaeume bluehen.
    Wenn die Temperatur nun ueber drei Tage sinkt ist der Markt erstmal fuer zwei Jahre im Eimer und 12.000 Arbeiter sind arbeitslos.
    Sie abeiten schon jetzt mit Windmaschinen damit der Schaden nicht so gross wird.

    So wie der Markt verrueckt spielt auch das Wetter,its a crazy world.



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