Sitz u. Pits in Australia (Goldminen)

  • Produzierende Gold-Minen mit Sitz und Pits in Australien:

    Größter: Newcrest , stark gehedgt, angebl. Übernahmekandidat
    ============== Goldprozent: Sons of Gwalia, hat Kapitalerhöh. gerade hinter
    sich gebracht. Weltgrößter Tantalproduzent
    Gold u. Tantal extrem gehedgt

    Equigold: Tagebau in Austral., Exploration Westafrika, kaum gehedgt

    Santa Barbara und Perseverance, beide krisengeschüttelt
    ======== ==== ========
    im Umbruch

    Neuguinea-Minen nicht zu Austral. gezählt, z. B. Lihir mäßig gehedgt

    Herald und Perilya haben Goldinteressen; Schwerpunkt liegt
    aber eindeutig auf Basismetall (Zink u. Blei), sind noch im Aufbau

    die Aufzählung erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit;

    ist das Stück vom Himmel, was der Frosch sieht, der im Brunnen sitzt


  • Schlusskurse in Sydney am 23.04.04 in Pence-AUS$

    AQP 642,0

    EQI 150,0

    LHG 116,0

    NCM 1230,0

    PEM 98,0

    PSV 28,0

    SBM 5,2

    SGW 254,0

    mal seh´n wie die Entwicklung sein wird

    Meine Performance Favoriten für nächste 3 Monate AQP, EQI, LHG;

    am langsamsten ebenfalls 3 Monate PEM, NCM


  • alle aufgeführten Austral-Minen werden in D gehandelt.

    Die D-Kurse weichen aber oft etwas von den Sydney-Kursen ab,

    ohne daß da ein System erkennbar ist.

    Deshalb sind die Sydney-Kurse besser vergleichbar.

    Man sollte aber versuchen in D zu handeln, weil Transaktionen

    nach Sydney recht teuer sind.

    Man kann zusätzlich

    Croesus CRS


    Dominion DOM


    Hab´die aber nicht aufgelistet, weil ich im

    Moment zu CRS u. DOM keine Meinung habe.

    Die scheinen billig. Vielleicht gibt es dafür

    doch einen Grund.


  • SBM ist im Umbruch nachdem man kurz vor der Pleite stand.

    Mir leuchtet das Konzept ein. Deshalb bin ich dabei.

    Ein Totalverlust ist aber nicht völlig ausgeschlossen.



    Friday April 30, 5:51 PM
    St. Barbara Mines: $1.6M 1Q Cash Loss At Meekatharra
    Edited Press Release

    LONDON (Dow Jones)--St. Barbara Mines Limited Friday said that in the three months to Mar. 31, 2004 Meekatharra exploration commitments, non-core asset rationalisation and advanced planning for sustainable operations at Meekatharra were key features of the period, together with the development of the Paulsens high grade mine through the Company's 55% subsidiary, NuStar Mining Corporation.


    The Company continued to aggressively manage the large Meekatharra landbank leveraging the existing infrastructure asset base.

    A new joint venture, Annean JV, was formed with Aurogenic Resources, a company with strong corporate management and technical expertise. This increases the ground under joint venture to 1,100 km2 with expenditure commitments by third parties totaling $4 million in the next year and potentially $20 million over a five year period.

    Non-core assets were rationalised including a minority interest in Burnakura JV (for $1 million and release of environmental bonds $0.2 million) and the sale of the Komatsu large face shovel, inherited from the previous management, for a net $2.1 million and extinguishment of annual lease fees of $1.4 million.

    At Meekatharra, the exploration results at Paddys Flat Prohibition orebody were incorporated into a revised mine plan. The newly defined multi-zoned orebody generated the opportunity for the decline to be located closer than the initial design, with a commensurate saving in level development metres.

    A review of the long term strategic direction for Meekatharra Operations led to a decision to completely re-structure and re-configure the project to provide both open pit and underground mining capacity, and a flexible processing facility capable of treating a broad range of future ore types, sourced from current resources, expanding exploration programmes, and indicated toll treatment demand.

    This strategic change will provide for sustainable, long term gold production from this area.

    To facilitate the re-structure necessary to achieve the above objective, processing operations will be temporarily suspended by the end of the June quarter with recommencement dictated by completion of required plant modifications, progress at Paddys Flat underground project, the Batavia open pit project, and completion of current resource expansion programmes at Mulla Mulla, Kanji and Miniritchie.

    At Paulsens, thirty-two of the sixty planned resource extension holes were completed. All except two intersected the orebody - these intersected dykes which will be incorporated into the mine design as integral to ground support.

    Full results were available for thirteen holes recording twelve intersections which exceeded the nominal 2 metre by 4 g/t underground resource cut-off, including five particularly high grade intersections.

    In an increasingly competitive market for key underground personnel, the Company secured the services of a project manager, manager mining and senior mine geologist, each with specialised experience from majors Anglogold and Newmont. The underground team is now complete. Tenders were also issued for power, camp installation and management, road access and mining. Paulsens remains on schedule for mine development start-up in the September 2004 quarter.

    Paddys Flat Underground Project - A detailed review of the increased, multi-zone Prohibition resource and the updated Vivians resource revealed significant opportunities to reduce underground development metres and resultant costs, by re-positioning the main Prohibition decline closer to the ore zones, and reducing the development necessary between the Prohibition, Vivians and Consols resources. Further metallurgical investigations and modelling on the Paddys Flat project have identified the need to facilitate process plant modifications to the existing facility to incorporate the harder ore into the milling schedule.

    Process Plant Operations - Campaign milling of the remaining Paddys Flat No.3 stockpile ore will continue through to the June quarter, after which operations will be suspended in order to incorporate plant modifications and re-structuring to optimise the future underground and open pit resources.

    Financial Performance - Meekatharra Operations generated a $1.6 million cash loss for the quarter and a total of $0.9 million net cash for the nine months to Mar. 31, 2004.

    Financial Position - As at Mar. 31, 2004, consolidated cash and bullion totaled $16.3 million (plus $3.3 million in rehabilitation bonds).

    Meekatharra Joint Ventures - Momentum at the Polelle JV (St Barbara managed - Elara Mining funded) accelerated with significant results at Kanji, 6 kms south of the Mulla Mulla deposit.

    In-fill and extension drilling has now advanced Kanji to a 900 metre strike and RC drill status. With results at the adjacent Miniritchie prospect (600 metre strike) awaited, Kanji Miniritchie and Mulla Mulla represent a significant potential resource inventory for inclusion in future mine planning.

    A new joint venture, the Annean JV, was formed with Aurogenic Resources over five tenement blocks within economic trucking distance of the Company treatment plant, and totalling 480 km2. Aurogenic can earn a 51% interest by the expenditure of $4 million over three years (committed $1 million in the first year) and a further 19% by the additional expenditure of $4 million over a further two years.

    At the Lights of Asia prospect (Cue Goldfield JV) our joint venture partner reports the completion of 57 RC holes and consequent high grade zone extension to 400 metres strike and 150 metres down dip. The deposit remains open to the north and down dip.

    Information in this report relating to mineral resources conforms to the reporting requirements of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Identified Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code). It is based on information compiled by Mr Graham Miller, FAusIMM, a Competent Person as defined by the Code. It is included in this report with his consent.

    The development of Paulsens as a high grade shallow underground gold mine commenced in January 2004, with detailed engineering ahead of tender document preparation, the appointment of key personnel and resource extension drilling the principal activities.

    Paulsens is scheduled to be developed as a decline mine, to an initial depth of 200 metres to exploit a high grade 15.7 g/t resource. The portal design and location has been determined, with independent geotechnical input. Detailed mine design of the current resource, which lies predominantly between 100 and 200 metres below surface, has significantly reduced the number of development metres in waste with commensurate cost and time benefits.

    Tender documents have been prepared, issued and are at various stages of review for camp establishment and on-going catering, box cut excavation, access road establishment and power generation.

    The most senior appointments - Project Manager (and registered manager), Mine Manager and Senior Mine Geologist - have been made, completing the underground team.

    Each of the incumbents has extensive appropriate underground experience gained, most recently with AngloGold or Newmont Mining.

    A programme, comprising 50 holes (approximately 14,500 metres), commenced, predominantly targeting the down-plunge extension of the orebody below 200 metres vertical.

    To date, with two diamond rigs on-site on double shift - an RC rig was released following completion of pre-collars - a total of 27 holes have been completed.

    All but two intersected the orebody as defined by the quartz host and the presence of sulphides.


    Copyright © 2004Dow Jones & Company Inc. All rights reserved.

  • die Veröffentlichungen von SBM sind meist so formuliert,

    als wohnten alle Aktionäre in der Nachbarschaft.

    Deshalb zum besseren Verständnis:

    Meekatharra ist eine Region.

    Paddy Flat ist bisher ein open pit

    in dieser Region und läuft aus.

    Unter dem " leeren" open pit

    ist nun ein underground pit

    projiziert, der sinnigerweise

    ebenfalls Paddy flat heißt


  • Sollte der PoG um 50% steigen ist Sons of Gwalia akut konkursgefährdet.

    Sosehr sind die gehedgt.

    Andererseits macht denen ein rapid fallender PoG nichts aus.

    SGW ist somit eine Art Versicherung gegen fallenden PoG

    innerhalb(!) eines reinen GM Depots


  • Hi gogh,
    nur kurz zu CRS (Croesus)
    ich finde, ca. $350 pro unze cashcost und relativ schnell schwindende Resourcen, trotz norseman, sind grund genug für den konstant niedrigen preis.
    deswegen haben die auch die letzte rally in gold kaum mitgemacht.
    da finde ich gerade aufgestiegne produzenten wie oxiana, sino oder kingsgate einfach attraktiver.


    keine illustrationen mehr?

  • Hallo gogh,

    ich möchte mal kurz auf Equigold eingehen, weil die Gesellschaft sich
    in Bezug auf die Gold/Silber - Reserven sehr gut mit Oxiana vergleichen

    - Reserven Gold bei Equigold

    1,5 Mio. Unzen bei einem durchschnittlichen Goldgehalt von 1,1 g/t

    - Reserven Silber bei Equigold

    4,3 Mio. Unzen bei einem durchschnittlichen Silbergehalt von 3,4 g/t

    nun die Resourcen an Gold

    2,4 Mio. Unzen bei einem durchschnittlichen Goldgehalt von 1,2 g/t

    die Resourcen an Silber

    2 242 700 Unzen bei einem durchschnittlichen Silbergehalt von 2,9 g/t

    Zum Vergleich nun Oxiana!

    - Reserven Gold bei Oxiana

    1,5 Mio Unzen zu durchschnittlich 3,43 g/t

    - Reserven Silber bei Oxiana

    2,6 Mio. Unzen zu durchschnittlich 5,68 g/t

    die Resourcen:

    beim Gold ca. 7,3 Mio. Unzen
    beim Silber ca. 17,1 Mio. Unzen

    hier sind die Gold/Silber Reserven bereits abgezogen.

    Nun die Produktionskosten:

    Equigold rund 313 Dollar/Unze, ein Teil ist gehedget.

    Oxiana hingegen produziert zu rund 160 Dollar pro Unze und ist nicht
    gehedget. Ferner plant die Gesellschaft ab 2005 die Kupferproduktion,
    wobei die durchschnittlichen Kupfergalte des Kupfers von 5,2 %/t die
    Mine zu einer der kostengünstigsten weltweit machen werden.
    Oxiana sucht zudem nach Gold in der Nähe der Chatree Mine von Kings-
    gate in Thailand. Erste Ergebnisse lassen auf Erfolg dieses Projektes

    Nun zur Bewertung:

    Equigold Aktien kosteten am Freitag zu Handelsschluss 0,85 Euro

    im Vergleich zu Oxiana die bei 0,49 Euro lagen.

    Jetzt kann man sich die Frage stellen, welche der beiden Gesellschaften
    "überbewertet" ist.



  • Schreibe nur über Minen von denen ich Aktien halte.

    Oder deren Aktien ich verkauft hatte und bei

    nächster Gelegenheit wieder einsteigen möchte.

    Abstrakt über Minen schreibe ich nie.

    Nur deshalb sage ich nichts zu Oxiana.

    Bei EQI gefallen mir einige "weiche" Faktoren.

    Damit meine ich Fakten, die sich nicht in Zahlen

    fassen lassen.

    Deren Hedge-Book war positiv geworden.

    EQI hat daraufhin mit Gewinn das Hedge-Book

    aufgelöst und mit dem Cash alle Bankverbindlichkeiten

    abgelöst. Sowas gefällt mir.

    In West-Australien fest im Sattel und

    Expansion nach Westafrika. Gefällt mir ebenfalls.


  • Hallo gogh,

    das war nicht böse gemeint, ich habe nur einfach mal die nackten
    Zahlen verglichen, beide Unternehmen arbeiten ja in derselben
    Branche, um zu zeigen, wie stark die Börsenbewertung manchmal
    von den Fakten abweichen kann.
    Das soll nicht heissen, das Equigold eine Schrottaktie ist, ich hatte die
    auch mal im Depot, aber der Kurs schwankt schon seit Monaten in ei-
    ner engen Bandbreite und ich bin der Meinung, dass aufgrund der
    nackten Fundamentaldaten keine grossen Kurssprünge zu erwarten



  • CRS hat von Central Norseman die "dünnen" Goldadern geerbt.

    Die erfüllen nach dem " Anerk. Regelwerk" nicht die Anforderung zum

    Ausweis als Reserve. Das ist Jahrzehnte gutgegangen. Aber etwas

    genaues weiß man nicht.

    Hab noch einen kleinen Rest CRS, den ich halten werde.


  • Rain delays study on Australian gold deposit

    Australian Stock Exchange-listed Tanami Gold said last week that some key elements of its bankable feasibility study for its Coyote resource were delayed, due to extensive late rains restricting access for drill rigs.

    The company acquired the Coyote gold project from AngloGold Australia, in January, which took the company’s total resources in the Western Tanami area, in Australia, to 572 000 oz of gold.

    Drill programmes are currently under way, aimed at increasing the resource base.

    The combined Coyote and Larranganni resources provide a strong base for Tanami Gold to begin the gold production in the Tanami.

    During the March quarter, the company began a bankable feasibility study on the Coyote gold project, aimed at starting production in late 2004 or early 2005.

    Feasibility study drilling started in late April, comprising diamond core geotechnical drilling of the planned openpit walls at Coyote.

    Metallurgical, hydrological and sterilisation drilling will begin this month, with the mobilisation of additional drilling rigs aimed at fast-tracking the feasibility study.

    The RC drilling programme targets extensions to established mineralised lodes within the prefeasibility openpit shells to maximise the mineable resource inventory.

    Geological assessment of the Coyote deposit is ongoing, with the aim of assessing the ‘deeps’ potential for down-plunge extensions and defining targets scheduled for drilling mid-2004.

    An understanding of the Coyote geological model is also important in the regional picture, in terms of its application to numerous Coyote ‘near-mine’ prospects within a 10-km radius of Coyote.


    veröffentlicht in Südafrik. Zeitschrift 03.05.04 über Kitco kopiert


  • CRS krebst doch nur so rum,eine Scheissmine die aber in 50 Jahren noch fördern wird.

    Wieso holen die Idioten ihr Gold zu diesen Spottpreisen überhaupt aus dem Boden?

    Lasst die Finger von Explorern,die mooven selbst im Boom nicht mehr.

    die alten Regeln sind nicht mehr angesagt.

  • Wollte hier keine Reklame für den Austral. - Explorer Tanami machen.

    Der Text ist dafür auch garnicht geeignet.

    Man erfährt etwas über die Northern Territories und

    über Bohrtechniken. Beides kann in irgendeinem anderen

    Zusammenhang interesssant werden.

    Aber so gemächlich gehen wohl die wenigsten

    "neuen" Goldbugs vor. Chacun à son gout.

    (Gruss an Dottore, können die anderen 16-Ender auchmal was sagen?


  • Sino’s deeper drilling intersects more gold

    By: Gareth Tredway

    Posted: '31-MAY-04 10:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    Sino Gold, the Australian listed Chinese gold miner, says the latest drilling results on its Jinfeng project, bode well for the June resource estimate.

    Deeper diamond drilling, on the F3 fault structure, intersected a downhole length of 6 metres at 10.7 g/t from 705 metres. The company says this is the down-dip extension of the F3 fault, which confirms the structures continuity to about 750 metres. The new intercept is 70 metres below the phase two drilling intercept in hole HDDS0055 of 18 metres at 7.1 g/t.

    The new drilling also produced two downhole intercepts of 7.5 g/t from 601 metres and 5.2 g/t from 646 metres.

    Sino Gold expects the new mineral resources estimate to be in excess of 3 million ounces of gold. In August 2003, the project resource was estimated at 2.6 million ounces.

    Sino Gold, which is China’s largest foreign gold producer, owns 82 percent of the Jinfeng project. The company is looking to obtain a debt facility for the project, has initiated application for a mining licence and other necessary permits, intends to upgrade the access road to the site for $2.1 million and place funding towards the relocation of the 52 households required to move outside of the proposed project area. Gold production is expected in late 2005.

  • Hallo Thsuba,

    schön das Du uns erhalten geblieben bist!!

    Nimm Dir nicht alles so zu Herzen,Du spekulierst eben auf den Rand,das verstehen viele überhaupt nicht.Lass bloss den Kopf nicht hängen,habe keine Lust Dich woanders zu suchen :D



    Ps: IMOEN hat sich auch schon angemeldet,vielleicht klappt`s ja ;)

  • Hallo Patrone,
    Deine Meinung zu den (australischen) Metall-Explorern scheint eindeutig.
    Aber wie stehst Du zu Explorern im Energie-Bereich, ÖL, Gas, Kohle?

    Lässt Du da auch die Finger davon oder hast Du da schon Erfahrungen gesammelt?

    Bin für mich dabei, mir mal ne Liste von Energie-Explorern & kleinen Produzenten zusammenzusuchen, die vielleicht in 1, 2 Jahren interesssant werden könnten. Wenn ich soweit bin, werd ich sie mal hier ablichten.


  • SA gold-miner seeks Papua New Guinea listing

    South African gold producer Durban Roodepoort Deep (DRD) announced yesterday that it intends to seek a listing on Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Port Moresby Stock Exchange.

    One of PNG’s leading gold-miners, DRD has owned and operated the Tolukuma gold-mine since 2000 and recently acquired the ‘oil search’ interest in the Porgera gold-mine joint venture, in which it owns a 20% stake.

    DRD spokesperson Ilja Graulich told Mining Weekly Online that the listing would allow local fund managers and landowner groupings to invest in the company.

    “A number of funds have expressed interest in investing in DRD and the listing will be a vehicle that would allow this,” Graulich commented.

    A Johannesburg-based analyst speculated that the move was aimed at pleasing minority shareholders in Australian Emperor Mines, which is listed in PNG. DRD last extended its full takeover offer for Emperor Mines for another 28 days last Friday, offering one DRD share for every five Emperor shares. The South African miner holds a 19,8% stake in Emperor.

    However, Graulich denied that this was the rationale behind the proposed listing.

    “It has nothing to do with Emperor Mines. About 70% of the group’s total production comes from Australasia, and we have always been interested in the region.”

    Annual production from the company’s PNG gold-mining interests has risen to 300 000 oz/y. In the last quarter just under a third of the company’s total gold production came from its PNG operations, at the lowest cost within the DRD group.

    “This growth, we believe, makes it imperative for us to give all PNG residents an opportunity to invest in our company, and so in one of the country’s fastest-growing natural resources-based industries,” said DRD executive chairperson Mark Wellesley-Wood in a statement.

    “A Port Moresby Stock Exchange listing for DRD gives potential PNG investors in our company the simplest, most straight-forward and equitable means of doing so.

    “We encourage stakeholder participation along the lines of empowerment deals being promulgated in South Africa. We have some PNG shareholders already and some of our local employees have share options in the company.”

    A key attraction for investors in DRD worldwide, Wellesley-Wood said, is the liquidity of the company’s stock.

    “Ours is the most heavily traded gold stock in the world; about five times DRD’s capital has traded over the past year, with over four-million shares trading every day on average across eight international exchanges.”

    DRD is listed in South Africa, Australia, London, Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt, as well as on Nasdaq.

    Meanwhile, the Port Moresby Stock Exchange has welcomed DRD’s intention to list.

    “The listing is yet another major confidence boost for the local market. It only shows the company’s commitment to PNG and provides Papua New Guineans with the opportunity to invest in the company,” the Port Moresby Stock Exchange said in a letter to DRD.

    Elaborating on the company’s commitment to the future of PNG’s mining industry, Wellesley-Wood said DRD is the largest holder of exploration tenements in the country, and will be seeking development partners to assist in bringing several of these promising targets into production.

    DRD is currently on track to meet its 400 000-oz/y production target in the Australasian region. The conclusion of the Emperor deal will boost production to 407 000 oz/y.

    Further, in terms of its current mining operations, DRD has applied to good effect its experience of turning around deep-level South African gold-mines at Tolukuma.

    “When we took over four years ago, the mine had less than two years of life left; since then we have extended this to beyond 2008 and grown production to 85 000 oz/y. We have increased employment opportunities and contributed substantially to improvements in community infrastructure.

    “At Porgera, we believe there is considerable potential to extend the life of mine beyond the current five years,” Wellesley-Wood said.


    Früher brauchte man eine Villa im Tessin; heute ein Listing in Papua-Neu-Guinea


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