0,35 war Ausgabepreis! Warrants also drüber.
Schilder denen das mal: info@immc.ca
und sag den Namen der bank + blz.
Und die Cabo hast schon 2006 gekauft?
PS: imthread ist vermerkt, wann wir die eingebucht bekamen.
11. Januar 2025, 02:13
0,35 war Ausgabepreis! Warrants also drüber.
Schilder denen das mal: info@immc.ca
und sag den Namen der bank + blz.
Und die Cabo hast schon 2006 gekauft?
PS: imthread ist vermerkt, wann wir die eingebucht bekamen.
Huhu Tschonko,
ja, ich hatte die Cabo von März 2006 bis März 2007 (habe sie leider trotz des tollen Potentials blutenden Herzens vor dem Run verkauft, um zwei Explorer-Positionen (zu früh ) massiv auszubauen, von denen ich mir Einiges verspreche...).
Komisch, die Freunde bei anderen Banken, denen ich Cabo empfohlen habe, haben ihre IMMC längst... Nun, ich werde Consors in den nächsten Tagen einen gesalzenen Brief schreiben, ich habe das Gefühl, daß das immer noch eher ernst genommen wird als Anruf oder email. Mit der Antwort werde ich mich dann tatsächlich an IMMC wenden, danke für den Tip!
Viele Grüße, Vogelbad
P.S.: Ich habe gesehen, daß Du auch im größeren Rahmen bei Malachite investiert bist. Ich bin von denen weiterhin (habe sie schon längere Zeit) fest überzeugt, insbesondere finde ich sie vertrauenswürdig, aber ich trage mich seit ein paar Tagen mit dem Gedanken, zu reduzieren, weil ich sie nicht mehr wirklich billig finde. Hast Du noch Deine volle Position? Na ja, gegebenenfalls demnächst eine Diskussion im entsprechenden Board...
ZitatOriginal von Tschonko
Da kannst du auch nach dem Ausübungspreis fragen, weil die Modalitäten hab ich vergessen.
Weiß die wer?
Das mit den Ausübungsmodalitäten wäre auch für mich wichtig nochmal nachlesen zu können. Habe leider momentan wenig Zeit mich selbst darum zu bemühen.
Also, wenn jemand die Eckdaten kennt, bitte posten.
Bei Comdi gab's eigentlich auch keine Probleme (da ist Tschonko glaube ich auch), nach einer gewissen Zeit, war alles eingebucht.
Von meinen Malachite gebe ich kein Stück her. Ist eine der größeren Positionen im Depot.
nein bin bei direktanlage.at
Hab da Kontakt gepflegt und alles lief problemlos.
Ausübungsdaten? Müssten irgendwo auf der Homepage zu finden sein Sedar bericht.
Ein JV in Mexico. Gut so. Brauchen sie sich nicht zu kümmern.
Irgendwann sollten mal Ergebnisse eintrudeln.
Das 2007er Programm war ja umfangreich.
Aber tut sich nichts.
IMMC Signs Option and Joint Venture Agreement With First Mexican Resources on Mexican Properties
Monday July 16, 9:00 am ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - July 16, 2007) - International Millennium Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News; "IMMC" or the "Company") 100% wholly owned subsidiary Minera Internacional Milenio S.A. de C.V. (MIMSA) has entered into an Option and Joint Venture Agreement with First Mexican Resources Inc. ("First Mex") of Toronto, Ontario, granting First Mex the right to elect to acquire 60% interest in some and 40% interest in other mineral concessions in Sonora State, Mexico.
In consideration of the expenditure by First Mex of one million US dollars (US$1,000,000) in accordance with the terms of the Option Agreement, First Mex acquires the exclusive and irrevocable right and option to elect, based on an alternating right-of-election formula set out in the Agreement, to acquire sixty or forty percent undivided interests in and to the Hilda 30 and La Esperanza properties presently held under agreements by MIMSA, and in any other property acquired by MIMSA or First Mex within a defined area of interest in Sonora State.
First Mex agrees to expend an aggregate total of US$1,000,000 on any one or more of the Mexican properties as follows:
a) US$175,000 on or before December 31, 2007;
b) US$175,000 on or before August 31, 2008;
c) US$275,000 on or before August 31, 2009; and
d) US$375,000 on or before August 31, 2010.
Upon completion of the expenditures and acquisition by the parties of respective interests in the properties, all subsequent expenditures for exploration or development of each property are to be carried out on a joint venture basis.
About the Mexican Properties
James G. Burns, BSc., PEng., a qualified person, pursuant to NI 43-101, describes the Mexican properties in the summary of his Technical Report for the Hilda 30 and La Esperanza Concessions, Sonora State, Mexican properties (a copy of which was filed July 20, 2005, and can be found at http://www.sedar.com), as follows:
"The Hilda 30 concession and La Esperanza concession are both located in Sonora State, Mexico. The properties lie about 190 km ESE of Hermosillo, the state capital, and approximately 50 km west from the town of Yecora. There is road access onto both properties.
The properties are underlain by Cretaceous to Tertiary age andesite and rhyolite volcanic rocks that are part of the Sierra Madre Occidental province which is host to numerous epithermal gold/silver mines and mineral occurrences. Near the properties the volcanic rocks have been intruded by a monzonite porphyry pluton. At least 14 gold-silver mineral occurrences are spatially related to this pluton which suggests that the pluton may have been the heat source for the mineralizing fluids.
In the past both properties have been extensively prospected. In 1910, a 27 m shaft was sunk on the Hilda 30 concession to access a 30 - 50 cm tetrahedrite vein. More recently, a short incline shaft was excavated to access the same vein and two declines were commenced also targeting similar vein structures. At La Esperanza concession the remains of an earthen kiln and slag pile, and a 20 m long adit are evidence of past exploration efforts. There is nothing, such as cut lines, drill hole sites, or other evidence, to indicate either property was ever systematically explored.
At least one mineral occurrence exists on both properties. On Hilda 30 a 40 m wide breccia zone with a quartz stockwork exposed in a road cut averages 2.8 g/t gold and 228 g/t silver. This zone lies above the shaft area and appears to strike towards it. At Esperanza a silica-argillite alteration zone has been traced for 600 m. One tetrahedrite vein is known within this alteration zone and the presence of others suspected. Assays for grab samples collected within the alteration zone are weakly to strongly anomalous for gold and silver. The style of mineralization on both properties is consistent with the model for epithermal precious metal deposits.
The Hilda 30 and Esperanza properties are prospective as potential settings for epithermal economic gold-silver deposits. Favourable factors include:
- Both the Hilda 30 and la Esperanza properties are underlain by favourable Cretaceous-Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy that within the Sierra Madre Occidental province are host to numerous gold-silver mines and occurrences.
- The monzonite intrusion created numerous structural features have been mapped in the immediate vicinity of the two properties. The structures act as channel ways for mineralizing fluids which are pumped through the rock driven by the latent heat from the intrusion. There are 14 known gold-silver occurrences spatially related to the intrusion.
- There is at least one mineral occurrence on each property. The indicated grade (2.8 g/t Au and 228 g/t Ag) over a +/- 40m width on the Hilda 30 is suggestive of the potential for a bulk mineable deposit. The 600+ m alteration zone at Esperanza is suggestive of a potential large mineralizing system.
- Neither property has been systematically explored."
A 2-Phase exploration program comprising rock, stream sediment and soil sampling, geological mapping, IP survey, satellite and air photo analysis and core drilling is proposed as the next logical step to evaluate the properties. First Mex has commenced exploration work on the Hilda 30 property.
About First Mexican Resources Inc.
First Mexican Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company focused on creating significant shareholder value by acquiring Gold and Silver exploration properties of merit in Mexico, and proving up the resource potential to bring those properties into production. The Company is also focused on appropriate strategic acquisition of near term production assets.
About International Millennium Mining Corp.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
HI Leute,
hab den Thread gerade gefunde.
Bin auch bei IMI dabei. Ist sehr ruhig im Moment, habt ihr Kontakt zu Management mal aufgenommen?
Zwischenzeitlich hat es mal sehr gut ausgesehen, die letzten Tage aber wieder schwächer.
Die Firma ist extrem niedrig bewertet und hat gute Projekte mit ner Menge Potential.
Wäre mal interessant zu wissen, wann es endlich los geht.
Da tut sich ja gar nichts in letzter Zeit.
Nun haben sie eine ehemalige mine von Sunshine mining gekauft.
Und mit Aktien Schulden getilgt.
Nivloc Mine Property Near Silver Peak, Nevada Purchased by International Millennium - Shares Issued to Settle Debt
Wednesday September 26, 9:00 am ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 26, 2007) - International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News) has, subject to regulatory acceptance, purchased 100% interest in the Nivloc Silver Mine, located seven miles southwest of Silver Peak and 170 miles south-southeast of Reno, in Esmeralda County, Nevada. The property includes three (3) existing lode claims (the Mine claims") acquired by purchase from a private party and six (6) recently staked claims beginning 1,500 ft along strike to the northeast of the Mine claims, purchased from Western Geoscience Inc. of Mina, Nevada. The two properties totalling approximately 180 acres are being purchased for US$75,000 and 110,000 shares.
Thomas L. Evans, P.Geo (Calif) President of Western Geoscience Inc. reports: The Nivloc Mine was operated between 1937 and 1943 under the name of Desert Silver, Inc. Mining was carried out via a two compartment vertical shaft to the 600 foot level with an inclined winze extending to the 900 foot level. Another winze was sunk to the 1,100 foot level. The average grade of ore mined during the 1937 to 1943 period was reported as 12.8 oz/ton silver (Ag) and 0.05 oz/ton gold (Au). The mine was forced to close in 1943 due to wartime restrictions but considerable developed ore reportedly was left behind. The mine is dry and the ore was of the oxidized variety.
In 1948, the Anaconda Minerals Company sampled the workings down to the 800 foot level but did no mining or drilling. The Sunshine Mining Company acquired the property in the mid-1980's and completed an Ore Reserve Calculation based primarily on Desert Silver and Anaconda sample results taken from level plan maps in their possession. Sunshine Mining, in 1985, drilled 3 core holes that intersected ore reserve blocks where tonnage, width and grade had been calculated using the old sample data. Sunshine Mining stated in a January 1, 1987 report that silver grades fell within 2% in an overall comparison between drill hole assays and ore reserve block calculations.
Sunshine Mining reported, in a memo dated January 15, 1987, a (non- NI 43-101 compliant) Calculated Ore Reserve of 621,314 short tons at a grade of 4.5 oz/ton Ag and 0.03 oz/ton Au for a total of 2,795,913 ounces silver and 18,639 ounces gold. A minimum mining width of 12 feet was assumed with a 10% dilution factor. Sunshine went on to state, in the January 1987 memo, that they made the Ore Reserve Calculation in accordance with standard Sunshine Mining Company practices as they pertained to the Nivloc Mine, based in part on their experience at their nearby Sixteen-to-One Silver Mine.
These parameters include:
a. All ore blocks are bounded on at least one side by existing mine workings.
b. Maximum block projections have been limited to one-half the vertical distance between levels.
c. The boundaries between ore blocks have been determined by grade and/or vein width variations.
d. The tonnage factor for ore in-place is 12 cubic feet per ton.
These estimates were made prior to the implementation of Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101), and a qualified person (QP) has not completed sufficient work to classify these historical estimates as current mineral resources or reserves. The historical estimates are not NI 43-101 compliant and should not be relied upon.
Geology at Nivloc is reported to consist of Paleozoic sediments and intrusive rocks, mostly alaskite, overlain by and in fault contact with Tertiary andesitic and rhyolitic volcanics. The older rocks are reported to host most of the ore at Nivloc and occur within a strong 30 to 50 foot wide fissure or shear zone that strikes N50E dipping 60-70 degrees to the northwest. Silver and gold values reportedly are found in manganese and iron oxide limonite stained quartz-calcite breccia zones in the shear. Galena, occurring in scattered lenses, is the only metallic ore sulfide reported. Assay plans indicate that silver and gold values occur throughout the structural zone with local concentrations of better grade material.
Significant silver and gold bearing tailings on the property remain to be evaluated. In their January 15, 1987 memo, Sunshine Mining discuss the excellent potential for increasing reserves at Nivloc. They reported that a number of areas remain in the mine where either nil or limited assay data was found. These areas may contain mineable reserves not included in the historic reserve estimate. Down-dip areas below the 900 foot level and areas along strike are virtually unexplored.
Debt Settlement: Shares to settle debt of C$28,200 at $0.30 per share, originally announced July 24, 2007, have now been issued and paid by the Company.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
ne sehr gute Meldung.
schau mal hier, hab ich gefunden:
und ich sag mal wenn da vor 20 Jahren 3 mio unzen drauf waren, dann wird jetzt in dem erweiterten Gebiet doch noch einiges zu finden sein.
Ich finde die Projekte allesamt sehr interessant und die Aktie deutlich zu billig. Einziges Problem ist das Management, denke der Typ ist planlos!!
Werde dennoch weiter kaufen in den nächsten Tagen.
nternational Millennium Mining Corp.: 3rd Quarter 2007 Report
Thursday November 29, 10:21 pm ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 29, 2007) - International Millennium Mining Corp. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News) announces the release of its 3rd Quarter financial statements and MD&A (the "Quarterly Report") for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 (BC Form 51-102F1). Pursuant to the requirements of National Instrument 54-102, this news release provides a summary of the information contained in the Quarterly Report.
3rd Quarter Highlights
Cdn ($) 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter Year to date
Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Fiscal 2007
2007 2006
Net Revenues Nil Nil Nil
General and Administration
expenditures $ 92,061 $ 78,638 $ 293,486
Interest income $ 16,957 $ - $ 61,917
Stock based compensation
expense $ - $ - $ 114,000
Net Loss $ (75,058) $ (79,920) $ (345,527)
Net Loss per share $ (0.01) $ (0.02) $ (0.01)
Deferred Mineral Property
expenditures $ 276,307 $ 165,155 $ 682,468
Total assets $ 8,004,519 $ 911,098 $ 8,004,519
Total liabilities $ 270,223 $ 80,739 $ 270,223
Working capital $ 2,190,546 $ (23,340) $ 2,190,546
Common shares - issued and
outstanding 30,616,944 9,426,370 30,616,944
Common shares - fully diluted 45,669,287 10,336,370 45,669,287
IMMC began trading on the facility of the TSX Venture Exchange at the opening on February 27, 2007 under the trading symbol IMI.
General and administrative costs for the quarter ended September 30, 2007 were $92,061, an increase from $78,396 in the quarter ended September 30, 2006. The primary reasons for the difference are transfer agent and regulatory costs that continue to be quite high.
Accounting and legal costs decreased $3,122 during the third quarter of fiscal 2007 to $11,632 as compared to $14,754 in third quarter of fiscal 2006. Transfer agent and filing costs increased by $13,077 to $14,989 in the third quarter of fiscal 2007 compared to $1,912 in third quarter of fiscal 2006.
Promotion and tradeshow costs decreased to $16,750 during the third quarter of fiscal 2007 as compared to $20,480 in the third quarter of fiscal 2006, the decrease is due to reduction of one time costs related to the production of the Company's tradeshow materials. The investor relations for the Company are being performed jointly by the management of the Company and investor relations consultants.
Property payment and deferred mineral property expenditures incurred $393,272 in the third quarter of fiscal 2007 compared to $138,529 in the third quarter of fiscal 2006. The increased expenditures are primarily due to the geochemistry and geophysics work on the Simon Property, on the Cobalt Property and on the Jason Property. Property payments increased by $116,966, reflecting the Company's continuing interest in all properties acquired since 2005.
Cash reserves decreased during the quarter from $2,717,525 to $2,309,164 primarily due to property payments and deferred exploration expenditures and approximately $92,000 in general and administrative expenses. The Company's working capital position has decreased by $439,879 from $2,630,425 at June 30, 2007 to $2,190,546 at September 30, 2007.
With the completion of the private placements, the Company has planned exploration on most of its properties in fiscal 2007. The Company continues to have a joint-venture partner on the Harrison Lake property and the Mexico properties. In the third quarter of fiscal 2007, the Company furthered its programs on the Simon Property, High Lake Property and the Cobalt Property, as well as the Jason Property. First Mexican Resources Inc. ("First Mex") of Toronto, Ontario, the partner on the Mexico properties is earning the right to elect to acquire 60% interest in some and 40% interest in other mineral concessions in Sonora State, Mexico.
The Company executed a Sale and Purchase Agreement for the Nivloc Mine Property, dated September 6, 2007, to acquire three contiguous unpatented claims in Esmeralda County, in the State of Nevada for a purchase price of $60,000 USD (paid).
Management is focused primarily on precious metal polymetallic projects in the Americas and is working towards building a strong, stable and well financed mineral exploration and development property entity.
Future Exploration Programs - First half of 2008
The Simon Mine is a former producing polymetallic mine, located in the Walker-Lane Trend south of Reno. Shut down in the late 1960s, this project now presents itself as an exploration and development play offering both size and grade potential for longer-term mining. Historical records of ore shipped from the 905 drift (89 rail cars) indicate average grades 12 oz Ag, 0.04 oz Au, 9% Pb, 5.7% Zn and 3% Cu. (These historic figures are considered relevant and demonstrate the potential of the property, but need to be verified by the Company). Planning for the drilling program is taking place and a drill permit application will be filed with the mining authorities in December 2007. In the meantime a second phase Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) geochemistry program is being mobilized.
The High Lake Property has been explored in a piecemeal fashion since the early 1950s. During that time, parts of the claim group were controlled by different parties. The IMMC option agreement marks the first time that this property, covered by the 20 claims, has been held by one company. Additionally, the High Lake Property is contiguous on the south border of Electrum Lake Property. The High Lake/Electrum Lake Properties contain several known gold and gold-copper-molybdenum prospects. Several resource estimates have been produced by previous explorers on the mineralized zones identified in the eastern and western part of the High Lake Property. MMI geochemistry work is currently underway on this project in order to develop geophysics and drilling targets. This work will be completed by early 2008, after which a drill plan will be prepared.
The Cobalt Property has numerous classical Cobalt Type silver targets outlined within the property claim group. Sufficient preliminary work has been completed on three silver targets to warrant further testing. The next phase of exploration on the Cobalt Property began in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 and consisted of line cutting and geophysics over certain areas of the property. The purpose of the geophysics work was to identify the location of volcanogenic massive sulfide and Cobalt Type targets. In the second quarter, fiscal 2007, this work was followed up by a first phase mobile metal ion geochemistry work, the results of which encouraged the Company to proceed to a more detailed second phase in the third quarter, which is now completed. A drill plan is being prepared for early 2008.
At its Harrison Lake Project in British Columbia, the Company is awaiting the 2007 exploration work report from the joint venture partner and the 2008 plan and budget. Active mining at the Giant Mascot Mine took place within the ultramafic belt, approximately 10 kms from the southeast corner of the Harrison Lake property between 1958 - 1974, producing 4.2 million tonnes from reserves totaling 4.7 million tonnes grading 1.19% Ni; 0.46% Cu; 0.1% Co; 1.0% Cr; and unreported grades of platinum group metals, gold and silver. The Harrison Lake ultramafic belt provides a very attractive exploration prospect for Ni/Cu and platinum group mineralization. Ground chemistry and detailed geology of priority targets is taking place on the Jason property area of the Harrison Lake Project where the Company is acquiring a 100% interest.
Nine Months Ending September 30, 2007
General and administrative costs have increased by approximately $14,000 during the third quarter because of the continuing high transfer agent and regulatory filing fees. For the year to date, the transfer agent and regulatory expense is higher by more than $44,000, compared to 2006; however, much of the costs are related to the Company's listing in early 2007.
Regulatory and administration expenses are now recorded as salary expense, with a net positive decrease of approximately $45,000. However, because of the Company's status as a public company, printing, shareholder information and investor relations expenses have increased by almost $50,000 in fiscal 2007.
Accounting and legal costs are also $16,000 higher in fiscal 2007 largely due to increased audit costs for the Company's listing application.
The Company earned significant interest income, which decreased the Company's net loss for the nine months to $345,527. Excluding stock based compensation, the overall loss for the fiscal 2007 year to date compared to the same period in 2006 was higher by $3,267. The Company invests excess cash in short-term interest bearing investments.
Management believes that with the continued low metal inventories, relatively low increases in metal supplies and high demand for virtually all precious, base and strategic metals in the early stages of a metal bull market, its strategy of acquiring and developing precious metal polymetallic projects in historic areas in the Americas is prudent and will enhance the Company's financing ability and long term value.
Financial and Mineral Property Information
Concurrently with this news release, the Company is filing the Quarterly Report with the regulatory authorities through SEDAR (http://www.sedar.com) and has mailed it to shareholders who have requested copies and whose names appear on the Company's Supplemental List. A copy of the Quarterly Report is available on the SEDAR website, or will be mailed upon request. Additional information about International Millennium Mining Corp. and its mineral property interests, including technical reports, is available on the internet at the SEDAR website, namely http://www.sedar.com.
International Millennium Mining Corp. (the "Company") is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in the Americas. The Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia, and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President and CEO
hallo tschonko,
was machst du mit deinen imi? hab die noch im depot rumliegen und die position stört mich. entweder ausbauen oder weg. was meinst du? ein teil meiner imi aktien sind immer noch unter der wkn 0E0656 gesondert geführt. bei dir auch?
Hallo Bobelle,
die gesondert geführten sind die Ausübungsrechte der warrants. (glaub zu 0,35)
Die werden großteils verfallen und das nächste PP wird um einiges günstiger.
Aber Geld haben sie ja noch vorerst.....
Ansonsten versteh ich was du meinst.
Auf jeden fall lass ich sie bis itte Jänner stören, dann ist mal die Spekufrist von einem jahr weg.
Ich hab ja mal nachgekauft zu 0,25.
Mir tun sie auch zu wenig. Dafür verbrauchen sie relativ wenig Geld.
Wenn sie irgendwo was finden, und die Chancen stehen nicht sooooo schlecht, kann man sie immer noch verkaufen.
Durch die Gratisshares wird es nicht so schnell eine Verlustposition.......
PS. bin dabei CBE und EGD zahlenmäßig zu vergleichen.....
Ächz und stöhn aber schööön!
Werd mal schaun was ich mache. Mit der Spekufrist ist ein guter Rat, nehme ich auch mit.
Bin gespannt auf Deinen Vergleich.
Viele Grüße
Nix als pionierarbeiten.....
International Millennium Mining Corp.: Jason Property Phase I Exploration Identifies Source of Platinum Anomaly Near Harrison Lake B.C.
Thursday January 3, 9:00 am ET
Additional Ground Acquired in Nevada and Mexico
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 3, 2008) - Phase I exploration work at International Millennium Mining Corp.'s ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News) Jason Property near Harrison Lake, B.C. has identified the source of highly anomalous platinum (Pt) stream sediment samples (up to 651 ppb) collected on Anomaly Creek in 2004. The outcrop source was located following completion of Phase I detailed stream sediment sampling and mapping to confirm the location of the highly anomalous 2004 Anomaly Creek stream sediments. The outcrop contains: pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and sperrylite. Analysis of a bulk stream sediment sample identified sperrylite. Native gold and abundant red rutile were also identified in the bulk stream sediment sample. Petrographic analysis identified the sulphide bearing rock as an altered olivine orthopyroxenite.
David G. Mark, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101, provides the following information with respect to the property: Grab samples from the outcrop contained up to 0.64% Ni, 0.63% Cu, 777 ppb Pt and 465 ppb Pd (Acme Analytical). These values are comparable to ore grades at the nearby Giant Mascot Mine. In addition, the magmatic sulphides and the orthopyroxenite appear to have been injected along a well defined fault zone. In 1971 W.E. Clarke postulated that, at the Giant Mascot Mine, fault systems were favourable to the deposition of ore. As a result of these findings a drill target has been proposed by IMMC for Anomaly Creek.
Phase 2 included: 1) line cutting to establish a sampling and mapping grid; 2) overburden sampling and geochemical analysis (standard ICP and mobile metal ion); and 3) geophysical surveys (magnetometer, self potential, VLF-EM). The report and results from Phase 2 are not yet available.
The Jason claims, comprise 694.9 hectares and are located 29 km southeast of the municipality of Harrison Hot Springs approximately 9 km east of Harrison Lake, British Columbia. IMMC holds an option to earn 100% interest in the claims, subject to certain royalty interests retained by the vendor D.R. Haughton P.Eng., Ph.D. The property lies at the northwest end of a belt of meta-volcanic, meta-sedimentary and plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks. The belt extends in a northwest direction from the Giant Mascot Mine for 20 kilometers to beyond the Jason claims. Commodities found at the Giant Mascot Mine and within the middle Cretaceous mafic to ultramafic rock units, include nickel, copper, chromium, cobalt, gold and platinum group elements.
Prior to 2005, work on the Jason claims had included surficial and bedrock mapping and geochemical and geophysical surveys. This resulted in the definition of four projects with significant potential for Ni, Cu, PGE mineralization. Two of the projects, within the Jason Property, Discovery Creek and Hut Creek, now have well defined drill targets. At Anomaly Creek high Ni, Cu, Cr, Au and Pt, Pd (i.e.: 0.12% Ni, 0.12% Cu, 651ppb Pt) stream sediment anomalies require additional exploration.
Hut Creek East contained geophysical anomalies (self potential, magnetic and VLF-EM) that also require follow-up work. Because of thick overburden deposits on Hut Creek East, it was recommended that follow up work should await drill results from the Hut Creek area.
Additional Ground Acquired in Nevada and Mexico
The Company has added 141 lode claims to its land position surrounding its Simon Mine property in Mineral County, Nevada. The additional claims are contiguous with the all of the boundaries of the Simon Mine property.
In Mexico, IMMC has, subject to filing with regulatory authorities, entered into an option to purchase 100% interest in an additional property comprised of 1095 hectares contiguous with the northern and eastern edges of the Company's Hilda 30 property in Yecora District, of Sonora State, Mexico. Cash payments totaling US$1,050,000 over a 10 year period are the sole consideration for the purchase. The property is located within the area of interest defined in IMMC's option and joint venture with First Mexican Resources Inc. of Toronto, Ontario, who have been offered inclusion of the ground as part of the joint venture property.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
Das schaut schon besser aus!
International Millennium Mining Corp.: MMI Surveys Identify Strong Silver-Copper Anomalies on Cobalt Area Property Ontario
Thursday January 10, 9:00 am ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 10, 2008 ) - MMI (mobile metal ion) soil sample surveys on International Millennium Mining Corp.'s ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News) Cobalt Area Property near Cobalt, Ontario have been completed over three (3) grid areas. The MMI work was carried out after positive results were obtained over known mineralization from an MMI orientation survey carried out in 2006. David G. Mark, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101, reports that the MMI results outlined a number of strong anomalies which are interpreted as being indicative of Cobalt-area style silver/copper/cobalt-veins. As a result, further detailed sampling was carried out in order to optimize drill targets. These results are now being compiled and will be released in a follow-up report at a later date. The Company will announce a drill program at that time.
The Cobalt Area property comprises some 620 claim units covering approximately 9,920 hectares located in Temiskaming District, Larder Lake Mining Division south of the town of Cobalt in north eastern Ontario. IMMC holds 100% interest in 322 claim units, subject to 1% NSR royalty and holds an option to earn 100% interest in the remainder of the ground, subject to a 40% net profits royalty interest reducible, upon payment of $4.5mil., to a 10% net profits royalty interest.
Past production in the Cobalt area was mostly from arsenide silver/cobalt mineralization from narrow, but very rich veins. It has amounted to more than 500 million ounces of silver and 50 million pounds of cobalt along with millions of pounds of copper, nickel and lead. Two of the former producing mines are located on the IMMC property.
The rocks that underlie the Cobalt Project area include Archean aged mafic to felsic metavolcanics and Algoman granitic rocks overlain by relatively flat lying Huronian Group metasediments. A Nipissing age diabase dyke and sill complex intrudes all of these rock types. Lamprophyre dykes and mafic to ultramafic diatremes intrude the volcanic and granitic rocks.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date, the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
Hat den Beitrag nicht hochgeladen!
Das und das bei Cobalt City gehören schleunigst gedrillt........
International Millennium Mining Corp.: Drill Targets Identified for 2008 Drilling Program on Jason Property Near Harrison Lake BC
Tuesday March 4, 9:00 am ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 4, 2008) - A successful exploration program by International Millennium Mining Corp.'s (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News; "IMMC" or the "Company") on the Jason property in 2007, resulted in locating an outcrop of altered olivine orthopyroxenite containing pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite near Anomaly Creek. (See the Company's News Release of January 3, 2008) Based on this find and on detailed geology, geochemistry and geophysical surveys, an initial 1500 to 2000 meter drill program is now being planned for the summer of 2008. Four drill targets have been defined for the follow up drilling program.
David G. Mark, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101, advises that the outcrop source was located following completion of Phase I detailed stream sediment sampling and mapping to confirm the location of the highly anomalous 2004 Anomaly Creek stream sediments. A grab sample from the outcrop contained 0.64% Ni, 0.63% Cu, 777ppb Pt and 465ppb Pd. These values are comparable to ore grades at the Giant Mascot Mine. Platinum occurs in sperrylite (PtAs2) as found at the Sudbury irruptive and the Bushveld complex.
The outcrop showing is located in a gossanous area within a fault. The mineralized outcrop is associated with anomalous magnetometer, VLF and self potential readings. Anomalous levels of Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, Au Pt, and Pd were detected in overburden using both ICP and MMI geochemical analysis. As a result, IMMC considers that the mineralized zone may be a "pipe" similar to those hosting the ore at the Giant Mascot Mine. The proposed program will attempt to define the orientation, extent and grade of the potential ore pipes.
The Jason Claim group is located east of Harrison Lake approximately 22 kilometres north of the town of Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia. The claim group lies within a zone of ultramafic rocks referred to as the East Harrison Lake Nickel Belt. The Ni Belt extends approximately 20 km in a northwest direction from the Giant Mascot Mine, north of Hope, to the east shore of Harrison Lake.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: IMI.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
Further information about the Company can be found on SEDAR (http://www.sedar.com).
Da kommt in den letzten Tagen so was wie leichter Handel auf.....
sehr hohe Umsätze in den letzten Tagen, hat jemand was neues gehört?
um Nevada ist es relativ ruhig, kann es sein das hier was kommt?
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International Millennium to Drill Cobalt Area Property
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Apr 8, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI) has signed a drilling contract with Cabo Drilling Corp. for an initial 2500 meters of diamond drilling near the Waldman mine on its Cobalt Area Property in Ontario. The purpose of the program is to test several strong targets identified by a MMI (mobile metal ion) sampling program completed over the Cobalt Area property in the past year (see the Company's news release of January 10th 2008). The program is scheduled to commence April 15, 2008.
David G. Mark, P.Geo, a qualified person under policy NI 43-101, reports that the locations of the drill holes for this initial program was determined by the MMI work done over three grids with most of the anomalous results occurring on Grid One in Gillies Limit North Township in close proximity to the Waldman Mine Shaft.
Two former small producers are located on the Company's property and a further twelve former mines contiguous to and within 3,000 meters to the east of the IMMC drill project produced in excess of 100 million ounces of silver, along with cobalt, copper, and nickel. SMC (Canada) Ltd. currently has a mill operating 500 meters east of the project.
Past production within these mines was mostly from arsenide silver/cobalt mineralization occurring in narrow, but very rich veins (in the thousands of ounces Ag per ton range). Consequently, MMI anomalies occurring in this area are strong drill targets. The anomalies range in strike length from 100 meters up to possibly 750 meters (production in the past was from veins with strike lengths varying from 30 to 100 meters.).
The drilling program will also pursue base metal sulphide type mineralization which is known to occur in the area.
The Cobalt Area property comprises some 620 claim units covering approximately 9,920 hectares located in Temiskaming District, Larder Lake Mining Division south of the town of Cobalt in northeastern Ontario. IMMC holds, either outright or under option, 100% interest in these claims, subject to royalty.
The rocks that underlie the Cobalt Area Project include Archean aged mafic to felsic metavolcanics and Algoman granitic rocks overlain by relatively flat lying Huronian Group metasediments. A Nipissing aged diabase dyke and sill complex intrudes all of these rock types. Lamprophyre dykes and mafic to ultramafic diatremes intrude the volcanic and granitic rocks.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of polymetalic mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date, the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO
This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, potential mineral recovery processes and other business transactions timing. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.
SOURCE: International Millennium Mining Corp.
International Millennium Mining Corp. Mr. John A. Versfelt President & CEO (604) 984-9907 (604) 983-8056 (FAX) International Millennium Mining Corp. Mr. D. Alex Caldwell Corporate Secretary (604) 984-9907 (604) 983-8056 (FAX) Email: info@immc.ca
Copyright (C) 2008 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Meldung gab´s schon am 8. April: Nun geht es tatsächlich los.
Drilling Commenced at International Millennium Cobalt Area Property
Friday May 16, 9:00 am ET
NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 16, 2008) - International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News; FRANKFURT:L9J - News) has commenced diamond drilling in an area near the Waldman mine on its Cobalt Area Property in north eastern Ontario. The drilling contract with Cabo Drilling Corp. for an initial 2,500 meters of diamond drilling is to test several strong targets identified by a MMI (mobile metal ion) sampling program completed over the Cobalt Area property in the past year (see the Company's news release of January 10, 2008).
David G. Mark, P.Geo, a qualified person under policy NI 43-101, together with Cobalt area geologist, Alan Kon, met with Company management to select locations for the drill holes in this initial program based upon anomalous MMI results occurring on a grid in Gillies Limit North Township in close proximity to the Waldman Mine Shaft.
Past production from mines within 3,000 meters of the property was mostly from arsenide silver/cobalt mineralization occurring in narrow, but very rich veins (in the thousands of ounces Ag per ton range). Consequently, MMI anomalies occurring in this area are strong drill targets. The anomalies range in strike length from 100 meters up to possibly 750 meters (production in the past was from veins with strike lengths varying from 30 to 100 meters).
The drilling program will also pursue base metal sulphide type mineralization which is known to occur in the area.
A number of former producers are located on the Company's property and twelve former mines to the east of the IMMC drill project produced in excess of 100 million ounces of silver, along with cobalt, copper, and nickel. SMC (Canada) Ltd. currently has a mill operating 500 meters east of the drill site.
International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of polymetallic mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date, the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals. The Company's common shares trade on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol: L9J and on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: IMI.
John A. Versfelt, President & CEO