Malachite Resources NL – MAR.AX - WKN: 779197

  • Schon wieder was: und sie steigt nun auch.…20Commenced%2011Oct07.pdf


    · Drilling has commenced at the Company’s copper projects near Mt Isa in
    northwest Queensland.

    · High grade massive sulphide lodes and coarse grained, disseminated
    copper mineralisation are being targeted.

    · Initial drilling is at the Volga Prospect.

    · The rig will move on to drill at Mt Lidster next month.

    Malachite Resources NL (ASX: MAR) advises that drilling has
    commenced at its copper projects located northeast of Mount Isa in
    northwest Queensland (Fig. 1). At least 2,000m of diamond drilling is
    scheduled to take place at Volga Elderberry and Mt Lidster before the
    end of 2007.
    The initial target comprises high grade, massive sulphide lodes at the
    Volga Prospect, where the best intersection in earlier drilling was
    13.8m @ 2.9% Cu and 0.5g/t Au (including 2.5m @ 11.9% Cu and
    1.9g/t Au) and a recent geophysical survey has identified a series of
    anomalous electrical conductors. Separate, coarse to very coarse
    grained, disseminated chalcopyrite mineralisation in calc-silicate
    host rock (Fig. 2) will also be targeted. The geological setting at
    Volga is thought to be analogous to that of Ernest Henry and other
    iron-oxide copper-gold deposits in the region.

    Next month the rig will relocate to Mt Lidster, where previous drilling by the Company has intersected very encouraging copper mineralisation, including 18m @ 2.4% Cu (including 2m @ 9.8% Cu). This mineralisation is associated with a well defined linear structure which is variably mineralised with massive copper sulphide and copper-bearing quartz. Recent geophysical surveying has outlined several discrete electrical conductors both within and
    outside of this structure and these will also be targeted in the forthcoming drilling.

    3 Months Ending 30 September 2007

    Conrad Silver Project, NSW
    · Phase 1 of resource estimation drilling completed.
    · A total of 6,322 metres drilled this year, in 30 new holes.
    · Numerous high grade intersections were obtained, many with well
    mineralised envelopes.
    · Metallurgical studies of drill core samples have commenced.
    · An initial estimate of mineral resources in the King Conrad area is
    due for release in early November.
    Tooloom Gold Project, NSW
    · Newmont withdrew from the Tooloom Joint Venture at the end of
    · Minimal field work undertaken in the Quarter.
    · Petrological study of Phoenix drill core initiated.
    · Reinterpretation of earlier results and petrology indicate a major,
    largely untested breccia target at Phoenix.
    Mt Isa Region Copper Projects, Qld.
    · Electromagnetic surveys at Mt Lidster and Volga Elderberry
    completed and results interpreted.
    · Multiple targets identified.
    · Both properties ready for drilling in December Quarter.
    Other Projects
    · A new exploration licence application has been lodged over the
    Delungra area, 40km northwest of Conrad.
    · Exploration expenditure during the Quarter was approximately
    · Share Purchase Plan raises $1.2 million.

    Forward Plans
    During the December Quarter the main field activity will be the drilling program currently under way at Volga and Mt Lidster. It is hoped to have the first assay results from that drilling by the end of November, subject to laboratory work loads. Mineralisation in sub-parallel structures at Conrad will continue to be evaluated and targets will be selected for drilling in early 2008 where appropriate. Early stage field work will also be undertaken on the Company’s other properties in the region, including Abington, Delungra (if granted in the period) and some additional work on the Newstead greisen at Elsmore.

    In November the Managing Director will meet investors in London and then participate in a “Silver Summit” seminar in Paris, followed by presentations on the Company in Brussels, Zurich and Singapore. There is significant interest in Malachite in these places and investor support is growing.

    Malachite’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 November 2007 at Saville Park Suites, 10 Brown Street, Chatswood NSW 2067.

    Wird ja keiner hinfahren??? :D :D

    Der lange Rest hier:…b70027/ASX-MAR-478398.pdf

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Tschonko,

    Zürich wäre schon möglich; ich frag die mal nach den Daten. Was willst du wissen?


  • Annual General Meeting - 22 November 2007
    Chairman’s Address

    Ladies & Gentlemen
    Next Monday marks the fifth anniversary of Malachite’s listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. Over the last five years, and indeed over the ten years since we began business, we have seen many changes in the resources industry, ranging from some very lean times, with rock bottom commodity prices, to the present buoyant conditions, which are unlike any that have gone before. From the outset, but particularly since our ASX listing, we have sought to become a mid-tier player in the Australian resources industry, with a focus on gold,
    silver and base metals in eastern Australia.

    Initially, our horizon was limited to discovery of high quality mineral deposits in our area of interest, aiming to enjoy the uplift in company value that, by tradition, should come with such discoveries. To a greater or lesser extent, we have reached that horizon and now must consider where we should go from here. While we have pursued our goals we have seen the environment in which we operate change in several important ways. In the last few years especially Australia has seen a resources boom, probably the strongest since the days of the great gold rushes of the 19th century. Hundreds of new exploration companies have been listed on the ASX, all aspiring
    to the company-making discovery that is every exploration geologist’s raison d’etre. Amongst this plethora of competitors Malachite has established itself as a pace setter and, unlike most of our peer group, we have indeed made a company-making discovery. We are now ready to move on to the next phase of growth by becoming a true mining company, with production, profits, and even perhaps some dividends! In the changing business environment in which we operate, this, we believe, is what the market now expects of us.
    It is also the reason that we are about to raise new capital, primarily to fund the assessment of mining economics at the Conrad Silver Project but also to take our other projects to major decision points.
    Conrad should be the making of this company and can be expected drive our future market value. In one sense, Conrad is not a new discovery, as it has been an operating mine twice before. But for the last fifty years it has sat idle, unexplored and unwanted. Among the ingredients to Malachite’s success at Conrad is our recognition, more than five years ago, that the old mine has substantial unexplored potential. At that time too, we predicted that
    silver, then worth just $4.80 an ounce, was primed for a major revaluation and revival of interest. Today silver is worth three times as much and according to many pundits is set to go very much higher in the next few years. If and when that happens Malachite will be one of the very few companies listed on the ASX that offers significant, direct exposure to silver and we can expect our shares to be keenly sought after for that reason at least.

    Interest in Malachite will come not just because we have that exposure to silver but also because our silver asset is of such high quality. The Conrad deposit is of high grade, the first and most powerful criterion for a successful mine. The ore is certainly rich in silver but it also contains important levels of copper, lead, zinc and tin, four base metals that are fundamental building blocks of modern technology and our standard of living. It also contains the rare
    metal, indium, which is worth more than silver and is essential for plasma and LCD television and computer screens. At upwards of $750 a kilogram there is a strong incentive for us to find a way to recover and be paid for the indium at Conrad.
    The Conrad mineralisation we have drilled to date is very coarse grained, which makes for good metallurgical characteristics. Indeed, the early indications are that it is amenable to upgrading by simple gravity concentration before processing in a conventional sulphide flotation plant.
    Analysis of mining methods and economics is as yet at a very early stage but preliminary modelling indicates that the high grade lodes should be able to be extracted by long-hole open stoping, with a minimum mining width of 1.5m allowing use of modern, mechanised equipment. The lodes are relatively soft and easily workable but are contained within hard, fresh granite that should make for excellent ground conditions when it comes to underground
    mining. What that all means is that mining costs at Conrad should be very competitive.
    Conrad also offers a second type of silver mineralisation in a body we call the Greisen Zone. This is lower in grade but very much larger in size than the high grade narrow Conrad and King Conrad Lodes. It would appear to be amenable to bulk mining methods and much of the silver in the Greisen Zone may be present as native silver. If so, we may be able to recover it with gravity concentration and produce a saleable product early in the mine’s life,
    while the rest of the plant is still being built.

    I think it is clear that Conrad is a very high quality asset and it is entirely appropriate for it to be our flagship project. It is not alone, however, as we have three other key assets that will be part of the company’s future. In the first case there is Tooloom Gold. Not much work has been undertaken at Tooloom since Newmont withdrew from the joint venture in mid 2007 but that does not mean that its importance to Malachite is diminished. On the contrary,
    petrological research carried out in house over the last few months and the significantly enhanced database generated with Newmont funding are pointing to numerous prospects that demand evaluation and drill testing. Field work at Tooloom should resume in the new year with renewed vigour and an increased understanding of the controls on gold mineralisation.
    Over the past 12 months or so Malachite has become involved in exploration for copper in the Mount Isa region of northwest Queensland. Mount Isa is a world class copper province, with several major ore bodies and innumerable smaller deposits. Our work at Volga and Mt Lidster is at a fairly early stage but we are encouraged by the grades and styles of mineralisation we are seeing and expect this area to become a major focus for our exploration efforts in 2008 and beyond.
    The fourth key asset for Malachite is the Elsmore Project, also in the Inverell area about 25km from Conrad. At Newstead and elsewhere on the Elsmore tenement we have significant potential for discovery of a tin deposit that might be amenable to rapid development and production. This could lead to a modest but valuable cash flow to fund our growth until Conrad becomes our mainstay. We are currently testing some new gravity concentration technology that may reduce the already low capital cost of any likely tin mine
    at Newstead. With the Australian spot tin price at around $23,000 per tonne there is a strong incentive for us to turn one of our tin prospects into a mine as soon as possible.
    Ladies and gentlemen, Malachite now has an excellent mix of pre-development projects that are headed towards mining and very promising exploration plays that could deliver new mines in the years ahead. But none of that will happen without the other key ingredient to a successful mining company – people. It is great to be participating in an unprecedented
    mining boom but one side effect of that is the intensity of demand for skilled people.
    Like all mining companies in Australia at present we have suffered delays to our programs simply because we could not get the people to operate them. That includes both geologists and drillers, both of whom are in short supply at present. We have recognised the potential of projects like Volga and Elsmore for some time but for most of the past year we have been unable to procure the people necessary to work on them at the rate we would like to see.
    We were sorry to lose one of our best geologists to the stockbroking industry during the year, leaving us very short-handed for the past six months or so. I am happy to report today, however, that we were delighted to add senior geologist Mike Donnelly to our staff in September, where he joined senior geologist Mark Derriman and geologists Oliver Bayley and Bianca Pietrass-Wong. We have also just successfully recruited a new junior geologist, to start as a new graduate in January, and we have lined up a new senior contract geologist to commence work in the new year. This will give Malachite a highly competent geological crew of seven people, led very ably by Exploration Manager, Russell Meares. With such a talented team I think we can look forward to some timely and exciting results in the months
    Importantly, the geological team is strongly backed up by our Field Operations Supervisor, Gareth King, and by our capable field assists, such as Shane McAuley. In turn the field crew is very well supported by geo-computing consultant, Chris Bannerman, our accountant, Wendy Emerson, PA and Office Manager, Maryanne Alderson, company secretary, Andrew Cooke and of course, your Board of Directors, who provide all of us with wisdom, insight,
    experience and first rate corporate governance. I thank each of these colleagues for their strong support, encouragement and commitment to Malachite and its future success.
    Finally, ladies and gentlemen, let me also express my sincere thanks to our loyal shareholders, without whose enthusiasm and support for what we are doing there would be no Malachite Resources.
    Thank you.
    22 November 2007

  • The Company’s Managing Director, Dr. Garry Lowder, has participated in an interview with Finance News Network journalist David Taylor.

    The interview is available for viewing over the Internet by accessing the following link:


    The interview focuses on the exciting regional potential at Malachite’s Conrad Silver Project.

    3 Months Ending 31 December 2007


    Conrad Silver Project, NSW

    An initial resource estimate has been completed for the area drilled near the King Conrad Shaft.

    The resource amounts to approximately 10.4 million ounces of silver equivalent.

    This is a substantial part of what will be required to justify reopening the Conrad Mine.

    Preliminary metallurgical results are encouraging.

    The Greisen Lode contains significant native silver.

    Regional exploration on the Conrad tenements has identified attractive additional targets.

    Good grades of silver, lead and zinc are indicated, while some new prospects contain significant molybdenum, bismuth and/or tin.

    Drilling to expand the mineral resource at Conrad will resume in early February.

    Mt Isa Region Copper Projects, Qld.

    · A drilling program commenced at Volga was terminated prematurely due to unsatisfactory performance by the drilling contractor.

    · Only four holes were completed before suspension of the program.

    · Three of those holes intersected interesting copper and/or gold values.

    Other Projects

    · Evaluation of new gravity concentration technology promises to enhance scope for production at Elsmore and elsewhere.

    · Oberon Project converted to a financial interest in a new IPO.


    Exploration expenditure during the Quarter was approximately $715,000.
    Placement raises $5.7 million.

    Andrew J. Cooke
    Company Secretary
    Malachite Resources NL
    Tel: + 61 2 9411 6033
    Fax: + 61 2 9411 6066
    Mob: 0412 090 826

  • Die ist auch ziemlich zurückgekommen/eingegangen...

    Malachite has today lodged an ASX announcement confirming further good results from the Conrad Silver Project.

    Good Results Continue in Drill Holes 61 to 64

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    • Assay results received for four more drill holes
    • Additional high grade intersections in the Conrad Lode, e.g.:
    • CMRD63: 2.60m @ 430g/t Ag, 0.20% Cu, 8.95% Pb, 4.35% Zn & 0.10% Sn
    • This intersection extends known high grade mineralisation to 360m depth
    • Two drill rigs currently operating: One rig testing down-plunge from old workings in central part of Conrad Lode
    • Second rig at King Conrad following up high grade hit in CMRD16

    Malachite Resources NL (ASX: MAR & MAROA) advises that assay results for a further four drill holes at its 100% owned Conrad Silver Project have now been received. These holes are part of an ongoing drilling program, involving at least 10,000m of drilling in 2008, aimed at substantially upgrading the existing resource estimate for the project. The new results are expected to contribute significantly to that upgrade, especially with CMRD63 reporting high grade mineralisation as much as 360m below the surface.

    Managing Director, Garry Lowder, commented:

    “We are very pleased with the latest results, which seem to be fairly typical of the Conrad Lode. It is also nice to see well developed mineralised envelopes adjoining the high grade lode in holes 63 and 64, enhancing the potential for relatively low-cost, mechanised underground mining of this lode.”

    The full announcement can be viewed on our website:



  • New results have extended Silver Lodes at the Company’s 100% Conrad Silver Project.…lingReport%2022July08.pdf


    • Assay results received for ten more drill holes, mostly for intersections in the Conrad Lode
    • Further high grade lode intersections, includingCMRD78 which intersected a true width of 1.2m @ 312g/t Ag, 0.27% Cu, 3.47% Pb, 1.27% Zn, 0.27% Sn and 12 g/t In
    • An additional, wide, Greisen Zone intersection – CMRD58 which intersected a true width of 29.1m @ 40g/t Ag, 0.01% Cu, 0.59% Pb, 0.43% Zn and 0.14% Sn
    • Recent drilling confirms continuity of lodes along strike and down dip
    • Deeper drilling confirms Conrad Lode extends at least 250m below deepest underground mine workings (ie. 500m below surface)

    Executive Director, Russell Meares, commented:

    “We are particularly pleased with the intersection in hole CMRD76, our deepest hole so far, which intersected the Conrad Lode at a depth of 500m below the surface, or 250 below the existing underground workings. Last year I visited some of the world’s biggest silver mines in Mexico and the USA, and in the Silver Valley (Coeur d’Alene) district of Idaho they are mining very similar narrow vein, high grade, silver deposits to Conrad at depths of 2,600m below the surface. This provides strong support for our view that the Conrad lodes extend to significant depth and in that case a long mine life may be anticipated, as most of the lodes remain open along strike and down dip.”

    Resource Upgrade – Malachite’s mineral resource consultants are currently working on an interim (Stage 2) upgrade to the 2007 (Stage 1) mineral resource estimate for the project. The new upgrade will be available by early August and will incorporate drill holes completed by late June (allowing that 4 to 6 weeks after drilling is required for receipt of assays from the laboratory). Drilling will continue until late August/early September, and it is anticipated that the final (Stage 3) resource estimate for 2008 will be released in October.

    The existing resource defined at Conrad in 2007 contains 2.6 million ounces of silver, or about 10 million ounces of silver equivalent when the value of the associated base metals is added. The August resource statement is expected to upgrade that figure substantially, with further enhancement in October. Malachite’s economic modelling of the deposit indicates that a resource containing approximately 8-10 million ounces of silver (or 25-30 million ounces of silver equivalent) will be sufficient to support reopening of the mine. The Company believes there is a very good chance of achieving that resource goal this year.

    Andrew J. Cooke
    Company Secretary
    Malachite Resources NL
    Tel: +61 2 9411 6033
    Fax: +61 2 9411 6066
    Mob: 0412 090 826

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