DRDGold Ltd. / DRD (NYSE, JNB) und die Derivate

  • '#

    80% sind Amerikaner die Durban halten und die verlieren die Nerven, heute nochmal weiter in den Keller wir sind jetrzt bei $ 1,54,wer eiskalt ist sollte ein neuen Einstieg wagen auf dierser Basis, Warmbier sprache ja es kann bis 1.60 gehen, wie recht er hatte.
    Der Quartalsverlust liegt etwa bei42,3 Mio US$ netto,die Produktion sank von 240.758 auf 228.465 Unzen Gold.In Australien konnte der Gewinn stabil gehalten werden.
    Der Vorjahrsgewinn betrug noch 41.0 Mio US$ jetzt wird ein Verlust von 55,8 Mio US$ gemeldet. Es gabe einige Probleme in den SA Minen wie z.B. Blyvooruitzicht sowie der Buffelsfontein-Mine.
    Das Ziel liegt hier im Ausland, dort werden noch Gewinne generiert.Aber entscheiden ist der Rand für die weitere Zukunft.
    Gruß hpoth

  • Goch,

    Die Zielzone von Drooy sieht Stockmove zwischen 1 -1.6,so wie sie zuletzt gefallen sind,gehe ich davon aus( Nur meine bescheidene Meinung)das uns bei den GM und POG,noch mehr bevor steht.Die Zinsen sind gestiegen und der Dollar hat eigentlich nicht reagiert! Solange sich kein genereller Trend,und dies auch generell für die Börsen abzeichnet,bleib ich an der Seitenlinie.
    Warmbein sieht auch einen Anstieg des Dow auf über 12000 Punkte voraus,küssner sogar einen Anstieg bis 25000 Pkt.Danach würde uns Gold bugs noch eine Talfahrt bevorstehen,die es in sich hat.





    Mining union to march on the Reserve Bank


    11 August 2004 07:35

    National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) secretary general Gwede Mantashe will on Wednesday lead mineworkers in a march to the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) in Pretoria.

    The marchers will meet at 10am in Brown Street in the capital, then march to the Reserve Bank where a memorandum will be handed over to SARB Governor Tito Mboweni.

    "We are embarking on this march to request the Reserve Bank to intervene in a situation where the export sector, and in particular mining, is facing a spate of job losses. We would like to see a situation where the currency can be in a range where it will impact positively on both the export and import sector. Although we recognise that marginal shafts are hurting, we do not think all the ills of the industry should be blamed on the strong rand" Mantashe said.

    The union said it is convinced that the intervention of the bank, as an institution of government, is crucial.

    NUM added that this intervention is important, more so in ensuring that the appreciation of the currency doesn't impact negatively on the goal of creating work and eradicating poverty.

    "At present most mining companies have stopped on Greenfield projects and the marginal miners, despite high commodity prices, are facing an uphill battle," he

    NUM claimed that the march has received support from the mine workers' union Solidarity and the Chamber of Mines.

    "This indicates the manner in which the whole industry views the seriousness of the situation confronting it."

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa



    Mboweni to decide on rand's strength

    Boyd Webb | Pretoria, South Africa

    11 August 2004 16:33

    The interests of the country will be central to any decision on the strength of the rand, South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Governor Tito Mboweni said on Wednesday.

    "We will take a decision quite clearly in the interests of what we think South Africa deserves," he told mine and textile workers protesting in Pretoria against job losses resulting from the currency's strength.

    The protesters demanded that the rand be reduced to between R7,50 and R9 to the United States dollar.

    Addressing about 2 000 members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) who marched to the bank in Pretoria, Mboweni said the issue raised is very serious and requires a serious response.

    Mboweni said he will respond to the demand within the stipulated 14 days, following "discussions with colleagues".

    The march was organised by NUM and supported by the South African Chamber of Mines, the South African Communist Party, the South African Clothing and Textiles Workers' Union (Sactwu), Solidarity and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

    A memorandum was handed to Mboweni and it demands a response within 14 days.

    NUM secretary general Gwede Mantashe said the SARB should stabilise the rand to protect jobs in the mining and export sector. A range of R7,50 to R9 to the US dollar is best.

    "Any weaker than that would again be detrimental," he said.

    The memorandum blames the strong rand for the loss of more than 10 000 jobs in the mining sector over the past 12 months.

    "Marginal shafts are run at a loss. Greenfield projects have been stopped and new jobs promised in the Growth and Development Summit [held in 2003] have not materialised," said NUM president Senzeni Zokwana.

    He accused the SARB of "mismanaging the countries resources" by creating a strong rand.

    Sactwu vice-president Violet Seboni said that in the past year 20 000 jobs have been lost in the textile industry.

    The unions also criticised the government's relationship with China, which has seen textile exports to South Africa rocket over the past 12 months.

    The memorandum called for the reduction of interest rates, aggressive purchasing of foreign reserves -- which Frans Bakker, senior executive of the South African Chamber of Mines said are running very low -- and the relaxing and removal of exchange control.

    The protesters lashed out at retail groups whom they claimed are profiteering from the strong rand.

    "We are convinced that it requires the commitment from all of us to contribute towards achieving the set goals of halving unemployment and poverty by 2014," Zokwana said.

    Despite an alarmed expression on his face at the request to reduce the rand to R7,50 or more to the dollar, Mboweni reaffirmed the matter will be investigated.

    At least "the unions come in daylight" he said, noting that they have not been the only parties calling on him to reduce the rand's strength.

    "... Others come wearing pin-striped suits and park their cars in garages and arrive in lifts unseen and unheard and they raise the same issues," he said.

    The march was supported by individuals from mining houses.

    Nick Smythe, senior manager at Goldfields, and Jackie Mathabula from Harmony joined the protesters in their suits as they marched towards the bank.

    Both agreed the rand is doing more harm than good.

    "The Chamber of Mines recognises the independence of the SARB but at the same time it must realise the chamber also has a position," Smythe said.

    Bakker said the South African Chamber of Mines is fully behind the protest and its call to reduce the rand's strength. -- Sapa

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa


    DAS WäRE DOCH EIN ANFANGSPOSITION WERT BEI DROOYNumsa warns of 180 000-strong strike
    Thabang Mokopanele | Johannesburg, South Africa

    10 August 2004 12:32

    The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) on Tuesday stated that it is preparing its members in petrol stations, component manufacturing, car-dealer shops and panel-beating shops for strike action after wage negotiations failed.

    The trade union said it is preparing for the large-scale mobilisation of 180 000 workers.

    Numsa added that it will table a notice at a meeting on Tuesday for a strike to take place on September 1.

    The wage talks are scheduled to continue until Wednesday. The union declared a dispute three months ago with the Fuel Retailers' Association and the Retail Motor Industry after employers failed to give a wage offer for all workers.

    Numsa is demanding a wage increase of 10% for grade seven and eight workers and 12% for grades one and six workers as well as R10 per hour minimum wage for all workers.

    Among the union's demands are a night-shift and afternoon-shift allowance of 20% as well as a 40-hour week.

    The trade union also wants a three-year agreement that workers knocking off after 8pm should get free transport. It has demanded that area wage differentials must be removed immediately with four weeks' bonus at the end of 12 months.

    "We have taken an aggressive strategy against motor retail employers. There is no positive outlook since the talks started three months ago and workers are furious," Numsa spokesperson Dumisa Ntuli said.

    He added that there is no value in talking when the results are not encouraging and there is no wage offer.

    "We want to ensure that the wage increase is tied to real improvement of workers over and above what they can attain. Workers are paid pittances. It is very heartbreaking to realise that workers in the motor retail sector are paid less than old-age pensioners."

    "Therefore, there should be a mechanism for action to promote change in the industry. This requires the union not to make excuses but fight to turn things around. The minimum wage policies in the industry are perverse and counter-productive," Ntuli said. -- I-Net Bridge

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa

  • [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.tradesignal.com/cnt…D6709/040811drooym600.jpg]

    Durban, der damals heiße Tipp der Goldbugs
    von Jürgen Küßner, http://www.elliott-waves.com, 12. August 2004

    Guten Tag,

    dieses Chartbild ist einfach einen Blick (und eine Position) wert.


    Noch, ich betone noch, ist das Muster klassisch und ziemlich perfekt nach Elliott, obwohl ein Einzelwert schlechter für Elliottanalysen geeignet ist als ein Index. Durban ist aber kein gewöhnlicher Wert, sondern einer der heißesten Tipps der Goldbugs aus etwa 2000 und 2001. Die Stimmung um Durban erinnerte und erinnert mich aktuell angesichts der Horror-Verlustmeldung an die Neue-Markt-Euphorie.

    Und der ab 2000 heißeste Tipp Durban hat 3/4 verloren seit "the sky ist the limit for Durban" - ich erinnere mich gut an viele Artikel bei goldeagle.com, was Durban doch für einen tollen Hebel hat und Kurse von 50 und 100 Dollar waren nur eine Zeitfrage. Und wo Durban steht bei einem Goldpreis von 400 Dollar. Das kenne ich alles noch gut von em-tv & Co.

    Die Goldbugs, und nur die, sind in Minen investiert und deshalb interessieren bei der Kursentwicklung nur diese Goldbugs, nicht die "vielen anderen, die die Minen erst noch entdecken müssen". Und dass Goldbugs eine Luftmine genauso in wahnwitzige KGVs katapultieren können wie damals Tech-Freaks es mit Yahoo getan haben, dürfte einleuchten.

    Trotzdem, obwohl es mir „fundamental“ auch schwer fällt: Es ist eine gute Chance mit knappem Stop – und es ist ein schönes Elliott-Beispiel, noch. Sofern ca. 1,45 $ halten …



    Against this background, the Monetary Policy Committee took note of the moderate improvement in the outlook for inflation noted above, and came to the conclusion that it would be appropriate and prudent to lower the repo rate by 50 basis points to 7,5 per cent per annum with effect from Friday 13th of August 2004. The Committee will continue to monitor the various factors that impact on inflation and will accordingly make any future decisions based on the inflation outlook.

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa

  • # Heute ein Nachkauf getätigt 6000 Stück zu € 1,45, mal sehen ob es ein guter Kauf war, obwohl es ist immer noch Zeit neue käufe vorzunehmen,die Kurse werden uns nicht davon laufen, nach 2 Tagen masiver Verluste ist eben eine Gegenreaktion fällig.
    gruß hpoth

  • Artikel von Dr. Clive Roffey, Gold Action, über Durban.

    War schon vor Wochen sehr positiv zu Roodepoort. Kein Wunder, wenn er jetzt von panic selling spricht und von once in a lifetime buying opportunity.

    "This should negate the current commentaries that this mine will never again raise its head"

    "I must look at Durban Deep as one of the best potential recovery stock situations that I have ever seen. I believe that within a month all the panic sellers will be ruing their recent hasty actions."

    Also : Droopy to da moon!!!

    Durban Deep Report

  • Muss mich koregieren.heute Nacht um 00:01,habe ich geschrieben,Uwe Warmbein würde den Dow bei 12000 Punkten sehen,vielleicht sogar bei 25000 Punkten,diese Analyse war von Küssner aus dem EW - Forum und nicht von stockmove,

    Die Punktlandung,mitten ins Target,von stockmove,bei Drooy,hat mich derart überrascht,das ich hier etwas verwechselt habe.

    Sorry Herr Warmbein

  • Meine FREUDE


    So,meine Freude was denkt Ihr ??
    Wohin wird die Reise mit DROOY gehen??? RETEST auf 1.55$ oder 3$ unendlich.

    Werden wir alle REICH oder gehen wir pleite...... .....?

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa

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