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    Vllt. könnte das für den ein oder anderen interessant sein.Für FR könnte es zutreffen.

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    Vllt. liagts ja daran das die so abschmieren.

    in den vergangenen Tagen haben uns mehre Anfragen zu unserer Altempfehlung Arizona Mining (AZ.TO) erreicht. Wir wollen dazu kurz Stellung nehmen:

    Die Aktie ist in den vergangenen Wochen massiv unter die Räder gekommen. Fundamentale Nachrichten, die den Kurssturz begründen würden, gibt es jedoch nicht. Im Gegenteil: Mehrere Analystenhäuser haben zuletzt Kaufempfehlungen mit einem mittleren Kursziel von 4,11 CAN-Dollar je Aktie ausgesprochen. Schlusskurs gestern: 1,80 CAN-Dollar…

    Der Kursverfall könnte mit einer Short-Attacke zu tun haben, oder auch mit Gerüchten, der kanadische Rohstoffkonzern Teck Resources (TECK) sei angeblich an einer Übernahme interessiert. Im Zuge dessen wird nun möglicherweise ein wenig „Kurspflege“ betrieben. Doch das ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt reine Spekulation.

    Fest steht, dass einige Manager das gedrückte Kursniveau jetzt wieder zum Ausbau bestehender Aktienpositionen nutzen: In den vergangenen Tagen haben Firmenchef Richard Wares und Chief Operating Officer Donald Taylor 114.000 eigene Aktien im Gesamtwert von rund 240.000 CAN-Dollar eingesammelt. Manager und institutionelle Anleger halten jetzt rund 60 Prozent der Anteilsscheine.
    Doch die Insider haben oftmals kein glückliches Händchen beim Timing: Der Kurs hat noch keinen Boden gefunden, wir würden daher mit Zukäufen noch abwarten. Aktuell steht die Notierung an einer massiven Unterstützungszone, die bis in das Jahr 2013 zurückreicht. Achten Sie auf die beiden waagrechten roten Linien in der folgenden Abbildung.

    Aus WO rauskopiert.Sieht wohl nicht so dolle aus.Hab Gott sei Dank nur ne Mini Position.

    Wieso werden hier schlechte aber sehr entscheidende News nicht gepostet, während jedes Fitzelchen positiv klingende PR veröffentlicht wird? Also der Vollständigkeit halber: Geld ist über die Türkei versickert, der ehemalige CEO hat weder die erforderliche Erlaubnis eingeholt noch das BOD über das "Investment" informiert.--------------------------------------------------------Montreal, Quebec, Canada / TheNewswire / January 31 2017 - Colt Resources Inc. ("Colt" or the "Company") (TSXV: GTP) (FRA: P01) (OTC Pink: COLTF) has determined that EUR500,000 it had invested in a Turkish company has been removed from the Turkish company's bank account without Colt's authorization. In 2016, Nikolas Perrault, the former President and CEO, made the decision to incorporate and invest EUR500,000 in the Turkish company, with EUR250,000 of the funds provided from Colt's cash resources and the additional EUR250,000 borrowed from a shareholder of Colt. While the incorporation of and investment in the Turkish company and the borrowing of funds all required Colt board of directors approval, the former President and CEO did not seek board approval and did not inform the board of these actions when they were done. The Company is in the process of determining the impact of these removed funds on its financial statements for the third quarter of 2016 and will make any required regulatory filings in this regard.The Company is continuing its investigation of the above and will take appropriate steps to collect any amounts owing to the Company.Since appointing John Gravelle as the Interim President and CEO, the Company has been revising its strategy. The Company's strategy going forward is to focus on fewer projects, generate cash internally to fund these projects and significantly reduce administrative costs. Specifically, it will focus on funding for two assets: the Alvalade project in Portugal, and the Company's investment in CRME (see discussion available on the Company's website, Colt will continue to consider whether to invest further in Boa Fe but has decided that it will not invest further resources in its other projects in Portugal. Tabucao is among the permits for projects in Portugal that will lapse unless a joint venture partner is found who will fund that project's expenses.The Company will set a conference call to discuss the Company's strategy going forward. We invite all Colt shareholders to participate. The dial-in details for the conference call will be provided in a further press release.Quelle: Pressemitteilung von Colt Resources…----------Der angekündigte conference call hat soweit ich sehen kann nicht stattgefunden. Die Aktie ist seit dem 1. Februar in Kanada vom Handel ausgesetzt.

    Colt Resources - Faktenthread | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:

    Und noch mehr schlechte News:Colt ist in Verzug gegenüber seinem JV Partner Avrupa und droht aus dem Alvalade VMS copper/zinc projekt verdünnt zu werden.------------Avrupa reports on partner defaults at Alvalade JV, south PortugalVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - March 3, 2017) - Avrupa Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:AVU) (FRANKFURT:8AM) (OTC PINK:AVPMF) announces that its partner on the Alvalade VMS copper/zinc joint venture project in the Iberian Pyrite Belt of southern Portugal is in default of the earn-in agreement. Avrupa expects the partner, Colt Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GTP) ("Colt"), will also be unable to meet required government exploration expenditure requirements on the project, and Avrupa can now either re-purchase the project or dilute Colt.Avrupa has been working with Colt for the past 14 months to eliminate the issues, but has continued to experience numerous delays in managing the expenditures. Avrupa's largest shareholder invested funds into Colt to pay the Alvalade property license fees in the spring of 2016, as Colt was unable to make that payment. A final extension for payment to Avrupa of all required expenditures was granted to Colt in September 2016, with deadlines set at the end of 2016. These deadlines were not met.More recently, Colt replaced their president due to internal issues outlined in their news release of January 31, 2017. To date, Colt has still not provided funds for payment of Avrupa's fees, for suppliers' invoices, care/maintenance costs for the project, and now for the 2017 property fees. Colt has not met the 2015 and 2016 annual work plans and expenditure requirements set by the DGEG, the Portuguese mining bureau. Colt has now missed two periods of required project exploration expenditures under the earn-in agreement. In addition, Colt has not made the payments required under their assignment agreement with the former partner, and is in default under that agreement also.Avrupa is working to ensure that Colt's defaults in funding the work expenditure commitments will not cause Avrupa to lose its interest in the Alvalade license.Avrupa will provide its shareholders with further updates as the situation progresses.Avrupa Minerals Ltd. is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company focused on discovery, using a prospect generator model, of valuable mineral deposits in politically stable and prospective regions of Europe, including Portugal, Kosovo, and Germany.The Company currently holds nine exploration licenses in three European countries, including six in Portugal covering 3,821 km2, two in Kosovo covering 47 km2, and one in Germany covering 307 km2. Avrupa has three joint ventures, two in Portugal and one in Kosovo, including:The Alvalade JV, with Colt Resources, covering one license in the Iberian Pyrite Belt of southern Portugal, for Zn/Cu-rich massive sulfide deposits. The partner is currently in default under the terms of the JV agreement, and Avrupa is working on a route to consolidation of the program;The Covas JV, with Blackheath Resources, covering one license in northern Portugal, for intrusion-related W deposits; andAvrupa's partner at the Slivovo Gold Project in Kosovo is fully funding the program, allowing Avrupa to dilute its ownership in the JV operating company Peshter Mining JSC. If AVU ownership goes below 10%, the interest in the project converts to a 2% NSR.Avrupa is currently upgrading precious and base metal targets to JV-ready status in a variety of districts on their other licenses, with the idea of attracting potential partners to project-specific and/or regional exploration programs.On behalf of the Board,Paul W. Kuhn, President & Director-----------

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