Kam gestern per email:
Ich appelliere an alle Aktionäre um die Überprüfung der Mandate der Liste der Direktoren, die in den Vangold's Information Circular gemacht wurden - und skeptisch zu sein gegenüber allen Informationen, die von Dissidenten außerhalb in die Öffentlichkeit gebracht werden. Die Zukunft unseres Unternehmens steht auf dem Spiel.
Dear Fellow Shareholders: June 19,2009
Gerry Lefevre, a semi-retired anaesthesiologist in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is attempting to grab control of
our company by nominating himself, a retired Goodyear marketing executive, a recently terminated
employee of Vangold, and Vangold's former lawyer in Calgary, Alberta, to stand for election at our
annual general meeting of shareholders in Vancouver on Tuesday, June 30.
Gerry wants you to believe that he and his friends can run Vangold better than we have for the past 18
years. He is proposing a new slate of directors with Iittle experience and none of the relationsbips needed
to develop and manage the company's foreign properties in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Armenia and Papua
New Guinea. They have no strategie plan, only a promise to come up with a plan and bire a CEO, if they
seize controI.
The only substantive criticism Gerry has put forward in bis proxy materials is that there has been a
depletion of capital and a decrease in the share price. Jonathan Schroeder, one of Gerry's nominees who
was recently terminated by Vangold, must know that the largest element in the depletion of capital was
the dry hole on the Strachan gas project. His company sold a 21% interest in that well to Vangold. He
subsequently made millions of dollars selling his company, incIuding his remaining interest in the
Strachan play, to a third party wbile we spent $2.9 million for a dry hole.
As to the company's share price, the past ten months have been a disaster in the global financial markets.
Vangold has not been immune. See the stock charts below. The first is achart from Stockwatch showing
the performance of Vangold over the past 12 months and the second chart shows the performance of the
TSX Venture index over the same period. As you can see they are nearly identical.
Vangold Stock Price TSX Venture Index
The past year has been full of turmoil in the fmancial markets but we have held course and there have
been some very positive recent developments. Vangold seems to be recovering ahead of the pack.
I believe the election of Gerry's dissident slate would be disastrous for Vangold and its stock price.
A Year of Progress
Over the past year, our eompany has successfully assembled and maintained, despite the global economic
turmoil, an international portfolio of highly prospective oil and gas and gold properties. Throughout this
difficult time, Vangold has slashed expenses and still managed to actively advance these prospects, with
the Board and Management continuing to build strong and valued relationships with financial and
technical partners, local authorities and local infrastructure. As the capital markets improve, Vangold is
well positioned, as a result of these relationships and the resulting support of institutional investors, key
industry players and local resourees, to quickly implement its strategie plan to develop these key assets.
Our Plans for a Strong Future
Management of Vangold has already determined that now is the right time to aggressively move forward,
and has begun implementing a strategic plan to create long-term shareholder value.
We are nominating two new direetors to our board who bring us qualifieations of the highest level. Mr.
Jarnes Passin is the principal at Firebird Global Master Fund in New York City, Vangold's largest
shareholder owning 18,250,000 shares or 21.4% of the company. Mr. Donald Padgett ofVaneouver, BC,
brings to our company his many years of experience as a mining executive, investment banker, and as a
director and officer of several public companies. We are gratified that Mr. Passin and Me. Padgett have offered to share with us their wealth of practical knowledge, financial expertise and global relationships in continuing to build Vangold.
In the coming months, Management will be seeking new international capital market relationships and
exposure. We hope to utilize joint ventures, public offerings, and other strategic arrangements to finance
and leverage the specialized knowledge and skills of our partners to the development of select properties.
The implementation of these initiatives will allow Vangold to send a clear and strong message to the
investment community, and should result in substantially improved shareholder value. Having spent 18
years assembling Vangold's assets, I can state that this is critical juncture and that any failure to endorse
Management's Board of Directors would be disastrous for the future of our company.
I urge all shareholders to review the credentials of management's slate of directors that is set out in
Vangold's information circular - and to be sceptical of any information provided by the dissidents outside
of the public record. The future of our company is at stake.
Please vote Management's proxy today in support of Vangold's new Board and Management. Time is
short - to be valid, proxies must be received before 11 a.m. (Paeifie Time) on Friday, June 26,2009.
If you have any questions or eoneerns, please eall me, Dal Brynelsen, at (604) 830-4458 or our
company's new independent director, Don Padgett, at (604) 763-1229.
Thank you for your time and support.
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Please give us your support by votiug Management's proxy immediately
If you need assistance in voting your Vangold shares, please call our proxy solicitor:
Allen Nelson & Co.
Seattle, WA
(800) 932-0181
Toll Free in Canada and the U.S.
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