Beiträge von Goldwasser
Und hier gibt es eine neue, sehr interessante Präsentation:
June 3, 2009, Vancouver
New Guinea Gold Corporation (NGG:TSX-V) will hold its Annual General Meeting on :
Monday June 8th, 2009 at the hour of 2:00 pm PST in
The Terrace Room, Third Floor
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel,
900 Canada Place Way, Vancouver
NGG Chairman and CEO Bob McNeil will be at Booth 420 for the Cambridgehouse Resource
Conference, Vancouver Convention Centre, 1055 Canada Place Way, Vancouver, BC. The
conference is free to the public if one pre-registers at the
Show times are: 10AM to 5:00 pm, Sunday (June 7) and Monday (June 8th)
For further information contact Judith O’Quinn at 604 662 3598, email or Forbes West at Telephone: toll free 888 655 5532,
Judith O’Quinn
Corporate Secretary -
Jetzt: Der fall der Giganten auf Phoenix.
Scheint interessant zu sein
Excellent drill results from Weioko with 34m at 2.76g/t gold including 17m at 4.54g/t gold
25th May 2009
Excellent drill results from Weioko with 34m at 2.76g/t gold including 17m at 4.54g/t gold
Results from the first seven holes of a 15 hole drill program at Weioko Project (Sehulea
Property – 100% NGG) all intersected gold mineralisation with best results of 28m at
2.56g/t gold (including a 1m sample of 29.20g/t gold); 34m at 2.76g/t gold (including
3m at 16.27g/t gold); and 16m at 1.19g/t gold. Silver results ranged up to 5m at
11.52g/t silver, including 1m at 35.90g/t. All results are shown in the table below.
Bob McNeil, CEO and Chairman, commented “These results continue to enhance the
value of the Weioko Project which is on Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea,
approximately 10kms from NGG’s premier project at Imwauna. Any development of
Weioko is likely to be co-ordinated with the development of Imwauna. Of interest is
the significant silver credit.”The Weioko Gold Project is a key New Guinea Gold (NGG) gold project that has been
partly explored to date but the drilled mineralisation represents less than 5% of the
known gold in soil anomalous area (see Press Release dated March 30, 2009).
NGG is presently completing the last hole of a modest 15 diamond core drill program.
The results of these holes, when included with results from 20 RC holes and 23 diamond
core holes already completed, should be sufficient to allow a resource estimation to be
completed in accordance with the guidelines of NI 43-101. The results of all previous
holes, using a 0.2g/t gold cut off are shown in Table 1 of the Press Release dated March
30, 2009.
Previous surveys have included soil geochemistry, rock chip, side looking radar and
Induced Polarisation (IP) geophysical surveys. Geochemical soil anomalism is present
over an area of 6 kms by 2 kms. Only a very small part of this anomalous area has been
tested by either drilling or trenching.Genaue Ergebnisse hier:
von Siegel22.05.09 Dragon (AUS, Kurs 0,057 A$, MKP 40,6 Mio A$) meldet für das Märzquartal (Dezemberquartal) einen Rückgang der Goldproduktion auf 13.678 oz (18.795 oz) (Dragon Anteil), was einer Jahresrate von etwa 55.000 oz liegt und die angestrebte jährliche Produktion von 80.000 oz erneut weit verfehlt. Bei Nettoproduktionskosten von 635 $/oz (520 $/oz) und einem Verkaufspreis von 862 $/oz fiel die Bruttogewinnspanne leicht von 246 auf 227 $/oz zurück. Im Geschäftsjahr 2008 erreichte Dragon einen operativen Gewinn in Höhe von 8,2 Mio A$, der allerdings nur durch Gewinne durch Währungsverschiebungen in Höhe von 13,0 Mio A$ entstanden ist. Auf der Basis einer jährlichen Produktion von 55.000 oz erreicht die Lebensdauer der Reserven 3,2 Jahre und die Lebensdauer der Ressourcen 7,5 Jahre. Im Zara Projekt in Eritrea, an dem Dragon einen Anteil von 20 % hält, liegt eine Ressource von 208.000 oz (Dragon Anteil) vor. Die Vorwärtsverkäufe wurden von 4.750 auf 3.250 oz reduziert und decken noch einen Produktionszeitraum von 0,1 Jahren ab. Die unrealisierten Verluste aus den Vorwärtsverkäufen verringerten sich von 3,3 auf 2,2 Mio A$ oder 523 $/oz (463 $/oz). Am 31.12.08 (30.06.08) stand einem Cashbestand von 8,5 Mio A$ (6,2 Mio A$) eine gesamte Kreditbelastung von 40,8 Mio A$ (40,4 Mio A$) gegenüber.
Beurteilung: Dragon präsentiert sich als kleiner australischer Goldproduzent, der die Goldproduktion zunehmend profitabel gestalten kann. Positiv sind die steigende Gewinnspanne, der Abbau der Vorwärtsverkäufe und die rückläufige Kreditbelastung. Problematisch ist die niedrige Lebensdauer der Reserven und Ressourcen, die weiterhin hohe Abschreibungen verursachen wird. Sollte Dragon eine jährliche Produktion von 55.000 oz bei einer Gewinnspanne von 100 A$/oz umsetzen können, würde das KGV auf 3,4 zurückfallen. Wir reduzieren unser maximales Kauflimit von 0,12 auf 0,06 A$ und unser Kursziel von 0,25 auf 0,15 A$.
Empfehlung: Halten, unter 0,06 A$ kaufen, aktueller Kurs 0,057 A$, Kursziel 0,15 A$. Dragon wird an mehreren deutschen Börsen gehandelt (vgl. Kaufempfehlung vom 28.01.09 bei 0,072 A$).
© Martin Siegel
Fri May 8, 2009
Vangold Granted 90 Day Extension For Lake Kivu, RwandaMay 8, 2009
-- Vangold Resources Ltd. ("Vangold") reports that it has signed on
April 30, 2009 an Addendum to the Technical Evaluation Agreement
("TEA") to assess the petroleum potential in the Rwandan side of the
western branch of the African rift that was originally executed on
October 19th, 2007. Vangold will, within 90 days of the amendment,
complete the remainder of the Airborne Gravity and Aeromagnetic Study
by flying approximately 900 km's of survey subject to regulatory
approval and the permitting by the Rwandan Government and the DRC, and
availability of an airborne geophysical team. Delays in any of the
implementation and permitting would result in appropriate extensions
for Vangold.Upon completion of the exploration program described above and prior to
seismic exploration, Dal Brynelsen, President of Vangold and Dr. Albert
Butaure will negotiate in good faith the terms of the Production
Sharing Agreement (PSA) between Vangold and the Minister of State in
Charge of Energy and Water, Dr. Albert Butare.The remainder of the survey (900 kilometers) will be flown over the
western portion of Vangold's 1,631- square-kilometre oil and gas
concession, which covers the complete sedimentary basin of the Kivu
Graben in Rwanda. The Kivu Graben is located south of the Albertine
Graben in Uganda on Lake Albert, where Tullow Oil plc and Heritage Oil
have made a major oil and gas discovery. Both grabens occupy the
northern part of the western branch of the East African rift system
(EARS).18 months ago, Vangold commenced exploration in Lake Kivu, Rwanda. To
date, we have identified a basin under Lake Kivu of about approximately
400 square kilometers based on the partially completed gravity and mag.
survey flown in the fall of 2008 by Vangold.The oil potential (OOIP) of Lake Kivu cannot be estimated at this
stage. Woodhole oceanographic (MIT Research team) analysis of sediments
in 1973, established evidence of long chain hydrocarbon, clearly
indicating evidence of a petroleum system under the lake.Lake Kivu is on a hydrocarbon fairway (western arm of the rift valley)
that starts with 1.5 billion barrel oil field under and adjacent to
Lake Albert approx. 300 kilometers to the north. To the south is Lake
Tanganyika with oil seeps. Lake Kivu has equally encouraging SAR
slicks. In addition, excellent seismic results on Lake Edward 100
kilometers to the North will result in 3 wells being drilled there this
year by Dominion Resources.While the Kivu basins may not be as large as other basins in East
Africa, this in no way minimizes the oil potential of this Basin. The
Albertine Basin is estimated to have generated well in excess of 100
billion barrels of oil within its confines. Tullow and Heritage are
estimating a 3% to 10% trapping ratio for this resource and have
already publically stated they have found 1.5 billion recoverable
barrels of oil and have not yet scratched the enormous potential of
this area.Dal Brynelsen, President of Vangold Resources Ltd. States, "We have
been very pleased with the Geochemical and Geophysical results that
Vangold has developed at Lake Kivu in Rwanda.Many similarities occur when comparing our Lake Kivu findings with the
discoveries in Uganda on Lake Albert. We would also like to point out
that Lake Edward, which lies between Lake Albert and Lake Kivu, has
currently had seismic completed and a drill program planned for Q2 and
Q3 of 2009 by Dominion Petroleum of Australia.Clearly the geophysical data has outlined the presence of a significant
basin under Lake Kivu. With the completion of the Gravity and Magnetic
Survey expected over the next 90 days we feel we will demonstrate a
potential for a petroleum discovery similar to the new oil fields in
Uganda".To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website
at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Wed May 6, 2009
Vangold Resources Ltd. Receives Update From IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.May 6, 2009
-- Vangold Resources Ltd. ("Vangold") reports that International
Beryllium Corp. ("IB") issued the following press release and that this
information is material and relevant to Vangold in view of its large
equity in that company (Vangold currently owns 25.6 million shares of
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (TSX-V: IB) ("IBC") and Kazatomprom, the
national atomic company of Kazakhstan, are pleased to announce they
have signed a memorandum of understanding ("MOU") outlining a framework
to develop a strategic relationship to capitalize on current and
emerging opportunities in the global beryllium market. The MOU was
signed after several days of meetings in Almaty, Kazakhstan between
IBC, Kazatomprom and Ulba Metallurgical Plant ("Ulba"), the world's
largest beryllium and master alloy processing facility and a wholly
owned subsidiary of Kazatomprom.Under the terms of the MOU, Kazatomprom, Ulba and IBC have committed to
developing a plan of strategic cooperation with regards to the global
beryllium market and to explore mutually beneficial initiatives to
foster market growth and technological development. In addition,
Kazatomprom has provided IBC with beryllium and master alloy long-term
supply assurances which will better allow IBC to develop and implement
long term strategic growth initiatives. This MOU is an important step
in developing a long-term strategic relationship between Kazatomprom,
Ulba and IBC and is intended to improve manufacturing and marketing
efficiencies while broadening the opportunities for beryllium metal,
beryllium-based alloys and other related products."We are signing this MOU with IBC," stated Mr. Moukhtar Dzhakishev,
president of Kazatomprom, "given that IBC and its wholly owned
subsidiary, Freedom Alloys, have a long customer history with both
Kazatomprom and Ulba. We expect this MOU will allow us to take
advantage of future opportunities in a mutually beneficial and
cooperative way.""Kazatomprom signed this MOU for mutual cooperation," said Yuri
Shakhvorostov, deputy director general - beryllium facility for Ulba,
"in order to provide integrated efforts in the global beryllium market
in the present complicated global economical environment. Our mutual
cooperation and operational effectiveness are time proved," continued
Deputy Director Shakhvorostov, "as Ulba and IBC Freedom Alloys Division
have a long-established relationship in the beryllium sector and we are
ready to continue and build on this cooperation.""We are tremendously excited to be strengthening our relationship with
Kazatomprom and Ulba and to be working together to develop
opportunities in the global beryllium and beryllium master alloys
market," stated Anthony Dutton, president and CEO of IBC. "This MOU is
a testament to our shared belief in the future of beryllium and
beryllium alloys and underlines the importance of mutual cooperation to
realize full market potential. Kazatomprom and Ulba are highly
respected world-class companies," continued Mr. Dutton, "and IBC is
looking forward to aligning its strategic interests and expanding its
global reach in partnership with acknowledged market leaders."About IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. is an integrated manufacturer and distributor
of beryllium based alloys and related products serving a variety of
industries including nuclear energy, automotive, telecommunications and
a range of industrial applications. IBC has 65 employees and is
headquartered in Vancouver, Canada with production facilities in
Pennsylvania and Indiana. Additionally, IBC owns prospective beryllium
properties in Brazil and the Western US covering approximately 9,500
hectares. IBC is creating a dynamic global beryllium and advanced
alloys company. IBC's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture
Exchange under the symbol "IB". For further information please visit www.ibcadvancedalloys.comAbout Kazatomprom
Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
the export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for
nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and
double-use materials. The main activities of the company are:
geological exploration, uranium production, the manufacture of nuclear
fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants,
non-ferrous metallurgy and production of construction materials, the
electric energy sector, scientific support of production and social
welfare and training of personnel. Today Kazatomprom has more than
25,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium production
companies in the world. For further information please visit
http://www.kazatomprom.kzAbout Ulba Metallurgical Plant
"Ulba Metallurgical Plant" Joint-Stock Company ("UMP" JSC) is located
in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, and has been a part of
Kazatomprom since 1997. The Ulba Plant was founded on October 29, 1949.
By early 70s "UMP" JSC joined a number of the world's largest producers
of uranium, beryllium and tantalum. "UMP" JSC - is a unique company
with 60 years experience in the production and delivery of uranium,
beryllium and tantalum products for the needs of nuclear industry,
atomic engineering, electronics, metallurgical and other spheres. The
Ulba plant's beryllium production facility is one of three enterprises
in the world with full production cycle from ore concentrate processing
to finished products output with the rated quality set-ups. Current
company staff accounts for over 6,000 employees. For further
information please visit http://www.ulba.kzTo find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email
On Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Tue May 5, 2009
Vangold Resources Ltd Receives Update From International Beryllium CorporationMay 5, 2009
- Vangold Resources Ltd. ("Vangold") reports that International
Beryllium Corp. ("IB") issued the following press release and that this
information is material and relevant to Vangold in view of its large
equity in that company (Vangold currently owns 25.6 million shares of
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (TSX-V: IB) ("IBC" or the "Company") is
pleased to announce that it has successfully closed the acquisition of
Specialloy Copper Alloys, LLC ("Specialloy"), a specialty alloy
manufacturer and processing company.IBC previously signed a letter of intent with Specialloy, which was
announced in a news release dated February 10, 2009. The acquisition is
a non-arm's length transaction as Denis Brady, a director of IBC, held
a membership interest in Specialloy.IBC, through its wholly owned subsidiaries IBC US Holdings Inc. ("IBC
US") and Nonferrous Products Inc. ("Nonferrous"), acquired the title in
and membership interests of Specialloy held by Denis Brady and Billie
D. Gray (the "Vendors"). IBC paid an aggregate cash consideration of
US$25,000 to the Vendors in conjunction with the closing of the
transaction. In connection with the membership interest and purchase
sale agreement, Nonferrous signed an exchange agreement with Specialloy
whereby Specialloy converted US$450,000 of debt owed to Nonferrous to
membership interests. The aggregate value ascribed to Specialloy is
therefore US$475,000. Denis Brady forgave US$99,150 owed to him by
Specialloy and Nonferrous exchanged its debt due to it for IBC to hold
a 100% membership interest in Specialloy."IBC is pleased to have signed this membership interest purchase and
sale agreement with Specialloy. We are looking forward to integrating
Specialloy's production capabilities with our existing manufacturing
divisions to develop a broader sales and production system to better
service our customers", said Anthony Dutton, president and CEO of IBC."Specialloy has the capacity to supplement our existing beryllium-based
casting and forging business and lead to increased production of
advanced alloy products."Specialloy has operated since 1952 and manufactures and processes a
range of copper master alloy, used by foundries to produce copper alloy
products, and copper-based alloys in billet and slab form, including
beryllium copper alloys. Specialloy opened its existing Missouri
facility in 1988 to more cost-efficiently produce products from larger
furnaces, and in 1992 closed its Chicago plant. At its height of
production, Specialloy served customers in North America, Europe and
Asia and developed a global reputation for specialty copper alloys.The Specialloy plant is a manufacturing and warehouse building
totalling 26,500 square feet, located on a six-acre site in New Madrid,
Missouri, USA, approximately 250 kilometres south of St. Louis and
situated on the Mississippi River. It has two furnaces and is capable
of producing billets in a range of sizes and compositions. At its peak of operations, the company employed
50 employees and produced 7,000,000 lbs. of alloys annually, including
red alloys and non-beryllium alloys.It produced considerably less in the past two years, after
financially-driven shutdowns and ownership changes. It currently has
seven employees.This unique business has a lengthy history of producing a range of
master alloys, the highest purity fused alloys available for making
additions to copper, brass or bronze. Specialloy has the background to
produce a variety of master alloys on demand, which can be made to meet
a variety of commercial or military specifications, for both North
American and international customers.IBC plans to integrate and consolidate Specialloy's operations with its
other manufacturing operations, the Freedom Alloys division, which
manufactures beryllium alloys in Royersford, Pennsylvania, USA, and the
Nonferrous division, a manufacturer of forged copper, beryllium, copper
and bronze alloys based in Franklin, Indiana, USA. IBC acquired these
businesses in May 2008 and October 2008, respectively. Specialloy's
manufacturing infrastructure and processes are complementary to the
Nonferrous and Freedom divisions and will further integrate IBC's
manufacturing value chain.This acquisition was approved by the TSX Venture Exchange on March 31, 2009.
About IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. is an integrated manufacturer and distributor
of beryllium based alloys and related products serving a variety of
industries including nuclear energy, automotive, telecommunications and
a range of industrial applications. IBC has 65 employees and is
headquartered in Vancouver, Canada with production facilities in
Pennsylvania and Indiana. Additionally, IBC owns prospective beryllium
properties in Brazil and the Western US covering approximately 9,500
hectares. IBC is creating a dynamic global beryllium and advanced
alloys company. IBC's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture
Exchange under the symbol "IB".IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.
Ian Tootill, Director of Corporate Communications
(604) 685-6263 ext 110
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email
On Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Mon May 4, 2009
Coppermoly Limited Announces Inferred Mineral Resource For The Simuku Copper ProjectMAY 04 , 2009 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold")
and it's joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation ("NGG") are
pleased to announce that Coppermoly Limited an Australian Listed
Company has released an Inferred Mineral Resource Statement for the
Simuku Copper Project.Vangold holdings include directly 2,288,700 shares in Coppermoly and a
further 5,263,158 shares indirectly through it's 50% shareholding of
Pacific Kanon Gold Corp.Coppermoly News Releases are available at
The Simuku Project provides an excellent opportunity for participation
in a porphyry copper system with high molybdenum credits in a
relatively accessible and lower cost region of Papua New Guinea.To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website
at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email
brynelsen@vangold.caOn Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as
that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Venture
Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain
forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from
the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the
actual results achieved by the Company. -
Thu Apr 30, 2009
Vangold Announces Appointment Of New Director Don PadgettApril 30, 2009
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold") is
pleased to announce that effective May 1, 2009, Mr. Don Padgett will
join its Board of Directors as an Independent Director.Mr. Padgett is an experienced merchant banker, with a particular focus
on mining companies and has a superior track record of developing,
financing and executing successful strategies for international
business ventures.He is also a director or officer of publicly-listed issuers on the TSXV
Exchange, including Green Park Capital Corp., Eagle I Capital Corp. and
War Eagle Mining Company Inc. Don has also enjoyed a successful
investment banking career in senior management positions including
Managing Director of the investment banking group at Canaccord Capital
Corporation's Western Canadian office (1995 to 1997) and more than 10
years as a senior member of the Investment Banking Group at Burns Fry,
now Nesbitt Burns (1981 to 1994). Don holds a law degree (Dalhousie
University), an MBA (McMaster) and a BSc (University of Toronto)."Don's extensive experience in Mining and Capital Markets makes him an
excellent addition to the board," said Dal Brynelsen, Vangold's
President and CEO.To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email address obfuscated: enable JavaScript to view)
.On Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services
Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture
Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy
of this release. The statements made in this News Release may contain
certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ
from the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect
the actual results achieved by the Company.You can view the Next News Releases item: Mon May 4, 2009, Coppermoly Limited Announces Inferred Mineral Resource For The Simuku Copper Project
You can view the Previous News Releases item: Mon Apr 27, 2009, Drilling Commences At Mt. Penck
You can return to the main News Releases page, or press the Back button on your browser.
Re: News Releases - Monday, April 27, 2009
Title: Drilling Commences At Mt. Penck
April 27, 2009 -
Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold") and its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation ("NGG") are pleased
to announce plans for additional exploration on some of its key projects:The Mt. Penck property is owned, 80% by Kanon Resources Ltd., and 20% by New Guinea Gold Corporation. Thus, beneficial ownership is 40%
Vangold Resources Ltd. and 60% by New Guinea Gold Corporation (NGG). The property consists of Exploration Licence 1322 of approximately
102.6 sq kms and is situated 55 kms west of Kimbe, Provincial Capital of West New Britain. It has road access to Kimbe. The property encompasses a large circular feature and is part of an eroded, extinct stratovolcano.Gold mineralisation is widespread within the circular feature, but to date detailed work has focussed on the area shown in Figure 1. Most of the licence area is effectively unexplored.
Kanon Resources has completed 38 diamond core holes totalling approximately 4700m. Significant results include intersections such as 72m at 1.79g/t gold, 14m at 2.82g/t gold and 2m at 36.7g/t gold.
Several kilometres of bulldozer and hand dug trenches by Kanon yielded intersections such as 18m at 3.79g/t gold, 8m at 7.72g/t gold, 18m at 1.72g/t gold, 3m at 16.32g/t gold and 3m at 180g/t gold.
Seven diamond core holes totalling 1093m and 1140.5m of Aircore/RC drilling were completed by previous explorers.
To indicate the potential of the project, all drill hole intersections (present and historic) above an 0.5g/t cut off are shown in Table 1.
Trench results are shown in Table 2. Drill hole and trench locations are shown in an Independent NI 43-101 report on Sedar or at present program at Mt. Penck of approximately 25 holes totalling 3000m is designed to complete the evaluation of the Kavola East mineralisation to a point that will allow a resource estimate, in accordance with the guidelines of NI 43-101, to be completed. It is also designed to test high grade gold values at Kavola South, Peni Creek and other projects. This first phase program may be ongoing, depending on assay results and corporate funding.
Drilling will be carried out by two company-owned diamond core rigs, staffed and operated by the Company. The drills are supported by one 20t excavator and tracked vehicles for transportation. Drilling sites are all within a few kilometres of the coast.
Previous drill hole locations and proposed drill sites are shown on Figure 2. The coloured zones represent anomalous gold in soils, any of which may represent significant gold in bedrock.
Bob McNeil, CEO and Chairman of New Guinea Gold Corporation commented: "The Mt.Penck Project is an exciting project for both parties (NGG and
Vangold) with excellent potential, based on drill results to date, for the ultimate definition of a significant gold resource. The project has been largely inactive for the last year as the partners prepared an IPO for parent company, Pacific Kanon Gold Corporation. This IPO is presently on hold, the partners are now directly funding the exploration and the IPO could be reactivated if market conditions are favourable.The project has good access and is close to infrastructure and the Provincial Capital of Kimbe. Drill assay results should become available from mid/late May and be released on a regular basis thereafter".
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email
On Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Neither TSX Venture Excange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the actual results achieved by the Company.
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Kavola East prospect -- Kanon drilling resultsNominal 0.2g/t gold cutoff
Copyright © 2009 VANGOLD RESOURCES LTD. (VAN) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at
or send email to
.Message sent on Tue Apr 28, 2009 at 9:56:07 AM Pacific Time
Dragon Mining Limited (ASX Code: DRA) advises that it will be making an interest payment on the Convertible Notes (ASX Code: DRAG) on 7 April 2009. The payment will be for 90 days, being the period from 1 January to 31 March 2009 (inclusive).
The key information on the payment is as follows:
Interest payment date 7 April 2009
Record date 31 March 2009
Ex date 25 March 2009
Face value of each Note $1.05
Interest rate 10 % per annum
Interest payment per Note 2.5890 centsFor and on behalf of
Dragon Mining Limited
Michael Naylor
Finance Director -
Wieder ´ne Mail:
March 3, 2009 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold”) and its joint venture
partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation (“NGG”) are pleased to announce plans for additional exploration on
some of its key projects:
• At Mt Penck (NGG 50, Vangold 50%) 1500 metres of drilling is planned commencing in April, with
results available by June. Mt Penck is an eroded strata-volcano with gold mineralization associated
with an intrusive complex. More than 80 holes and 6000 metres have been completed.
• Allemata, (NGG 50, Vangold 50%) up to 1000 metres of drilling is planned, beginning in April. Two
gold prospects lie within this historic goldfield. To date, 17 holes totalling over 2000 meters plus 2
km’s of bulldozer trenches have been completed.
• Detailed geological summaries of Mt Penck and Allemata are being prepared for release.
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal
Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email
On Behalf of the Board of
“Dal Brynelsen”
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this
news release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results
may differ from the Company’s expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the actual results achieved by the Company. -
Die schönste und interessanteste Aufstellung, die ich seit langem gesehen habe findet Ihr hier:…le&id=372069&ao_id=123425
Grüße GW
Kam heute per email
Re: News Release - Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Coppermoly Limited Announces Continuity Of Copper - Molybdenum
=======================================================================February 18, 2009 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd
("Vangold") and its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation
("NGG") are pleased to announce the continuity of coppery-molybdenum
mineralisation demonstrated by drilling results between the Nayam and
Misili Prospects, Simuku.Vangold holds directly 2,288,700 shares in Coppermoly and a further
5,263,158 shares indirectly through its 49.7% shareholding in Pacific
Kanon Gold Corp.The Simuku Project provides an excellent opportunity for participation
in a porphyry copper system with high molybdenum credits in a
relatively accessible and lower cost region of Papua New Guinea.To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website
at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email Behalf of the Board of
"Dal Brynelsen"
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
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forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from
the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the
actual results achieved by the Company.View Coppermoly's News Release
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Hallo Dottore,
damit dein Gejammere aufhört. Hier ist dein 306er!
kennt ihr noch die Löwen und Indianern und so Zeugs.
Also dachten sich schlaue Bankster in USA aus ,wenn man reinscheißt und verschickt die Dinger an uns ....glauben alle es kommen tolle Sachen raus.
So gegen Weihnachten machten die ersten die Dinger sah wie Tschockli aus ..roch aber nicht so...einige steckten den Finger in die braune Masse und schleckten daran...verzogen dann genießerisch das Gesicht und erklärten....alllerfeinstes Konfekt.
Sie verkauften dann die Tüten weiter.......und so fort.
Leider haben Leute auch eine Nase ...und es stinkt fürchterlich.Zieht euer Geld bar ab.....wenn euch Gold schon zu teuer ist.
Minchen::::naja SBM und HER muss ich noch ausloten.
DIO war ein toller einstieg und rebound bei 1.25 A$.
CTO.....entweder cap 250 Mio
Oceana kommt, und KCN ein buyAber es kracht noch gewaltig....meine Nase sagt mir das ...und meine Anaconda züngelt
cu ist Fasching...amore ,amore
Hallo 5v12,
nichts genaues weiß man nicht! Hier wird auch heiß diskutiert. Aber sie wissen es auch nicht:
Sicher weiß Dottore mehr?????
Grüße GW