Beiträge von Minehunter

    Mit 2G werden dann viele dazu gezwungen, sich mit Corona anzustecken, damit man das zweite G erhält, anstatt der Impfung. Ist ja in Bayern schon am laufen (Zum Beispiel)Das wäre der Zusammenbruch, wenn sich tausende gleichzeitig krank melden.

    Glaube das ist leider gar nicht so einfach sich damit anzustecken wenn man noch ein funktionierendes Immunsystem hat. Aber ein Versuch ist es ja wert... :* ;) [smilie_happy]

    Die Aussage wurde aus dem Kontext gezogen und ist so falsch wiedergegeben. Er hat gesagt es könnte mal eine Variante kommen, nicht es ist

    So warnt auch Frank Ulrich Montgomery (69), der Vorsitzende des Weltärztebundes, vor der Entstehung gefährlicher Varianten des Coronavirus. „Meine große Sorge ist, dass es zu einer Variante kommen könnte, die so infektiös ist wie Delta und so gefährlich wie Ebola“, sagte er den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe (Samstag).

    Das sagt alles ;)

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    [smilie_happy] :hae:

    Dann ist Covid 19 gar kein Virsus, es ist ein Wurm. Kein WUnder das die seit 2,5 Jahren nicht weiterkommen mit dem BER des Gesundheitswesens.

    Also ich halte z.B. Toxoplasma gondii was ca. 60% der Schafe hier hat für "gefährlicher" als "CovidXX" [smilie_happy] Die Tatsache dass 60% mit Toxoplasma gondii befallen ist, erklärt unter anderem auch die "Impfwilligkeit" der Leute. Und deren "Intelligenz". Ist wie mit den Mäusen die sich zur Katze hingezogen fühlen... [smilie_happy]

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    P.S.: Ich mag trotzdem Katzen und werde sie trotz dieser realen Gefahr auch weiterhin nicht diskriminieren oder sie nötigen sich "impfen" zu lassen [smilie_happy] ;)

    Canada Silver Cobalt Works drilling at Graal Property shows strong numbers as drilling increases

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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

    Mir wurde von mehreren Personen erzählt das es Testzentren gibt die Tests durch den Rachen machen. Manche fragen sogar ob man den Test durch die Nase oder den Rachen machen will. Warum gibt es so viele Testzentren die Ihn nur durch die Nase machen?

    # ACHTUNG! Neueste Test-Anweisung um sicher zu gehen jetzt "kombinierter Test":
    ...Mit Teststäbchen Erst Po, dann Nasen und dann Rachenabstrich machen [smilie_happy]

    ??? 8|
    Ist das tatsächlich aussagekräftig? Oder wird hier mit der Meldung und einem Trading Halt nicht doch ein bisschen zu sehr auf "die Kacke gehauen"?

    Keine Ahnung, morgen ist Thanksgiving in USA, glaub da ist die Börse zu? Vielleicht spekulieren sie drauf dass so mehr Leute die Meldung mitbekommen und bei Öffnung der Kurs hochgekauft wird?
    Allerdings Canada ist ja offen :huh: . Wie auch immer, wird Zeit dass die jetzt mal ausm Quark kommen ;) :thumbup:

    Sehr schön ... gerade auch der Oberflächennahe Start der Mineralisierung mit zudem steigendenen Grades in die Tiefe ... und natürlich der stetige Newsflow und die strukturierte Erweiterung der Ressourcen ...

    Ja, aber leider lässt das den Kurs bis jetzt alles komplett unbeeindruckt... warum? ?) ;)
    ...auch schon ein drittel im Minus mit der Krücke :whistling:

    ValOre Drills 127 m of 0.85 g/t 2PGE+Au from 39 m and 53 m of 1.19 g/t 2PGE+Au from 2.0 m, Santo Amaro Target, Pedra Branca
    November 24, 2021

    Vancouver, B.C. ValOre Metals Corp. (“ValOre”; TSXV: VO; OTC: KVLQF; Frankfurt: KEQ0, “the Company”) today reported diamond drilling assay results from the Santo Amaro target at ValOre’s 100%-owned Pedra Branca Platinum Group Elements (“PGE”, “2PGE+Au”) Project (“Pedra Branca”) in northeastern Brazil.
    “2021 drilling at Santo Amaro was a great success, with significant shallow PGE intercepts returned in 16 of 20 holes,” stated ValOre’s VP of Exploration, Colin Smith. “The 127-metre PGE intercept in drill hole DD21SA27, situated 95 metres outside of the resource to the east-southeast, demonstrates the impressive upside potential of this underexplored target area.”
    Key Updates on 2021 Santo Amaro Core Drilling:

    • 20 holes drilled totaling 2,316 metres (“m”), with a primary focus of resource expansion;
    • All 20 completed holes intercepted the target ultramafic (“UM”) intrusion, with assays received in full, and notable PGE intercepts returned in 16 of 20 core holes;
    • Newly received near surface PGE interval highlights include:

      • 127 m at 0.85 grams per tonne palladium + platinum + gold (“g/t 2PGE+Au”) from 39 m, incl. 27 m at 2.25 g/t 2PGE+Au from 55 m in drill hole DD21SA42
      • 53 m at 1.19 g/t 2PGE+Au from 2.0 m, incl. 20 m at 2.13 g/t 2PGE+Au from 29 m in drill hole DD21SA34
      • 22 m at 2.64 g/t 2PGE+Au from 18 m, incl. 6.0 m at 5.32 g/t 2PGE+Au from 29 m in drill hole DD21SA37
      • 20 m at 1.67 g/t 2PGE+Au from 40 m in drill hole DD21SA33;

    • Drill-confirmed PGE mineralization along the trend has increased in strike length from 215 m to over 600 m;
    • Continuity of geology and PGE grade has been established between Northwest Target (“NW”) and resource area, with 8 positive NW drill holes spaced ~60-90 m apart;
    • Broad trends of near-surface PGE mineralization remain largely open.

    *Reported core assay interval lengths are estimated to represent 80-100% true width

    Santo Amaro Target and the 2019 Mineral Resource Domain
    Santo Amaro is one of five currently defined PGE deposit areas at Pedra Branca, which together host an inferred resource totalling 1,067,000 ounces (“oz”) of 2PGE+Au contained in 27.2 million tonnes (“Mt”) grading 1.22 g/t 2PGE+Au. Summary Table of the 2019 Inferred Resource and Pedra Branca Resource Estimate NI 43-101 Technical Report, May 2019.
    The 2019 Santo Amaro mineral resource was defined by 5 pre-ValOre drill holes spaced 45-60 m apart, along a collective geological trend of 215 m, which together comprise an inferred resource of 203,000 oz at 1.19 g/t 2PGE+Au in 5.3 Mt. To improve geological constraint for the next resource re-estimation, 10 scissor holes were drilled in 2021 from 5 pads (2 holes per pad) to the north of the resource holes, with each pad having 1 vertical hole (-90° dip) and 1 angled hole to the south (-50° dip).
    Shallow, well-mineralized intercepts have been returned for all 10 holes, establishing strong geology and PGE grade continuity of the resource area. Highlight PGE intercepts include: 36 m at 2.22 g/t 2PGE+Au from 43 m, incl. 9.1 m at 6.38 g/t 2PGE+Au from 43 m in drill hole DD21SA30, and 53 m at 1.19 g/t 2PGE+Au from 2.0 m, incl. 20 m at 2.13 g/t 2PGE+Au from 29 m in drill hole DD21SA34. See Table 1 below for a summary of significant drill core assays, and Figure 1 below for a plan map of Santo Amaro drilling.
    Resource Expansion Potential Along Strike
    The easterly resource strike extension exhibits a thickening of the mineralized package and was subsequently targeted with 3 holes in 2021. All three holes intercepted broad intervals of target UMs along trend from the existing resource, including highlight drill hole DD21SA42, which returned 127 m at 0.85 g/t 2PGE+Au from 39 m, including 27 m at 2.25 g/t 2PGE+Au from 55 m. See Table 1 below for a summary of significant drill core assays, and Figure 2 below for a cross section of DD21SA42.
    The resource strike potential also remains open to the west and northwest, as evidenced by western-most 2020 drill hole DD20SA23, which returned 20 m at 0.98 g/t 2PGE+Au from surface (CLICK HERE for news release dated January 15, 2021), and 2021 drill hole DD21SA37, situated 220 m to the northwest (NW Target), which returned 22 m at 2.64 g/t 2PGE+Au from 18 m.
    Northwest Target Area
    The NW Target represents an emerging shallow PGE body approximately 250 m north-northwest of the resource area, targeted with 6 holes totaling 729 m in 2021, with the goal of incorporating the zone into a future inferred resource estimate. All 6 holes intercepted the target shallow UM intrusion, with 4 holes returning significant near-surface PGE intercepts, building strong geological continuity between the 200 m by 300 m zone, and the resource area (250 m to the south-southeast). Highlight drill hole DD21SA37 returned 22 m at 2.64 g/t 2PGE+Au from 18 m, incl. 6.0 m at 5.32 g/t 2PGE+Au from 29 m. See Table 1 below for a summary of significant drill core assays...

    Surge Copper Intersects 422 metres of 0.52% CuEq including 200 metres of 0.60% CuEq at West Seel and Provides Update on Resource Estimate

    November 24, 2021, Vancouver, British Columbia – Surge Copper Corp. (TSXV: SURG) (OTCQX: SRGXF) (Frankfurt: G6D2) (“Surge” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce complete assay results for hole S21-268 from the Company’s 100% owned Ootsa Property in British Columbia, and an update on the Company’s ongoing resource update for the Ootsa Property. The Company previously released the results for the top portion of hole S21-268 (see October 12, 2021 Press Release).

    • Hole S21-268 intersected 422 metres grading 0.52% copper equivalent from 20 metres downhole depth, including 200 metres grading 0.60% copper equivalent
    • This includes a zone of higher grade mineralization returning 0.69% copper equivalent over 76 metres from 324 metres depth

    Complete assay results have been received for hole S21-268 with significant results summarized in the table below (including the previously reported top portion of the hole). Hole S21-268 was collared toward the southern end of the approximately 500 metre zone where mineralization at West Seel comes to bedrock surface, and intercepted a broad zone of strong continuous mineralization. A drill hole plan map and cross section are included below.
    Exploration hole S21-271 tested a chargeability high located to the south of the West Seel deposit and encountered a pyrite halo with no significant intervals of mineralization. These are the final results from the infill and expansion drilling program targeting the main East and West Seel porphyry deposits at the Ootsa Property which will be used to conduct an updated resource estimate for the Ootsa Property. Thus far, following this news release, results from 26 holes from the Company’s 2021 Ootsa summer drilling program have been released, with results pending from 46 additional holes testing exploration targets in the near vicinity of the Seel and Ox deposits, including the Seel Breccia Zone. An additional nine core holes are also pending from the Company’s 2021 Berg drill program.

    Figure 1. Plan map of drill hole locations for 2021 Ootsa summer and fall drill program.

    Summary of Assay Results for Selected Holes

    1. Width refers to drill hole intercepts; true widths have not been determined.

    2. CuEq (copper equivalent) has been used to express the combined value of copper, gold, molybdenum, and silver as a percentage of copper, and is provided for illustrative purposes only and to provide ease of comparison. No allowances have been made for recovery losses that may occur should mining eventually result. Calculations use metal prices of US$3.00/lb copper, US$1,800/oz gold, US$10/lb molybdenum, and US$22/oz silver, using the formula CuEq % = Cu % + (Au g/t x 0.875) + (Mo % x 3.33) + (Ag g/t x 0.0107).
    * Previously reported on October 12, 2021.

    Figure 2. West Seel cross section C-C’ showing results for holes S21-228, 231, 233, 239, 256, and S21-268. See Figure 1 for section location.

    Resource Estimate Update
    The Company has engaged Advantage Geoservices Limited to conduct a mineral resource estimate in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The resource estimate will include the East Seel, West Seel, and Ox porphyry deposits, and will include all relevant resource drilling completed during the 2018, 2020, and 2021 core drilling programs. The estimation process is well underway, and the Company will provide further updates as the process is nearing completion.
    Upcoming Catalysts and Marketing Events
    The Company anticipates updating the market on results from the following activities:

    • Drill results from 46 remaining drill holes from 2021 Ootsa drill program
    • Drill results from 9 drill holes from 2021 Berg drill program
    • Resource update for the Ootsa project
    • Inversion and targeting results from regional airborne geophysics, and update on regional exploration pipeline

    The Company also announces its participation in the following upcoming investor conferences:

    • Mines and Money London, December 1-2
    • Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC), January 16-17
    • AME Roundup, January 31 – February 3

    Quality Control
    All drill core is logged, photographed, and cut in half with a diamond saw. Half of the core is bagged and sent to ALS Geochemistry in Kamloops, British Columbia for analysis (which is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited), while the other half is archived and stored on site for verification and reference purposes. Gold is assayed using a 30g fire assay method and 33 additional elements are analyzed by Induced Coupled Plasma (ICP) utilizing a 4-acid digestion. Duplicate samples, blanks, and certified standards are included with every sample batch and then checked to ensure proper quality assurance and quality control.
    Qualified Person
    Dr. Shane Ebert P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for the Ootsa and Berg projects as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.
    About Surge Copper Corp.
    The Company owns a 100% interest in the Ootsa Property, an advanced stage exploration project containing the East Seel, West Seel and Ox porphyry deposits located adjacent to the open pit Huckleberry Copper Mine, owned by Imperial Metals. The Ootsa Property contains pit constrained NI 43-101 compliant resources of copper, gold, molybdenum, and silver in the Measured and Indicated categories.
    The Company is also earning into a 70% interest in the Berg Property from Centerra Gold. Berg is a large, advanced stage exploration project located 28 km northwest of the Ootsa deposits. Berg contains pit constrained 43-101 compliant resources of copper, molybdenum, and silver in the Measured and Indicated categories. Combined, the adjacent Ootsa and Berg properties give Surge a dominant land position in the Ootsa-Huckleberry-Berg district and control over four advanced porphyry deposits.

    Canada Silver Cobalt Intersects Massive Sulphides with XRF Results up to 2.79% Nickel and 25.68% Copper at Graal Property in Northern Quebec

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:]XRF results confirm the existence of strong nickel and copper mineralization which complements the Company’s battery metals portfolio.
    Coquitlam, BC - TheNewswire - November 24, 2021 - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt: 4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased to announce that it has intercepted massive sulphides containing nickel and copper at its Graal property in the Lac St-Jean region of Quebec. The mineralization has been verified with a handheld XRF device with point data taken on the sulphides ranging up to 2.79% Ni and 25.68% Cu.
    The XRF results confirm the existence of strong nickel-copper-sulphide mineralization that corresponds to the Bouguer anomaly identified using airborne gravity geophysical survey conducted earlier this year. Drilling to follow up this newly discovered mineralization is underway. The samples were sent to ALS labs located in Val d’Or for sample preparation and will be forwarded to a separate lab for a four-acid digest multi-element suite including nickel and copper as well as a fire assay for platinum and palladium.
    The ongoing drill program has now been increased from 3000 to 5000 meters and is part of the Company’s early-stage exploration activities in northern Québec where it is evaluating 15 properties on 689 claims covering 38,129.4 hectares that are prospective for battery metals such as nickel, copper, and cobalt (See February 16, April 21, July 22, and November 15, 2021 news releases). The drill program is currently being managed by Laurentia Exploration in association with GoldMinds Geoservices Inc.
    Frank J. Basa, P.Eng., President and CEO commented, “These are excellent XRF results for this early-stage drill program in Northern Quebec and complement our cobalt and nickel results from the ground held in the Cobalt/Gowganda camp in Northern Ontario. Both districts are in low-risk jurisdictions to supply battery metals into the emerging North American battery market. This will position the recently announced Coniagas Battery Metals spinout with primary feed for our proprietary Re-2Ox processing technology for the production of battery metals.”.
    "I believe this is a turning point for Canada Silver Cobalt Works as an exploration company. These preliminary XRF results are extremely encouraging and while the assays are still pending, it fortifies our interest in the area. As we continue to expand our operations, it is important that we maintain a healthy pipeline of high-potential targets that pertain to our long-term strategic vision. Continuing to build successful relationships is also key to this success, much like the recently acquired Chute-des-Passes claims that are adjacent to our Graal property,” says Matt Halliday, President, COO and VP Exploration.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Figure 1: Map of Property, Claims, Drill Holes, and Sulphide Intercept Locations.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Figure 2: Core Photo of NRC-21-02 and Location of XRF Point Data
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Figure 3: Core Photo of NRC-21-03 and Location of XRF Point Data
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    About Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

    Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. recently discovered a major high-grade silver vein system at Castle East located 1.5 km from its 100%-owned, past-producing Castle Mine near Gowganda in the prolific and world-class silver-cobalt mining district of Northern Ontario. This discovery has the highest silver resource grade in the world, with recent drill intercepts of up to 89,853 grams/tonne silver (2,621 oz/ton Ag). A drill program is underway to expand the size of the deposit with an update to the resource estimate scheduled for Q1 2022.

    In May 2020, based on a small initial drill program, the Company published the region’s first 43-101 resource estimate that contained a total of 7.56 million ounces of silver in Inferred resources, comprising very high-grade silver (8,582 grams per tonne un-cut or 250.2 oz/ton) in 27,400 tonnes of material from two sections (1A and 1B) of the Castle East Robinson Zone, beginning at a vertical depth of approximately 400 meters. Note that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to Canada Silver Cobalt Works Press Release May 28, 2020, for the resource estimate. Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020, NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020, and a signature date of July 13, 2020.

    Canada Silver Cobalt’s flagship silver-cobalt Castle mine and 78 sq. km Castle Property feature strong exploration upside for silver, cobalt, nickel, gold, and copper. With underground access at the fully owned Castle Mine, an exceptional high-grade silver discovery at Castle East, a pilot plant to produce cobalt-rich gravity concentrates on site, a processing facility (TTL Laboratories) in the town of Cobalt, and a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2Ox (for the creation of technical-grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations), Canada Silver Cobalt is strategically positioned to become a Canadian leader in the silver-cobalt space. More information at

    Jeremy Martin, Chief Executive Officer of Horizonte, commented:

    “We are delighted to announce the Proposed Funding Package which, subject to satisfaction of the conditions and successful completion of the Placing, is expected to fully fund Araguaia into production. This represents a significant milestone in the Company’s journey to become a major nickel producer and will enable Horizonte to capitalise on the significant projected growth in nickel demand.
    We are delighted to welcome La Mancha and Orion as new and existing, respectively, strategic investors and shareholders in Horizonte, and also grateful for the continued support of Glencore who, in addition to their proposed cornerstone subscription, have also extended their relationship with Horizonte by agreeing to enter into the Offtake Agreement. La Mancha and Orion have long track records of creating sustainable shareholder value in the mining sector and their previous investments highlight their ability to identify compelling growth opportunities at an early stage.
    We are aiming to become a leading nickel producer. We believe the terms of the financing package and calibre of the lenders and strategic investors we have attracted is a testament to the strong project fundamentals offered by Araguaia. The proposed investments from La Mancha, Orion and Glencore, alongside the Proposed Senior Debt Facility from a syndicate of leading international financial institutions, provides strong endorsement of our broader corporate strategy. We would like to thank all parties involved in enabling Horizonte to secure this comprehensive funding package.”
    Philip Clegg, Portfolio Manager of Orion, commented:
    “Orion is extremely pleased to cornerstone Horizonte’s latest fundraising with a total commitment of US$150 million. Subsequent to our US$25 million royalty investment in 2019, this is our second deal with the Company and demonstrates our confidence in and support of Horizonte’s quality projects and management team. We look forward to furthering our partnership with Horizonte as Araguaia is built and Vermelho advances to construction.”
    Karim Nasr, Chief Executive of La Mancha, commented:
    “Our investment in Horizonte represents La Mancha’s first direct investment into the base and EV metals space. Throughout our extensive diligence, we were impressed not only by the quality of the assets, but also by the team and the very high standard of work carried out to date. La Mancha was attracted to the organic growth potential, coupled with the longer-term nickel product optionality to sustainably supply both the stainless steel and battery markets. We are honoured to be able to support Horizonte’s team and look forward to the journey toward becoming a globally significant and responsible nickel producer.”

    Horizonte Announces Proposed US$633 Million Funding Package to Fully Fund Araguaia into Production

    Horizonte (AIM: HZM, TSX: HZM), announces that it has entered into certain investment and subscription agreements as part of a comprehensive funding package of US$633 million which is expected to complete the funding required for the construction of Araguaia. The Proposed Funding Package comprises:
    Approximately US$197 Million equity fundraise: The equity fundraise consists of (i) strategic investments of between approximately US$65.0 and US$75.0 million from La Mancha and US$50.0 million from Orion in newly issued Ordinary Shares; and (ii) the placing of approximately US$75 million of newly issued Ordinary Shares by way of the UK Placing and the Canadian Offering. In addition to the Equity Fundraise, the Company has agreed a cornerstone subscription with Glencore of US$7 million in newly issued Ordinary Shares. Details of the Strategic Investments and the Glencore Subscription are set out below; additional details on the Placing will be found in the separate announcements by the Company to be released immediately after this Announcement.
    US$65 Million Convertible Loan Notes Issue (“Convertible Notes”): As part of their Strategic Investments, Orion and La Mancha have conditionally agreed to subscribe for US$50 million and US$15 million of Convertible Notes respectively. Further details on the Convertible Notes can be found below.
    US$25 Million Cost Overrun Debt Facility (“Proposed Cost Overrun Debt Facility”): Orion is proposing that a member of its group provides the Proposed Cost Overrun Debt Facility to be used, if required, for the construction of Araguaia. The Proposed Cost Overrun Debt Facility is subject amongst other things on definitive documentation and would form part of a total of US$99 million in dedicated cost overrun funding and contingency funding for the Project. Further details on the Proposed Cost Overrun Debt Facility can be found below.
    US$346.2 Million Proposed Senior Debt Facility (“Proposed Senior Debt Facility”): As previously announced, Horizonte has received credit approvals and a signed commitment letter for US$346.2 million of senior debt from a syndicate of international financial institutions (BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Fortis, ING Capital LLC, ING Bank N.V., Natixis, New York Branch, Société Générale and Swedish Export Credit Corporation). The Proposed Senior Debt Facility which is subject amongst other things to diligence and agreeing definitive documents will comprise two tranches: Tranche A, of US$146.2 million, will be guaranteed by two Export Credit Agencies (EKF, Denmark’s Export Credit Agency (“EKF”), and Finnvera plc, Finland’s Export Credit Agency (“Finnvera”)); and Tranche B of US$200 million. Further details of the Proposed Senior Debt Facility can be found in the Company’s announcements dated 13 September 2021 and 30 September 2021.

    The Company also intends to raise up to US$8 million (approximately £6 million) by way of an open offer to holders of existing ordinary shares. Further details will be found in the announcement to be released immediately after this announcement.
    Completion of the Placing and the Strategic Investments are conditional upon each other (as further described below) and are not conditional upon the completion of other parts of the Proposed Funding Package, and the Placing and Strategic Investments are expected to become unconditional on admission to trading of the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to them. The issue and allotment of the securities to be issued in connection with Proposed Funding Package is conditional upon, among other things, the passing of resolutions by the Company’s shareholders at the General Meeting. The Company is proposing to convene the General Meeting for on or around 20 December 2021 to seek such approvals. Further details of the General Meeting will be announced in due course.
    Horizonte is also pleased to announce that Araguaia Niquel Metais Ltda (“Araguaia Ltda”), a member of the Company’s group has entered into a conditional ten year offtake agreement with Glencore (with the obligations of Araguaia Ltda being guaranteed by the Company), where Glencore has committed to acquire 100% of the production of ferronickel from Araguaia for that period (“Offtake Agreement”). The entry into the Offtake Agreement is a key requirement of the Lenders and significantly de-risks future cash flows from the Project. The Offtake Agreement is conditional upon, among other things, the completion of the Glencore Subscription and the entry by Glencore into a direct agreement with the Lenders in relation to typical intercreditor matters.
    In addition to its participation in the proposed Equity Fundraise, Convertible Notes and the provision of the Proposed Cost Overrun Debt Facility, an affiliate of Orion will also purchase a 2.1% gross revenue royalty on the Vermelho project (the “Vermelho Royalty”) for cash consideration to the Company of US$25 million. The net proceeds from the sale of this royalty will be used to advance a feasibility study and permitting work streams on the Vermelho project.
    BMO Capital Markets Limited is acting as exclusive financial advisor to the Company in relation to the La Mancha Strategic Investment and Endeavour Financial is acting as exclusive financial advisor to the Company in relation to the investments being made by Orion and the Proposed Senior Debt Facility. Norton Rose Fulbright LLP has acted as legal counsel to the Company in respect of these investments and facilities.
    The net proceeds of the Proposed Funding Package will be used towards the construction of the Araguaia, as well as for general working capital purposes.
    Araguaia is a high grade, low cost, long life asset located south of the Carajas Mining District, north east Brazil. The feasibility study disclosed in the Araguaia Technical Report demonstrates robust economics with the Stage 1 process plant producing 14,000 tonnes of nickel per year and generating a Post-tax IRR of 28.1%; Post-tax NPV(8%) of US$740 million; a Payback Period of approximately 3 years; and Net Cashflow of US$2.582bn, based on a market consensus nickel price of US$16,800 per tonne (see the Araguaia Technical Report) and in each case based upon the various assumptions set out in the Araguaia Technical Report. The spot nickel price is currently US$19,625 per tonne.
    Development of Araguaia will provide the Company with a platform for growth in an established mining region, with potential to become a significant nickel producer of scale through the potential future development of a second production line at Araguaia and second potential operation with the Vermelho Project.
    The Company has a second 100% owned project, the Vermelho Nickel Cobalt project which is being advanced towards feasibility stage with the final products targeted for the EV battery market. This project is expected to produce ~24kt Nickel pa and ~1.25kt Cobalt pa with low capital intensity of US$27kt/t and a long mine life of 38 years at an NPV(8%) of US$1.7 billion (see the Vermelho Technical Report).
    There is a strong long-term outlook for the nickel market driven by acceleration of demand from the EV battery sector which, combined with continued robust growth in stainless steel demand has led to Nickel price increasing by 24% in the last 12 months. Global demand is expected to reach 3.9Mt in 2030, an increase of 1.6x compared to 2020 and projected demand growth of 5% per annum[1]