Beiträge von wasserzeichen

    Tja,das mit dem "freien" Gold ist eh so eine Sache!Ich hab die letzten Tage den letzten Teil von Ferdinand Lips "Gold-Wars" nochmal gelesen:Er führt einige Beiträge von den Kollegen aus "Le Metrpole Cafe" an,die davon ausgehen dass ein Großteil des deutschen
    Bundesbankgoldes (unteranderem!) im Lauf der Zeit für die Shortgeschäfte der Grossbanken/Bigplayer (also des Goldkartells) ausgeliehen wurde!

    Dh.,schlimmsten Falls steht uns eines Tages ein Offenbahrungseid der Zentralbanker bevor,in denen dann klar wird das es keine physischen Goldreserven mehr gibt! 8o

    Hübsche Neuigkeiten für uns:

    US-Wirtschaft verliert im 2. Quartal überraschend stark an Fahrt
    [30 Jul 2004 - 14:42]

    Washington, 30. Jul (Reuters) - Das Wachstum der US-Wirtschaft hat sich im zweiten Quartal unter anderem wegen schwacher Konsumausgaben überraschend deutlich verlangsamt.

    Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) der weltgrößten Volkswirtschaft sei mit einer auf das Jahr hochgerechneten Rate von 3,0 Prozent gewachsen, teilte das Handelsministerium am Freitag auf Basis einer ersten Schätzung mit. Analysten hatten mit einem stärkeren Plus von 3,6 Prozent gerechnet. Für das erste Quartal revidierte das Ministerium das Wachstum auf 4,5 Prozent spürbar nach oben. Der Dollar und die europäischen Aktienmärkte reagierten mit Kursverlusten auf die Daten.

    Vor allem die Konsumenten hielten sich in den vergangenen Monaten mit Einkäufen zurück. Die Ausgaben der Verbraucher stiegen im zweiten Quartal um 1,0 Prozent und damit so schwach wie seit dem Rezessionsjahr 2001 nicht mehr. Zu Beginn dieses Jahres hatten die Konsumausgaben noch um 4,1 Prozent zugelegt. Analysten führten die geringere Kauflust der Verbraucher unter anderem auf die stark gestiegenen Energiepreise zurück.


    Hallo bognair!

    Danke für die Charteinstellungen..... 8)

    Hallo Thom!

    Seh ich an sich genauso!Da ich aber durchaus noch mit einem kurzen "Dip" unter 6Dollar
    kalkuliere,bin ich gestern erst mit der Hälftedes tradingeinsatzes in den
    ABN Call 387142 zu 0,23 rein.(Die ABN Scheine gefallen mir ganz gut,wegen blos 2cent
    spread,nicht so wie die DB-Abzocker mit 3-4 cent...)
    Die Basis mag etwas hoch gewählt sein,ist aber kurz bis mittel mein persönliches Kursziel
    vor der nächsten Korrektur!




    Naja,würde mich nicht wundern wenn wir auch noch durch die 6Dollar nach unten rasseln.
    Dafür werden unsere Cabal-Freunde schon sorgen...Tippe aber auf einen der üblichen
    "Fake-Ausbrüche",dh. nur intraday richtung 5,90 und dann heftige Bewegung gen Norden!
    (Das ist meine übliche Charteinstellung für kurz bis mittelfristige Optionsschein-Zockereien....anfallende Gewinne werden selbstverständlich in physisches Silber getauscht!....8)…X1&x=23&y=6&sTab=bigchart

    Neulich hat er mal in einer der üblichen (überflüssigen) WO-Kolummnen was von einem angelaufenen(und deswegen "wertlosen"...) Silberbarren gefaselt...
    vielleicht wär dem Mann ja mit einem netten Nebenjob (neben seinem "Arbeitslosengeld2"
    versteht sich...) an einer Wursttheke oder so,besser geholfen wie als wirrköpfiger Börsenschreiberling..... :P

    Ich hatte mal ne Zeit lang den "Zyklusanalyst" von Thomas Bopp.
    Ist kein reiner Rohstoffbrief,es gibt aber in Sachen Charttechnik nirgends etwas ausführlicheres als die (rein online!) Ausführungen von Bopp.Kommt einmal wöchentlich und dann bei wichtigen Veränderungen.

    Kostenloses Probeabo gibt's bei

    (homepage funktioniert wohl nicht (mehr),bittein nächster Zeit nochmal testen!)

    Naja,seither lagen die Chartprognosen von Godmode für Silber u. Gold eigentlich nicht schlecht!Jedenfalls keine schlechte Orientierungshilfe wenn man mit Optionsscheinen
    den Markt noch "nebenher" handelt....
    (Bin gestern selber bei 6,32 aus den Calls raus,weil ich dem Braten nicht getraut habe,sollte es heute eine saubere Bestätigung des Ausbruchs geben,steig ich am
    Montag wieder ein)

    From: GATAComm@a...
    Date: Thu Jul 1, 2004 12:41 pm
    Subject: New York Times: As Greenspan Chases Inflation, Critics Shout, 'Faster!'

    By Gretchen Morgenson
    The New York Times
    Thursday, July 1, 2004

    Inflation and market interest rates are far ahead of
    Alan Greenspan's federal funds rate, which he raised
    yesterday to 1.25 percent. Now the nation will see
    how well Mr. Greenspan, the Federal Reserve
    chairman, plays the game of catch-up.

    Fears that Mr. Greenspan has opened wide the
    door to inflation in the United States by keeping
    interest rates too low for too long prompted a
    selloff in the bond market recently. That has pushed
    short- and long-term rates far above the federal funds
    rate and produced the worst quarter for bond
    investors in almost 25 years.

    Since falling to 3.68 percent in March, yields on
    10-year Treasury securities have risen nearly a point,
    to 4.58 percent yesterday. Yields on two-year
    Treasuries have risen to 2.69 percent from 1.46 in

    When inflation outruns a central banker, price
    increases on goods and services not only take
    hold, they tend to feed on themselves, rising ever
    higher. Inflation is exceedingly difficult to bring
    under control once it has gained a foothold.

    So it came as a surprise to some economists and
    portfolio managers that Fed policy makers thumbed
    their nose at inflation worries in the statement
    accompanying the rate increase. "Although
    incoming inflation data are somewhat elevated, a
    portion of the increase in recent months appears
    to have been due to transitory factors," the policy
    makers said.

    That is not the opinion of Alan W. Kral, portfolio
    manager at Trevor Stewart Burton & Jacobsen in
    New York. "We believe that inflation has returned,"
    Mr. Kral said. "And the cause of it has been an
    overexpansive monetary policy for almost 10

    As a result, many say that Mr. Greenspan has
    two battles to fight: one against inflation and one
    against the view that he has been far too
    accommodating in keeping interest rates low.

    "I believe the Fed is behind the curve because
    the economy continues to be strong and the
    inflation rate is creeping up and will continue to
    creep up," said Henry Kaufman, an economist in
    New York. Its plan to raise interest rates gradually
    may be good for the economy, he said, "but is
    not designed to put the system back into balance
    in terms of constraining inflation itself."

    For weeks, the Fed has broadcast its intention
    to raise interest rates glacially, so yesterday's
    move surprised no one. Some economists said
    the Fed's approach was appropriate given the
    economic indicators. "There are good reasons
    for this gradual approach in 2004," said Sung
    Won Sohn, chief economist at Wells Fargo
    Co. in Minneapolis. "With the declining price
    of oil, economic fundamentals, including
    productivity and global competition, will keep
    inflation in check."

    In the statement accompanying the interest
    rate increase, the central bank acknowledged
    that the economy showed strength, and it ended
    by saying that it would "respond to changes in
    economic prospects as needed to fulfill its
    obligation to maintain price stability."

    But many view the Fed's extremely measured
    approach to curbing inflation, which is running
    at a rate of 2.9 percent so far this year, as a
    mistake. Paul Kasriel, director of economic
    research at the Northern Trust Co. in Chicago,
    said such a tack allowed for too much
    inflationary pressure to build before meaningful
    brakes were finally applied.

    Mr. Kasriel points to the past for evidence of what
    can happen when the Fed begins to raise rates
    well after inflation has taken hold. He identified two
    other periods during which the Fed began to
    increase rates when the Fed funds rate was in
    negative territory, adjusted for inflation, as it is
    now. Each time -- in March 1971 and July
    1980 -- inflation soon took off with a vengeance.

    "Everyone recognizes that holding the Fed funds
    rate below the inflation rate is a recipe for
    accelerating inflation because it creates an
    incentive for people to go out and buy things and
    finance them at relatively low rates," Mr. Kasriel
    said. "That act tends to drive the prices of those
    goods and services even faster. That was the
    predicament the Fed got itself into in the 1970s
    and spent a long time remedying. Now the Fed
    is in the early stages of squandering some of the
    gains that chairman Volcker made in eliminating
    inflation during the '80s."

    Mr. Kasriel said he thought the Fed would be
    forced to abandon its measured approach to
    interest rate increases early next year when
    inflation pressures become undeniable.

    The stock market barely reacted to the rate
    increase; the Dow Jones industrial average closed
    the day up 22.05 points. Bonds rallied, pushing
    yields on the 10-year Treasury down to 4.58 from
    4.69 on Tuesday.

    Richard Bernstein, chief United States strategist
    at Merrill Lynch, said he was surprised that
    investors seemed so optimistic about the Fed's
    move because corporate profits were no longer
    rising. A study of history, Mr. Bernstein added,
    indicates that financial disruptions have followed
    periods when the Fed raised rates while
    corporate profits slowed.

    There have been only three times during Mr.
    Greenspan's tenure when rates rose while profits
    weakened, Mr. Bernstein said, and each ended
    badly. The first was followed by the recession of
    1990-91; another such period preceded the
    financial crises of the summer of 1998; and
    finally, a period of rising rates and falling profits
    culminated in the collapse of the stock market
    bubble in 2000.

    "Every time that profits growth has peaked out,
    people say it doesn't matter, and every time the
    Fed has started raising rates people say it doesn't
    matter," Mr. Bernstein said. "But every time it has
    mattered. The combination played a major role in
    terms of getting investors to be more risk-averse.
    So to me it is a little remarkable that people are
    so sanguine about this."


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    Msg #
    From: GATAComm@a...
    Date: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:30 pm
    Subject: Reg Howe: The gold and silver price suppression schemes are the same

    8:25a ET Monday, June 28, 2004

    Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

    GATA consultant Reginald H. Howe, co-editor with
    Robert K. Landis of, has
    studied the latest gold and silver derivatives
    reports from the Bank for International
    Settlements and has made some important findings:

    1) There was a huge increase in bank and dealer
    gold derivatives for the six months ended December
    31, 2003.

    2) Producer hedging is just a small part of not
    only gold derivatives but also silver derivatives,
    and as producer hedging has declined, hedging by
    banks and dealers has increased.

    3) The two largest U.S. commercial bank holders of
    gold derivatives are responsible for nearly all
    silver derivatives.

    4) The math adds up to a coordinated scheme by
    central banks to suppress not just the gold
    price but the silver price too.

    5) China is likely involved in the scheme through
    swaps of silver for gold.

    Here's more crucial data you won't read about in
    The New York Times or the Financial Times or at

    Howe's commentary is titled "Hard Money Markets:
    Climbing a Chinese Wall of Worry" and uses charts
    created by GATA consultant Mike Bolser. You can
    find it here:

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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    Naja,sowas besonderes ist das nun auch wieder nicht!Im "Deutschlandradio",die
    ansonsten fast nur mainstream-Wirtschaftsnachrichten bringen,kommt der Goldpreis
    schon seit Jahr und Tag mehrmals täglich! :rolleyes:

    Hier mal was interessantes zum Gold-Dinar:

    The Road Ahead [Blockierte Grafik:]
    The Islamic gold dinar

    Raidan Al-Saqqaf

    In order to minimize dependency on US Dollar; Malaysia will be using the golden Dinar in its international trade transactions with other Muslim nations before the end of this year, as a step to push the new currency (Islamic Dinar) to be the currency adopted by the Islamic countries in their inter-transactions in order to increase the number of trade transactions between Islamic countries and enhance their economic development.
    The idea came from Professor Omar Ibrahim Fadillo, founder of the Morabeteen International Organization. According to him; Islamic unity can only be established after the economic unity, coordination and cooperation between the Islamic nations. In addition to that, the important thing behind this concept is that it denotes a symbol from the Islamic history, and adjusting it with today’s international trade operations, symbolizes the real power of Islamic concepts especially while encouraging boycotting of American products, and to limit the influence of the American dollar.
    The success of the gold Dinar as a unified Islamic currency is dependent on three factors: (a) the level of demand for the golden Dinar as a currency, (b) the number of trade transactions between countries dealing in this currency, and (c) the intensity of economic cooperation and coordination between Islamic countries.
    Islamic countries will benefit in many ways from implementing this new currency project, most important of which is that these countries need not have enormous foreign currencies reserves. On the other hand, it is sad to point out that the insignificant amount of trade and economic cooperation between Arab and Muslim nations, knowing that the overall total production of all the Arab countries is less than that of Spain.
    Indeed, this is a very hard time for the Arab world, especially after the war on Iraq; each country now has its own foreign policy and follows its own road, not towards Arab unity but towards its own individual interests. This demonstrates the weaknesses of our nations. We have no shared strategies for the region or future plans with our neighboring Arab and Muslim countries, we are in a sad position lacking in the teamwork required for both short and long term survival.
    However, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad understands the magnitude of the situation; his attempt to create a united Islamic market using one currency, which is the gold Islamic Dinar, is praiseworthy. The system is built on the idea that the Islamic governments keep the gold in a central bank and use it in settling their commercial dealings between each other. Mr. Mahathir has also conducted in 2002 bilateral talks with several Islamic countries, including Bahrain, Libya, Morocco and Iran, in order to convince them to use the Islamic Dinar as a way of payment in their commercial dealings with Malaysia. Now the ball is in our court; whether Mahathir’s attempt is to succeed or fail, that depends on our governments.
    Endnote: The Islamic golden Dinar can increase the amount of trade between Muslim countries; in fact, it can create a strong fund unity that helps our economic position.