Beiträge von Ulfur

    Seh das so wie Tschonko, ging nur um ein Späßle, nichts mit Einschleimerei.

    Hab den Thread auch noch mal überflogen, deswegen mein nachträgliches Mitgefühl zu Eldo´s Verlust:
    "I got my cock on the block with IMA,that's makes it even more exiciting." :(

    Die Frage, warum FRR, der stark für IMA getrommelt hat, nun nicht mehr postet, ist sehr berechtigt und würde mich auch interessieren.

    Hallo Tschonko,

    glaub auch nicht, daß er undercover wieder mitmischt. Müßte sich zu sehr Gewalt antun, um nicht gleich entdeckt zu werden. Der schmollt noch.

    Was das mit den transferred/distributed Aktien soll, hab ich auch nicht begriffen. Da fehlt der Gogh. ( Aber ich seh grad, emoba hat das eben erklärt )

    Könnte sein, daß man BTV am besten weiter hält. Weiter nach unten scheint die Aktie nicht mehr zu wollen.
    Schließlich habt ihr bei Cabo auch nach über 2 Jahren wieder den Einstiegskurs erreicht. :D

    PSV bleibt diese Woche suspendiert, versucht Geld aufzutreiben, da Finanznot größer als befürchtet ist ! :rolleyes:

    Miner stays on sideline…1985,22046045-664,00.html

    Perseverance yesterday told the market that it was in the process of completing a capital raising. ...

    Analysts believe the company will need between $15 million and $30 million to keep its mines running....

    Perseverance warned early last week that its cash position was under pressure, but the severity of the situation caught the market by surprise.

    In a report on Friday, Credit Suisse analysts Julian McCormack and Michael Slifirski described events at Perseverance as "close to tragic".

    "The company knew cash would be tight but tried to prevent dilution and hence did not raise capital," they said. "A production blip has seen a tight cash position become critical and now the company's future relies on the psychology of investors." :rolleyes:

    Am Freitag auf Rob-TV, 1. Hörerfrage.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Moderator: Is it a buy here still, even though it's run up 200% year to date?

    VanEeden: If you are bullish on the iron market, yes, absolutely it's a buy. Personally I am concerned about economic activity. I am concerned about all commodity prices. Metal commodity price, including iron. And so I don't own the stock anymore. I sold out when it was around $2 a share. It is now $4.50, it's been as high as $5. But as long as iron doesn't come down, I think this company is going to do very well.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Nach den juristischen Plänkeleien einen von den Streitereien unbelasteten Sräd.

    Pursuing strong growth through skrewd acquisition ;) & exploration led discovery

    Minesite Transcript – Interview mit CEO Marc Henderson (pdf-Datei) vom 20.06.07…on_Aquiline_Resources.pdf

    Henderson über Navidad:
    The last resource calculation was done about 15 months ago and there were 250 holes drilled, there is now I think approaching 500 there as we get to the end of the summer. And that number it was 305 million ounces of indicated silver in about 100 million tonnes at just north I think of 100 grams of silver but there is also, there's a huge lead credit and it's really, there's probably 40% of the metal, that is lead it's also one of the world's largest undeveloped lead deposit and there's approximately last November with very good results, particularly in the last month or so we've found the new zone called Barite Hill, which is just south of the main deposit which was on a ridge, this is actually a deposit down in the valley below it, but buried. It is probably down to about 100 meters and it's returned very, very good results of high-grade silver with little or no lead in it, so we're just on the verge of hopefully opening the whole thing back up again and then in terms of what the ultimate resource will be, who knows but it looks very, very encouraging.

    Auch die politischen Probleme in Argentinien werden angesprochen ( Verbot Zyanid, Open Pit Mining)

    Bei einer Marktkap von über 600 Mio Can$ scheint AQI nicht unbedingt mehr ein Schnäppchen.

    Navidad mit 305 Mio Uz indicated Silberunzen
    Calcatreu Gold/Silber ( Machbarkeitsstudie: ca 100 koz/Jahr mit 4,5 Jahre Tagebau; NPV 6-54 Mio US$ )

    Nachdem einige schon spekulierten, daß LEFA zur Zeit stillgelegt sei, brachte die Antwort auf eine entsprechende Email Beruhigung:

    "Natürlich produzieren wir in LEFA. Woher kommt dieser Unsinn? Wir sind bei 55-65% der Kapazität und erhöhen gradweise Woche für Woche. Wir werden kaum mehr als 75% erreichen, da wir die Agitatoren (Rührwerk) austauschen, wie in Q1 gemeldet. Dies ist nichts abweichend Neues von dem, was wir in Q1 berichtet haben. "

    «Selvfoelgelig produserer vi fra Lefa. Hvor kommer dette tullet ifra? Vi ligger paa 55-65% av kapasiteten og oeker gradvis uke for uke. Vi vil neppe overstige 75% foer etter at vi har byttet ut agitatorene som angitt i Q1 meldingen. Det er intet nytt fra det som er angitt i Q1 meldingen.»

    Metorex on meteoric rise

    Der CEO erwartet auf mittlere weiterhin hohe Kupferpreise; sehr positiv, da ist die Gefahr unsinniger Hedgeprogramme wie in der Vergangenheit geringer. Ermutigend dabei auch seine direkten Aussagen zum Hedging.

    Zu der Neuerwerbung sagt der CEO: Kinsenda mine, the Mushos mine and the Lubembe deposit - =) Magnificent =) ore bodies! (Kinsenda-Erz soll über 5% Kupfer enthalten =) )

    Kurs 04.07.07: 2740 Randcent

    Das bedeutet:

    8 - B A G G E R

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    =) =) =)

    Weitere Artikel:
    Metorex Boosts Copper and Fluorspar Capacity
    Copper acquisitions a positive move by Metorex…age36?oid=22998&sn=Detail
    Metorex's Vergenoeg mine ready to produce more fluorspar on demand…age54?oid=22893&sn=Detail

    Metorex kauft einen 38,7%igen Anteil an der AIM gelisteten Copper Resources Corporation, die über eine Tochtergesellschaft 3 Projekte mit 2,4 Mio Tonnen Kupferressourcen im Kongo hat. Das Kinsengaprojekt könnte bereits Mitte 2008 in Produktion gehen.

    Eine Bankstudie geht von einer jährlichen Erzerzeugung von 1,2 Mio t mit 54.000 t Kupfer in einer 45%igem Konzentrat bei Cash Kosten von $0,71/lb aus =)

    Den übrigen Aktionären wird ein Übernahmeangebot unterbreitet.

    Metorex buys more DRC copper assets

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Kennt wer die Aktie?

    Hab ich mir mal besorgt, weil´s ja ein Tenbagger werden soll, so zumindest Greg McCouch. Aber auch nach ner Verdopplung weiß ich dazu eigentlich nichts.

    Wohl polymetallisch oder so, aber niedriggradig. Bislang nicht wirtschaftlich abbaubar, aber nun angeblich doch.

    Auch im Lemmingboard w:o habe ich dazu keinen Sräd gefunden. Vielleicht gibt´s hier aber noch einen, vom Lupo übersehenen, der da drin ist. Der könnte ev. was dazu äußern oder warnen, wenn brenzlig wird.

    Website von

    Aus Duluths Fotogallerie:
    - Vermutlich das Firmen Headquarter -

    Rio Tinto kann Eisenerzbedarf nicht decken

    [] -- RIO Tinto, the UK listed diversified mining group, could not meet demand for iron ore from China, reported Reuters citing an executive from the mining group.

    "The market is extremely tight," Sam Walsh, CEO of Rio Tinto's Iron Ore Group, told Reuters which was attending a Perth seminar run by the Committee For Economic Development of Australia.

    Asked recently by analysts on a site visit how tight the market is, Walsh said that "quite frankly, we can't meet demand". Walsh's comments may fuel speculation of further iron ore price increases next year, after the more than doubling of contract prices in the past three years, Reuters said.


    Minesite meinte in einem Artikel vom 7.2.07
    Wedgetail Gets Ready To Fly

    Jedoch wird der Wedgetail Eagle nicht fliegen, das Nullinger Projekt ist auf ungewisse Zeit verschoben:

    The Board of Wedgetail Mining Limited (“the Company”) has after substantial assessment and evaluation today decided to defer further project development on the Nullagine project until further notice.

    Ein weiterer Aussie-Bauchladen (70koz, 5 Jahre) hofft auf eine bessere Zukunft.

    >M.Siegel: Weitere australische Goldmine unter Druck

    Die australische Perseverance meldet einige Produktionsprobleme und steigende Kosten. Wegen der umfangreichen Vorwärtsverkäufe spannt sich die Liquiditätslage deutlich an, so daß eventuell mit einer Kapitalerhöhung gerechnet werden muß. Die Aktie bricht um 31,2% ein. <

    Markt-Update der Perversance klingt nicht so doll:

    >Goldproduktion im Quartal unter Plan wegen niedrigeren Goldgehalten und Produktionsstörungen wegen widrigen Wetters und Ausrüstungsversagens.
    Wegen niedriger Produktion und zusätzlich schwachem Aussiedollar und Kostensteigerungen ist die finanzielle Position der Firma ungünstig betroffen. Cash Position bleibt auch im September unter Druck NIcht notwendige Ausgaben werden verschoben.

    Die Firma arbeitet mit den Administrators - äh Advisors zusammen, um diese Punkte zu adressieren. <

    Na denn.

    Jetzt wo der Explorerfuzzi sich hier nicht mehr rumtreibt, weiß man gar nicht, was von Constellation zu halten ist.

    Gestern mal angeguckt, der Aktienkurs ist wieder runter, das Sentiment im Stockhouse Board schlecht. Ob hier ein Turnaround mal ansteht, kann ich nicht beurteilen. Das Desaster bei Lafayette warnt aber, voreilig in so´n Zeug reinzugehen.

    Die Minderproduktion im ersten Quartal war keine Ausnahme. Die letzte Präsentation vom Juni vermeldet eine drastische Herabstufung des diesjährigen Produktionsziels von früher erwarteten 500-600 koz auf nur noch 290-350 koz. Auf die Ausreden im nächsten Quartalsbericht darf man schon gespannt sein. Vermutlich wird auf Kapazitätserweiterungen für die nächsten Jahre bei Lefa verwiesen. Das hatten wir bei Masara auch schon: 2005 wurde die Produktion für 07/06-06/07 auf 100-120 koz geschätzt (von Pareto), jetzt wurde die Schätzung für das Kalenderjahr 2007 auf magere 40-60 koz zurückgenommen.

    Pareto Update:
    Delayed production growth, but the gold values are intact.
    When Crew delivers on its revised production profile next year, the underlying values defend NOK 20-25 per share. 12-18 month target NOK 25.

    Crew recently announced changes to production targets for 2007, most importantly missing its projected Lefa production by 100-150,000 Oz. This came as a big surprise and the stock was hammered. Most of the downside is taken out.

    • The value of the gold in the ground is intact, in fact the company has over the last few weeks delivered encouraging drilling results from its exploration program in Guinea.
    • The ramp up at Lefa will be delayed by 9-15 months, this because new impellers and gear systems will have to be manufactured. The positive consequence is that reengineering will be done with optimized flowsheet leading to higher tonnage capacity. The capacity increase is estimated to between 50-100,000 Oz p.a..
    • Our peer group comparison shows that Crew should defend values around NOK 20/share when looking to 2008.
    • The company will probably have to demonstrate production ramp up before investors are willing to re-price the stock towards peers. In that sense Crew has become a waiting game, another year will go by before we can reach our target price, unless there is a takeover situation.
    • The bid on Meridian gold last week shows that consolidation continues at good pace, its valuation would defend Crew Gold values of around NOK 25 per share.

    Crew is set to deliver strong production growth and it is a highly undervalued company relative to peers when this happens. We re-iterate Buy and NOK 25 share price target.

    • The recommendation was not presented to the issuer before dissemination.


    Crew in mid May announced changes to production targets for 2007, missing its annual gold output by 100-150,000 Oz. and delaying ramp up by 9-15 months.

    We believe Crew still has a good equity story. It will take longer than previously expected, but its value relative to peers when looking into 2008E is deep discounted. A stand alone value would justify NOK 20/share, and an acquisition scenario could realize NOK 25 or more.

    The negative surprise. Breakdown at Lefa during final commissioning, leading to delays of 9-15 months.

    Crew recently announced changes to production targets for 2007, missing its annual gold output by 100-150,000 Oz. This came as a big surprise and the stock was hammered from NOK 16.5 to NOK 12.

    Clearly, Crew had ambitious growth targets for 2007. Stepping up production in one year from 150,000 to 600,000 ounces would have been far more than any other medium sized gold company targeted, and ultimately Crew failed.

    The key reason leading to the shortfall relates to last minute technical break down during the final commissioning stage at Lefa. We had people on site just a few weeks prior to the negative news, and at that time 90-95% of commissioning was complete without bigger problems. As throughput reached full blast the plant did not handle the volumes, and impellers as well as gear systems broke down under the higher pressure.

    When Crew bought into Guinor, the capex budget on the Lefa plant was USD 144m, including 7m in contingencies. After the acquisition there has been several cost overruns. The capex was on the first such occasion upped to USD 166m, a few months later the figure was revised to around 180mUSD. The latest news takes the figures well above 200m, in addition the re-engineering also involve capacity upgrades, meaning the total plant expenditure on Lefa becomes around USD 220m.

    Disregarding the capacity upgrade, the cost has thus increased by 50% relative to projection given when Guinor was acquired.

    One may of course also ask what technical due diligence Crew had done beforehand on the equipment, and whether the Guinor management (including the site managers) were overly optimistic, but we will probably never get an exact answer. This is now history and most likely also sunk costs. The cost overruns are big but one should not be very surprised when projects like these come at higher costs. Considering that a new plant probably today would cost USD 400m or more, this 2nd hand plant is still a good investment.

    The ramp up at Lefa will be delayed by 9-15 months, this because new impellers and gear systems will have to be manufactured. The positive consequence is that re-engineering will be done with optimized flowsheet leading to higher tonnage capacity. The capacity increase is estimated to between 50-100,000 Oz p.a..

    The gold values are intact and attractively valued

    Gold companies’ reserves and resources are valued highly relative to the underlying commodity price, particularly for producing goldmines, because gold is discounted at a low discount rate. Gold is the ultimate currency.

    For the Lefa project, the gold in the ground is still there, and the company is running the new plant, albeit at low capacity. Getting the plant up and running to full capacity is no rocket science. It will happen, Lefa will produce 300,000 and 400,000 Oz per annum, and probably also much higher output will be reached after the 2 years due to increasing grades from satellite deposits. The discounted value of the production cash flow is hardly affected by the production delay.

    Crew Gold’s equity story is therefore still good. Crew is set to deliver strong production growth and it is a highly undervalued company relative to peers when this happens. We also expect Crew to be an attractive take candidate when the company demonstrates its potential.

    In the meantime (next 9-12 months) it will be a waiting game, hopefully with some good newsflow on project progress and drilling - both at Lefa and Apex. Crew has in fact recently had two positive drilling updates from the area.

    Batavia Mining Limited (ASX: BTV) has today been informed by its Managing Director, Gregory M Durack, that he wishes to pursue opportunities outside the Batavia group. He resigned as a Director with immediate effect.

    Managing Direktor Greg Durack informiert Batavia, daß er Chancen außerhalb der Batavia Gruppe verfolgen möchte und deshalb mit sofortiger Wirkung zurücktritt.

    Heh, der ist ja doch nicht der Volltrottel! Der sucht jetzt seine Chancen lieber außerhalb von Batavia.