Beiträge von GOLD_Baron


    Neu 2006-10-06:

    Ein Leser aus einer Bank in der Schweiz:

    Letzte Woche hatte ich hier in der Bank ein Treffen, bei dem ein Berater fragte wie man Kunden davon abhalten könnte, physisches Gold zu kaufen...

    Braucht man noch weitere Beweise?

    Aus einer österreichischen Bank (am Land):

    Bankangestellter zum Goldkäufer:
    Eigentlich dürfte ich Ihnen gar kein Gold verkaufen, Anweisung von Oben.
    Aber da Sie eine "wichtige Position" haben, ist es für Sie natürlich möglich.

    Also, die Bankberater werden von Oben angehalten, generell kein physisches Gold zu verkaufen, sondern die Kunden auf Investment-Fonds umzulenken. Ich kenne diesen Banker, der inzwischen bereits selbst zu horten beginnt.

    Ein anderer österreichischer Banker, zu einem meiner Leser:

    Ich sehe selbst das Potential, dass der Goldpreis auf $5000/oz geht.
    Ich würde gerne selbst in Gold investieren, wenn ich Geld dafür hätte. Aber ich muss eine Hypothek abbezahlen.

    Also, trimmt man die Banker mit "günstigen Hypotheken der eigenen Bank" darauf, nur in Papier zu denken?
    So wie diesem Banker geht es offenbar den meisten Leuten. Sie haben Schulden und daher kein Geld zum Investieren.

    Der Kampf um die letzten Münzen und Barren wird eingeläutet! 8)

    Bank of France blamed for gold sell off

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    (Filed: 05/10/2006)

    Central banks may have dumped far more gold on the markets over the last three weeks than officially reported, accounting for the sudden plunge in prices that has stunned investors. Barclays Capital said Europe\'s banks had sold an extra 100 tonnes from reserves in a rush to meet a quota deadline on September 26, but had done so by selling through forward contracts that disguised the effect.

    "We have been able to infer this from trading patterns. It has had a major impact on the markets," said Costanza Jacazio, the bank\'s gold expert. Barclays is one of the world\'s three top bullion traders.

    "We suspect that the Banque de France has been involved," she said.

    The huge sales would help explain why gold\'s brutal fall from $640 an ounce in early September to $559 this week, an effect compounded in recent days by hedge fund liquidation. It was up slightly yesterday at $569.75 in New York trading.

    Gold typically rallies in September in the build-up to the Indian marriage season. While gold has undoubtedly been hit by the broader fears of a commodity slump, base metals have held up much better. The central banks have reported sales of just 393 tonnes of gold for the year, far below the 500 annual limit agreed under the Washington Accord, and agreement by 15 centrals banks in Europe. Barclays said the group had in reality met the 500 tonne limit, with others snapping up the unused quota of the Bundesbank -- which has balked at selling in order assert its independence against Berlin\'s politicians.

    "We believe this is actually very bullish for gold because it shows that the sell-off was not driven by investors," said Ms Jacazio.

    Philip Klapwijk, chairman of the precious metals group GFMS, said bullion would soon resume its five-year bull market.

    "The game is not over for gold. We\'ve still got a big dollar devaluation ahead," he said.

    "Hot money has left the market and we\'ve seen chart-based selling as the fall triggered stop-losses. But at this level we are going to see support from miners like Barrick that want cut their hedge books," he said.

    Russia\'s central bank is also likely to buy on the dips. It plans to raise the gold share of its reserves from 3pc to 10pc, a move that would soak much of global mine supply. Russia\'s reserves are now world\'s third biggest at $267bn, and rising at $12bn a month.

    Die Liquidität die in den DOW gepumpt wird kommt doch hauptsächlich von Regierungstreuen Fonds aus der Richtung JP Morgan und Goldman Sachs plus weitere Pigs.

    Geschichte muss sich nicht wiederholen. Es kann gut passieren, dass genau das eintritt, was keine Regierung will: Fallende, crashende Aktienmärkte --> Flucht in Gold!

    Man sollte sich nicht immer so auf bestimmte Sache festfrieren. Das fällt bei Einigen hier auf.

    Meistens kommte es anders, und anders als man denkt!

    Aus den Commodities sind die Meisten doch schon rausgekegelt wurden.
    Die noch drin sind, werden nicht mehr rausgehen, auch wenn der POG nochmal 100 Dollar verliert. Niemand von den Goldbugs würde es stören - eher ergeben sich nochmal gute Nachkaufgelegenheiten. Physisches Metall kann man nie genug haben. Für die Aktien wäre es zugegebene wohl etwas blöd, aber die guten Werte werden sich schnell wieder erholen!

    LONDON -- Europe\'s central banks sold just 393 tonnes of gold against the full quota of 500 tonnes in the second year of an agreement that regulates bullion sales, precious metals consultancy GFMS Ltd said on Wednesday.

    "This confounds market speculation during much of September that there had been a last minute rush to sell gold before the end of the second agreement year and that this was responsible for the period\'s price weakness," it said in a statement.

    On Wednesday, spot gold fell nearly three percent to $559.40 an ounce, the lowest since June 15. Prices have fallen about 23 percent from its 26-year high of $730 in May.

    Europe\'s Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA) was negotiated in 1999 to stabilise prices when gold was languishing below $300 because of the attraction of other investments.

    The pact, agreed in 2004, raised the limit on gold sales by its 15 signatories over five years to 2,500 tonnes at a rate of 500 tonnes a year, from 2,000 in the previous 1999-2004 period. The second year of the current agreement ended on Sept. 26.

    The banks sold the full quota of 2,000 tonnes during five years of the first agreement and 497.2 tonnes in the first year of the current pact.

    "Looking ahead, GFMS also see little reason to alter their belief that sales under the remainder of the agreement are unlikely to reach quota either on an annual basis or for the full five-year agreement period," the statement said. "We are perhaps on the threshold of an era of more moderate net official sector selling."

    According to a financial statement by the European Central Bank, Eurosystem members sold two tonnes of gold over the week ending Sept. 29, GFMS said.

    "GFMS believe that the fact that CBGA signatories are not expected to fulfil their 2,500 (tonnes) sales limit over the duration of the second agreement, coupled with the very different market and price conditions likely to prevail in the next few years compared to those in 1999, probably indicates that a third CBGA is unlikely to materialise,"it said

    Goldman, Deutsche Bank … that spells Gold Cartel. At least they are in there influencing the massive fund selling.

    There are those who believe this is all about hedge funds blowing up, causing substantial liquidations. There is surely some truth in that, however, it is NOT causing gold and silver to dive bomb. It is The Gold Cartel.

    The AM Fix was $578.50 … the PM Fix $573.60 … gold then collapsed to $558.90, AFTER the PM Fix, and physical market pricing for the day was concluded. We have seen this sort of attack by The Gold Cartel for many months. Hedge funds blowing up don’t dump their positions like that. If anything, they would be selling into the stronger Fix to get the BEST price. They wouldn’t wait for the market to go into free fall to dump. Just as important, they wouldn’t trade in the same pattern over and over again.

    In addition, if there is such stress in the system, why is the US stock market going merrily on its way higher? Why aren’t the credit spreads showing any stress? Why isn’t the bond market rallying further? When there has been serious financial stress in the past, it shows somewhere in these key financial markets.

    How coincidental that gold is bombed following Paulson’s closed door meeting with the leadership on Planet Wall Street!

    How coincidental gold is bombed following the bombshell Foley and Woodward revelations which has the Bush Administration in all out panic!

    How coincidental that Barrick Gold extended its bid for Nova Gold until October 14. The gold shares are falling apart as the share price of Nova G gradually moves towards Barrick’s bid of $14.50.... although, Nova G put in an impressive outside day key reversal to the upside, finishing UP 65 cents to $15.75. A case of the best laid plans gone awry? Let\\'s hope so.

    All of the above is pertinent, but "the concrete evidence" is what nails it. That evidence was the announcement today that the ECB ONLY SOLD 2.3 tonnes of gold in the final week under the terms of the Washington Agreement for the calendar year Sep 26/05 thru Sep 26/06. This only brought the total up to 400 tonnes.

    This is a big deal because numerous banks such as UBS and Barclays have reported HUGE central bank selling around the Fix for some time now. These banks all suggested it was massive selling of gold by the European banks to fill their quotas of that agreement. For many weeks now it was my contention the selling was more likely The Gold Cartel. This latest report reveals that GATA IS CORRECT. There is no other explanation for this enormous selling to knock gold down … ahead of the US elections. (More on this in gold goodies below).

    The motive is the same as always. The ferociousness of the selling by the cabal is remarkable. As mentioned for months, Paulson doesn’t care how it looks, in his typical, arrogant Goldman Sachs style. He wants interest rates down and the stock market up for the elections.

    Oh, hab mich in der Jahreszahl vertan.


    Und wie würde sich wohl die Oktoberüberraschung - wenn sie denn kommt - auf die Minenaktien auswirken ?

    Diese Frage habe ich schon oft gepostet und noch keine Antwort bekommen! :rolleyes:


    War schon jemand von Euch bei proAurum in München oder Berlin shoppen?
    Direkt im Shop? Wie läuft die Abwicklung? Wie lange dauert der Einkauf?

    Was für Abnahmemengen sind nötig? Oder könnte man theoretisch auch nur eine Maple Leaf kaufen (Spaß!)?

    Danke für die Antworten.
    Finde leider nicht den passenden Thread dafür!


    Macht Euch nicht ins Hemd!
    Sondern denkt nach!

    Heute Morgen Schlagzeile: "NK Atomtest" (mein erster Gedanke: na da wird der POG doch heute sich gut halten, wenn nicht steigen)

    Schade! Dieses Jahr interssiert es keine Sau mehr am Markt - vor einem jahr zur gleichen Zeit stieg der POG massiv auf Grund der Äußerungen durch NK - und da war noch nicht die Rede von einem ATOMTEST (Bedeutung klar machen!!).

    Heute schwerer Einbruch des Sektors und Dow im Himmelsreich.
    Hier wird massiv manipuliert und es ergibt auch Sinn einen Monat vor den Kongresswahlen, die Inflationsrate durch die niedrige C-Prices runterzudrehen und zur gleichen Zeit die Zinsen gleich zu lassen, damit niemand den Dollar abverkauft!

    DENKT NACH LEUTE UND BLEIBT COOL! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)