Beiträge von fs_fra


    Original von black-coins99
    Morgen wird sich was entscheiden - das denke ich auch - aber vorher wird der POG zuerst nochmal fallen - mein persönlicher Tip ist morgen zum WE 710 $ die OZ. Gold..

    Wenn wir morgen wieder die $710 sehen, dann haue ich 50% meiner Liqui. auf'n (goldenen)Kopf :D



    Peter Grandich schreibt heute in einem kurzen Brief, dass es die Zinzsenkung der FED als seinen persönlichen Trigger abgewartet hat, den US Markt zu shorten. Er ist mit 2 ETFs (SDS und QID jeweils short S&P500 und Nasdaq) short gegangen und bedankt sich beim FED für das verfrühte Weihnachtsgeschenk.

    Er ist weiterhin sehr bullish für Gold, sieht bald 875, allerdings mit starkem Widerstand bei 735-740 und sieht als eines der Gründe für den starken Goldpreisanstieg anbahnende Krisen zwischen Israel und Syrien....


    SDS und QID - kennt sich jemand mit denen aus? (bitte keinen Diskussion über da Für und Gegen usw!)

    Sehr interessanter Ansatz!

    Goldcorp hatte ja eine ähnliche Idee in 2000, als sie alle ihre Daten im Internet veröffentlicht hatte und $575000 als Preis angeboten hatten für den, der den besten Ort bestimmen konnte, eine Bohrung zu starten. Der Goldcorp Challenge.

    Allerdings sind $10mio natürlich ein Wort! Andere Zeiten, andere Bewertung der Ergebnisse?!?


    Finde den Zeitpunkt des News-releases sehr gut ausgewählt :D mitten in die aktuelle Euphorie rein....


    Pele Mountain Achieves Positive Results from 5,600-Metre Drill Program at Elliot Lake Uranium Project
    Symbol: GEM
    Listing: TSX Venture Exchange
    Common Shares Outstanding: 72,071,310

    * Adit Block Results Confirm Favourable Uranium Grade, Thickness, and Continuity
    * Basal Conglomerate Bed Results Verify Exploration Model and Potential for More Resources
    * Scoping Study and Updated NI 43-101 Report Due from Scott Wilson RPA at Month End


    September 19, 2007 - Toronto - Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX Venture: GEM) ("Pele" or the "Corporation") today announced results from the first 33 holes of its recent 35-hole, 5,600-metre drill program at its Elliot Lake Uranium Project in Northern Ontario. Pele is focused on advancing the project, and its inferred resource of over 33 million pounds of U3O8, toward objectives of development and production. Uranium mineralization extends across a strike length of 6,000 metres, and a dip length of at least 3,800 metres, within Pele's 100-percent owned property.

    An ongoing comprehensive scoping study (the "Scoping Study") is advancing under the supervision of Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates ("Scott Wilson RPA") to establish the basis for economically viable, safe, and environmentally-compliant mining and processing facilities at Elliot Lake. The Scoping Study, along with an updated resource estimate, is expected to be available at the end of September in a NI 43-101 Preliminary Assessment report.

    The drill program successfully achieved its two primary objectives:

    * It further defined the grade and continuity of the resource located within the "Adit Block", a 600 by 800-metre near-surface area that presents a favourable location for initial mining in the project evaluation. Pele's previous 22-hole program focused on the Adit Block, confirming historical results in the Main Conglomerate Bed ("MCB").
    * It confirmed the presence of higher grade uranium mineralization in the Basal Conglomerate Bed ("BCB") within the Canyon Lake Block, roughly 1,000 metres west of the Adit Block. Previous Adit Block drilling identified such mineralization in the BCB, located about 15 metres below the MCB at the Unconformity between volcanic basement rocks and overlying Huronian sediments. The Canyon Lake area was selected because of greater BCB thickness and continuity indicated by historic drilling and because the Canyon Lake Fault was projected to extend through it.

    The Adit Block drilling included 23 holes, of which 21 have thus far been assayed. Highlights from the Adit Block drilling include the following:

    * The U3O8 grades and distributions within the MCB are consistent with previous drill programs, confirming relatively higher grades and excellent continuity between holes within the Adit Block.
    * Best intercepts of the MCB include 0.083-percent U3O8 over 2.34 metres (PM-45), 0.070-percent U3O8 over 2.81 metres (PM-47), and 0.094-percent U3O8 over 1.94 metres (PM-52). The best intercept of the BCB within the Adit Block was 0.305-percent U3O8 (and 0.437 grams of gold per ton) over 0.45 metres (PM-42).
    * The MCB thickness exceeded expectations, averaging 2.78 metres compared to the 2.44 metre average from the previous drill program.
    * The areas exhibiting the highest U3O8 grades within the MCB in the Adit Block are located on the western flanks of a topographic high in the basement rocks. Historic drill results on the north and east flanks of this same structure indicate that these areas also have potential for the delineation of similar higher-grade zones.
    * Uranium within the MCB is primarily contained within the minerals pitchblende and brannerite.

    The Canyon Lake Block drilling included 12 holes, all of which have been assayed. The BCB was intersected in 11 of the 12 holes and the Canyon Lake Fault was intersected in two of those holes. Highlights from the Canyon Lake Block drilling include the following:

    * The BCB is thicker and more continuous in the Canyon Lake Block than in the Adit Block. The best intercept of the BCB within the Canyon Lake Block was 0.082-percent U3O8 over 2.64 metres (PM-24).
    * Mineralogical and assay analyses show that uranium within the MCB has been extensively leached and remobilized in the Canyon Lake Block in close proximity to where thicker and higher grade BCB occurrences have been intersected. This supports the "blue sky" potential to discover a significant secondary uranium deposit at Elliot Lake. By contrast, MCB mineralization in the Adit Block does not appear to have been mobilized any significant distance.
    * The BCB has the potential to significantly increase uranium resources at Elliot Lake and opens up a completely new target for future exploration. (All reported resources at Elliot Lake are currently contained in the MCB.)
    * Uranium within the BCB is primarily contained in secondary minerals coffinite, pitchblende, and uranium-pyrite-aluminum-silicate composite grains.

    Significant Rare Earth Oxide (REO) content has been confirmed in both the MCB and BCB in all holes analysed for these metals to-date at the Elliot Lake Project. The economic potential of the REOs will be evaluated following the results of ongoing metallurgical recovery testing at SGS Lakefield. Drilling has also confirmed anomalous gold values in the BCB.

    Follow-up drilling is planned for the north and east flanks of the basement high structure that appears to be related to higher grade zones within the MCB in the Adit Block. Follow-up drilling is also planned for the BCB in the Canyon Lake Block to extend the best results there and to further test the fault zone. Additional drill plans will be made based on recommendations in the Scoping Study.

    A map of drill hole locations for the recently completed program at Elliot Lake is available at

    Drill results from the MCB within the Adit Block are included in the table below.
    Drill Results - Main Conglomerate Bed, Adit Block
    Drill Hole From (m) Length (m) Est. True Width (m) U3O8 (%)
    PM-35 122.65 2.35 2.16 0.036
    PM-36 117.03 2.22 2.21 0.033
    PM-37 121.46 2.71 2.62 0.034
    PM-38 120.12 3.03 2.93 0.038
    PM-39 94.52 2.80 2.76 0.039
    PM-40 76.00 2.70 2.66 0.056
    PM-41 85.64 2.48 2.33 0.054
    PM-42 141.20 4.55 3.10 0.065
    PM-43 42.51 2.49 2.45 0.036
    PM-44 45.45 3.80 3.58 0.052
    PM-45 63.96 2.49 2.34 0.083
    PM-46 56.80 3.83 3.52 0.052
    PM-47 126.04 3.06 2.81 0.070
    PM-49 174.44 4.76 3.24 0.063
    PM-50 195.90 2.85 2.68 0.040
    PM-51 161.38 3.46 3.25 0.046
    PM-52 155.03 1.97 1.94 0.096
    PM-53 185.37 3.36 3.31 0.062

    Drill results from the BCB within the Canyon Lake Block are included in the table below.
    Drill Results - Basal Conglomerate Bed, Canyon Lake Block
    Drill Hole From (m) Length (m) Est. True Width (m) U3O8 (%)
    PM-23 96.03 0.97 0.93 0.019
    PM-24 91.80 2.68 2.64 0.082
    PM-25 127.00 2.00 1.26 0.048
    PM-26 131.00 0.82 0.78 0.028
    PM-27 119.20 1.00 0.97 0.027
    PM-28 166.00 0.57 0.42 0.103
    PM-29 53.71 1.44 1.35 0.041
    PM-30 74.60 1.73 1.14 0.052
    PM-32 131.60 0.45 0.45 0.145
    PM-33 174.75 0.30 0.20 0.196
    PM-34 125.33 1.17 1.06 0.020

    A detailed report on the recent drill program including results from the MCB in the Canyon Lake Block, the BCB in the Adit Block, mineralogical studies, and the QA/QC program are included in the Scott Wilson RPA report which can be accessed on the Pele web site at

    The technical aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Lawrence B. Cochrane, Ph.D., P. Eng. of Scott Wilson RPA, a "Qualified Person" under NI 43-101.


    Original von Andvari

    Das einzige Risiko ist wohl, dass die Aktie wegen des Skandals noch Monate oder Jahre seitwärts dümpelt.

    Das genau ist ja der Zock.... kein Mensch braucht seitwärts dümpelnde Aktien :D


    @ nygold

    ich kenne eldos trading pattern nicht, aber unterstelle ihm mal einfach so, dass er keine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation ist, die im Interesse von PNP handelt und nicht 100% in seinem eigenen Interesse.....

    Wer vor hat mit Aktien Geld zu verdienen versucht möglichst billig einzukaufen und möglichst teuer zu verkaufen....

    Bei PNP ist es doch einfach so: wer am 16.8. zu CDN$3,50 dort gut eingestiegen ist hat bis heute sein Geld schon fast verdoppelt...



    Original von Eldorado
    3 tourists hijacked in Durban

    the Mobeni Heights area of Chatsworth

    Chatsworth...??? Was zum Teufel wollten die da ?( Da sind wir schon in den 80ern nicht hingefahren ;)....

    Trotzdem eine Scheißsituation! Man sollte evtl. mal einen realistischen Reiseführer für Südafrika rausbringen....

    The Pragmatic Guide to South Africa


    The Realists Guide to South Africa

    ...telling you what not to do, where not to go and how to keep safe! :D



    Original von Osterhase
    Behauptet wird regelmäßig das etwa bis 1% der Vermögen Deutschlands in physischen Edelmetallen investiert sind.

    Bei einem geschätzen Vermögen von 10 Billionen EURO in Geld und Sachwerten - das sind 10 000 000 000 000 EURO 8o - wären 1% ein verdammt großer Anteil an Gold....

    100 000 000 000 EURO - 1 hundert Miliarden EURO in Gold...

    oder knapp 6000t Gold.... geht das überhaupt???


    Auf WO wird da schon Rabatz gemacht - z.B. im Longview Thread (Beitrag Nr.: 31.595.096 - User: "StrangePhenomena" )

    Mit dem einen oder anderen berechtigt kritischem Kommentar(Beitrag Nr.: 31.595.464 User: "RaimondoEntertainment " :(

    und im eigenen Thread



    Original von gutso

    Bei den Kanadiern muss man halt die verdammten Kredite noch stärker im Auge behalten.


    Habe irgendwo auf Stockhouse gelesen, dass die Minen bis zum 30.9. ihre Situatiion bzgl. ABCP usw. melden müssen. Finde den Beitrag aber nicht mehr...:(

    Hat hier jemand evtl. mehr Info? Denke da könnten noch ein paar Überraschungen auf uns zu kommen...

    Mehr zu dem Thema im Allgemeinen in diesem Thread:…?postid=200993#post200993
