Beiträge von nygold

    Frankfurt 11 Uhr morgens:
    fast 52000 Aktien gehandelt und +3,86% weiter rauf

    0,808 EUR
    +0,03 | +3,86%

    Eröffnung 0,77
    Höchstkurs 0,808
    Tiefstkurs 0,77
    Vortag 0,778
    Umsatz (in Stück) 51.692
    Umsatz (in EUR) 40.245,23
    Preisfeststellungen 6

    letzte Umsätze
    10:33:08 475 0,808
    09:39:10 5.000 0,79
    09:34:27 6.217 0,79
    09:10:57 10.000 0,78
    09:09:19 10.000 0,78
    09:02:45 20.000 0,77

    0,77 EUR
    +0,06 | +8,45%

    Eröffnung 0,73
    Höchstkurs 0,77
    Tiefstkurs 0,73
    Vortag 0,71
    Umsatz (in Stück) 44.500
    Umsatz (in EUR) 33.695,00
    Preisfeststellungen 7

    letzte Umsätze
    14:32:40 10.000 0,77
    14:31:35 10.000 0,77
    14:19:40 5.500 0,77
    13:46:41 4.500 0,75
    13:46:05 5.000 0,74
    13:44:10 5.000 0,74
    09:03:49 4.500 0,73

    Bei 14 Mio. Aktien sind das gerade mal 11 Mio. Euro Market Cap.

    Wo gibts denn sowas - 212 Mrd. Kubik Fuss GAS gemäß NI-51-101 mit einer Beteiligung von sensantionellen 21% - OHNE IRGENDWAS ZU MACHEN - da ja der NEUE JOINT VENTURE PARTNER aus KOREA (u.a. Daewoo, Hyundai und LG) dieses Projekt nun mit 25 MIO CASH entwickeln und in die Produktion bringt.

    Dave Hodge war gar mal der PRESIDENT & CEO von Petrol One.
    Jetzt ist er nur noch Direktor und der Saudi-Ölmulti Sheikh Wallid ist nun Präsident, der u.a. Gründungsmitglied der PETROMIN ist - ein Tochterunternehmen der SAUDI ARAMCO - das größte Unternehmen der Welt !

    Hier drehen ein paar schlaue und gut vernetzte leute an ganz dicken dingern, nur ohne das Börsenpublikum wie es der Anschein hat da wohl der Kurs nicht unbeding nach oben gepusht werden muss, damit man 1.) finanzierungsrunden machen kann 2.) seine eigenen aktien verkaufen kann... denn: Diese Leute scheinen Geld genug zu haben und sind auf andere dinge aus.

    Total Signs an Agreement with Gabon to Renew its Contract Which Expired June 30

    Total announces that Total Gabon and the Republic of Gabon have signed an agreement to renew for 25 years the convention of establishment, which expired on June 30, 2007.

    The convention of establishment defines, among other things, the legal and tax system governing Total Gabon’s concessions, operating licenses and crude transportation installations. It covers 17 concessions and operating licenses representing an area of nearly 1,500 square kilometres and more than 60% of Total’s share of output in Gabon (more than 50,000 barrels per day in 2006).

    The system was thoroughly updated to promote exploration and development of oil and gas resources and to support oil and gas production in Gabon. Total is therefore considering additional development of the Anguille field, wholly owned by Total Gabon, which came on stream in 1966. A final investment decision could be made at the end of 2007. This project would add more than 100 million barrels of proved and probable reserves and 30,000 barrels of oil per day in first half of next decade.

    The renewal of the convention of establishment between Total and the Republic of Gabon demonstrates their renewed trust in developing the country’s natural resources.

    Hier noch was über Gabun und Petrol One:

    Etwa 65% der Einwohner sind Christen (ca. 60% Katholiken, 5% verschiedene protestantische Kirchen). Die übrige Bevölkerung hängt Volksreligionen, vor allem dem Bwiti, an. Eine kleine Minderheit mit 5% bekennt sich zum Islam, seit 1998 Tendenz steigend.

    Gabun ist einer der rohstoffreichsten Staaten Afrikas, mit erheblichen Erdölreserven vor der Küste. Dementsprechend zählen zu seinen Hauptexportgütern Rohöl und Erdölprodukte, auf die ca. 80 % seiner Exporteinnahmen entfallen. Im Landesinneren werden Mangan, Uran und Gold gefördert.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Weiterhin gehört Gabun zu den größten Tropenholz-Exportländern Afrikas – ca. 80 % der Landesfläche sind von tropischem Regenwald bedeckt. Ferner werden für den Export Kaffee, Kakao, Gummi, Palmöl und Zucker angebaut. Der Anbau von Grundnahrungsmitteln dient vor allem dem Eigenbedarf, kann diesen jedoch nicht vollständig decken. Die wichtigsten Handelspartner sind die USA und Frankreich.

    Das Bruttosozialprodukt beträgt 3.760 Euro je Einwohner. Gabun ist somit eines der reichsten Länder Schwarzafrikas. Dennoch herrscht eine hohe Staatsverschuldung, die Verhandlungen mit dem Internationalen Währungsfonds über ein Strukturanpassungsprogramm notwendig erscheinen ließen.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Gabon is a moderately wealthy country with diverse natural resources. It is also sub-Saharan Africa’s fourth largest oil producer whilst holding the third largest oil reserves in the region and as such the upstream oil industry plays a critical role in the economy representing approximately 80% of the country’s export revenues. The country is almost wholly dependent on oil revenues to fund its economy. Exports of crude oil account for approximately 60% of the government’s budget and more than 40% of GDP

    Gabon’s export crudes are in the 30· to 35· API range, with a small amount of 25· API. Export crudes are the Rabi Light (35· API) and the Mandji Blend (30· API) streams.

    Gabon’s largest oil field is the Shell operated Rabi-Kounga oilfield, with estimated reserves of 440 million barrels and production of 150,000 bpd which accounts for 40% of national output. The second largest field is the Gamba-Ivinga field, also operated by Shell with production rates of 10,000 to 15,000 bpd.

    The state oil company is Société Nationale Petrolière Gabonaise.

    At the beginning of 2005 the IEA announced that without the discovery of new fields current production will deplete Gabon’s oil reserves by 2012. Over half of Gabon’s crude oil shipments are exported to the United States. Much of the rest of Gabon’s crude oil goes to Western Europe and occasionally the Far East.

    Ownership of oil and gas and all mineral rights is vested in the State. Companies provide services on behalf of the State and finance hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities. Exploration and production companies are licensed under the Exploration and Production Contract (ESPC) established by Law No 14/82 in January 1983 which replaced the Concession Agreement.

    Gabon was a member of OPEC until 1996, when it left citing the high annual dues required by the organisation as its reason.


    All ownership of oil and gas is vested in the State. It is the only titleholder of mining rights. The Mining Code was established by Law No 15/62 (1962), Decree No 981/PR (1970) and modified under Ordinance 45/73 (1973). The new taxation system is governed by Law No 14/74.

    Oil exploration and production licences are acquired by means of Exploration and Production Sharing Contracts (EPSC). Law No 14/82 passed in January 1983 established the EPSC which replaces the Concession Agreement. The terms can be summarised as follows:

    · The exploration phase can comprise either two periods of five years, or three periods comprising an initial five years followed by two 2-year terms. This is based on the location of the block and the work programme.

    · The exploitation phase comprises an initial 10 year period followed by a second and third perod of 5 years each.

    · There is a 10% minimum state participation and 5% minimum Royalty payment (as a function of production)

    · In terms of tax and payments, cost oil is limited to 55%. If development costs have not been recovered after five years of production, this could be raised to 75% at the company’s request.

    · Signature bonuses are recoverable after 10 years.

    Organisations active in Gabon(26)

    B Agip Gabon SA Company
    B Amerada Hess Production Gabon {AHPG} Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Amoco Gabon Exploration S.A.R.L. Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Arco Gabon Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B BP Gabon Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Chauvco Resources Gabon S.A Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Eauleco Andza Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Elf Gabon Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Energy Africa Gabon Company in Gabon
    B Esso Exploration West Africa Company in Gabon
    A ExxonMobil Gabon [Mobil Oil Gabon] Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Gentry International Company in Gabon
    B Intel Gabon Sarl Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Marathon Oil Corporation Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Ministry of Mines, Energy and Petroleum Non-profit Organisation in Libreville, Gabon
    B Pan-Ocean Energy Corporation Ltd. Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Participation et Developpement {PARDEV} Company in Libreville, Gabon
    A Perenco Gabon S.A. Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Pizo Shell Company in Libreville, Gabon
    A Shell Gabon Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    B Société Gabonaise de Raffinage {Sogara} Company in Port Gentil, Gabon
    A Total Exploration Gabon Company in Gabon
    A Total-Fina Gabon S.A. Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B Tullow Oil Company in Libreville, Gabon
    B VAALCO Gabon (Etame), Inc. Company in Port-Gentil, Gabon
    B Vanco Gabon Group Company in Libreville, Gabon

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Petrol One to JV with KM Energy on Gabon property

    2007-08-02 13:36 ET - News Release

    Mr. David Hodge reports


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Vancouver, British Columbia, August 2, 2007:

    Petrol One Corp. (CNQ Exchange: PONE) (the “Company" or “Petrol One”) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) with KM Energy of Seoul, South Korea to create a Joint Venture Partnership to be named “Petro KME” to be based in Dubai, UAE to manage its existing property in Gabon, Central West Africa and possible future holdings in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

    In consideration of Petrol One and its current partners contributing the Gabon properties to the Joint Venture, Petrol One will retain 21.4 % interest in the project in the properties.

    KM Energy represents a consortium of Korean companies that include:
    Daewoo International, LG International, Hyundai E&C, Posco E&C, Ssangyong, Woolim, SN Energy, Doosan, Kumho Group, and STX E&C.

    Petro KME will be responsible for the overall management of the Company’s oil and gas projects, providing the necessary technical expertise as well as the financial resources required. KM Energy will provide an initial USD $25,000,000 (USD twenty five million) to Petro KME which will be utilized in part to fund the ongoing operations in Gabon including the work program to be proposed for the Nkani G4-222 property in meetings to be held in Libreville, Gabon in late September 2007.

    The Company will hold 33% (thirty three percent) of the shares of Petro KME with 67% (sixty seven percent) of the shares held by KM Energy of South Korea. Petro KME will be managed by a seven man Board of Directors, two of whom (including the Chairman of the Board) will be named by the Company. All decisions of the Board of Directors must receive unanimous approval in order to be carried.
    The Company will pay a 3% finder’s fee to a company headed by Camilo Gonzales of Saudi Arabia for its assistance in arranging the agreement with KM Energy.

    Petrol One and its previous partners will operate under the same terms and conditions as the previous Participation Agreement entered into with Austin Developments with all percentages remaining the same; i.e. Petrol One will retain 72% of the 30% interest in Petro KME (21.4% of overall project), Austin will retain 18% of the 30% interest in Petro KME (5.6%) and the ATAS Group will retain 10% of the 30% (3%). These relative percentages will carry forward to any other oil and gas projects included in the agreement with Petro KME.

    KM Energy will also provide the financing necessary to pursue other opportunities within the oil and gas sector throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East that the Company

    Suite 1450, 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 1H2
    Phone: 604.676.4285 Fax: 604.681.8240

    Nein, das ist ein neuster von DAVE HODGE, sofern er dir ein Begriff ist.
    Wenn nicht, schau dir mal COMMERCE RESOURCES an. Mehr als TOP kann man hierzu nicht mehr sagen. Hodge war mal der President & CEO von Petrol One nun ist es Sheik Wallid. Hodge ist Direktor.
    Diese Aktie wurde noch von NIEMANDEN empfohlen, ist absolut unpromotet. Deswegen wohl auch keine Liquidität

    Hallo Eldorado,

    du kennst dich doch in Afrika aus.

    Ich habe hier vielleicht was interessnates gefunden, aber vielleicht mal deine Meinung vorab.

    Es geht um

    die haben 200 Mrd Kubikfuss Gas und 200 Mio Barrel Öl gemäß NI-51-101 aber sind nur mit weniger als 10 Mio Euro bewertet und keine Liquidität, obwohl vor kurzem die Koreaner mit LG, Hyuandai und Daewoo mit eingestiegen sind.

    Präsident & CEO ist der Ölmulti Sheikh Wallid Al Rawaf, der für Saudi Aramco die OPEC vertrat.

    Von den 16 Mio Aktien hält er alleine 3 Mio.

    Also Prjektmässig TOP mit den ganzen Partner bis hin zum saudischen Königshaus. Aber niemand kennt den Wert.



    anvbei meine positionen derzeit:

    Petrol One Corp.
    Commerce Resources

    Halo Resources
    Osisko Exploration

    E SOL International

    Odyssey Petroleum
    Oracle Energy

    von allen bin ich fundamentallangfristig überzeugt, doch traue diesen Werten AKTUELL über die nächsten und Wochen erhebliches Zuwachspotenzial zu.

    wir nehmen mal die aktuellen kurse und schauen jeden monat mal was passiert ist in diesem "depot ab heute"

    wenn jemand was zu den einzelnen positionen wissen will nur zu.
