Beiträge von newtechxl

    Nevada Pacific Gold Einstiegschance daily

    Die Experten von " daily" sehen derzeit bei der Aktie von Nevada Pacific Gold (ISIN CA6413981029/ WKN 929971) eine gñstige Einstiegsgelegenheit.

    Der Gold-Explorationskonzern Nevada Pacific Gold fdere seine ersten Unzen Gold in Mexiko - Silber gebe es bei niedrigen Abbaukosten umsonst dazu. Die Einnahmen dõften zur Exploration auf den extrem aussichtsreichen Gebieten in Nevada verwendet werden. Ein dortiger Erfolg wõde voraussichtlich ein ¡ernahmeangebot auslen.

    Richard Barcley, CEO der Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd., stelle fõ das Steuerjahr 2005 (zum 30.06.) eine Goldproduktion in He von 30.000 Unzen in Aussicht. Die reinen Abbaukosten sollten laut Barcley bei rund 250 US-Dollar je Unze liegen. Bei einer Bruttomarge von 175 US-Dollar bedeute dies rund 5 Millionen US-Dollar an Einnahmen, die fõ Finanzierungen von Explorationen zur Verfæung stñden. Sieben Jahre lang dõfte die Mine aus heutiger Sicht produzieren, es sei denn, der Konzern k
    ne die Ressourcen von derzeit 600.000 Unzen weiter erhen und die Abbaukosten niedrig halten. Dann wÜen ein paar Jahre mehr drin. Doch auch die sechs Jahre sollten reichen, um mit dem freien Cash-Flow die Projekte in Nevada voran zu bringen.

    In den kommenden Monaten dõfte Nevada Pacific Gold die Weichen fõ die Zukunft stellen. Sollten die Explorationsergebnisse in Nevada positiv ausfallen, dõfte der Konzern ganz oben auf der Liste fõ Zukßfe von Placer Dome stehen. Placer Dome sei einer der fèrenden nordamerikanischen Goldkonzerne und arbeite bei einigen Projekten in Nevada bereits mit Nevada Pacific Gold zusammen. Eine ¡ernahme scheine daher vorprogrammiert, sollten sich Erfolge einstellen. Die Aktie scheine ein gutes mittelfristiges Engagement auch in Zeiten stagnierender Goldpreise zu sein. In den vergangenen neun Monaten habe der Kurs zwischen 70 und 50 Euro-Cent geschwankt.

    Derzeit liegt er mit 55 Cent am unteren Ende der Spanne - womlich nochmals eine gñstige Einstiegschance bei dem spekulativen Noch-Explorationskonzern von Nevada Pacific Gold, so die Experten von " daily".

    Hier der Artikel


    Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, January 31, 2005

    Based on a feasibility study realized in 1999, phase 1 of the silver /
    zinc project involves the construction of a mill / tailings pond
    the development of an open pit on the Abcourt-Barvue property and the
    development of an underground mine at the Vendome-Barvallée property.
    Phase II will consist in the opening of an underground mine at the
    Abcourt-Barvue property.

    In conjunction with phase I preparation and the on-going feasibility
    study, Abcourt is pleased to announce the following results from recent
    flotation tests conducted at the Novicourt lab. These tests were done
    three bulk samples representative of the Abcourt, Barvue and Vendome
    silver/zinc ore bodies:

    - In all cases, the desulphurized flotation tailings have a
    neutralizing power greater than 2. This means that the tailings will
    produce acid effluents. Consequently, the construction cost of the
    tailings dam will be much less than if it had been otherwise.
    tests to optimize and confirm the process are needed.

    - It was determined that the Abcourt and Barvue ore may be mixed
    treated together in a mill using either a single flotation to produce a
    silver-zinc concentrate, or using a double flotation to produce first a
    silver concentrate and secondly a silver-zinc concentrate. The choice
    between one or the other process will be made according to metal prices
    and the grade of the ore. Vendome ore has to be treated separately.

    - Specific gravity tests on the bulk samples confirmed the
    used in the calculations of our ore resources.

    The 100% owned Abcourt-Barvue and Vendome properties are conveniently
    located at Barraute, 60 kilometers (35 miles) north of the mining
    community of Val-d’Or, Quebec. The Abcourt-Barvue property covers
    hectares with 38 contiguous claims and two (2) mining concessions. The
    Vendome-Barvalle property covers 1.460 hectares with 39 contiguous

    Calculations are now being made with a revision and validation of the
    resources according to National Instrument 43-101 by an independent
    qualified person. Results are pending and should be forthcoming in a
    release within a short time.

    Abcourt is currently in the early stages of preparing for a summer
    program to up-grade the quality and to increase the volume of its ore
    resources. With positive results, the capacity of the mill will have
    be increased.

    To find out more about Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV: ABI, please visit our
    site at

    For additional information:

    Renaud Hinse, president
    Tel : (819) 768-2857
    (450) 446-5511

    Joe O'Brien, Investor Relations
    Tel : (416) 750-8041

    Was ist da los ???

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 31, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --
    PLEXMAR RESOURCES INC. ("PLE") BULLETIN TYPE: Halt BULLETIN DATE: January 31, 2005 TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
    Effective at 12:33 p.m. PST, January 31, 2005, trading in the shares of the Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Market Regulation Services, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.

    TSX Venture Exchange Market Information Services (604) 488-3100 Email: NEWS RELEASE TRANSMITTED BY CCNMatthews

    News Releases - Wednesday, January 26, 2005


    Vancouver BC, January 26 - Scorpio Mining (TSXV:SPM) is pleased to announce assay results for surface drill hole NSS-3 (Table 1) from the Company's ongoing resource definition program on the Nuestra Senora deposit. Drill hole NSS-3 was collared at -60º from the same surface set-up as NSS-1. Multiple intersections of silver-copper-lead-zinc mineralization in this initial three-hole fence resemble the numerous horizons that were historically mined by ASARCO. In addition, these holes have returned wide intersections of lower-grade material that present a new bulk-tonnage target not previously exploited. Drill hole data from the surface drilling presented in Table 1 represent down hole core lengths and actual (uncut) grades. True widths cannot be reliably estimated at this time.

    TABLE 1. Surface Drill Station - Diamond Drill Results

    Hole #
    From (m)
    To (m)
    Width (m)
    Ag (g/t)
    Au (g/t)
    Cu %
    Pb %
    Zn %

    N. Senora




    N. Senora



    *Previously reported

    Peter J. Hawley, President and CEO reports: "We are very encouraged by the initial results in the Nuestra Senora deposit, which indicates a potential for one or more readily accessible large-tonnage zones not previously exploited by ASARCO. Should further delineation drilling prove lateral continuity of the broad down-hole intersections in NSS-2 and 3, it opens the possibility of cost-effective long-hole stope mining and could accelerate attaining our target goal of having a minimum two years of operating resources for the ongoing feasibility study. In addition, blending of the high-grade Candelaria and Nuestra Senora material along with lower-grade mineralization could also potentially allow for feeding a constant head-grade into a mill facility, thus improving the metal recovery and increasing the life of the project. Scorpio is continuing to address the other priorities necessary to meet its goal of reaching a near-term production decision at Nuestra Senora. These include completing the final phase of metallurgical testing, negotiating concentrate marketing agreements with smelters and completing a feasibility study. Based on these results, a positive production decision will trigger surface preparation and mill and tailings pond construction. We look forward to updating investors on our progress in these areas in the coming months."

    Scorpio holds 100% ownership of the Nuestra Senora mineral rights with no underlying royalties or interest payments. The Company is well financed with over $11 million in capital and no debt. Over $13.9 million has been spent on the property that includes: acquisition costs, construction of a 28-km access road, over 9,000 metres of surface and underground drilling, surface infrastructure to support underground development and purchase of major and ancillary mining equipment and major mill components. In addition, underground development work on the Candelaria deposit now totals over 700 meters of ramp advancement and 520 meters of drifting in mineralization on several levels. Mineralized material has been stockpiled on surface and sampled for bulk metallurgical testing. There are presently three diamond drills on site, two underground drills dedicated to the delineation program at the Candelaria and one surface drill dedicated to exploration and definition drilling of mineralization peripheral to the historically mined areas in the Nuestra Senora and Santo Domingo deposits.

    Scorpio is presenting a core display at the Vancouver Mineral Exploration Roundup on Wednesday January 26th at the Westin Bayshore Resort. Admittance to the Roundup Core Shack requires delegate registration; please visit for details.

    Vice President, Exploration & Development, Mr. D. Roger Scammell, PGeo, is the Company's Qualified Person for the Nuestra Senora project. Mr. Scammell is responsible for the current exploration and development program and the preparation of all technical information provided in this release. All technical information for the Nuestra Senora property is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program. Samples are shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Hermosillo, Mexico for drying, crushing and pulverizing. ALS Chemex, Hermosillo then sends the pulps by air-freight to ALS Chemex, Vancouver for assaying. Systematic assaying of standards and blanks are performed for precision and accuracy; check assays are regularly conducted by SGS Lakefield Research. Details of the QA/QC program are available on the Company's website at


    Bei den eher unbekannten Silberminen ist AVINO Silver (Börsenkürzel: ASM.V) mein absoluter Favorit, insbesondere unter dem Aspekt des Leverageeffekts. ASM hat vor Jahren seine Produktion in Mexiko eingestellt, die Minenausstattung ordnungsgemäß "eingemottet" und wartet jetzt auf günstigere Silberpreise. Die Erzlager sind - nachdem die Mine seit geraumer Zeit betrieben wurde - zuverlässig bekannt und es ist lediglich eine Frage der Zeit, an dem nach gestiegenem Silberpreis die Frage gestellt wird, "welche Gesellschaft hat pro Aktie die meisten nachgewiesenen Silberreserven?"
    AVINO, da bin ich mir sicher, wird auf den ersten Plätzen zu finden sein. Ich kenne das Management und vertraue diesen erfahrenen Minenfachleuten.

    © Dietmar Siebholz…s/artikel.php?storyid=750

    January 7, 2005 Symbol: KRE: TSX – V



    Vancouver, BC – KENRICH-ESKAY MINING CORPORATION (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that at year-end it received an additional $253,350.00 in flow-through unit subscriptions from the December 2004 brokered private placement financing, for a total of $1,500,875.10 in flow-through and non-flow-through gross proceeds. This Closing was to satisfy “Revenue Canada’s” flow-through requirements, for subscribers for the tax year 2004.

    The Company announces that it will conduct an additional non-brokered private placement offering (“Financing Two”) of up to $5,000,000. The Offering will consist of a combination of flow-through units (“FT Units”) and non-flow-through units (“NFT Units”). The FT Units will be sold at a price of $0.85 each and will consist of one flow-through Common share and one-half of one non-flow-through warrant, where one whole warrant will be required to purchase an additional non-flow-through Common share (a “Warrant Share”) for one-year from closing at a price of $1.10. The NFT Units will be sold at a price of $0.75 each and will consist of one non-flow-through Common share and one-half of one non-flow-through warrant, where one whole warrant will be required to purchase a Warrant Share for one-year from closing at a price of $1.00. The exact breakdown of FT Units/NFT Units will be disclosed after closing. The Company may pay finder’s fees at up to the maximum allowed by the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange.

    The Company intends to use the gross proceeds from the flow-through portion of Financing Two for the exploration and development of its Corey Property at Eskay Creek - to incur expenditures which qualify as Canadian Exploration Expense for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada). The Company intends to renounce such expenses to the subscribers with an effective date no later than December 31, 2005. The net proceeds from the non-flow-through portion of Financing Two will be added to unallocated working capital.

    Wer kennt sich mit Abcourt aus ? Meinungen, Analysen etc.

    * ABI.V ABMBF.PK (Abcourt Mines) (I own shares) Jeff Tremblay (IR) (418) 575-1169 cell phone
    28.3 mil shares fully diluted (June 21, 2004)
    @ $.225 share Cdn x .80 US/Cdn = $.18
    $5 mil MC
    no debt., North of Montreal., ~11 mil shares family owned.
    proven reserves... not ready to be opened, re-opened perhaps in mid 2005?
    --Abcourt-Barvue: Past producer, existing infrastructure: Put into production a second time, 1985-1990 for $20 million.
    --Historic Resource for: 18.1M oz silver, 120,000 oz.. gold, 303,000 tons zinc, 2,308 tons copper.
    --Estimated cost to reopen the silver mine was (with the old plan) $35 mil Cdn: Estimated: 27.55% IRR, 98% return on equity, payback period of 2 years.
    -The current plan is to do an 80,000 ton bulk sample at an approximate cost of $5 mil Cdn, hopefully by early 2005.
    $273 million worth of zinc at .45/lb, $108 million worth of silver at $6/oz, $45.6 mil worth of gold at $380
    $5 mil MC / 19 mil oz. = $.27/oz.
    You get "approx" 26.4 ounces in the ground for 1 oz. silver's worth of stock.

    Additional comments: Jeff Tremblay and Renaud Hinse took a trip to Vancouver and San Franciso, and came out to Grass Valley, California my hometown, to meet with me late August. They have been in business as early as 1977. The mine last operated from 1985 to 1990. In 1980, the stock price hit a high of $4.95/share. In 1985, they raised and spent $20 million Cdn. to start production, and in 1990 production was put on hold due to low silver and zinc prices.

    Imagine trying to run a business for 14 years with no revenue! Yet, during that time, they have managed to keep the company debt free, and dilution to a minimum! Yearly costs to keep the claims and equipment of this family-run mine are $100,000, so that has been their secret of survival.

    --looking to raise $5 mil to reopen the gold mine.
    looking to raise $5 mil to reopen the silver/zinc mine.

    (I own shares of ABI.V)

    Since the company reports 36,000 tons of proven mineral reserves and knowing that only five percent of the veins have been explored in the Temascaltepec Mining District, the potential for discovering substantial reserves is highly probable. Based upon projections by the company starting in the middle of 2005 production should start to increase substantially. In fact the production should increase by one hundred tons per day, which is almost double the present production rate. The cost of production is estimated to be about four dollars U.S. per ounce, which would provide between two to three dollars per ounce profit if silver prices remain between six and seven dollars U.S. This would yield cash flow of 3.5 million USD. On a per share basis this would be about fourteen cents per share. Mining companies trade at twenty to forty times earnings, in most cases. GGC of course is well under this level, but taking this number we have a projected stock price of $2.80