Beiträge von germoney

    Puuh, das heute kam aber noch schneller mein "Bauchgefühl" befürchtete.

    Habe im Moment auf meinem Spickzettel
    für Gold:

    Für HUI:
    206 (ca. 200 DMA)
    und heute irgendwo gelesen:
    PO von 194..200

    ich warte jetzt erstmal ein
    paar Tage und schaue mal.

    455 beim Gold und unter 215 beim HUI
    wären für mich ausreichend, um 5% erneut
    zu positionieren.

    Mit weiterem werde ich abwarten, bis ca.
    9. November, zum saisonalen November-Tief.
    Liegt auch zwischen Neumond, Nov. 2 und
    Vollmond, Nov. 16.

    p.s. habe heute ein Paar Kommentare gelesen,
    die den heutigen Tag auf das Refco-Geschehen schoben.
    Absolutely Bullshit. Refco hätte nach oben ausgeschlagen, was
    natürlich noch kommen kann.


    re: Lebensversicherungen, etc

    habe Ende September meinen laufenden VWL-Vertrag gekündigt.
    und im selben Monat einen neuen aufgelegt. Der VWL-Vertrag lief seit
    Anfang '02 - in 08/15 deutschen Aktien, zulagenberechtigt bin ich eh seit
    15 Jahren nicht mehr, das Tauschen der Anteile in einen anderen Fonds
    - während der Laufzeit - lässt das BVermBG 'eh nicht zu.

    Also habe ich einfach mal Kursgewinne realisiert.

    Lebensversicherungen: Habe vor 13 Jahren aufgehört, nur noch das
    reine Risiko (abzukoffern) versichert, den Kapital-Teil kann ich
    besser selber erledigen.

    Nächstes Ding ist, habe noch eine Direkt-Versicherung laufen, wird noch
    in diesem Jahr gekündigt.

    Grund: die steuerlichen Vorteile gehen seit Jahren kontunierlich zurück.
    (anfänglich war es mal 12,5%, was an eingezahlten Lohnentgelten versteuert
    werden musste - lang, lang ist es her - danach wurde der Steuervorteil
    verringert, die Leute nutzten es nicht mehr. Also wurde dann Riester
    erfunden. Bin da noch drin und bleibe - 3 Kinder machen es (noch) attraktiv

    Re: nochmal Direktversicherung -alle steuerlichen Vorteile, als auch die
    Vorteile bei der Sozialversicherungspflicht (keine Abzüge wenn die Jahresversicherungssumme einmalig pro Jahr abgezogen wird) erledigen sich 2008.

    Habe mir dann mal den Jetzt-Zustand angeschaut :
    - würde noch 8 Jahre Laufen
    - 95 Prozent der zwischen dem jetzigen Rückkaufswert und dem Endwert
    liegenden Differenz würde ich noch in den nächsten 8 Jahren einbezahlen.
    - der zu erwartende zusätzliche Zugewinn aus den kommenden Einlagen
    liegt (aus der Erfahrung der letzten 3 Jahren) bei mageren 2- 2.5%


    Meine Alternative wird sein:

    1/3 Cash (bleibt Cash)
    1/3 in die PM-Kriegs-Kasse
    1/3 in kleinen Gold-Münzen und grossen Silberbarren
    (macht fast einen Zentner)

    -- die dann entstehende Versicherungs-Lücke decke ich
    mit 2 - billigen - Sterbegeld-Versicherungen bei 2 unterschiedlichen
    Versicherungen ab.



    ... wenn wir - finanziell - gesund überleben wollen, müssen
    wir alle vorhandenen Möglichkeiten ausnutzen.

    Gold 350 USD ???

    - erst wieder, nachdem beim $ hinten eine Null gestrichen wurde!!

    Ich habe alle deine Postings mal rückwärtig durchgelesen.
    Du kommst mir vor, wie jemand, der sich in der Blase am
    sogenannten "Neuen Markt" - besser "Neues Spielkasino",
    ganz fürchterlich die Finger verbrannt hat und deshalb
    überall Blasen hat - und auch weitere - spekulative - Blasen befürchtet.

    Wenn du nicht die Unterschiede zwischen Märkten, welche
    15 Jahre gut gelaufen sind (war von '83 bis '98 im "SM" - Markt,
    hatte nie Grund es zu bereuen, hatte aber auch nie Grund zu
    bereuen, frühzeitig auszusteigen) und grundlegenden
    Paradigmenwechseln erkennen kannst, dann wirst du immer
    zu skeptisch - in der Früphase eines neuen Trendes sein -
    zunehmend von deinem anfänglichen Urteil abkehren - und
    sehr spät investieren - und zu spät am Tische sitzen - und zu
    spät den Tisch verlassen - und letztendlich die Zeche bezahlen.

    "Die Börse ist wie eine billige Kneipe, wer zuletzt am Tisch sitzt,
    bezahlt die ganze Zeche".

    Du solltest daher merken, dass es erst früh am Tisch ist -
    und es werden keine Einladungen vergeben!


    p.s. : Ein zusätzlicher Grund - und Indikator - war '98, dass meine
    jüngste Schwester, welche sich nie für Aktien interessiert hatte,
    erst spät in Telekom-Aktien investierte. Das war für mich das -
    ultimative - Alarmzeichen.
    '02 habe ich dann mal meiner jüngsten Schwester gegenüber ein
    Investment in Gold&Silber erwähnt. Anwort: "Ich habe schon soviel
    Geld an den Telekom-Aktien verloren, und du willst, dass ich in Gold
    und Silber investiere???"

    Daher betrachte ich Sie als - perfekten - Indikator. Wenn Sie in Gold
    & Silber geht, gehe ich raus. Ich schätze, das wird aber erst in einigen
    Jahren sein, 2009 ++++


    jaa, aber irgendwie, wenn ich überlege - und zurückschaue,
    kommt mir China heute wie die USA am Beginn der 20er Jahre vor.

    - produktives Power-House
    - spekulative Blasen am Markt

    parallel dazu kommt mir Ami-Land wie Europa in den 20ern vor,

    - shop till you drop
    - die Party feiern, der Kater kommt später sowieso
    - Deflation is watching you (hidden behind inflation)

    offen ist für mich in diesem Szenario: Europas Rolle in dieser Tragikkomödie


    Seltsame Dinge geschehen.....

    (Auszug von Butlers jüngestem Kommentar):

    ...In silver, based upon the current COT report and subsequent trading from the cut-off date, the dealers appear to have sold short an additional 40,000 net contracts (200 million ounces) on the price rally over the past month or so. By my calculations, the dealer net short futures position has increased to roughly 375 million ounces, including the extrapolation from the cut-off date. While not at a record like gold, the silver COTs are very full, although they could get fuller at higher prices. The bottom line is that we are close to a "do or die" extreme juncture in the market, where volatility and risk are high. One side or the other, tech funds or dealers, will win or lose. This is not a contest in which other market participants, including small traders, play much of a role in the determination of the outcome.

    Can silver move sharply higher from here, in spite of negative COT readings? Of course it can. Can we sell down through the moving averages easily? Yes. Is that doubletalk? Maybe, but I would be leery of anyone who claimed to know how the short term will play out. I do think I know that on a short-term basis, while profit potential may be high in silver (as it always is), risk is also high.


    This week, silver received an unexpected endorsement from an unlikely quarter – the Silver Users Association (SUA). For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this organization, here’s their website I have previously written about the SUA, in non-flattering terms, in an article 4 years ago, "Silver Users, Silver Abusers"

    I don’t want to go off on a tangent, but I could never understand how the SUA was allowed to exist, since their main purpose seemed to be to keep its members supplied with cheap silver and that they were the only commodity consumer group in existence. If a group of commodity producers banded together for the purpose of artificially increasing the price of their commodity, that would be clearly illegal under US law. How a group of commodity consumers could get away with the reverse goal is a mystery to me.

    Additionally, the SUA was the main driver behind the US Government disposing of its massive silver stockpile over the past 60 years. This was the main reason the SUA was formed. In the interest of full disclosure, I did complain to the Justice Department’s Anti-Trust Division about the SUA, some 15 years ago. Suffice it to say, I’m no friend of the SUA.

    That’s why I was surprised when a received a number of e-mails from friends and readers this week about the SUA. First, I learned that the SUA had actually published one of my articles in their April 2005 newsletter. No, it wasn’t the Silver Abusers article, but one on digital cameras. I’m used to seeing my articles published by others, but I never expected the SUA to do so. I’d be lying if I said I was flattered.

    More importantly, it turned out that the SUA had written articles in their two most recent newsletters, dated July and September 2005, on the pending Silver ETF from Barclays. One reader wrote to me that the position of the SUA on the Silver ETF fully endorsed my take on the ETF, which I wrote about in June -http:// [URL]

    While I would concur that the SUA agreed with my assessment, of much greater significance is that the SUA has fully endorsed silver as an investment. As much as I loathe what the SUA stands for and has done to the silver market, I will acknowledge that they know as much about silver as could be known. For them to tell you that real silver is a great investment is powerful beyond any words I could ever write. They’re even telling you to buy allocated silver, the only kind of stored silver that I preach about.

    No, the SUA is not suddenly in the investment advisory business and is not intentionally promoting silver. That would be preposterous. But if you take the time to read why they are opposed to Barclays Silver ETF, and apply your common sense, you will be able to reach no other reasonable conclusion. Here are some excerpts from their position on the ETF (full statement - http://www.silverusersassociat…/news/wash_rpt_0509.shtml

    The excerpts -

    "Background on ETF

    An ETF is an Exchange Traded Fund, created under the Investment Company Act of 1940. They are index-based products, which hold a portfolio of securities that is intended to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, generally correspond to the price and yield performance of the underlying benchmark index. In the case of a Silver ETF, the index would track the silver price and be backed by physically vaulted silver. Gold ETF's gained popularity in the recent commodity bull markets as investors were attracted to an alternate form of gold investment other than mining shares, options, futures and physical. Many are interested in gold from a 'buy and hold' perspective. Each unit that is bought on the gold ETF has resulted in physical gold metal being purchased on the open market and stored in a vault. In total, these gold ETF's have contributed to 250 tons of gold being purchased in the open market, approximately $3.4 billion dollars.

    Impact of Silver ETF

    Fortunately we do not have to look back very far to see the impact a significant amount of allocated silver would have on the market. It was 1998 when Warren Buffet purchased over 100 million ounces of physical silver and the spot price rallied over $3 dollars and one month lease rates soared over 30%.

    ………As it is, silver can be an illiquid market because there are few central banks which own silver. Silver is inexpensive in terms of commodities, and its volatility is typically 2-3 times that of gold.

    These are both reasons investors are drawn to the market. A silver ETF would only exaggerate silver's illiquidity given the sheer volume of physical silver needed to be shipped and stored. While a silver ETF might initially provide price benefits for producers, we believe it would disrupt the market in the short term and may harm the market in the long term.

    SUA Position

    The Silver Users Association opposes the creation of a silver ETF because of the concerns that doing so will require the holding of physical silver in allocated accounts, thus removing large amounts of silver from the market. By doing so, the ETF most likely would cause a shortage of silver in the marketplace……"

    I urge you to read the entire article. The SUA writes in very clear and blunt language, just like I tried to do in my ETF article. You decide if the SUA agrees with me. They are telling you there is not enough real silver in the world to fund a silver ETF, just like I did. They are telling you that the silver ETF will create a shortage and send the price soaring, just like I did. They are comparing the impact of the silver ETF to Warren Buffett’s silver purchase in 1998, just like I did. They are telling you that there is plenty of gold for any number of gold ETF’s, but not enough for even one measly silver ETF, just like I did and further confirming my contention that silver is more rare than gold. They are confirming that there is little silver left in the central banks of the world. They are confirming that allocated (with serial numbers and specific bar weights) silver is the type of silver that counts, just like I’ve always done. They are telling you that silver is cheap and will move much more than gold. Is there an echo in here?

    Please understand me – it’s not just that they wrote exactly what I wrote. It has to do with who I am and who they are. I’m an analyst who is bullish on silver and who is interested in ending the silver manipulation and seeing as many regular people take advantage of a great investment as possible. You would expect me to say bullish things about silver. But what about the Silver Users Association? What would you expect to hear from them?

    I’ll tell you what I have come to expect from following them for 20+ years. Up until this ETF article, I have never heard them say anything bullish about silver. It was always "there’s plenty of silver, the price should go down, it will always be a poor investment, yada, yada, yada." Never have they issued a bullish word about silver. That’s what is so significant about their ETF article; it is nothing but bullish. Not enough silver for an ETF, silver’s inexpensive, the ETF will cause a shortage, it moves faster than gold, the ETF will benefit producers, the ETF will have the same impact that Warren Buffett did. All I can say is "huh?"

    This SUA article is serious stuff. It is unprecedented. There was only one reason they came out against this ETF as forcefully as they have – they knew this silver ETF could blow the silver market sky high. The SUA had to do whatever it took to kill it, and as I wrote previously, there’s no other way to spin it. If the silver ETF is killed, it will be for the irrefutable fact that there is not enough real silver in the world to fund it anywhere near current prices. It should be simple for you to recognize that the SUA was in such a bind that it forced this open and blunt approach.

    And you can rest assured that writing articles in their newsletter is only the tip of the iceberg as far as their real, behind the scenes effort to derail the silver ETF. The SUA and their members are the masters of backroom lobbying and influence peddling. How else do you think they succeeded in causing the disposal of billions of ounces of government silver over half a century, right in front of our eyes? The army of well-paid lawyers and lobbyists from Eastman Kodak, Dupont, Dow Chemical, Engelhard and Tiffany have been petitioning and influencing the SEC to kill the ETF. Against this concerted and well-organized effort against the silver ETF, I’m not aware of any forceful attempt to get it approved.

    While I can be wrong, and I do hope I am, the effort to kill the ETF should prevail. It won’t be a surprise, because there never was enough real silver to back it. The surprise is to see the SUA come out so publicly against it, and in doing so, prove to the world just how little silver is left the world. It would be hard to ask for clearer proof. In fact, we don’t even have to wait for the final SEC decision to deny the ETF in order to confirm my contention that there is not enough silver, at near current prices, to back it. The SUA just did that.

    The super good news, of course, is that you can do something about it. You don’t need to wait for a Silver ETF, which may never come into existence, in order to buy real silver. You can do it on your own. Just make sure, if you are buying silver that will not be in your personal possession, that you buy the right kind of stored silver. That means no unallocated, pool accounts or leveraged deals, if your intent is to own real silver. Those kinds of silver are the type the SUA would prefer to see you buy. According to them, the only type of silver that really matters is allocated silver. Please listen to them.



    re: Aladin 10.10. 16:12, Edel Man 10.10. 18:27
    - Jackie Chan - und seine bearish'he Sicht:

    Copied from GE-Forum:

    (Half_Monty) Oct 11, 17:52
    Maybe Jack Chan can pick a major top, maybe he can't. Maybe gold has been stair-stepping $100-up, $50-down, maybe it hasn't. But what we know for sure is -- Jack Chan cannot support either contention without torturing a chart.

    Maybe MG2 trades for a living, maybe he doesn't. Maybe gold will retreat to $455, maybe it won't. But what we know from many posts past -- MG2 knows a support level when he sees it.

    The current move in gold did not begin at $425, per Jack Chan. It began just below $410 after peaking just below $460. We have already had our $50 giveback of the move from $375.

    MG2 is right in observing that this move in gold is, first and firstmost, a move above the Dec '04 high at $458. He is right in observing that the move is $60-$65 straight up (8 straight weeks, 11 out of 12). He is right in taking fair warning when the gold-is-jewelry crowd climbs aboard.

    But he is right also in noting that support lies no more than $20 below, and he is right in pointing out that the total 12-week move has been $60, not $100.

    A $60 gain in twelve weeks is a baby-stepping, back-and-fill advance that does not produce a major top. Before this over, we will likely see half-again that much in a single day.

    JMO, of course.

    --- just for Info --


    Nach AIG, dem grössten an der COMEX, welcher vor Monaten
    Probleme mit SEC-Regularien bekam, hat es augenscheinlich
    nun auch Refco, (in den Gold, Silver Delivery Intentions mit Refco LLC
    aufgeführt) , an den Ei$$$$.…ry/0,3604,1589110,00.html

    von den 8 grössten Silber-Preis-Manipulateuren sind nun der "dickste", AIG
    und einer der grossen, REFCO, mitten im Licht.

    Die derivative Neutronenbombe, lauernd auf ihre Bestimmung, bekommt
    wieder zunehmend einen silbrigen Schimmer.

    Got Gold, Got Silver, get cash, get rid of debt !?!!

    Silver hat,
    seit dem Schwung an die 8,40er Marke,
    mit nachlassender Amplitude (Hoch/Tief liegen enger beieinander)
    reagiert. Was Silber in den letzten drei Jahren gemacht hat, ist in der Steuer/Regelungstechnik seit 70 Jahren bekannt.

    - Einstellung eines neuen Stellwertes.
    - Anpassung mit erheblichem Schwung und Potential auf den Wert,
    Überschwing-Neigung und Einpendeln auf den Stellwert(idealerweise
    geschieht das Sinus-förmig.)

    Zur Zeit ist bei Silber alle damals eingebrachte Energie nahezu verflogen.

    Was Silber braucht, ist ein neuer Stellwert. (In den Märkten müssen
    wir da wohl sagen: Neue Einschätzung/Erwartungen/Betrachtungen,
    (diese müssen aber nicht von uns, sondern von - bisher - abseits stehenden
    Kräften erfolgen)). Erst dann wird für Silber ein neuer Stellwert gesetzt.

    Die Höhe des Wertes mag auch uns noch überraschen.


    Gnight in SA heisst offfensichtich "Good Night", sofern ich etwas von den Aussies gelernt habe, "Gday" or "gidday"= "Good day" = Guten Tag

    Am schärfsten war, da war ich für eine System-Erweiterung bei einer
    österreichischen Tageszeitung (Innsbruck/Tirol)im Einsatz, und ich bekam einen "ganz, ganz frischen" Project-Director als Vorgesetzten, gerade 4 Wochen in der Firma, hatte gerade in Sacramento sein Appartment bezogen,
    Er war gebürtiger Aussie, (war vorher im IT-Dept. bei Fairfax News),
    in der ersten E-Mail, hat er sich nicht mal vorgestellt, aber eine
    sehr praktische Frage zu Innsbruck "How's the Tucker over dere" ...

    Ich habe tatsächlich zwei Stunden gebraucht, herauszukriegen, was Tucker
    bedeutet: plain'n'simple: Frass/Fressen

    Man lernt echt dazu, vorher wusste ich von den Aussies nur "Hash McAndy"
    einzuordnen, "alles in eine Pfanne"


    p.s. bei euch in SA muss es doch eigentlich jetzt schon "Hühnerzeit",
    d.h. das erste Morgengrauen bereits am Horizont sein...
    bist ja noch eine schlimmere NachtEule als ich es bereits bin.

    Anyway, GNight,
    and fare well


    Ich habe mal das Wochenende benutzt, um ein bisschen Data-Mining
    in der familiären Haushalts-Buchführung zu machen. Ich habe Anfang '02
    wieder damit begonnen, einen familiären Kontenrahmen zu erstellen und alle Einkünfte und Ausgaben nach diesem zu verbuchen.(OpenOffice lässt grüssen)

    Nun, der daraus ermittelte, familiäre Konsumenten-PreisIndex für 2004 ist 4,3%. Prognosen für 2005: 4,5%-4,6%


    p.s. Meine - vollkommen unmassgebliche - Prognose für Gold am
    01.01.2006 - grösser 420 EUR