Hallo zusammen,
bin gerade auf was "lustiges" gestossen.
Ein Anlagen-berater-verräter-betrüger-LUTSCHER hat es in ´ner ami-Community versucht und sofort eins vor die Kachel bekommen.
Sein Statement war:
Here's how Gold performed during some historic recessions:
8 months in 1945: -4%
11 months in 1948-49: -4%
10 months in 1953-54: -4%
8 months in 1957-58: -4%
10 months in 1960-61: -4%
11 months in 1969-70: +3.36%
16 months in 1973-75: +90.81%
6 months in 1980: -13.43%
16 months in 1981-82: -6.18
8 months in 1990-91: -3.34%
8 months in 2001: +1.63%
FOUND THIS FROM BLOOMBERG: For a technical outlook on silver, go to http://www.elliottwave.com/silver
die Antwort eines Users darauf:
Anyone else notice the recessions are right before and after foreign wars.
1945... post WW2
1948... pre Korean War
1954... post Korean War
1958 and 1960... pre heightened tensions with USSR, including bay of pigs and race to space
1969-1970... in the middle of Vietnam prior to troop escalation
1973-1975... war in Vietnam cooling off and troop withdrawl
1980... Iran-Contra... soviet tensions... stagflation... OPEC crisis
1990-1991.... Persian Gulf War
2001... dot com, 9/11 attacks, impending war with Middle East
Not every example applies, but war and conflict are involved in every recession listed above...
Manche wollen einfach nicht wahrhaben was die Stunde geschlagen hat
greetz @all