Beiträge von frr

    Hallo T.,
    Bin ganz Deiner Meinung; Auch was Dr. Appel betrifft.

    Die Grosso Group, wie Joe G. sein neues Imperium nun nennt hatte zuviel an Grund in Argentinien und auch Peru. Daher war eine gewisse
    Aufteilung abzusehen.
    Joe. G. hat seit nunmehr 10 Jahren immense land Tracts in Argentinien mit seinem Partner Dr. Vincente Mendez (Chefgeologe der Regierung für 20 Jahre) zusammengestellt. Etliche JV's mit grossen Partnern a la Barrick et al wurden abgeschlossen.
    Das Navidad Projekt, das derzeit 5-6 ähnlich grosse (Navidad) Projekte erwarten lässt und dies laufend bestätigt ist nur in einem kleinen Teil des riesigen auch sonst prospektiven Gebiet angesiedelt.
    Die Bestellung von Augusto Baertl, Mr. LatAm Mining Guy, tat ein Übriges die Credibility zu erhöhen.
    Ceterum censeo Aquiline(um) esse delendat; Sie haben keine wie immer geartete Case! - and are just the nuisance Joe wants to get rid of.

    <Go IMA, ASM - Gold and Silver

    For Asset Protection"!

    GATA press release via Business Wire
    March 3, 2005

    A study published by a research foundation in Dubai has endorsed the
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee's findings that Western central and
    commercial banks have rigged the gold market but have much less gold
    than they claim to have and so are vulnerable to rising demand for
    gold. The study recommends that the oil-producing countries of the
    Middle East diversify their ever-depreciating U.S. dollar holdings
    into gold.

    The study, "The Role of Gold in the Unified Gulf Cooperation Council
    Currency," was written by Eckart Woertz, vice president of CFC
    Securities in Dubai, for the Gulf Research Center. It quotes the work
    of GATA's consultants, including Frank Veneroso, and predicts that
    the gold price suppression scheme of the Western banks will fail just
    as their similar scheme of the 1960s, the so-called London Gold Pool,
    failed when the drain on Western gold reserves became too great. Once
    the scheme fails, the study says, "it will be highly difficult and
    expensive to accumulate a gold reserve. This is especially true for
    central banks that have low gold reserves like those in the Gulf
    Cooperation Council countries."

    The study concludes: "The paper dollar standard is a dead man
    walking. Its debt, accumulated over the recent decades, is too high
    to be effectively repaid. It will either default or be inflated to
    such an extent that it will not 'hurt' to pay it back. Therefore, the
    accrued imbalances in global finance and the inherent weakness of
    worldwide growth models that rely on a continuance of U.S. deficit
    spending are likely to usher in a serious crisis of currency systems
    in coming years.

    "Gold will be a suitable means of asset protection and ultimate
    payment in such a scenario. It will preserve the wealth of
    individuals and central banks alike and will ensure important
    maneuverability for the latter."

    GATA believes that the study is likely to have a profound influence
    on governments, banks, and investors in the Middle East and may
    accomplish there what the similar report by Sprott Asset Management
    of Toronto -- "Not Free, Not Fair: The Long-Term Manipulation of the
    Gold Price" -- is accomplishing in the West.

    The Middle East's oil-producing countries are especially obliged to
    heed the Gulf Research Center's study because their economies are
    based on a wasting asset, oil, whose depletion will leave them with
    little more than sand if the payment they receive is substantially
    depreciated or defaulted upon. In exchanging a real asset for paper
    assets that represent only unpayable debts, oil-producing countries
    are at imminent risk of massive expropriation.

    The study has been posted at the GATA Internet site here:

    GATA urges its supporters to publicize the study around the Internet
    and in communications with mining companies, investment houses, and
    news organizations.

    Got Gold? frr

    GATA press release via Business Wire
    March 3, 2005

    A study published by a research foundation in Dubai has endorsed the
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee's findings that Western central and
    commercial banks have rigged the gold market but have much less gold
    than they claim to have and so are vulnerable to rising demand for
    gold. The study recommends that the oil-producing countries of the
    Middle East diversify their ever-depreciating U.S. dollar holdings
    into gold.

    The study, "The Role of Gold in the Unified Gulf Cooperation Council
    Currency," was written by Eckart Woertz, vice president of CFC
    Securities in Dubai, for the Gulf Research Center. It quotes the work
    of GATA's consultants, including Frank Veneroso, and predicts that
    the gold price suppression scheme of the Western banks will fail just
    as their similar scheme of the 1960s, the so-called London Gold Pool,
    failed when the drain on Western gold reserves became too great. Once
    the scheme fails, the study says, "it will be highly difficult and
    expensive to accumulate a gold reserve. This is especially true for
    central banks that have low gold reserves like those in the Gulf
    Cooperation Council countries."

    The study concludes: "The paper dollar standard is a dead man
    walking. Its debt, accumulated over the recent decades, is too high
    to be effectively repaid. It will either default or be inflated to
    such an extent that it will not 'hurt' to pay it back. Therefore, the
    accrued imbalances in global finance and the inherent weakness of
    worldwide growth models that rely on a continuance of U.S. deficit
    spending are likely to usher in a serious crisis of currency systems
    in coming years.

    "Gold will be a suitable means of asset protection and ultimate
    payment in such a scenario. It will preserve the wealth of
    individuals and central banks alike and will ensure important
    maneuverability for the latter."

    GATA believes that the study is likely to have a profound influence
    on governments, banks, and investors in the Middle East and may
    accomplish there what the similar report by Sprott Asset Management
    of Toronto -- "Not Free, Not Fair: The Long-Term Manipulation of the
    Gold Price" -- is accomplishing in the West.

    The Middle East's oil-producing countries are especially obliged to
    heed the Gulf Research Center's study because their economies are
    based on a wasting asset, oil, whose depletion will leave them with
    little more than sand if the payment they receive is substantially
    depreciated or defaulted upon. In exchanging a real asset for paper
    assets that represent only unpayable debts, oil-producing countries
    are at imminent risk of massive expropriation.

    The study has been posted at the GATA Internet site here:

    GATA urges its supporters to publicize the study around the Internet
    and in communications with mining companies, investment houses, and
    news organizations.

    wird langsam ein Thema. Printing Press, Helicopter Money Bernanke scheint gute (id est schlechte) Aussichten zu haben.

    Alan G. scheint sich langsam von der Regierung abzusetzen. After all, was hat er noch zu verlieren - seine Reputation ist bereits mehr als angekratzt - doch will er wirklich als Totengräber des Dollar Reserve Systems in die Geschichte eingehen?

    Wetten Dass... - AG es nicht schafft diesen Nimbus abzulegen. Er hat bereits bewiesen chamäleonartig Farbe zu wechseln; Jedoch wird Mr. Bubbles Magoo so bewertet werden wie er es verdient.

    Das verheisst nichts Gutes - frr

    ... Und er scheint mir richtig zu liegen.

    Timing ist für TA Fans, FA für Gläubige und Realität ist was RR (- nicht frr) zu sagenhat!

    ***Question -- Russell, how will we know when we are near or at the point where the trouble hits?

    Answer -- Watch the bonds. The bonds will signal "Fun's Over-Time." When the bonds start spiraling down, that will be the signal that tells us that the great liquidity bubble has sprung a leak. Keep your eye on the bonds!

    Gold -- The yellow metal continues to creep higher, and last week gold went into its full "buy" mode. This means the 50-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average, and the gold price is above both. The recent vicious correction in gold probably knocked out many of the in-and-out traders, the timid souls and the Johnie-come-latelies.. RSI at the top of the chart suggests that gold may soon be overbought -- but a strong item can remain overbought for a while.

    It's very possible that the oil stocks are "blowing off." XOM, the leader, is going parabolic and RSI is heavily into the overbought area. For new subscribers, parabolic means accelerating until the upward progress goes almost vertical. Once a parabolic rise rolls over, it's usually a sign that the item has "had it." ***

    Or'Well ... It just may not prove to "behave" the way the oldies have charted the waters. It may be, or become well beyond their experience.

    Weisst Du's?

    Weiss' Ich? Na, wir werden sehen - Got Gold? ... wird helfen ... wos was I ... frr

    Korrekt, nur ich würde dieses Verfahren als "fair valuation" für die Übernahme von 51% der Avino Mine bezeichnen. Been there and have done that.

    Die "Feasibility", IMHO, bezieht sich auf den Tailings Pond (Abraum), wo 10 - 12 moz Silber auf neue Thechnologien zur finalen Produktion warten. Leaching (leach pads) ist die Antwort und der Gewinn hier kann 10 mal das eingesetzte Kapital bedeuten. Ich sollte das wissen, da ich 1993 versuchte die Avino tailings zu erwerben. Der Wert könnte allein 35 Mio. $ netto übertreffen.

    Die Nervosität des IMF ist verständlich; Dass auch Howards Aussies die Gegebenheiten zu verstehen beginnen ist schlicht brilliant!

    ***From Rusell's commentary:The story below is about comments made by Australian Treasury Secretary Ken Henry. It's a story well worth reading -- Russell

    US deficits risk crash: Treasury
    David Uren and Roy Eccleston
    February 25, 2005
    The Australian

    PETER Costello's closest adviser fears the US is heading for a devastating financial crash that could ravage Australia's economic growth.

    As the Reserve Bank considers raising interest rates at its board meeting next Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Ken Henry likened the flood of money pouring into the US to support its budget and current account deficits to the stockmarket's dotcom bubble of the late 1990s.

    Were it suddenly to stop, there would be shockwaves felt throughout the world's economies.

    The financial crash feared by Dr Henry would involve a sharp fall in the US dollar and a bond market sell-off, which would push up US and world interest rates.

    This would hit US economic growth and, as a result, cut Chinese exports of manufactured products to the American market. In turn, this would threaten the boom in Australian mineral exports to China.

    Fears that the world economy is in grave danger are growing in the major financial capitals.

    The International Monetary Fund, which is responsible for stability of the world economy, also warned yesterday of a sudden collapse.

    IMF managing director Rodrigo de Rato said urgent combined international action was required to head off the dangers.

    The main cause of concern is the fact the US is running a trade deficit of about $US600billion ($760billion) and a budget deficit of about $US430billion for 2005.

    US imports are almost 50per cent greater than the country's exports, with the deficit being financed by international central banks and funds managers.

    Despite signs that the deficit is getting bigger, money is pouring into the US from Asia and Europe at such a rate that the US has been able to keep its long-term interest rates steady at 4.2 per cent since the middle of last year.

    Dr Henry said the flood of money was "worryingly reminiscent of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan's warning in 1996 of irrational exuberance in US stocks".

    He said that, as with the dotcom bubble in the 1990s, one could not tell how long it would keep going, but it would burst eventually.

    Dr Henry's comments, made to a meeting of Asian treasurers in Sydney yesterday, reveal that Treasury is much more worried about the health of the world economy than is the Reserve Bank.

    Reserve Bank governor Ian Macfarlane said last week that he did not think the US current account deficit was a serious threat.

    "I suspect the rest of the world will continue to finance the US current account deficit," he said. But if it did not, all that would happen would be a fall in the US dollar, which would not have serious consequences.

    The Reserve Bank expects world economic growth to slow only slightly from last year, when it recorded the fastest growth in almost 30 years.

    The different views about the economic risks may be aired at the Reserve Bank meeting on Tuesday. Dr Henry sits on the Reserve Bank board.

    The bank does think there are risks of financial collapse in the US, but believes it would be caused by the complexity of new financial products.

    The IMF also thinks economic growth will remain firm over the year ahead, but Mr de Rato says there are "serious threats and challenges ahead".

    Mr de Rato warned that it was highly unlikely that the US would continue to have access to "easy credit", based on its present economic policies.

    Mr de Rato said the fall in the value of the dollar should act as a "timely wake-up" to policy makers around the world to tackle the imbalances in the world economy.

    Mr de Rato said these included not only the US's deficits, but also resistance to economic reforms in Europe and Japan, as well as China's fixed exchange rate.

    Dr Henry said the problems went beyond the American deficits, which he said were mirrored by excessive surpluses in Asia.

    He said Asian countries were not allowing their domestic economies to grow fast enough, and were relying too much on exports. This put them at risk in any world economic downturn.

    The boom in investment in American financial markets could be brought to a halt by a number of developments, Dr Henry said.

    A slowdown in American growth could lead international private investors to pull out of the country.

    Foreign central banks, which have been buying long-term American government bonds, are already facing big losses as a result of the fall in the value of the greenback.

    "What if they change their mind?" Dr Henry asked.

    He said it was imperative that the Americans take action to reduce their budget deficit, while they should allow the value of the US dollar to fall further. ***

    Brilliant, ja; Aber was änderts?

    Nun haben wir die Experten gehört!

    Erinnert mich stark an die Scheisse, die Frank Joubin entgegengehalten wurde als er Elliot Lake (Uranium) entdeckte. Nicht, dass ich Aflease dagegen halten möchte - ich möchte nur sagen - sour grapes - wenn Du nicht wie ich bei 1.50, damals noch 15 cents dabei warst. Bei 7.85 - 8.-
    ist relativierter Quatsch.

    ... und das in wenigen Wochen ... Habe die halbe Position heute verkauft - und sehe dass der Kurs weiter nach oben geht ... thanks to Sprott Securities.

    AFLUY -- Aflease Gold & Uranium Resources, Ltd.
    Sponsored Amer Dep Rec Level I; (representing 10 Com shs)
    Primary Venue: Pink Sheets

    PiggyBack Qualified
    Real time as of Feb 22, 2005 10:58:09 AM ; click "Refresh" for current price. Best Bid: 7.40 (1000 shares) Best Ask: 7.60 (1000 shares)
    MMID Bid Price Shares Date/Time

    Von 6.75 auf 7.40 BID heute - DRD und AFLUY in Merger Talks. Dies betrifft insbesonders die Goldinteressen von AfLUY.

    Siehe auch "Another Merger" einige Threads bevor diesem... frr

    Drooy und Aflease denken laut über eine Kooperation nach. Wie gut können Neil Froneman und Mark Wellesly-Woods miteinander reden, da die Kebbles nun weg vom Fenster sind? Immerhin, eine interessante Variante, wobei sich Aflease ganz auf seine Uranvorkommen konzentrieren kann; Hiefür spricht auch die jüngste Übernahme der Harmony Uran Interessen seitens Aflease ... frr

    Congressman Ron Paul's Fragen an Alan (Magoo) G. sind einigermassen erwähnenswert - auch wenn sie überhört werden, bleiben sie die letzte Stimme in der Wüste!

    Ja ... Und wir sonnen uns im Behagen, dass wir niemals diese Defizite zustande bringen werden - richtig - da wir nicht in der Position der Reserve Währung sind - unrichtig- da wir denselben Weg der Verschleierung von Defiziten gehen. Passt's nicht ins Budget? Lagern wir's aus - die nächste Generation ist ohnehin - HIN! Finanziell, wie es scheint, da sie den Generationenvertrag kaum honorieren werden oder (können).

    No, Na ... Wie sollen sie ... Wir haben diesen Vertrag mit uns selbst geschlossen und haben unsere Kinder nicht einmal gefragt, noch als Vertragspartner akzeptiert. Wir haben die Resourcen geplündert, die Welt unsicher gemacht und die Umwelt weitgehend zerstört. Wir hinterlassen eine Wüste an Illusion und erwarten dennoch, dass wir unseren einbezahlten Obulus mit Zinsen ausbezahlt bekommen.

    Wohl bekomms!