Beiträge von frr

    HS - ist viel zu selten zu lesen, doch wenn er mal schreibt ist es meist wichtig und fundamental richtig. Auch wenn er selbst meint, sich aus dem Fenster zu hängen, ist er diesmal nicht allein. Dan Denning, Bonner, Bill Gross, Hathaway und einige andere sind dieser Meinung; Sogar Mr. Magoo scheint nervös zu werden und orakelte - "The broadly unanticipated behavior of the world bond markets remains a conundrum".

    Fannie May und Freddie Mac kamen auch als GSE's nicht besser weg - ihre zuletzt extrem gestiegenen Hypothekar Portfolios sind nun imminente Risikofaktoren für das monetäre System.

    Wärs nicht so dramatisch - wärs fast zum Lachen. Mr. Bubbles Magoo ist einer der hauptverantwortlichen Initiatoren dieser extremen Verschuldungspolitik und warnt nun vor den Konsequenzen seiner monetären Eskapaden!

    Bizarr - wie die Karriere eines Anne Raynd Schülers endet ...


    Eldo - It's nonsense, but it is the archtypical Aquiline nonsense.

    .... It seems to me that your insight here is a bit short of reality. I'm
    pretty familiar with what has happened since inception of the property; Let's call it the "Navidad" property.

    AQI was nowhere near to take out this concession, nor did they have any people anywhere near to the property. Their claims only began to pour in after the first real exploration efforts, and what's more first significant finds have been concluded. The original vendors (NEM) did not have "ANY" Data on the property, which would preconclude the law suit anywhere else - except in North America - where those creeps make a living from these kind of embezzlement.

    Personally, I find the nuisance value of 100K CD's a bit steep, though getting a black mailer off your back it just may be well worth it ...

    Look deeper - if you wanna look - frr

    Glaube es war die Initiative von den Herausgebern dieser Goldseiten, die auf positives Interesse bei Avino's Management stiess. Unterstützung gab es auch von anderer Seite. Im Übrigen, wurden Coral und auch Bralorne, die zur selben Gruppe gehören in Deutschland notiert.

    Ich meine, dies ist eine echte Bereicherung und danke für die positive
    Einschätzung. Alle drei Gesellschaften werden uns noch viel Freude machen, da, wie ich (hell-)höre Einiges an positiver Entwicklung kurzfristig zu erwarten ist.

    You've "GATA" be in these stocks ... before they take off! frr

    Gemeinheiten. Nicht nur immer by Catherine Austin Fitts, die eine absolute Favoritin von mir ist. Auch Bill Bonner hat schon einen Lieblings fluss - Amazon - the river of no returns, auch wenn Amazon behauptet seine Gewinne verfünffacht zu haben ... zu was für Kosten?

    ..... Und um nur ein Bonmot von Rob Kirby (Artikel unten) herauszuheben, dann ist es JPMorgans Zukunft ist so glänzend, dass man bereits SSonnenbrillen braucht - Ray Ban, bitte - um die zu sehen. In Anbetracht dder bescheidenen Derivativ-Position von ein paar Billionen mehr als dals gesamte US BNP kann man ja eher gesund schlafen - es ist ja nur max. 6-7 Mal das BNP in Notional Value.
    ... Nanu, oder besser na ja - auch die BuBa warnt vor Citibanks Bond Problemen. No-Na! Wärs nicht besser den Balken im eigenen Auge zu sehen als vor fremden Türen zu kehren?

    Wos was a Fremder, oder wie der der Lateiner zu sagen pflegt, quid quid peregrinus; Herr Karl (Qualtinger) hat es so und auch anders ausgedrückt - Wann mi dös Reisebüro net vermittelt hätt; Oder! Der Wüde auf seina Maschin: I was zwoar net wo I hinfoahr, oba dafür bin i gschwinder durt!

    Sorry for the long foreword - the rest is still a required read ... frr

    A Horse of A Different Color [Lucrative Patriotism]
    By Rob Kirby
    We live in a world where honesty, integrity, and following the life and teachings of Jesus are not respected commodities. Living by the Golden Rule and playing fair sharing toys amongst ourselves, and other nations does not work in lucrative patriotism for dollar hegemony. Manipulation of strategic resources is the name of the game. Any manipulation of markets impacts real estate, ultimately impacting folks on Main Street America. A good background essay by Catherine Austin Fitts and Chris Sanders is The Negative Return Economy: Fascinating and lucrative patriotism: a discourse on America’s black budget. Sound money backed by specie is part of the solution to cure the Dark Side of the Force of Lucrative Patriotism as we learn to vote with our money in the marketplace taking our money away from the existing fraudulent legal tender fiat paper banking system. The remaining solution must come from within ourselves. Where, would Jesus bank?

    – Gale Bullock

    The disarming smile says it all – you can trust me – or can you? I’ve been sitting at my desk this past week, contemplating during linguistic lulls, that question as Ms. Condi of Rice fame barnstorms her way across Europe in her first official overseas junket as her eminence, Secretary of State. From where I sit, I detect a familiar ring in this dog and pony show to the not so veiled message she’s packing where Iran is concerned. If all of you haven’t noticed, Iran has come galloping up along the inside rail in the homestretch to overtake North Korea as lead villain in this two horse race. No matter to me, in betting parlance, I had them boxed to finish one – two, anyway.

    What I am beginning to find so increasingly predictable about this horseplay is – like Iraq, Iran is alleged to have intentions to produce WMD [Nukes, aka Weapons of Mass Destruction] while North Korea is widely repudiated to already have them. Oh! -- did I hear anyone mention anything about oil? "Black gold, Texas Tea" as the Beverly Hillbillies would say. Now that we are looking at the ponies in the race, there is something rather interesting about Iraq and Iran and their oil, or more specifically, how they were selling it and/or where they intend to sell it in the future. You see, once upon a time there was a country named Iraq. They started selling their oil [the infamous U.N. oil for food program] for Euros instead of dollars. Before long, they had so much food they were a danger to everyone in the region. They had to be invaded, their ponies corralled, and occupied so oil could once again trade for U.S. dollars exclusively. Then we stumble across this snippet while cleaning out the stable:

    "In 2005 Iran will launch a new oil exchange that is expected to put an end to Western domination of the international oil trade. The US and UK, currently home to the world's largest oil markets, are unlikely to allow Iran to undermine their control of the oil trade without putting up a fight.

    Iran is to launch an oil trading market for Middle East and OPEC producers that could threaten the supremacy of London's International Petroleum Exchange.

    A contract to design and establish a new platform for crude, natural gas and petrochemical trades is expected to be signed with an international consortium within days.

    Top oil producing countries are determined to seize more control of trading after being advised that existing markets such as the IPE and Nymex in New York are not working in their favour……" 1

    Heavens to Betsy, it seems that Iran is concerned that the possibility exists that there is an Anglo–American conspiracy to rig the price of the strategic commodity, oil – namely, their oil. As a result, it seems the Iranians are planning to set up an exchange in their own backyard, so to speak, with an obvious intention they can keep a close eye on ‘goings on’ in the international oil trade, voting with their own money and resources. These claims of a rigged market in oil bear a faint resemblance to claims of another group which is, coincidentally, ignored by the bulk of the main stream media. GATA has long claimed that the price of gold is rigged in the Gold Derivative Banking Crisis. Officialdom tends to scoff at these claims; typically citing such hubris as, nothing so sinister would ever be contemplated or carried out by such honorable institutions. After all, they never seem to be found guilty of any wrong doings despite their close association to such illustrious financial swindles as WorldCom, Enron, and possibly some GSEs perhaps? In the words of J.P. Morgan’s COO Jamie Dimon [from a story reprinted from SNL Interactive ], 2

    "Obviously, one of the facts we looked at is what Citi did, but Citi in the WorldCom case, there are a completely different set of facts — totally, absolutely, positively. And I personally think that it was wrong to allocate so much of the problem to the bonds, when clearly so much should be allocated to the equity side," Dimon said in the call. "The guilt by association will eventually have to end. … It will eventually destroy this country if we don't eventually fix some of that. That's not to say some people didn't do bad stuff and didn't help some things happen. But there's a big difference between committing a fraud and knowing they committed a fraud."

    Understand, dear reader, these were only some of Mr. Dimon’s remarks on the occasion of J.P. Morgan Chase "topping up" their litigation reserve to a cool 3.7 billion dollars in the second quarter of the year of our Lord, 2004. Speaking of guilt by association, in an associated story, I guess it becomes pretty clear that slip-ups are simply an unintended consequence of doing slippery business these days [racing around a muddy racetrack?]. After all, accidents do occur – don’t they? 3

    Bundesbank warns over Citigroup case
    By Ralph Atkins, Fidelius Schmid and Mark Schieritz in Frankfurt
    Published: February 9 2005 19:44

    Last updated: February 9 2005 19:44

    Controversial trading in eurozone government bonds by Citigroup has highlighted "systemic risks" in some smaller European countries and strengthened the case for retaining national regulators, Germany's Bundesbank has warned.

    Edgar Meister, Bundesbank director responsible for financial supervision, also added to widespread calls for Citigroup's sale of €12bn ($15.3bn, £8.2bn) in bonds last August in the span of several seconds to be "investigated completely"……

    But what are the odds – I mean that two strategic commodities 4 [three, if you count the bond market!] that are essential to the maintenance of global U.S, dollar hegemony could be rigged [ehhh, Maneuvered? Commandeered? The horse race fixed?] at the same time, if at all? You would need some pretty weighty [how about preponderant?] evidence to support a bold claim like that, n’est pas? I would even go out on a limb and suggest that you would have to catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar. But, alas questions remain, poor Yorick! Would you be willing to wager a paltry two bucks that none of these prices [except bonds of course, because the Bundesbank just told us that they are categorically] are rigged? How about a fiver [Federal Reserve Note], and let’s call it 2-to-1 odds, that they both are, well…. rigged? Swiveling in my chair a full 360 degrees, "Good luck finding someone willing to take the other side of the bet!" Who hasn’t heard the saying, "the squeaky wheel always gets the grease [ehhh, made from a strategic oil reserve in the Middle East]?" Perhaps, in our world today it’s more a case of, "the oily countries get the squeaky wheels – as in tank treads over desert sands?" This all starts to make sense now, doesn’t it? After all, what SUV loving individual would ever want to see all that beautiful oil left unprotected? Currently the Stars and Stripes draped coffins flying home number over 1,300 – at what cost of life, misery, suffering, and destruction to the peoples supposedly liberated?

    But then there’s that democracy aspect to all this. 5 After all, we are the defenders and protectors of probity and all things democratic – aren’t we? Take the democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Chavez, for instance. He sure counts on the support of the democracy loving U.S. of A. now doesn’t he? We all like to celebrate the brand of democracy practiced in places like Saudi Arabia, don’t we? See how neatly Saudi Arabia, with their Arabian Horses, neatly fitted into this essay about horses of different colors? I ask, do you think that was a coincidence, too? And we all know of the great affinity of the Powers That Be [PTB] for the "poor people" in countries like Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, and Nigeria and let’s not forget sub-Saharan Africa while we’re at it. After all, if you listen to British Finance Minister, Gordon Brown, you’d be well aware that he is prepared to sell IMF gold stocks to help the poor. What a stand up guy! I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that he already sold all of Britain’s official gold stocks a few years back when the gold price was much lower?

    Where I come from folks, the biggest cause of disparity between the rich and the poor is a man made condition known as the debasement of currency or, as some prefer, "INFLATION." History tells us that adherence to a gold standard minimizes this occurrence at the hands of central bankers sharing the same bed with the politicians [a sensual symbiotic relationship] -- thus the debilitating effects of this insidious act of conscious theft stealing the wealth of nations from their citizens.

    So, if there was an ounce of truth in Buster Brown’s and his compatriot’s hollow words, they would quite simply stop debasing their currencies and return the world to some semblance of sound money – like the gold standard. But this would all require first thinking and then speaking plain truths. In a world such as this, it would be all so evident, the extent to which markets have been surreptitiously rigged already. Can you say Scandal?

    In case any of you are wondering what any of this has to do with real estate or any other financial market, like bonds, it’s really quite simple. Financial markets are so highly inter-related and inter-dependant that manipulation in one market necessarily leads to observable distortions [destabilization ] in another. What one controls with the right hand, the left hand must keep restacking the deck and the house of financial cards This currency debasing that I speak of [which a truly free market in gold would "wipe out" in a New York Minute] leads to inflation which leads to rapidly increasing housing costs [and accompanying debt we know as mortgages]. Obviously, this exacerbates disparities among financial classes since some of you folks are not lucky enough to be in jobs where your incomes ‘keep up’ with rising prices [unless you are a politician who understands Lucrative Patriotism]. You see, we’re all in this horse race together [some might prefer the term ‘rat race’].

    Why not call a spade a spade in these times? – well at least recognize that "certainly is a horse of a different color." A Trojan Horse, perhaps?

    Gitty up!

    Rob Kirby
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Edited by Gale Bullock
    Columbia, Missouri, united states in America



    1 Iran to take control of world’s oil trade in 2005, from, See:

    See Also: SOURCE: The Guardian (UK), "Iran takes on west's control of oil trading", 16 June 2004.

    […ry/0,3604,1239644,00.html ]

    2 Update: Q2 loss aside, J.P. Morgan's Dimon says future so bright they've got to wear shades, found at Originally appeared on SNL Interactive found at .

    3 Bundesbank warns over Citigroup case, found at…d9-a8c9-00000e2511c8.html .

    4 Motion Denied: Raise the Union Jack over Boston's Federal Courthouse, Reg Howe,, see .

    5 Democracies are Mobocracies, all of which have ultimately failed as political systems since Ancient Greece, the Greeks of course pioneering the political art form. American Politicians flunk Government and Politics 101 in our view, since the USA was actually founded as a Constitutional Republic. A Democracy does not a Constitutional Republic make. Benjamin Franklin was most correct when he said at the time of the US Constitution, that they had created a Constitutional Republic… as long as they could keep it. However, lucrative patriotism does provide for Bread and Circuses, as well as wonderful Dog and Pony Shows – as more pork lines the barrel.

    Na jo - hiaz bin i oba pappenstad (frei nach Herrn Karl) - Nun Ja - i a ...
    und geh erst recht skifoan - frr

    Marc ist auch nur ein Züricher - Ökonom!

    ... und tanze lieber Tarantella in Patagonien mit Li'l Joe Grosso's IMA than Tango with Bill Gates' interest in APEX .

    A - love - VINO too - good to see u happy here ... frr

    We seem to read most of the same web-sites. BTW, have been one of the Cafe's original members abd became good friends with Bill M. and Chris Powell over the years.

    Der guten Ordnung halber und - aus Gründen der Fairness, sowie der geforderten "Disclaimers" - muss ich wohl offenlegen, dass ich director of the board von einigen kanad. Juniors bin. Seit ca. 15 Jahren bei CGR, seit Gründung (1992) BPM, sowie LVN und der Neugründung Cresval - CRV.P. Die ersten beiden zählen zu meinen Favoriten, unabhängig von meinem Eigeninteresse.

    CGR - lies die letzten Bohrergebnisse nochmals und lass Dir auf der Zunge zergehen, das Nachbar PDG im Pipeline u. South Pipeline Deposit an die 20moz insgesamt abbaubarem Gold hält. Indikatoren zeigen, dass die Mineralisierung Richtung Norden weist. Coral hat bereits ein diesbezügliches JV an den "excluded claims - 39% free carried interest to production - und findet mehr Gold auf der core property.
    Über 2 moz bei einer Börsekapitalisierung von gerade mal 8 mill. CD's ist lachhaft ... Nicht zum ersten Mal wird sich hier eine kurzfristige Überraschung ergeben.

    BPM - wird heuer gutes Geld verdienen und die Produktion succesively auf 100 - 150Koz's steigern ... Mehr ein andermal ...

    Take care and have a great day - frr

    Forgot to share this quote ...

    "GLD shares are only available in book entry form. Only authorized participants that are registered broker dealers that own a basket of 100,000 shares can exchange those shares for physical gold. So how many shareholders own 100,000 shares and are a registered broker dealer? 0. A GLD sharehoder owns nothing more then shares of nothing priced in dollars in book entry form."

    Isn't that kind'a sweet - Thinking you're part of a golden Bonanza - you're in the Sierra Madre without the water nor a mule and , of course with no physical gold - whatsoever ...

    Give me the proof of the opposite ... and - hell I'll still not buy it!!!

    What a waste of reality and real resource - or to put it blatantly a cheap trick to recover some "respectability"! ... to destroy it right away...

    Dass darf nicht wahr sein ... doch es scheint so! frr

    @ Silbertaler

    Warum so kompliziert?

    Durch den WGC geförderten GOLD ETF an der NYSE zu Listen - der lange gebraucht hat die behördlichen Hürden zu überwinden - ist es müssig darüber nachzudenken, ob Du physisches Gold kaufst oder Papier.

    Es ist auch müssig darüber nachzudenken, ob der ETF dem POG folgt oder gehorsam vorauseilt! Der ETF hat kein physisches Gold in welchem Verhältnis auch immer - sondern beinahe nur paper promises und ist somit WERT-los!

    Andernfalls, wäre ein ETF Zertifkat in physisches Gold einttauschbar - wozu also dieses ganze komödiantische Schmierentheater?

    Fühle mich eher als Radi und höre gerade Jim Puplavas Weekend Broadcast.
    Quote- The US economy is the ultimate carry trade ever invented and spread across the globe and its unsuspecting victims!"

    Look forward to google at the coming wake up call of reality ...

    Have a great weekend frr

    Eigentlich gebe ich die recht - bind jedoch bei Tim Wood immer vorsichtig. NEM scheint nach seiner Meinung zu den Favoriten zu gehören. Bin zwar ein alter Fan von NEM ist jedoch seit der Fusion mit Franco Nevada - weiss nicht ob Pierre Lassonde so gut mit Wayne Murdy kann - und hat überdies Probleme mit den Umweltbehörden in Indonesien und Peru; Beides meine ich zurecht.

    Weiters ist es kaum wahrscheinlich, dass SA einer Fusion mit einem US Unternehmen zustimmt. Was bleibt ... Anglo? Da wär ich aber schwer dagegen. Auch wenn sie ihre hedgings abbauen sind sie dennoch zu hoch. ... Und was ist mit Norisk Anteil ...?

    Right on bro'…Key=en_ZA&storyID=7498992

    Norilsks Rolle bleibt einigermassen im Dunklen. Fest steht die russische ZB hat 2004 40T Gold gekauft. Wird der Rubel auch mal wieder eine Währung, wie die D-Mark es einmal war? Und war Norilsk ein Testfall um zu sehen wieweit man die globale Goldproduktion in die kleinen Putinhändchen bekommen könne?

    Immerhin, hat hier die Vernunft gesiegt. Ähnlich, wenn auch nicht wirklich zu vergleichen ist der läppische Versuch von der kaputten Glamis zu sehen Goldcorp und Wheaton einzusacken. - pathetisch!