Beiträge von frr

    ... und wo wird es enden. Immer dort wo historisch Fiat Währungen endeten; Im Papierkorb der Geschichte!

    Diesmal allerdings, betrifft es die Welt Reserve Währung und somit den Rest der Welt und das idiotische System, dass nach dem effekiven Ende der Bretton Woods Übereinkommen 1971, freie Währungskurse untereinander nicht nur zuliess, sondern sie auch noch anordnete.

    Unter dem wachsamen Auge des IWF und der Weltbank wurde diese Farce als moderne Wirtschaftstheorie umgesetzt. Fein, solange du der einzige Monopolist bist, der die "Reserven" aller anderen nur zu drucken braucht. Also, die Hegemonie über aller Staaten "legal Tender" letzt -endlich besitzt.

    Ist der € besser - ich meine nein - nur jünger .... mehr ein anderes mal -

    Gehe zu

    Du findest dort Alles Wissenswertes. Ich kenne James seit Jahren. Er wird als mehr als vertauenswürdig eingestuft und geniesst einen hervorragenden Ruf.

    Informiere Dich besonders über die segregated Depotverwaltung und deren Kontrolle. Ähnliches kann bei keinem Gold ETF - es sei denn bei der kanadischen Variante, jedoch auch nicht segregated und auch nur ein Zertifikat - gesagt werden.

    Mach dich schlau ... und schau!

    "As I said, it is very difficult to make any economic calculations or financial calculation or estimates if you have a government that manipulates the markets. Under a planning economy, we had central planners planning the economy and steering the economy and it ended in disaster. I suppose that today's equivalent of the central planners of the communist regimes are the central bankers like Mr. Greenspan in that they can steer the economy with just one tool, monetary policy. I think the same way the planning economies ended in disaster, central banking as we know it today, will end in disaster. If there was a tribunal whose laws or criteria were sound money, Mr. Greenspan would be hanged."

    Marc Faber

    Gold get you some - the only way to "hang", oh, on to what you've worked for.

    OK! Not the run of the mill, though thoroughly researched co's.

    Coral Resources (CGR), 14.000 acres direkt anschliessend an PDG's Nev. Pipeline deposit. CGRs Robertson od. auch Tenabo (nach einem alten Goldgräberdorf bei Crescent Valley) Property hat mit PDG ein JV über ca 6.000 acres (excluded claims) mit 39% free carried interest bis Produktion.
    Erst kürzlich wurde mit Agnico ein weiters JV unterzeichnet, dass einige aussen liegende Claim Blocks, sowie die Norma Sass Gebiete umfasst.
    CGR hat kürzlich ausgezeichnete Bohrergebnisse bekanntgegeben, die die zentralen Zonen - 39-A, Gold Pan und Porphyry Zone verbinden.
    Eine Resource von über 2 Moz (nicht nach Reg.43-100) wurde auf diesem Gebiet nachgewiesen, wobei für die Porphyry Zone ein feasibility vom ehem. JV AMAX besteht,

    X-Cal Resources (XCL) - Sleeper JV 50:50 mit New Sleeper (NWS) ein ca 20.000 acres grosses Gebiet, dass die alte hochgradige Sleeper Mine umschliesst. Monatlich werden rd. 5-600K US $ in die Exploration gesteckt. Ergebnisse bisher exzellent. Rund 40 weitere Sleeper Type Targets sind auf diesem District Play lokalisiert worden. Man bohrt derzeit sowohl westl des Pit - Westwood Area, als auch östl. und deren Pediments.
    XCL hält noch eine 100% Property - Mill Creek, die nur etwa 700 acres umfasst, jedoch ein "Carlin Window", also einen lower plate outcrop aufweist. Grosse bek. Aktionäre - Kinross, Veneroso Fonds.

    Bralorne Mines (BPM) - Im Produktionsaufbau. Grösste Westkanadische Minen von 1930-1971) ca. 4.5moz Gesamtproduktion - Bralorne - Pioneer und King Mine.
    Nun das gesamte Gebiet unter einem Hut. Langsamer Aufbau auf 500Tagestonnen - etwa 100-150K Jahresproduktion bei voller Auslastung. Derzeit ca. 150 tpd, bei einer Resource von ca. 3.4moz (nach Matt Ball Studie).

    PMI Ventures (PMI) - Ghana, West Afrika mit excellenten Konzessionen im Ashanti, Asakranwa Belt und ersten einheimischen Partnern.

    Sowie zwei bereits vorgestellte Silber Minen: ASM (Mexico/Canada) und IMR (Patagonien/ Argentinien.

    Just as a start - my fingers are burning, though!

    Wenn Du damit - unter anderem - James Turks Goldmoney meinst, habe ich die besten Erfahrungen gemacht.

    Es ist wie ein normales Giro-Konto zu handhaben und rechnet in Goldgramm ab - und zwar jede Bewegung. Physisches Gold ist (allocated) also in Deinem Konto Equivalent gehalten und täglich updated.

    Silvermoney ist für dieses Jahr geplant.

    Ich kann James Turks Goldmoney nur empfehlen. frr

    Einige Punkte, die mir interessant erscheinen - kurz gefasst.

    Noch einmal zu Gold ETFs - Scheint mir nicht so zu sein, dass diese Fonds ausschliesslich physisches Gold halten - sondern mehrheitlich Futures. Im Prinzip dieselbe Gaunerei, wie Crimex.
    POG scheint damit konform zu sein ...

    ***Having the privilege of holding the key to the
    GATA dispatch list, I sometimes will take the
    liberty of attaching introductory comments to
    these stories and commentaries, or just wisecracks
    and sneers, to put GATA's spin on them or to try
    to unspin them. Sometimes this may go too far,
    and sometimes the omission of comment may be
    negligent, as with yesterday's dispatch of the
    London Times story about a secret vault at an
    "anonymous" building in London occupied by Hong
    Kong Shanghai Banking Corp. The vault was said
    to hold bullion owned by the new exchange-traded
    gold bullion funds.

    This was too much for GATA Chairman Bill Murphy,
    who replied:

    "This is really bugging me. I know I am
    prejudiced, but how can it be that we have had
    this supposedly massive buying of gold for the
    EFTs and the gold price has gone nowhere over
    the past couple of months? It makes no sense.

    "How can it be that the speculators are leaving
    the Comex in droves and yet are supposedly buying
    the ETFs like crazy?

    "How can it be that even Mitsui's Andy Smith,
    GATA's antagonist, smells a rat with the EFTs?

    "How do people explain all this gold demand with
    no rise in the gold price, on top of the documented
    demand in the Middle and East and India?

    "Why doesn't anyone else ask these questions?"

    GATA consultant James Turk, founder of GoldMoney
    and editor of the Freemarket Gold & Money Report,

    "I think this article in The Times is complete
    nonsense. The GLD exchange-traded fund does
    not disclose where its gold is stored. To assume
    that it sits somewhere within HSBC is pure
    speculation, just as it is pure speculation that it
    even exists at all, given that GLD's gold held by
    subcustodians and sub-subcustodians is not audited.
    And for all we know, all the gold may be stored
    with HSBC.

    "Unfortunately, like so many things concerning
    gold, we have to appeal to logic, as central banks
    make it nearly impossible for us to find the
    essential facts. Consequently, ignorance about
    gold prevails, because rather than spend some
    time thinking and working to analyze gold, the
    public swallows stories like this one hook, line,
    and sinker."

    Also dispatched to you without comment
    yesterday was a Reuters story reporting that
    a German delegate to the economic conference
    in Davos, Switzerland, expressed support for
    a vague British proposal to use gold owned by
    the International Monetary Fund to finance
    debt relief for poor countries. We've been over
    this stuff many times but perhaps not lately,
    so here goes again:

    1) Of course IMF gold sales, leasing, and
    revaluation aren't necessary to finance debt
    relief; Western governments could simply
    cancel any debts without any golden legerdemain.

    2) If the IMF and central banks tire of holding
    assets in gold, they can sell them or lease
    them at any time; they hardly need to relieve
    themselves of their gold under the supposed
    pressure of developing-world debt.

    3) Most likely the recurring talk by the IMF
    and central banks about gold sales is, like
    the sales themselves, simply a disguise
    for writing off as sold the massive amounts
    of gold that already have been leased and have
    left central bank vaults and cannot be recovered
    in any practical way without triggering a short
    squeeze that would collapse the bullion banks
    that have been the central banks' eager agents
    in the gold carry trade, which is also the
    currency support trade.

    4) As Turk implied, the whole world financial
    system has come to be based on the concealment
    of the amount and location of gold held by

    central banks and governments. That is, gold
    is the secret knowledge of the universe, and
    the control of its price is the foremost lever
    of political power.

    5) While remaining central bank gold reserves
    are not known exactly, because of gold leasing
    they are vastly smaller than reported reserves.
    That is probably why the central banks seem to
    be staging a controlled retreat with the gold
    price -- allowing it to rise steadily but
    gradually lest they exhaust their reserves and
    lose their grip on political power.

    6) If they have enough gold left and want to
    spend enough of it, central banks can drive
    the gold price down $50, $100, $200, or all the
    way back to $35 per ounce -- for a while, but
    not for long. Indeed, the lower they drive it,
    the faster they will exhaust their reserves, not
    just because of their own spending of gold but
    also because their lower gold price will cause
    a curtailment in gold production by mines. This
    curtailment is already well under way, since an
    equilibrium price for gold -- a price that matches
    production costs (including exploration costs) with
    demand -- is likely to be above $600 per ounce. A
    price that restored any sort of realistic ratio
    between gold and the volume of fiat money in
    circulation would be quite beyond that.

    7) GATA doesn't know exactly what is going to
    happen. We advocate free markets in the precious
    metals and seek to explose the rigging of the
    metals markets. We're not investment advisers.
    But when the fiat hits the fan, as it always
    does, nothing will have changed about the
    enduring value of the metals, except that they
    will be better appreciated.

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

    Gut gesagt - noch besser beschrieben. Doch fehlen einige entscheidende Punkte, sollte dies eine Analyse sein.

    Produzenten - die grossen, die immer weniger werden fressen sich derzeit selber. Dies schaft jedoch keine neue Unze. Beinahe alle können bereits heute ihre Produktionsraten nicht mehr aufrecht erhalten, geschweige denn erhöhen. Der Reserve Replacement Faktor wird zum Thema. Sogar mehr noch als bei tiefen POG immer mehr "highgrading" betrieben wurde und so marginale Segmente des Deposits als nicht abbauwürdig werden liess.

    Also, woher nehmen, wenn nicht stehlen? ... und dies gilt umsomehr für für stark gehedgte Minen - Anglo, Barrick, aber auch Placer spüren den Druck.

    Das ist ein wesentliches Element, dass für Juniors und Explorers spricht und auch in der Vergangenheit zu ungeheuren Kurssteigerungen führte. Allerdings sind es nur äusserst wenige Juniors, die ein Potential a' la Arequipa et al haben könnten - die Rate ist vielleicht 1:500 oder höher -, daher ist Diversifikation und Analyse angesagt.

    Wo findet man die nächste "Gold Strike", Cortez Hills, Arequipa oder Goldcorp? Eben - genau dort wo das geoligische Potential weitere weltklasse Vorkommen verspricht.

    Zur Illustration kann man Coral Gold anführen. Seit Gründung 1984 ist die Aktie auf über 10 C$ angestiegen, um 1989 wieder auf .10 C$ abzustürzen; 1995 nach Each Placers Entdeckung der Pipeline wieder auf 6.40 und heute, auf konsolidierter Basis 1.10. Die Aussichten haben sich überdies verbessert, was die letzten Bohrergebnisse betrifft.

    Timing and knowledge also seem to be factor, No?!

    You've gotta love the big bad wolf as patron.

    He's really got the right kind stamina to eat the junior explorers for
    breakfeast, followed by lunch of mid tiers and ends his day gobbling up majors for dinner .
    Have a Cuban Cigar by now and some great brandy - my once young kid asked, why do those Americans call the best Cognac - Brandy?

    Das eröffnet natürlich eine völlig neue Weltanschauung. Warum ist Champagner nicht genauso Schaumwein (Sekt), Vodka nicht nur kartoffel-Schnaps und warum sind australische Goldminen, im Vergleich zu kanadischen oder süd-west oder ost-afrikanischen inferior?

    Been there, have done 'em all. Personally, I strongly feel that the old adage of an Australien Mine - a hole in the ground and a lot of liars around - is still typical of the mentality of the offspring of their originators. - Well, that's really racist and I apologize, particularily to the Abo's.

    Old Poseidon and Queensland Mines in the early 70's come to mind - and a lot in between. And yes some good ones - as Kalgoorlie is still striving.

    Na ja, die Canucks haben über die Jahre die Welt erobert. Wäre nicht Bre-X wären sie insgesamt weiter führend. Die besten neuen Lagerstätten der Welt wurden von kandischen Juniors gefunden, exploriert und entwickelt. Sogar Barricks Gold Strike am Carlin Trend ging von Kanada aus.

    Detto Placer Dome, die den Parallel Trend Battle Mountain öffnen - Pipeline - Cortez Hills - ET Blue. Hier ist auch Coral und X-Cal zu Hause.
    The potential last elefants in elefant country ... keepin' the wolfs at bay - hey, was du brauchst sind gute Infos!

    Got Info - go Gold - get U some ...

    Dernier Cri für den Uneingeweihten.

    Diese monströsen Ungetüme sind nichts anderes als Papier Gold. Sei es dass die Fonds physisches Gold halten, oder nicht - es wird ihnen überlassen was damit geschieht.

    Als Fonds - Zertifikat (Anteil) Halter haben sie das Recht auf einen Anteil, aber nicht auf anteiliges Gold. Mit anderen Worten und wie ich es sehe ist es nur die Verlängerung des kaputten Bretton Woods und Nachfolge Spiels.

    WGC hat seine schmutzigen Hände überdies im Spiel, was mich von von vornherein misstrauisch machte.

    Diese Konstruktion scheint der verlängerte Arm von COMEX (gg. CRIMEX) zu sein.

    ... Drum prüfe wer sich an diese Substitionen bindet ...

    ***By Patrick Hosking
    The Times, London
    Friday, January 28, 2005…e/0,,8209-1460595,00.html

    One of the largest hoards of gold ever gathered outside
    a central bank has been accumulated at a secret address
    in London over the past few months.

    Gold bars with a value of £1.55 billion are understood
    to have been collected in a single vault in an anonymous
    building owned by HSBC. If melted into a single block,
    the 212 tonnes of solid gold would take up 11 cubic
    metres -- roughly the size of a Transit Van.

    But the gold is so dense that it would require 104 Transit
    Vans to cart it away. The quantity of metal is 21 times the
    amount stolen in the Brinks-Mat robbery in 1983.

    Ironically, the reason for the accumulation of this hoard is
    the popularity of a new gold investment product that does
    away with the expense, risk, and hassle of taking delivery
    of the metal.

    People and institutions in Britain, the United States, and
    Australia have been queueing to buy gold-backed,
    exchange-traded funds (ETF) -- listed shares tradeable on
    the stock exchange but backed by actual gold.

    Gold Bullion Securities (GBS), the British and Australian
    ETF that listed in London in December 2003, has 60
    tonnes of gold in the vault -- a 30 percent increase in the
    past four months. StreetTRACKS, its sister ETF in the
    United States, which was launched in November, is now
    backed by 152 tonnes of gold deposited in the same vault.

    Both ETFs are supported by the World Gold Council, the
    marketing body for the goldmining industry.

    Simon Village, joint managing director of GBS, said:
    "Exchange-traded gold has very quickly become an
    important investment vehicle for investors seeking
    exposure to the metal or seeking to diversify their
    holdings in other assets."

    In the past 12 months, 7.5 percent of the world's
    goldmine production had gone into ETF products,
    Mr Village said.

    Barclays yesterday launched a rival gold-backed ETF
    on Wall Street using Bank of Nova Scotia as custodian.

    Gold-backed ETFs closely track the physical gold
    price, less a small commission for administration and
    gold storage costs. Additional securities are created or
    old ones redeemed so that supply matches demand.

    Most of the demand has come from institutional
    investors. Strong publicity for the streetTRACKS
    product in the US has boosted demand, as has the
    slide in the gold price during the past few weeks,
    which some investors see as a buying opportunity.

    The gold stockpile in London is said to be secure.
    But it is not clear what would happen in the unlikely
    event that the hoard was stolen.

    GBS does not insure the gold and said it is HSBC's
    responsibility to keep it safe. Investors might have to
    rely on a claim against the bank in the unlikely event
    of a robbery, GBS said.

    HSBC is under no obligation to insure the gold. But
    the bank said it would be responsible for any gold lost
    through its negligence, fraud, or willful deceit. ***

    ... Oh, sure - we don't insure, but will take responsibility in case (of bankruptcy protection), Ha! ... You've got to love these Jokers for their
    Das OPEC Kartell kann von den Bankern noch Einiges lernen.

    Roger K. still is a pretty capeable mobster, while his Son is neither. These kind of guys always seem to be drawn to the candle'light by mobsters trying to run a country into the ground.
    I guess another Rhodesia - turning to ashes of Zimbabwe will not be allowed happen - as the resource base is too important. Be it the Chinese, or whover.

    Maybe I'm a dreamer - though in the last analysis it should have happened decades or at least years ago.

    Let me dream on ....zzzz

    Here's what the Privateer has to say:
    "In any discussion of the future of Gold, or of the price of Gold, the first thing that must be realized is that Gold is a POLITICAL metal. In the true meaning of the word, its price is "governed".

    This is so for the very simple reason that Gold in its historical role as a currency is fundamentally incompatible with the modern worldwide financial system.

    Up until August 15, 1971, there has never in history been an era when no paper currency was linked to Gold. The history of money is replete with instances of coin clipping, printing, debt defaults, and the other attendant ills of currency debasement. In all other eras of history, people could always escape to other currencies, whose Gold backing remained intact. But since 1971, there is NO escape because NO paper currency has any link to Gold.

    All of the economic, monetary, and financial upheaval since 1971 is a direct result of this fact.

    The global paper currency system is very young. It depends for its continued functioning on the BELIEF that the debt upon which it is based will, someday, be repaid. The one thing, above all others, that could shake that faith, and therefore the foundations of the modern financial system itself, is a rise (especially a sharp rise) in the U.S. Dollar price of Gold"!

    To keep fundamental political discussion out of a great gold web-site may eventually become like letting one armed bandits, er' sorry economists run the show. That's what the ilk of this breed have done for too long anyway - 'on one hand ...

    I too have listened to Seymour Gersh - and what I've come away with was not so much the cult bashing - more the eventual and probably gradual repercussions the rest of the world has to be thinking about in order to preempt getting swept away by an equal Tsunami as the Reserve Currency Fiat legal - maybe now illegal - tender has in store for all.

    Short term I'm really concerned by what's going in the ME oil rich countries and even more concerned as to what may happen to neighbors and relatives in particular Canada and Latin America. These resource rich countries seeking more and more their own destiny. Some like Canada to the beginning chagrin of their own government - or is it fear of repercussions from big brother?

    Well as one can see with this small excercise - where do you draw the line. MK, that's a mammoth task and unfortunately you'll be left with the decision. As much as I respect you, I don't envy you for this one.

    Sincere regards cb2

    Eldorado is müde, oder ist es müde weiter über Themen zu diskutieren, die seine Wohlgefühl beeinträchtigen. Ich sage das nicht aus Bosheit, sondern aus Mitgefühl. War in SA ein paar mal und habe die herrliche Landschaft genossen unmd immer noch viele Freunde - nicht nur Weisse.

    War auch als Investment Banker from the SA Chamber of Mines eingeladen und habe diese Seite gesehen.

    Oh, OK, enough is enough is enough! Did you have a look at Froneman's Afrikander Lease (AFKDY) - 15 US Cents to 57 in 2 weeks on Uranium. Some people thinks it may be 5% of global Uranium resource - Sprott does, anyway.

    Cheers frr

    ... hatKoch-Weser alte Gold Brötchen wieder augewärmt.:

    DAVOS-UPDATE 1-Germany backs UK on IMF gold sale for debt relief
    Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:35 PM ET

    (Recasts with German comment, adds analyst)
    DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Germany backed Britain's proposal on Friday for the International Monetary Fund to write off debts of poor countries by selling or revaluing part of its gold reserves.

    The idea has been floated by British finance minister Gordon Brown who repeated it on Friday at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos.

    Germany's finance deputy Caio Koch-Weser agreed that gold sales would be one way to fund debt relief and said the international community should now tackle the idea.

    "I believe we should discuss (IMF) gold sales as we did in the 1990s," Koch-Weser, who is secretary of state for finance, told Reuters.

    The idea is expected to be discussed at the Group of Seven finance ministers' meeting next week where Germany is backing a three-tiered timetable on development aid proposals launched by Britain.

    "The first proposal of 2005 must be to deal with this historic problem of unpayable debt, the multilateral debt," Brown told business and political leaders in Davos.

    "And that's why we are proposing, and I hope that other countries will support this, 100 percent debt relief on multilateral debt -- IMF debt to be written off by revaluing or dealing with IMF gold through sales."

    In London HSBC metals analyst Alan Williamson said the proposals would probably be ignored by the gold market for now.

    "We've had these calls in the past and its very unclear as to what exactly Gordon Brown wants the IMF to do," he said.

    "There are two things they could essentially do, one is to revalue the reserves and use that revaluation as an asset creation that they can then use...,"

    "The second would be outright sales into the market, but the problem with that is they might have to get the statues of the IMF changed," he added.

    © Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

    OK; Wir reden nur von Schulden der ärmsten Länder, die nicht nur nicht mehr rückzahlbar sind, sondern die vom IMF (IWF) und der Weltbank diesen aufgefrängt wurden um das cash der Grossbanken an den Mann zu bringen. Es ist wie das alte Feudalsystem, dass zwar nur ein Zehent forderte; Nun will man das ganze Land mit Mann, Maus und Allem was noch was wert ist.

    Gordon Brown, der Englands Gold bei Tiefstpreisen verschleuderte ist immer wieder federführend in der Debatte IMF Gold aufzwerten, oder gleich zu verkaufen. Die deutschen Michel stehen dem um Nichts nach - myoptisch, schlicht dumm, oder wie ich meine sie haben etwas zu verbergen - shoot and I'll answer!

    Letztlich sind doch die US Schulden, die sich nun auf über 34 Billionen US $ offiziell nicht mehr zahlbar. Das bedeutet 300% des BNP und nun 100% der Ersparnisse der Welt.

    Who's bananas? Welcome the US Banana Republic to the growing club of bankrupt countries. Great show ...

    Lou Wolfin ist mit 7$ on average happy - Dort sind wir auf oder ab.

    Inzwischen wurde die Mill generalsaniert, sowie für 30% höhere Kapazität upgraded. Kann noch nicht sagen wann die Produktion wieder
    aufgenommen wird, doch ist es für's erste HJ geplant.

    Konsolidierung der Mex. Beteiligung und Tailings Feasibility sind jedoch
    Exploration in anderen Projekten is ongoing...

    Bin ein richtiger Silber Fan geworden - wenn ich auch von der Gold Seite komme. Wie sagte Bunker Hunt - Just to make a little money - 1980. For the Crimex it was a little bit too much - so they've changed the rules!

    Ich pick mir raus ASM, IMR und XCL - ha, warum nicht auch NWS? Ergänze mit BPM, CGR und ein oder zwei Micros, wie LVN oder CRV.P.

    Hatte in der ersten Manche von 1999 an eher die grossen, jedoch unhedged Produzenten, wie NEM, GFI u. Harmony, sowie HM - Gott hab sie selig und damn ABX. Silvers wie PAAS, SSRI u. APEX - nun wie schon erwähnt IMR u. ASM.

    Zweite Manche Wheaton u. GG - rein zufällig - I swear...

    Zeit für ein Junior Portfolio - as above, aber massiv and keep an eye on the basket.

    In the end - it may dawn on us it would have been much easier, if not a lot better to just stick to physical - Got Gold and Silver?!


    PS: Ziemlich starker Tobak - Deine SA Tiraden the other day - trying to copy your style ;>)

    Einige der Mark(e)t (Schreier)-Letter boys haben kaum Zeit, um neue
    Argumente und Analysen zu erarbeiten. Marc F. ist noch einer der originelleren Typen, deren Redner Attribute viel zu oft challenged werden.

    Dennoch meine ich, dass die Asset Class für die kommenden Jahre in hard assets, Commodities und PM's zu finden ist. Deflation in Finanzwerten - manchmal auch stealth deflation - wie in den WP-Märkten feststellbar. US, und vielleich nicht nur US Housing gehört ebenso hierher, da wie nie zuvor Hypo-Kredite zweck-entfrendet wurden, um den Konsum aufrecht zu erhalten.
    Mr. Bubbles Magoo kann zwar die Geldmenge, jedoch nicht die Richtung dieser Gelder beeinflussen.

    FOMC Anfang Februar, sowie G7 am nächsten weekend werden wichtige Weichenstellungen für den Investor bringen. Für das Welt-Währungssystem - ebenso!