The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History
Bob Moriarty
August 10, 2008
I’ve made it clear for a year that I believe we have entered what will be the most serious depression in history. It also will involve the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
There are two basic classes of assets. There are paper assets and real assets. An ounce of gold is a real asset. A copper mine is a real asset. A house is a real asset. An oil field is a real asset.
Over the counter derivatives now total over $596 trillion dollars, ten times the size of the world economy.
Those are paper assets, their value is derived from some other asset. That derivative size is what is going to destroy the world’s financial system, it’s all fraud.
A mortgage is a paper asset. A T-Bill or T-Bond is a paper asset. A $100 bill is a paper asset. It’s pretty easy to see that a $500,000 mortgage on a house now worth $250,000 isn’t worth very much. Latest figures show 9.6 million homes in the US have negative equity. How many of those loans are going to be paid back?
According to an ex-Fed Director, both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are bankrupt. They were leveraged 65-1. For those comforted by the thought of the FDIC bailing you out should the banking system fail entirely, you need to realize the FDIC is leveraged at 130-1. We are told that the collapse of Washington Mutual alone could bankrupt the FDIC.
In a depression, no real assets appear or disappear. Paper assets, on the other hand, turn to vapor.
But the ownership of real assets will change as the real assets move from weak hands into strong hands.......
Nur ein Idiot verkauft sein physisches Gold und Silber in diesen Moment !