Interview nit Bob Moriarty (RM)
TGR: Where do you see the markets going between now and the end of the year?
RM: My opinion is that we’re headed for a major crash. I think the market will top in August and we will have a repeat of 1929. I believe in 1929 the very top was on September 5th. It declined into October and then crashed at the end of October. We are going to have a market crash between now and October. Reality is setting in; the smart money is bailing out of stocks.
TGR: Well, that‘s pretty dramatic. How do you view gold playing out in the same time period?
RM: First of all, gold is the ultimate money. It’s portable; it’s divisible; it’s rare; and it’s transferable. It’s the only asset that has no obligation whatsoever to anyone. If you pick up a $100 bill, you may think of it as an asset, but it’s actually a liability on the government. Gold has no liabilities; it is the safest of safe havens; it’s been that way for 5,000 years, and in my opinion, it’s going to be that way for the next three, five or twenty years.
TGR: Do you want to put a number on where you see gold going in October?
RM: That’s a trap that everybody falls into, and it’s a bad question. When you’re talking about the price of gold, you’re talking about two commodities—gold and the dollar.
Ps: Ich vermute auch das der Meltdown auf der anderen Seite bis Ende Oktober kommt, dann sind diese Schweinehunde dran und werden Haifutter.
What goes round comes around...every dog get his day..