Beiträge von Eldorado

    :D Der IWF kann keine Panda Baeren verkaufen, aber die IMF.
    No problemo, nobody is perfect... good luck.
    Did you see scary movie ???
    That'what they are doing, the fat lady has not sung until the gold is sold.
    Who is they buyer ??? ?(

    The Big Picture for Gold

    Auszug von der webseite unten :

    The big picture :

    A new enthusiasm for gold is firmly in place. The past few years have witnessed a remarkable resurgence in the popularity of gold among both individuals and institutional investors. There is a growing number of market experts that are now convinced that a "Perfect Storm" is brewing that will provide more upward pressure than any natural or artificial market pressures can contain. With many analysts citing numbers above :D$1,000 an ounce for gold, this can mean mind-boggling profits for shareholders of gold mining companies. The primary reason for this gold forecast is the rapid deteriorating financial condition of the U.S. Government. The debt structure of the U.S. Government is absolutely unsustainable at this point and will continue to put downward pressure on the dollar, despite the Fed's and Washington's attempt to prop it up. The national debt currently stands at $7.5 trillion, a figure previously unheard of in American or world history.

    Because of this and other factors that are extremely positive for gold, more and more , projects in Canada.


    das bild spricht worte, momentan ist ganz viel nebel und rauch auf den HUI / XAU ,... eine massive attacke laueft gegen uns gold und silberbugs.

    Momentan haben wir unser pferd in eine yamaha umgetauscht und duerfen dabei nicht auf die schnauze fallen !!, Cowboys !!! :D

    So lange es nur fuer ein paar tage ist muss man solche Wetterverhaeltnisse in kauf nehmen.

    Mahendra hat mich getroestet und in drei Tagen soll die sonne wieder den nebel vertreiben.

    It's a show down Buddy !

    I think its the last wave of the Tsunami triggered buy the thugs and mobs.

    They can manipulate, but not forever !!!!

    Hang in guys, if you can ! :D

    And keep your faith ! ;) but not in the fiat $$

    Promises and white lies, always the same.
    Somebody will get an appetite for POG I reckon, sooner or later.
    I believe if somebody would order tons of gold, they have no stock. :D
    Bush needs another 600 billion Fiat Dollars and they could easy buy plenty of gold, but where ???? :D :D

    I never heard or read that America has sold or bought gold, but all the other allies. They just ship it around or the guy in India or Asian will never give it back................. Argentina learnt their lesson and they buy gold from now on. They tricked them in throwing fiat dollars at them and called a pay back now ! Now it currency is 3:1 before 1:1. X( Tango Argentina !

    I believe that all the central bankers are from the same club and they turn the rates they way it suits them. Get the dollar out of intensive care because the show must go on is the motto. But this will end as well.
    Watch the USD Index, at 86 it will run out of steam and bounces back to the deadly below 80.

    Maybe they revalue their Gold in Fort Knocks and get out
    of the debt trap with 2500 USD :D in few years ???
    The way they push it down, the way the can get it up,no problemo !
    I'm sure I'll see 1000 $ :D in my life.
    They need to keep a lid on Gold otherwise people will ask, what's going on and may panic. If the Dow breaks the 10t then it may trigger a panic.
    So, they try hard and get more into trouble with their paper tricks and rigged news. Just print it, Congress,.. says the big spender Bush. :D

    And the beat goes on... (texas c&w songs)

    First the war for oil,later for gold and drinking water in the end.
    Another 4 Presidents in the USA and than it ends or begins, according to Nostradamus. :D

    Ich schaetze mal das die attacke bei spaetestens 1.26 $/Euro zu ende ist. Dann kauft gleich mit Dollar ein paar Euro / CHF/ CAD.

    ...Clifton ;) faehrt trotzdem scheiss wetter am schnellsten, im moment ! :D

    Sorry, final edition now !

    Scorpio mining :(this has been one of our worst picks so far. The company has not met their predicted time line and management turn over has only hurt the company. We are putting the company on a HOLD status for now and still strongly think the asset base is sound and the company will recover. We have not sold our position and once the company announces the resource to the investment community the stock should stabilize. We are giving them the benefit of the doubt for now and will monitor closely. The company is now being valued as a pure exploration "play" rather than a near term producer. When the company produces, the stock performance should as well.

    Sino Silver :)has been the bright spot so far this month. The stock has performed well in a rather HO-Hum silver market. The announcement of Harry Hopmeyer to the Board of Directors gives a strong and important signal to the seriousness of this company. As we stated when first introduced this company should be approached as a crawl, walk, run situation. Right now it is mostly an exploration company, but based upon my meetings with the company the plans do involve acquisitions of producers as well. This would strengthen the company considerably, so we are increasing the buy limit on the company slightly until the formal agreement is signed which should be later this month.

    Model Portfolio

    Top Tier
    Buy limits
    Pan American
    Up to $15.00

    Silver Standard :))
    Up to $14.50

    Coeur NYSE :))
    Up to $5.00

    Hecla NYSE :))
    Up to $5.50

    RNC Gold
    Up to $1.60 RNC TSX

    Speculations: :D :D :D

    Up to $1.00 GGC TSX

    Sino Silver
    Up to $2.25 USD

    Up to $2.00 KBR TSX

    Waiting for 43-101

    Up to 0.70 MMG TSX

    W. Silver
    Up to $10.00

    Mines Mgt
    Up to $8.00

    Up to $8.50

    Up to $0.65 CAA TSX

    Changes this month. All prices are in USD. Scorpio on Hold all others remain a BUY. ;)

    @ gogh

    Ja das freut mich dass du zumindest einen Explorer hast.
    Das du auf diamonds stehts wusste ich aber nicht.
    Die haben zwei rohstoffe , wie twins ! :D
    Good luck, diamonds are forever, bis man mit den hammer draufhaut.
    And diamonds are the ladies best friend.



    Preiswert !!!

    Shareholder audit shows register quality and spread

    London, 8 February 2005 (LSE:RRS) (Nasdaq:GOLD) - A global shareholder identification exercise conducted by the research group Ilios in December has highlighted Randgold Resources’ success in building a broad and diversified investor base. Key findings of the analysis, which covered 100% of the company’s total shares in issue (as at 31 December 2004), include:

    There are 121 institutional investors who account for 57.68% of the shares in issue.
    The US retail ADR and brokerage market holds 30.37% of the shares.
    Of the top 20 institutions, 12 are based in the US, five in the UK, two in Canada and one in Switzerland
    Overall US ownership (institutional and retail investors) amounts to 56.61%.
    Merrill Lynch UK is now the company’s single largest shareholder, with 6.89% of the issued shares.
    Randgold & Exploration’s holding has been reduced to 6.74%.
    Toronto-based Mackenzie Financial is the top North American investor with 4.83%, followed by two New York-based institutions, Van Eck Associates (4.1%) and Tocqueville Asset Management (2.44%)

    The investment style of the company’s major shareholders is categorized as “value-orientated.”

    Chief executive Dr Mark Bristow said the Ilios audit had provided the company with an accurate and objective analysis of its share register. “It clearly reflects the effort we have put into marketing Randgold Resources, and the resonance our message has found with highly discriminating investors,” he said.


    In the course of 2004, Randgold Resources chief executive Mark Bristow held more than 200 investor meetings in 15 cities in eight countries on three continents at the head of the intensive investor relations campaign that has been a hallmark of the company’s management style since its inception 10 years ago.

    “In those early days, under the shadow of the Bre-X scandal and a collapsing gold price, we had to introduce Randgold Resources to a market that was distinctly unenthusiastic about gold in general and fledgling exploration companies in particular. But we persisted, with what one analyst described at the time as missionary zeal,” recalls Bristow.

    “Since then, we’ve made a point of communicating openly and regularly with the market in the bad times as well as the good, through our results presentations, roadshows, facility visits, teleconferences and participation in industry conferences, as well as through comprehensive annual and quarterly reports.”

    “We’ve always shared our strategies with the market, we’ve kept shareholders fully informed about our plans and our performance, and when there have been problems or issues, we’ve addressed them proactively and candidly. In the process I think our management team has gained a reputation for credibility which has been a great help in building a strong and supportive shareholder base.”

    Randgold Resources’ communications programme also includes a substantial media component, and the company was recently named communicator of the year for 2004 by the authoritative Mining Journal.

    Gold and Hyperinflation
    Y. T. Wong
    Hong Kong, 1 January 2004


    This article is written to pinpoint the timing of the imminent hyperinflation. Statements are backed up with facts. Inferences are drawn from repeated past occurrences supported with reasons. Readers should not swallow my findings; they are encouraged to verify the facts presented. The findings are the results of my private research work over 25 years.

    There may be many people like me trying to unlock the mysteries of the Universe, but I am alone in this piece of research work.


    Please look at some figures:

    Year 1781 was hyperinflationary. The American Revolutionary War rendered the continental currency valueless. On 31 May 1781, Gold price soared to $19,390 an ounce. The goose had laid her first Gold egg!

    The figure 1781.40 (2nd quarter in year 1781) is a starting reference point for computing subsequent events. The height of a crisis may deviate from the reference point by several months because a crisis spans months or even years.


    Gold egg No. 2 [1837 Q1]

    Here are some important events in the history of Gold:

    2 April 1792
    28 June 1834
    10 May 1837
    10 May 1838 Gold was fixed at $19.39 an ounce under Gold Standard.
    Gold price was raised to $20.67 an ounce.
    Suspension of free conversion of money into Gold.
    Free conversion was re-instated.

    After 55.80 years, because of financial panic and huge demand for Gold, the U.S. government suspended free Gold conversion. The 2nd Gold egg was laid in May 1837.

    Gold egg No. 3 [1893 Q1]

    55.80 years later, in 1893, another financial panic occurred. Gold was hoarded. In October, the discount rate soared to 36%.

    John Dennis Brown's 101 Years on Wall Street made the following comments:

    The last great mercantile and credit crisis of the nineteenth century smashed the market in
    1893. During the summer, the casualty list included a fast-swelling list of banks, insurance companies, and brokers. Cash currency commanded a premium of 5% over certified checks.

    The nation, at the same time, suffered from a growing currency crisis originating in the
    Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 and driven by a growing foreign distrust of dollar holdings. Heavy selling of securities encouraged the efflux of Gold and the Treasury's bullion holdings fell dramatically.

    Gold egg No. 4 [1948 Q4]

    This egg was laid immediately after World War II. The following events make interesting reading:

    Hungary 1946
    The inflation rate was 19,800% per month.
    In August 1946, 828 octillion (1 followed by 27 zeroes) depreciated pengos equaled the value of 1 pre-war pengo.

    Japan 1947
    Fishermen & farmers in 1947 used scales to weigh currency and change.

    China 1946-1948
    The Chinese National currency became valueless (when the National Party was expelled to Taiwan).

    Gold egg No. 5

    The reference point of the coming crisis is the 3rd quarter in 2004! The crisis peak may deviate from the reference point by several months. In a separate analysis (as I will explain later), I have arrived at the conclusion that the most turbulent months will be in year 2005. During this period, Gold and Silver prices will soar. So will commodities.

    Before moving to the next section, let me recapitulate:


    I read a novel City Boundary by Qian Zhong-shu. In the preface, Mr. Qian told a story. An English woman read the English version and was keenly interested. She telephoned Qian and asked whether the chief character in the novel was Qian himself. Qian replied bluntly, "If you like the egg, eat it. Why are you bothering me with the hen?"

    Dear readers, if you like the gold egg, pick it up and keep it in a safe place. As to the goose... er... Since you want to know why she lays a Gold egg every 55.80 years, I am telling you the underlying cause now.

    People in weather forecasting business know well that there is a lunar cycle of 18.60 years. The knowledge is an indispensable tool for predicting water tides. Three times 18.60 years = 55.80 years. It so happened that in every 3rd occurrence of this 18.60-year lunar cycle, momentous events had occurred to bring into prominence Gold's role in the financial markets.

    The following is an explanation for the formation of the 18.60-year lunar cycle:

    The Earth revolves around the Sun. The plane of the Earth's orbit is called the Ecliptic. The Moon's orbit (around the Earth) is inclined 5 degrees 8 minutes to the Ecliptic. The point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from south to north is called the North Node, and where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from north to south is called the South Node. The two nodes (180 degrees apart) move in clockwise direction and complete one circle of 360 degrees in 18.60 years.

    For nodal and planetary positions, please refer to The American Ephemeris by Neil F. Michelsen. (Amazon)


    What had happened on the shorter cycle of 18.60 years?

    The effects, though regional only, were the same. Currency collapsed, and Gold was in great demand, as evidenced below:


    Knowing that hyperinflation is approaching, we have no difficulty to get into a long Gold &/or Silver position. The important decision is when to sell so to maximize profits at or close to the peak. In a spiraling inflationary period, fortunes can be made or lost within a short time. It is crucial to know beforehand when to liquidate the long positions.

    I need to state a theory discovered by me. It has not been disclosed to anybody until now.


    "When lunar node is posited alongside Jupiter for a long time, there is hyperinflation."


    Lunar node = North Node or South Node
    Alongside Jupiter = Close to Jupiter, not more than 14 degrees apart.
    Long time = More than 6 months.

    To illustrate the application of this theory, let us study the last soaring Gold market in 1979-1980.

    The positions of North Node and Jupiter are taken from The American Ephemeris.

    When North Node was on the positive side of Jupiter, it lasted only 2 months, so the formation had no application. When North Node was on the negative side of Jupiter, they stayed within orb for more than 7 months. Accordingly the period from early November 1979 through end June 1980 was extremely bullish for Gold.

    Spot Gold was quoted at US$370 an ounce in early November 1979. It soared to US$875 on 21 January 1980. There was a sharp downward reaction in February and March 1980, touching a low of US$475. Gold then climbed all the way up during the rest of the bullish phase. Its price overshot past the end of June 1980, reaching US$690 in early July.

    The period from early November 1979 through end June 1980 was only a part (the most bullish part) of the financial panic. The bullish Gold trend started much earlier.

    There is an equally bullish phase for Gold in the near future.

    South Node is on the opposite side of North Node (the lunar nodes are always 180 degrees apart). Interactions between South Node and Jupiter are the same as interactions between North Node and Jupiter. Bear in mind that Libra is opposite to Aries.

    When South Node is in the positive side of Jupiter, they stay within orb for about 8 months. Therefore the period from end December 2004 through early August 2005 is extremely bullish for Gold. South Node then swings to the negative side of Jupiter, and this lasts only 2 months. The latter formation has no application. I expect termination of the bullish trend from the last week of August 2005.

    The bullish period from end December 2004 through early August 2005 is only a part (the most bullish part) of the financial panic. The bullish trend for Gold will start much earlier.


    It is not the purpose of this article to make any guesses. However, from the facts presented, I believe that during the impending hyperinflation, Gold prices will explode, exceeding significantly the peak achieved in January 1980 (US$875 an ounce) because:

    (a) The astronomical phenomena for 2004-2005 are at least as bullish as those for 1979-1980.

    (b) In the past occasion, Gold started with a low of US$100 per ounce in August 1976. The current
    occasion had a low of US$252 in August 1999. It is not unreasonable to expect a much higher peak for the present bullish market.

    The next problem is to consider whether or not to buy Silver as well.

    The Gold/Silver ratio was 16 for many years before 1870. The ratio rose to 90 in 1930s (Great Depression). From 1960 to 1980 (inflationary periods), it fluctuated between 20 and 40. The latest low was 20 in end 1979-early 1980. The ratio rose to 100 in 1991 Q1. It now stands at 70.

    It is clear that during inflationary periods, Gold/Silver ratios fall. Since the coming great event is hyperinflation, I expect the ratio to fall to 20-40 (like years 1960 to 1980) which is about half of the current ratio of 70. This means that for 100% rise in Gold (Gold price is doubled), Silver will rise 300% (Silver price is quadrupled). On this reasoning, I would advise buying Silver also.


    Here are the main points:

    1. Hyperinflation is imminent.

    2. Past analyses indicate the following will happen:

    Gold will soar.
    U.S. dollars will collapse.
    Interest rates will climb sharply.

    3. The reference point for the hyperinflation is the 3rd quarter of 2004. By planetary correlations, the most bullish phase has been located. It is from end December 2004 through early August 2005. However, Gold will rise significantly before this period.

    4. Gold price will greatly surpass the high reached in year 1980.

    5. It is advisable to invest in Silver also because Silver rises more rapidly than Gold.

    6. Hyperinflationary forces will disintegrate by the end of August 2005.

    Good luck!

    Y. T. Wong
    Hong Kong, 1 January 2004


    Eine info ist Mahendra :D :D
    Den kann man manchmal glauben speziell wenn man den selben Riecher oder Info hat.
    Die anderen sind Freunde und Bekannte die im selben Boot sitzen und ebenfalls die Augen offen halten.
    Aber wie gesagt, nur Geruechte und Meinungen.
    Am ende muessen wir alle unsere eigenen entscheidungen treffen und dafuer verantwortlich sein ohne jemand spaeter zu beschuldigen.
    The biggest blame is if you blame somebody else,they say. ?(

    Ich bin mir sicher diesen Monat gibt es den grossen Schlagaustausch zwischen Gold und Dollar.Momentan wenn ich auf den HUI und XAU anschaue fuehle ich mich wie am Aschermittwoch mit einen riesen Kater.Leider gibt es fuer den HUI irgend ein Aspirin und die vorher in aktien investiert haben wie ich, die muessen es aushalten oder kapitulieren. The sun will shine again ! When ? ?(



    News from Randgold


    London, 8 February 2005 - The board of London (RRS) and Nasdaq (GOLD) listed gold miner has voted an additional US$7 million for further drilling at the company’s new Loulo mine in Mali. This follows encouraging results from the exploration programme for the development study on an underground operation to supplement the open-pit mine scheduled to produce its first gold in July this year.

    Chief executive Dr Mark Bristow said continuing exploration had already expanded the Loulo resource to more than 7 million ounces and confirmed the company’s view that it was the best undeveloped gold asset in Africa. “The question now is, How big can it get? The additional exploration funding will help us to answer that,” he said.

    Bristow said the ongoing exploration :Dwas steadily adding value to Loulo, which is the company’s second mining project after Morila, also in Mali. Deep drilling is continuing at both the Yalea and Loulo 0 orebodies to complete the underground development study and to test the down-dip and along-strike extensions.


    Results from a 21-borehole infill programme at Randgold Resources’ new Loulo Mine in Mali have confirmed higher grades at depth and have better outlined a change in the dip of the orebody which is associated which these high grades.

    “We have been pleasantly surprised by these results,” said Adrian Reynolds, general manager exploration and evaluation. “Earlier modelling exercises had outlined the presence of payshoots which plunged steeply to the north. However, as we have drilled deeper, we have now identified a very significant payshoot which appears to have a very shallow plunge to the south which coincides with a change in geometry of the orebody.”

    Results from the programme are being used to furnish SRK Consulting, who are responsible for the completion of the underground development study, with data relating to geotechnical, geothermal and geohydrological conditions pertaining to the Yalea orebody and its surrounding country rock.

    “With the great results at depth, we are starting to widen our scope of possibilities for the underground mine,” said Reynolds. “Given the indications that the orebodies might well extend to depths beyond 1 000 metres, it looks like we will need to consider a shaft system in addition to the planned declines for the long-term conceptual planning of the mine.”

    SRK Consulting will complete the present underground development study based on all available information as at the end of March this year. In the meantime, the scope of the drilling programme has been expanded and a further 10 000 metre programme has been designed to drill to 750 metres below surface.

    :O @ Gogh

    Zu deinem Bild und Kommentar:

    Hat er nun ein Porzellan Hirn oder Mut zum Risiko ?
    Man wird noch sehen ob sich das Risiko gelohnt hat.
    Bis dort hin bleiben Explorer sehr speculativ und risikoreich.
    Wer jedoch nur auf Harmony,GFI, Drooy setzt, diese Firmen bohren zur Zeit auch nur in der Nase und warten auf ein Wunder. :D
    Leider habe ich kein Nasenbohrer Foto von den CEO's.

    Bitte vergiss nicht dass SSRI hinter Esperanza steckt. Die haben bestimmt kein Porzellan Hirn was Silber angeht.
    Jeder fing mal als explorer an. Aber wer keine Explorer mag, der soll davon wegbleiben.

    Robert Quartermain,
    Director Esperanza
    Robert Quartermain is the President and a director of Silver Standard Resources Inc. From 1976 to 1982, he worked for the Geological Survey of Canada and in private industry on mapping and exploration programs. Quartermain also worked for Teck Corp. before becoming president of Silver Standard Resources Inc. in 1985. Since 1985, he has been involved as a director and/or officer in a number of public resource companies, including currently Iamgold Corporation and Western Copper Mining Corporation. He graduated in 1977 from University of New Brunswick with a B.Sc. in geology, and from Queen's University in 1981 with a M.Sc. in mineral exploration.

    Interview at:

    Herzlichen Gruss zur Faschingswoche,bitte verkleide dich nicht als Oezi.

    Vielleicht habt ihr den schon gelesen ?

    Chances of rate cut at 60 percent
    The likelihood of a 50 basis point cut in interest rates by the South African Reserve Bank stands at about 60 percent, according to an economist.

    No change in rates expected

    Western Areas:


    Mein Lemming fluestert mir ins Ohr dass eine massive Attacke gegen Gold und Silber bis Ende Donnerstag momentan laeuft.
    Gordon Brown hat sie bekanntlich gestartet.
    Dollar Staerke oben drauf.
    Die Nerven behalten und durchhalten heisst es bis dort hin.
    Am besten nicht hinschauen und Karneval feiern.
    Ich glaube es ist der letzte Grossangriff um die 400 Dollar grenze zu knacken und den Markt auszuwaschen bevor es wieder Richtung 450 geht. Ab Freitag soll es wieder aufwaerts gehen, mal schaun !
    Fuer den der Cash hat sind das rosige Zeiten bei diesen Winterschlussverkauf sehr preiswert einzukaufen.


    Greg McCoach
    The Mining Speculator
    January 28, 2005

    The recent correction in the gold market has created a brief and exceptional opportunity to pick up gold on the cheap:

    Currently, a top-notch exploration company with seven advanced stage gold projects (all in elephant country) is hard at work and trading at a small fraction of what they are worth. In and of itself this would be a very exciting play, but what makes this story even more compelling is the amount of oil and gas revenue they are about to generate!

    Recent activity on several of their world-class gold properties points to an excellent chance for a major gold discovery. With proven management, great share structure, and a current revenue stream that is about to get much larger, I'm betting Vangold Resources is poised to hit our next gold stock HOME RUN!

    If you've been reading our Mining Stock Focus Brief the past few years, you've come to expect stock ideas that have greatly multiplied in price. As a newsletter writer, I am always on the hunt for undervalued companies exploring for gold that have 10X upside potential. When looking for such companies, I talk with many people, searching for just the right combination of circumstances that will give us the next big hit. With the current share price at C$0.24, Vangold Resources is an incredible value that gives investors an extraordinary opportunity to profit. I recommend buying your shares quickly as I believe both forthcoming positive news for the company and a higher gold price will propel these shares to a new 52 week high.

    One of the things I look for to protect our downside is a company that has the ability to stay in the game for the long-term. Many junior mining companies simply don't have the staying power to play the game over the long haul. What makes Vangold different from most other junior exploration companies is that they have used revenue from oil and gas investing as a way to help finance their exploration activities. This fact speaks volumes about the wisdom of the management team, who has been through the thick and thin of the mining business for many years. They know how to survive and give shareholders the best chance at exploration success. Right now, Vangold is on the verge of increasing their oil and gas revenue by a very large margin. What this means to us as shareholders is that we will get many chances to make a gold discovery, without undue shareholder dilution. The properties on Papua New Guinea encompass large land areas and may take multiple tries before we hit the success that we know is there. Some of the best gold mines in the world drilled over 100 holes before they hit the one that sent them on their way to becoming a gold mine. Vangold is hunting for big deposits in areas that already have proven gold mineralization. Vangold's oil and gas strategy lessens our risk and gives investors many opportunities for hitting the golden jackpot.

    Meine info ist dass gold und silber ab 18. februar steigt.
    Der preis von gold soll zwischen 411-422 diese woche gehandelt werden. CDE wurde mir empfohlen zu kaufen. Suedafrikanische Gold
    Aktien sollen eine gute Anlage sein fuer ca. ein Jahr. Ab Freitag soll der Rand weiter fallen. Der USD soll noch den ganzen Monat stark bleiben gegen alle Waehrungen. Jedoch bei ca. 1.255 $/Euro soll das Hoch erreicht sein. Ende Februar sollte Gold bei ca. 440 $ gehandelt werden.
    Silber wird ein Ueberraschungsei und soll fuer 2 Jahre glaenzen.
    Gold koppelt sich ab vom Dollar und wird in den anderen Waehrungen endlich steigen. Ob es stimmt werden wir noch sehen, es ist ja nur ein Geruecht. Also kauft mal Silber ab Donnerstag und deckt Euch ein fuer den angeblichen Bullrun. :D

    Paul van Eden,IMF Gold sale:

    Randgold News:…symbol=GOLD&news_region=U

    Ich wuensche Euch einen guten Start sowie eine angenehme oder naerrische Woche, je nach dem was euch gut tut.
    Bitte vergesst nicht weiter an diesen Thema Juniors zu arbeiten und schreibt hier etwas zur Abwechslung.

    Have a good one, ;)

    Gruss, Eldo