Beiträge von Eldorado


    Die First Nation Indians haben viele claims,darunter das Land von CZN.
    Die Regierung laesst sich zeit ;(, anbei ein kurzer Bericht :

    Currently there are some 450 claims backlogged before the Commission that will take 50 years to process. Because the claims process is on the verge of grinding to a halt, the system has been severely criticized, even by its own representatives, as one that’s not working.

    Canadian Zinc conducts its operations in the Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories of Canada in an area which is claimed by the Deh Cho First Nations as their traditional territory. No land claim settlement agreement has been reached between Canada and the Deh Cho and title to the land is in dispute. The Company’s operations are potentially subject to a number of political, legislative and other risks. Canadian Zinc is not able to determine the impact of political, legislative or other risks on its business or its future financial position.

    Bis dort hin sollte die Mine wieder geschlossen sein.
    Momentan, keine Gefahr, ab 2006 geht die Produktion los.

    Bezueglich CFTN, schau mal es sind alle im Keller.
    Die letzte Woche war ja ein Massaker, ich hoffe es dreht sich alles in der naechsten woche. Renne schon mit Schnorchel rum bei den Kursen.

    Mr. Gordon Brown hat wieder zugeschlagen. X(
    The Bull Market is Dead !! :

    Comments about China :

    I agree that China is a major factor and may become a superpower in the next 10 years or so, BUT, just as Japan dominated the 1980s and talk was of Japan surpassing the US, China is in an economic bubble (as Japan was in 1989 and the US in 2000) that will burst in the relatively near future, possibly this year.

    Once a country is "all over the news" a major top is near, as it was with Japan in 1989 and the US in 2000. China has all kinds of bad loans and major problems that probably will make their bust a severe one. Just as in the stock market, when people become euphoric about a country's economy, the top is near. I guarantee you China isn't immune to economic cycles and their cycle high is probably near and may have already occurred possibly. One has to think in contrarian terms when timing markets wether it's the stock market or an economy.

    You don't really think China will keep growing at 10% or whatever their growth rate is for much longer, do you? It is a bubble. A country that size can't growth at that rate for much longer. It's IMPOSSIBLE. I agree that China is and probably will become more of a factor, but they aren't immune to economic cycles any more than Japan or the US is.


    Joe Ferrazzano

    Ja, dass kann ja ein Jahr werden,das Jahr des Hahn :

    Hier noch was von Uncle Harry:…tz/schultz020705_hsl.html

    Lets hope for better times.


    By David Homes

    You're bound to hear about the latest craze in gold
    investing: GLD. This "exchange-traded fund," or ETF, is
    supposed to make gold investing simple and convenient.

    Each share of GLD is valued at one-tenth of an ounce of
    gold's current market price. Apparently GLD merely "tracks along" with the current spot price of gold with no real
    ability to redeem your shares for physical metal. To me
    this sounded like some kind of side-betting racket, so I contacted Merrill Lynch for some answers.

    Merrill Lynch is offering GLD, but for serious questions the local broker referred me to the powerful research department
    in New York. They raised more questions than answers.

    My next stop was the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    After the expected pinball routine, I ended up chatting with
    one of their enforcement lawyers, who indicated that I was
    not the first GLD prospect with concerns. Evidently GLD was facing the possibility of a formal investigation after just a few weeks of operation.

    It would appear that the legal structure of GLD was so
    carefully and intricately conceived that it was able to circumvent even the most basic disclosure and reporting requirements of the SEC itself. What are they trying to
    hide? No publicly traded company enjoys this kind of privacy.

    I learned that the ambiguous World Gold Council was
    involved with GLD, so I contacted them next. After many
    attempts and several days, I finally made a meaningful connection. My first question addressed the opacity of GLD.
    The WGC official's response was simply not credible. He said, "Because we are dealing with gold, the SEC requires
    that we adhere to certain security procedures."

    He told me that all gold was held in London in the HSBC
    vault. My next question was my last: "Are client funds
    backed up with 100 percent physical gold, or would you be including future-production pledges as part of the assets?"

    "Sir, I really cannot discuss this with you because of the
    way we are structured. Good day."

    Bottom line: The problem I have with the whole idea of
    ETFs is this opacity and the potential drag that it could represent to the real gold market.

    The best insurance for a strong gold bull market is, of
    course, physical ownership of the metal by the public --

    At best ETFs represent something less than 100-percent
    real-market impact. At worst ETFs are just the latest
    scheme by major gold interests and the Silver Users
    Association to maintain price and inventory controls. By creating a popular side-betting mechanism, they are able
    to divert and neutralize billions of dollars that otherwise could have a major impact on the price and supply of the
    hysical metals.

    In fact, that these ETFs are popping up could mean that
    metal inventories are getting desperately low.

    Prove me wrong. I'll give 100 ounces of silver to the
    first person who can convince me, with evidence, that GLD
    is not a Trojan horse. Until then, my money is on physical
    metal and quality mining shares.

    * * *

    David's essential gripe is that buying shares of GLD will
    not take gold off the market and reduce supplies as a normal gold purchase would, raising the price. Consequently, GLD
    will have no effect on the gold price. Perhaps GLD is useful
    as a tracking mechanism but lacks the real-world effect on price. In other words, the world could buy GLD and gold
    wouldn't budge an inch.

    -- Howard Ruff

    Ich schau da oft rein,vielleicht ihr auch. :rolleyes:

    The liberators are busy:

    North Korea threatens: X(
    U.S. bases 'sea of fire'
    South estimates 690,000 American troops,
    2,000 planes to be dispatched to peninsula
    Unemployment in control.…icle.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42733

    Golden Gordon Brown saves Africa,long live Mandela !…e=topNews&storyID=7547048

    Hier koennt ihr den zweiten teil lesen von Clif Droke wenn es um penny /rodeo stock geht :

    Und zum Schluss the silver solution song, to swing along if you like.

    Passt zum Karneval ! :D Bitte mit silber sporen im Cowboy Outfit ! :P

    ;)Thanks Gogh, those guys or a lemming maybe wispered in my ear.

    Metal investor's and cowboys have to survive the next four trading days somehow.

    Metal investor's should put 75% money in silver and rest in gold or whatever they feel.


    South African metal stocks will out-perform this year. You should regard DROOY almost like getting something for free. ?(

    Before mid of June, I would like to see all cowboys portfolios reaching lifetime highs. This is indeed possible if you start to accumulate silver from the middle of next week. Silver !!! :D :D :D :D

    It's the final countdown, lets see if its true.

    Have a nice 8) weekend, regards Eldo

    Now I know, he is an alien ! :D :D

    Bush: Close border, but let aliens work
    President seeks Social Security fix, Palestinian state, end to terror :D :D

    Posted: February 2, 2005
    9:45 p.m. Eastern

    Jetzt koennt ihr eure grenze auch zu machen bevor noch mehr Indianer kommen, oder ?

    Gogh, wo ist das Bild ???

    8o mich hauts um, der hat eines im speedposting oben drauf ! :D
    Thanks, Gogh .. damit wir ein Bild bekommen das Silver ein Investment ist fuer manche Cowboys ! :rolleyes: :D
    Recht hast, Take your damn shoes off! Shoes off! Shoes off!
    es geht jetzt....

    Down the Amazon, social security is going bankrupt, Pisani, Maria, from CNBC most of them look like a puppet show like Silvia Wadwa the monster from Loch Frankfurt. I was close to write them to replace her because she ruins my tv screen. :D
    They tell me so much "news"" mainly for the sheeps. A few rigged news is enough to change the show or hype.It's either panic or mania,greed or fear, but there some guys like Hugh Hendry from Odyssey who make sense to me over the years. Many have small lips :]
    I listen to CNBC most of the day,know by now who is who in the zoo.Anyhow, Texas Ranger or Cowboy Bush warned Iran and that's another rodeo for some guys. The reaction was a vulcanic erruption in Hawai to celebrate the lastest news.The magic fiat printing machine from US is ready pump it out while Bush warns and same time offers money and bribe the Palestiniens with only 120 B Fiat Dollars We'll see if they take it or not and play his game. Ok, I must stop talking politics,otherwise an Indian knocks at my door and complaints about anti american rassismus. Is he an Ameri CAN or Ameri CAN"T ??
    He's gone crazy and believes he is either Alexander the great, or Lawrence from Arabia in my opinion, that's all.

    I feel and hope that we getting closer to the final rodeo/ fight between the Horse and Texas Cowboy Bush. :D :D

    It is the final countdown........
    an its in the pipeline,.. Cowboys !

    Down >> the amazon !! F. E.
    One has to go anyway ?(

    gogh ;)

    Du bist ein kleiner Poet,interpretierst wohl den Film, der Schatz im Bariloche See,oder Malawi.. bei den Abschnitt, die Berggorillas/Indianer greifen an.Da musste ich die grossen Sporen tragen damit sie mich in Ruhe lassen. :D Die schmissen vor lauter Wut, einige Bananen und Schalen (Rand) und Reis.Da musste ja der Kurs fallen. Aber schoen war es trotzdem weil ich spaeter in Mendoza guten Wein anstatt Reis bekam.

    Bin mir sicher,du hast sicher ein Bild welches dazu passt . :]


    @ tschonko

    Nun wissen wir alle was PLL ist , die hatten gestern ein riesen volumen.
    Dll kannst ignorieren, dass habe ich aus gaudi hinter meinen namen gesetzt.

    JIN.V wurde gestern gehaemmert obwohl fast niemand weiss dass sie mit IVN zusammen im bett liegen.

    SRLM.PK wurde gestern auch gehaemmert, sei froh.
    Jetzt ist sie reif , leider bin ich nicht fluessig genug.

    Minera Andes, MAI.V ist so was aehnliches wie PLL, auch in Patagonia.
    Hoffe die machen bald einen Tango Argentina. :D

    Gruss und good luck

    DLL PLL DEZ , denen juckt es unter den Hufen,ich glaube die wollen gleich losrennen. :D
    Ich versuche da noch raufzuspringen bevor ich zu fuss laufen muss.
    Silver industry sources familiar with Barclays' ETF projects said on Wednesday that the company hopes to come out with a silver-backed fund this year.

    Barclays has started to analyze the silver market in preparation for developing an ETF, though it still appeared to be in the early stages, one contact said.

    ;)thanks fossie

    Jetzt weiss ich was PLL ist.

    Have a nice day :)

    Gerade mal speed getested, die Projekte in Utah und Patagonia reizen mich nun ebenfalls. Speziell in Patagonia, dort war ich mal.
    Und dort wo ich war, habe ich mich schon im vorraus bedankt :)

    JJJJ... I'm talking to myself its time to hit the bag, 8)Cowboys

    Bei der Nachricht kann ich ja gut schlafen, er ist doch nicht bloed !

    Jim Sinclair's Commentary:

    If super wealth did not bet against the dollar but remained totally committed in the face of no improvement in the triple deficits, it would be negligent financial management on their part.

    Billionaire Bill Gates is betting against U.S. dollar
    Bloomberg News
    UPDATED AT 5:27 PM EST Monday, Jan 31, 2005

    Bill Gates, whose net worth of $46.6-billion (U.S.) makes him the world's richest person, is betting against the U.S. dollar.

    "I'm short the dollar," Mr. Gates, chairman of Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Corp., said during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "The ol' dollar, it's gonna go down."

    Mr. Gates's concern that widening U.S. budget and trade deficits are undermining the greenback was echoed in Davos by policy makers including European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

    The dollar fell 21 per cent against a basket of six major currencies from the start of 2002 to the end of last year.

    The U.S. trade deficit swelled to a record $609.3-billion last year, and total U.S. government debt rose 8.7 per cent to $7.62-trillion in the past 12 months.

    "It is a bit scary :(," Mr. Gates said. "We're in uncharted territory :D when the world's reserve currency has so much outstanding debt."

    Ich sehe es schon, viele pony werden schon separat in themen diskutiert. Sobald sie drauf sind schreibe ich nicht mehr viel darueber in diesen thread, ok ? Es seih denn ihr habt fragen an mich die ich gerne beantworte. Wir sind alle Cowboys mit einen junior zu reiten egal auf welcher backe ! ... Ich schaute mal grob, manche huepfen bis minus 50% und plus 10-14 % in wenig tagen nach oben. Bei dem Geschaeft muss man overall spitzen bis minus 40% per einzelnen pferd aushalten. Da fliegen die meisten runter aber bei vielen pferden ist der overall stop loss max.minus 30% das limit, dann fallen die meisten ab.
    Momentan sitze ich auf der haelfte und bin zufrieden dass ich noch drauf sitze. :)) Thanks Buddha !

    Juniors are dangerous and wild X( , Cowboys !

    That you all know what you are in for ?(, please read :

    Clif Droke hat ja keine guten nachrichten, er meint es kann nochmal auf die 405 $ schlagen. Der Kampf beginnt wieder, aber bald ist schluss und der Weidezaum offen, sollten die Pferde schon rennen, wenn es kracht ! ?(

    The day of reckoning is coming, sooner or later !
    COWBOYS ! :D

    Viva Silver Mexico !! ( a lot of mex horses are available)

    Pick some !! :D
    Ich besuche und bedanke mich bald in Mexico, vor dem Rodeostart 8)


    I like Peru, they have less green Indians and it has potential.
    Vielleicht finden die noch den Schatz der Inkas, wer weiss ? ?(

    SSRI gehoert in jeden Stall, es ist wie eine Silber Option und erreicht locker seine 30 USD... Wann ?(

    Ein guter Deckhengst auch !! :D :D

    Den lasse ich mir nicht klauen, dass steht fest ! :]