Beiträge von Eldorado

    Mit der Post darf man gar nichts mehr wertvolles nach RSA schicken, die klauen bei der Post und Zoll ganz ungestraft und verbessern somit ihr Gehalt.
    In allen Flughaefen verschwanden 30.000 Gepaeckstuecke oder 78 Gepaeckstuecke pro Tag, ebenso eine Einnahmequelle.
    D.h. Alle Gepaeckstuecke von 8 Jumbo Jets pro Monat, ein neuer Weltrekord !
    Man uebt schon fuer die Fussball WM......... :thumbup:

    Amazon blacklists RSA Post Office

    2008-6-18 08:06

    Johannesburg - Rampant theft by Post Office workers has infuriated internet retailing giant Amazon so much that it will no longer send goods to South Africa by post, Business Day has reported.
    Anyone wanting to order directly from the US-based website must now pay for a private courier service adding about R420 to the price of a DVD.
    No one from the Post Office would comment. :D
    No other African country's postal service had been blacklisted by Amazon, Business Day said.

    Paper Money & Paper Tigers

    The last shall be first and the first shall be last
    -- Jesus of Nazareth

    Nobel Laureate Buckminster Fuller’s introduction to his Critical Path is titled, Twilight of the World’s Power Structures. Published in 1981, Fuller’s book predicted the end of the world’s power structures during a process where humanity would undergo a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

    In 1991, the Soviet Union and communism collapsed and now with the severe contraction in credit markets, capitalism is in similarly deep trouble; and. Fuller’s 1981 prediction about the demise of the world’s power structures certainly cannot be good news for those who attended the 56th Bilderberg meeting held June 5-8 in Chantilly, VA.

    The Bilderberger are believed by many to be the world’s ruling elite, those who determine the world’s direction—at least the western world’s, as attendees are overwhelmingly from Europe and the US (Europe 2:1 US).

    In truth, however, the majority of attendees at the Bilderberger meetings are not the ruling elites but their minions—the well paid servants of money and power who toil 24/7 on their behalf, the bankers and corporate CEOs who shepherd the collective wealth of their masters, thereby gaining position and power for themselves in the process.

    This fact, however, should not take away from their considerable influence in today’s world. That world, however, is today in a highly precarious state; for, if Fuller’s prediction is true, the Bilderberger’s world is now about to collapse.....


    A fortune composed of paper is like a house built on sand

    At the very same time the Positive Deviant Network was meeting in northern New York in early June, the Bilderbergers were meeting in northern Virginia; and, while the PDN was looking at ways to alleviate the problems of the powerless, the Bilderbergers were looking at ways to extend the power of the already powerful.

    In attendance at the Bilderberg meeting were Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, Henry Paulson, the US Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geither, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, and Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank.

    It is no coincidence that so many high ranking “public servants” were openly attending a private meeting of the western world’s financial elites. Public servants in name only, public bankers are the handmaidens of the private elites, and in so doing serve their own interests as well.

    It is also no coincidence that bankers play such a prominent role in the affairs of the Bilderbergers, the western power elite. Prior to the introduction of the bankers’ debt-based money in England in 1694, the east and the west were “separate but equal”. The bankers, however, were to significantly change that dynamic.

    After central banking was introduced by the Bank of England, the relationship between the east and west shifted dramatically. England in its Faustian pact with the bankers was able to fund its navy and military with debt-based money and in a version of national gang violence, sic imperialism, imposed its will on much of the world.

    The 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries reflected this great shift in power. The 21st century, however, will not. By the end of the 19th century, England’s time as the preeminent world power had run its course.

    In 1870, England’s balance of trade went negative and its Treasury had increasing difficulty in paying the enormous bills of the British Navy and the bankers took careful note of this turn of events.

    So, in 1913, the European bankers extended their operations to the US via the creation of the Federal Reserve System, the US version of the Bank of England’s central bank. The Federal Reserve System, a consortium of private European and American banks, would issue the same debt-based money in America as had the Bank of England in Britain and the bankers would continue their power and influence in America as they had in England and Europe.

    Now, however, in the 21st century, America’s run at the table of fortune is coming to an end as did England’s one century before. In 1970, America’s balance of trade went negative (as did England’s in the 1870s) and again like England, its military budget would consume more and more of its national wealth.

    In 2008, the world of the Bilderbergers is now suddenly and unexpectedly threatened. The western power base built on the foundation of central banking has encountered an unexpected problem. The debt-based western world of the Bildebergers has now collided head-on with the savings-based world of the east.



    Capitalism is the description of the wholesale introduction of credit into the world of commerce. Prior to the introduction of the Bank of England’s debt-based money, the words “banker” and “capitalism” did not even exist. The previous description of banking was “money-lending”, an avocation made possible by the charging of interest on the lending of gold.

    The utterly brilliant ascent of the money-lenders was made possible by their pact with government, first with King William of England, wherein private bankers would be allowed to issue public currency on which they could charge interest just as they had previously with gold—and government could then spend whatever it wished of the public’s money, usually on war.

    The advantages are obvious, at least to the bankers and governments. Over time, however, the credit based “money” turns into debt on which compounding interest is levied. In this system, time is the enemy as time compounds debts as well as the amount of paper money causing a continual debasing of previously issued currency.


    The ultimate seduction of credit lies in its ability to deceive the debtor into believing that it is real money he or she has. It is not. Credit and debt are two sides of the same coin, albeit a coin of highly dubious origin.

    The two-sided coin of credit and debt was substituted for gold and silver in an arrangement that served bankers and government, not producers and savers; and, much to the chagrin of the Bilderbergers and their bankers, the rest of the world, sic producers and savers, are now beginning to catch on to this increasingly obvious truth.

    The recent rapid rise in the price of oil is a reflection of the intention of oil producers to no longer automatically trade their limited supply of oil for an unlimited and continually devaluing supply of paper money.

    The current volatility in the price of gold and silver is a reflection of the death throes of the Bilderberger’s regime of paper money. No paper money system has ever lasted, all have ended in failure and disaster and this present system will end the same way—no matter what efforts are exerted on the behalf of paper money.


    It was the bankers of the west that invented this game of charades where credit and debt masquerade as money. It is a charade that has lasted three hundred years. All games end, however, and this game is ending now, gratis of the universe whose intelligent hand Buckminster Fuller saw everywhere, even in our mistakes.

    Bucky maintained that mistakes are an integral part of learning (see Fuller’s Mistake Mystique, see ), Fuller maintained that the universe evolves by mistakes, learning ever more as it does so—and that includes mankind—no matter how dissociated our minds think we are from the originating phenomena of life.

    In early June, as we in the Positive Deviant Network walked through Lakeview Prison in Dunkirk, NY, we saw a slogan prominently painted on a wall. In that prison, especially, its truth was obvious:


    And, so it is. It is a lesson the bankers and the Bilderbergers will soon understand.


    Note II: I will be speaking at Professor Antal E. Fekete’s Session IV of Gold Standard University Live (GSUL) July 3-6, 2008 in Szombathely , Hungary. If you are interested in monetary matters and gold, the opportunity to hear Professor Fekete should not be missed. A perusal of Professor Fekete’s topics may convince you to attend (see ). Professor Fekete, in my opinion, is a giant in a time of small men.

    Darryl Robert Schoon


    Fundi, ich kann mich mehr oder weniger bis auf ein paar heisse zonen wo es mich eh nicht hinzieht bewegen in einen Wild-West Land wo ich mich auf mein Schicksal unter anderen verlasse.
    Gestern hatte ich fast zwei Flaschen Wein und bin seit 23 Jahren nicht in einen Kontrolle gefahren, touch wood.
    Wenn ja dann rede ich Deutsch und zeig denen den deutschen internationalen fuehrerschein. :D
    Dann muessen sie ein anderes Formular ausfuellen was zu umstaendlich ist und habe mehr glueck als in D.
    Genauso gut koennte ich eine auf die Fresse in D bekommen am falschen ort zur falschen zeit und habe einen scharfen Polizisten der Zinngott spielt.
    Die Vor und Nachteile hier au ewaehnen will ich nicht,mir ist jedenfalls ein Zulu lieber als ein deutscher Beamter oder neidischer Nachbar.
    Was ""Freedom" und Lifestyle angeht, habe ich hier mehr als ihr es habt wo der Staat Euch wie kleine Kinder behandelt.
    Bei Euch geht mir die Ordnung und Polizei am wecker, wer Air Berlin/Condor oder Lufthansa fliegt hat nichts zu lachen bei den grimmigen Gesichtern. :evil:
    Soweit zur Stimmung bei Euch, dann lieber "wild africa" bis es eben zu viel wird, dann ab die Post.
    Was hilft mir die ganze "Sicherheit" bei Euch wenn ich nichts zum lachen habe.
    Wenn ich schon lese, bin im Verlust mit der Aktie aber habe jetzt keinen Steuernachteil dann reichst mir schon.
    Ich bin schon versaut nach 23 Jahren in Afrika und sehe keine Zukunft fuer mich in D mehr.
    Zu kalt, zu grau, genauso Frust in der Bevoelkerung, da schau ich lieber von meinen Bunker auf Meer mit Bergen im Hintergrund als Trost.
    Hier kann man noch atmen, in D passen die auf wie viel. :D

    Meso & Allesklar, ich sehe das auch so, waehrend die Fettsaecke in Berlin Diskussionen ueber Terror und Nahost Politik reden muss ich mich noch lange nicht beteiligen.
    Die Waffenindustrie kennt keine Moral, das wird leider der WW3 Rohstoff- Religionskrieg so wie es ausschaut, die Wurzel allen Uebels ist die Religion.
    Wer mischt sich schon in D beim Nachbarn ein wenn es dort Aerger gibt ???
    Aber nach Afghanistan, da haben sich diese Idioten eingemischt, fuer was denn ??? :hae:

    1.50 > der Liter und mehr Kameras, dafuer mehr Fluechtlinge die ins Hotel D wollen ???


    Die machen echt was sie wollen und keiner haltet die auf.

    Ist das schon Diktatur in demokratischer Verpackung ?

    Und dann noch die miese Visage von den NWO Minister, in D gehts :thumbdown:

    Ueber GWB will ich nicht reden,die Politiker sind alle Arschgeigen, der Krieg in Afghanistan ist so gut wie verloren, die Russen schafften es nicht und die Amis erst recht nicht.

    In Afghanistan gehts rein um die Pipeline von den Nachbarstaaten die mit AN enden, da hofft der Ami das er von den "Ausbrecherstaaten" die sich von den Russen abkoppeln die Energie abzapfen kann.

    Die Politiker werden dort genauso demokratisiert wie Kosovo oder Georgia mit $$$$$$$$$$.

    Um das Opium gehts auch...

    Mujaref wurde erpresst und gedroht von Bush gleich nach 9/11 mit einen Anschlag, der kann sich nicht mehr lange gegen den Druck vom Taliban halten wie die anderen bald auch.

    Stark fand ich als der Taliban ueber 1000 Gefangene befreit hat obwohl sich einige dafuer opferten.

    Die Deutschen muessen raus aus dem Gebiet, es ist aus, sinnlos dort zu kaempfen oder bewachen !

    Es krieselt ziehe immer mehr Muslims in den Jihad gegen den Westen und Zionisten. :boese:

    Die wurden provoziert, nicht die Deutschen.

    Servas, Tschonko...die Oesis haben sich gestern gut geschlagen, wir haben knapp verloren und die Pifke gewonnen. :D

    Der Trainer ist gleich zur Mama Angela gelaufen, das war das beste am Spiel. :D

    KIngs, schau mal auf den Pleitegeier, ist das nun die Kapitulation ? ;(

    Und ich habe versaeumt eine SL brutal einzuhalten bei der...auch so eine scheiss von Frrrrrrrrrr ustri ! :boese:

    XCAL..... :wall: 7 cents

    Lohneswert waere jetzt Hecla, CDE, und sogar die SIL bei den Kurs.

    CDE und SIL heute aufgestockt, die SIL ein Hammer. :wall:

    Bolivia, Sumitomo Deals, geopolitische Probleme, so fertig kann die nicht sein wie der Kurs steht. :D

    Poor George Soros bei dem Kurs. :D ....sogar Genco wuerde ich nun kaufen, erst recht einige SVM.TO und FVI.V.

    RMX.TO & Centerra ist ein neuer geozock mit permit hin und her, da fehlt mir nur Cash. :(

    Can you feel the heat ?... :P

    Peer Steinbruck hat Euch wahrscheinich wieder mal ausverkauft in Osaka.

    Jawohl,weg mit dem Gold der Staatsbuerger, Steuern rauf,das ist so super wie Deutscher Fussball. :thumbup:

    So wie man den Trainer vom Platz gejagd hat sollte man dieses ganze Gesoxe von Politiker in Berlin in die Wueste schicken. :boese:

    Aber die meisten sind so bescheuert das man diese Brut und Pfirsich Kuh wieder waehlt.

    Mugabe: We shed a lot of blood

    2008-6-17 08:16


    President Robert Mugabe, campaigning for re-election in a presidential run-off on June 27, warned that he would not cede power to Western-backed opponents, the state media reported.
    "We shed a lot of blood for this country. We are not going to give up our country for a mere X on a ballot. How can a ballpoint pen fight with a gun?" the Herald, a government mouthpiece, quoted Mugabe as saying.

    Speaking in the local Shona language in the central Silobela district on Sunday, Mugabe said, that the nation threw off colonial domination in a guerrilla war in 1980, and his party was ready to fight again to stop the pro-Western Movement for Democratic Change from gaining control of the government, the paper reported.
    Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, speaking in London with United States President George W Bush, :tired: warned on Monday that international election monitors must be allowed to monitor the run-off or risk having Mugabe's "criminal regime" steal the election.

    Free, fair elections

    Brown said: "(Mugabe's) criminal cabal ... threatens to make a mockery of free and fair elections in Zimbabwe." Bush said the US would work with Britain and others to make sure the run-off poll was conducted to international standards. :D
    Bush said: "The people of Zimbabwe have suffered under the Mugabe leadership and we will work with you to ensure this process leads to free and fair elections :tired: , which obviously Mr Mugabe does not want to happen."
    United Nations special envoy Haile Menkerios arrived in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, on Monday evening and was expected to meet with Mugabe.
    Menkerios had been sent by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with Mugabe's consent to assist the political situation.
    Meanwhile, the secretary-general of the Movement for Democratic Change - the party's No 2 - continued to be held in the notoriously harsh police jail in western Harare, his lawyer said.

    Filthy, harsh conditions

    Tendai Biti did not make a scheduled appearance in court on Monday on treason allegations. Biti had yet to be asked by police to make a formal written "warned and cautioned" statement, needed before he can be arraigned, said lawyer Lewis Uriri.
    Uriri said police had added two extra charges under the security laws - insulting the president and making statements intended to bring about disaffection in the police and security forces, both carrying the penalty of imprisonment or fine.
    Biti had to make further written statements on the additional charges and should be brought to court after that on Tuesday.
    Uriri said if Biti was not brought to court, the case would be taken to the High Court again to request it to order an end to delays that were keeping Biti in the Matapi police jail in the western township of Mbare.
    The police station was known for filthy, harsh conditions used to intimidate suspects in custody. Uriri said Biti was denied a blanket in freezing nighttime temperatures in the Zimbabwe winter.
