Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Wir nähern uns dem "überverkauft" - Bereich, ruhig Blut, wir sehen auch wieder bessere Kurse... :thumbup: Quelle:


    Gold fell -25.90 to $873.10 or -2.88%. Below, the daily chart shows gold testing
    its lower support line. The bottom Bollinger band, the 200 ma, and horizontal
    support are all converging near the same level. STO & ROC are turning up
    - slowly.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Und noch eine gute Formulierung zur aktuellen Silbersituation:

    Die Silberadler-Knappheit wird bald die illusorische Qualität des COMEX Preises offenbaren, weil eine riesige Prämie im Begriff ist, sich für Silberadler außer seinem Papierhandel zu entwickeln,

    Soorry, das ich diesen Thread für Allgemeines benutzt habe, kommt nicht wieder vor. ;)

  • Scorpio mit Vertrag zum Verkauf des zukünftigen Konzentrats.
    Übrigens selbe Firma wie bei Sterling…o_agree_nuestra.html?.v=1

    Minesite zu:
    June 10, 2008
    Oremex Sees a Small Light at the End of Tejamen Tunnel

    By Our Canadian Correspondent

    Back in 2003 Oremex Resources was well ahead of the commodity curve as it advanced its Tejamen silver property in Mexico’s Durango state, and over the following two years investors rewarded the company by bidding its share price up to more than C$1 apiece. But fast forward to 2008 and rather than benefiting from soaring silver prices shareholders have been punished by a land access issue.
    The Tejamen silver property lies within the mineral-rich Sierra Madre Occidental geological province of central Mexico and hosts 50.8 million silver-equivalent ounces within an inferred resource of 22.6 million tonnes averaging 66.9 grams silver and 0.05 grams gold per tonne, or 69.8 grams silver-equivalent. Initial column-leach tests were favourable, delivering 78 per cent silver extraction, so no problems there. A preliminary assessment study completed in 2006 envisioned a 10,000 tonne per day heap leach operation that would be profitable at US$8 per ounce silver and have a seven year mine life. Using US$10 per ounce for silver and silver recovery of 70 per cent, the net present value rings in at US$58.6 million. At a silver price of US$12 per ounce the project’s net present value rockets to US$97.4 million. Initial capital costs came in at a reasonable US$45.2 million with working capital reckoned at US$8.6 million. With the price of silver starting to move higher, everything seemed to be on track for a profitable operation and investors were a happy lot. But then a social issue put the project on ice and it’s been downhill for shareholders ever since.
    Despite the fact that Oremex owns a 100 per cent interest in the mineral concessions, with no ongoing obligations, the company does not have surface access rights. Under Mexican mining law, holders must either negotiate access arrangements with the owners of the surface rights, or undertake a federal legal process for expropriation or temporary occupation. From 2004 to 2006, Oremex was granted the right to surface access by the local land owners known as Ejido. However late in 2006 Oremex was unsuccessful in securing a renegotiated agreement for surface access over the project. Although the vote at Tejamen from the Ejido was close to passing, close doesn’t cut it and the activity at the project was halted. Since 2007 Oremex has continued discussions with the Ejido in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement and in the meantime it’s also initiated proceedings to gain surface access under applicable federal laws.
    But from the social point of view this is not a slam dunk case. The proposed 10,000 tonne per day heap leach operation calls for the open pit mining of two mineralized zones, dubbed Cerro Prieto and Los Mantos. A portion of the village of Tejamen lies between the two zones and in order to mine Cerro Prieto, the village would need to be relocated. On the plus side, mining of Los Mantos could be accomplished with minimal disturbance to the village and given that this zone hosts 70 per cent of the silver content, that would mean four years of production.
    The State Governor’s office has stepped up to the plate and pledged support for the project. It’s also assisting in the resolution of any of the outstanding issues with members of the Ejido of Tejamen. On behalf of Oremex, the State Governor has designated members of his cabinet to assist with the negotiations. The President of Nuevo Ideal, the municipality that hosts Tejamen, has also publicly stressed the benefits that the project would bring to local and regional inhabitants, namely employment opportunities, social development programs, as well as the provision for small community enterprise. So armed with political support, Linda Thorstad and her team at Oremex are in daily contact with senior representatives of the federal and state governments in hopes for a breakthrough.
    A rapid conclusion to this standoff would still leave Oremex with enough time to launch a full blown feasibility study in 2008 and cash in on high silver prices. Some 8,500 metres of diamond drilling and 32,700 metres of reverse circulation drilling are planned, as well as metallurgical test work to optimize the recovery process and plant design.

    Oremex does have other exploration properties in Mexico and one has to wonder if the current market value of less than C$10 million finally offers some upside to shareholders. Clearly, any news that paves the way for Oremex to advance its flagship project will be treated favourably in the market and Oremex is banking that the tried and true method of having the backing of politicians will break the dead lock. Shareholders certainly hope so.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo Milly,
    hast du das noch linkmäßig, was du damals gerochen hast?
    Würd mich interessieren.

    San Anton mit Resource Update: nicht schlecht, aber niedrige grades..
    Aktie +36%.
    Hab mir auf die Meldung noch ein paar Kings minerals in Depot gelegt. In D natürlich.... :D
    (kings besitzt 70%? an SNN.TO)

    San Anton Announces Cerro del Gallo Mineral Resource Update
    Tuesday June 17, 8:00 am ET
    Significant Increase in Tonnage and Contained Metal

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 17, 2008 -- San Anton Resource Corporation (Toronto:SNN.TO - News) is pleased to announce an updated mineral resource estimate, including a significant increase in tonnes and contained metal for the Cerro del Gallo copper-gold-silver deposit at San Anton, Guanajuato State, central Mexico. The updated mineral resource estimate now contains 1.1 billion pounds of copper, 3.9 million ounces of gold, and 163 million ounces of silver in the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources.
    Highlights of the Cerro del Gallo mineral resource update include:
    - 43% increase in the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources tonnes to 461 Mt
    - 28% increase in the Measured and Indicated Resources contained metal to 1,087 Mlbs Cu, 3.9 Moz Au, and 163 Moz Ag
    - In addition to the Measured and Indicated Resources, there are 166 Mt of Inferred Resources containing 356 Mlbs Cu, 0.6 Moz Au, and 39 Moz Ag
    The updated mineral resource estimate is based on 350 drill holes for a total of 94,403 metres completed since December 2004. This new data represents a significant increase in information since the last mineral resource estimate announced on 13 March 2007, which was based on a total of 57,592 metres and 232 holes. New information acquired during the last 18 months has assisted in improving the geological interpretation of the deposit which in turn has lead to a refinement of the 3-D model for mineral resource estimation.
    John Cook, President & CEO, said that "The updated mineral resource reflects an increased level of geological understanding and confidence, and will provide a strong basis for the current and future studies and represents another step forward in the evaluation of the Cerro del Gallo copper-gold-silver deposit."
    Geological Modelling
    The Cerro del Gallo deposit was modelled as three broader geological domains based on the primary rock types and alteration, which was further sub-divided based on the predominant metal occurrence. The domains were defined from the drilling and surface mapping as shown in Figure 1 (Cerro del Gallo Geology and Mineral Resource Extent available at http://www.sanantonresourcecor…27/Property_Maps_867.html). The central intrusive domain is based on surface mapping and drill hole logging. The gold domain is a gold-rich zone based on gold grades greater than a nominal 0.2 g/tAu that predominantly occurs within the hydrothermally altered ash-flow tuff sequence peripheral to the major intrusives, but also in part transects the major intrusives. The copper domain forms an outer copper-silver-rich zone also within the altered ash-flow tuff sequence and was based on gold equivalent grades nominally greater than 0.3 g/tAuEq. The mineralization appears to be constrained within the altered tuff sequence, with some apparent structural controls on the limits of the alteration. All major constraining faults were modelled to the north, south and west of the deposit, and a constraining shale contact along the eastern side of the deposit. The outer limit of the alteration domain appears to have been defined by these major constraining faults and or drilling, except in the south-eastern and north-western areas.
    Mineral Resource Estimate
    The significant amount of new drilling from both infill and step-out drill holes has allowed for the significant increase in the size and confidence of the mineral resource with an increase in the higher confidence Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources of 43% in tonnes and 28% in contained metal to now contain 1,087 Mlbs Cu, 3.9 Moz Au, and 163 Moz Ag. The Inferred Mineral Resources have increased by 48% in tonnes and 14% in contained metal to now contain 356 Mlbs Cu, 0.6 Moz Au, and 39 Moz Ag.
    The majority of the Inferred Mineral Resources occur in the outer copper domain, and remain open to the north-west, south-east, and at depth. The mineral resource has only been reported for material above the 1,800 mRL, which is considered to be the maximum depth with reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction with the prevailing metal prices.
    The classification of the mineral resource estimate, reported with a 0.2g/t Au cut-off grade in the gold domain and 0.07% Cu cut-off grade in the copper and intrusive domains, is shown in Table 1. The classification of the mineral resource by geological domain is shown in Table 2.

    Table 1
    Cerro del Gallo Mineral Resource

    Resource Category Tonnes Au Ag Cu Au Ag Cu
    millions g/t g/t % Moz Moz Mlbs
    Measured 225 0.35 13 0.11 2.5 91 541
    Indicated 236 0.19 10 0.11 1.4 72 546
    Measured + Indicated 461 0.27 11 0.11 3.9 163 1,087
    Inferred 166 0.11 7 0.10 0.6 39 356

    Notes to Accompany Mineral Resource Estimate:

    1. Geological block model prepared by San Anton Resource Corporation.
    2. Grade estimate undertaken by Golder Associates Pty Ltd.
    3. The mineral resource estimate is based on 350 drill holes to an average
    depth of 270 metres for a total of 94,403 metres of drilling. All drill
    holes have been completed since December 2004 of which 74 holes
    totalling 35,782 metres are HQ/NQ diamond core and 276 holes totalling
    58,620 metres are reverse circulation face sampled holes. Most of the
    resource is within 300 metres of the land surface, and has been drilled
    on a nominal 50 x 50 metre spacing.
    4. Gold assays by 30 gram fire assay with AAS finish (and gravimetric
    check on all samples containing greater than1g/t Au), silver and
    copper assays by multi-acid digestion with AAS finish; all assays
    undertaken by SGS Laboratories Toronto Canada.
    5. In-situ bulk density of 2.65 t/m3 based on 895 samples.
    6. A geological block model with block sizes of 25m x 25m x 12m was
    constructed. Large scale bulk mining and flotation process route has
    been assumed.
    7. Au, Ag and Cu grades were estimated by parent block ordinary kriging
    with an overall external hard boundary and internal soft boundaries
    between geological domains except for the gold domain which was
    constrained for Au only.
    8. High grade cuts were applied for each geological domain ranging from
    1.0 to 4.0g/t Au, 70 to 100g/t Ag and 0.5 to 1.0% Cu.
    9. QA/QC checks on sampling and assaying quality are satisfactory.
    10. Cut-off grades used for reporting takes into account the type of
    deposit, style of mineralisation, favourable geometry, location of
    infrastructure, prevailing metal prices, and similar mining projects in
    Mexico and Australia.
    11. The reported mineral resource estimate has been rounded to appropriate
    significant figures.

  • TEIL 2 der Meldung:

    Table 2
    Cerro del Gallo Mineral Resource Geological Domains

    Resource Category Tonnes Au Ag Cu Au Ag Cu
    millions g/t g/t % Moz Moz Mlbs
    Intrusive Domain
    Measured 25 0.14 12 0.10 0.1 9 53
    Indicated 23 0.14 12 0.09 0.1 9 45
    Measured + Indicated 48 0.14 12 0.09 0.2 18 97
    Inferred 3 0.15 10 0.08 0.0 1 6
    Gold Domain
    Measured 129 0.54 12 0.09 2.2 50 250
    Indicated 80 0.38 8 0.08 1.0 21 140
    Measured + Indicated 209 0.48 11 0.08 3.2 71 391
    Inferred 20 0.30 7 0.09 0.2 4 37
    Copper Domain
    Measured 71 0.08 14 0.15 0.2 32 237
    Indicated 133 0.08 10 0.12 0.3 43 361
    Measured + Indicated 205 0.08 11 0.13 0.5 74 599
    Inferred 144 0.08 7 0.10 0.4 34 313
    Rob Stewart MAusIMM, Manager Development and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this release. San Anton Resource Corporation will file an updated NI 43-101 technical report on SEDAR ( within 45 days.
    About San Anton Resource Corporation
    San Anton Resource Corporation is an exploration and development company that is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and is totally focused on the mining friendly jurisdiction of Mexico. The Company's principal asset is a 58% interest in the San Anton Property (Goldcorp 42%), which hosts the near-surface Cerro del Gallo copper-gold-silver deposit. The Property is located in a historic gold-silver mining district and has only recently been subjected to modern exploration techniques. This work quickly identified several targets and has led to the delineation of a NI 43-101 Mineral Resource of 1.4 billion pounds of copper, 4.5 million ounces of gold, and 200 million ounces of silver. The deposit remains open in several directions. A US $10M program is underway to complete initial engineering and metallurgical studies, to continue expanding the Cerro del Gallo resource, and to drill nearby targets.

  • Hi eldo,
    was meinst, was ich für Kings bezahlt hab.
    Heute 2 Drittel weniger..... :D

    Aber das ist ja schon was:
    The updated mineral resource estimate now contains 1.1 billion pounds of copper, 3.9 million ounces of gold, and 163 million ounces of silver in the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources.

    Share structure:

    Mehr brauch ich nicht.


    Formation mit Umwelt permit:

  • Hallo Milly,
    Glaubst i merk ma des, da brauchert ich einen Kürbiskopf.... :D

    Das sind genau die Gründe für die proxy.
    Das hat dem Mr. Anderson, größter shareholder, auch gereicht.

    Ich hoff, die gewinnen das. Glaub aber nicht recht dran.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Servas, Tschonko...die Oesis haben sich gestern gut geschlagen, wir haben knapp verloren und die Pifke gewonnen. :D

    Der Trainer ist gleich zur Mama Angela gelaufen, das war das beste am Spiel. :D

    KIngs, schau mal auf den Pleitegeier, ist das nun die Kapitulation ? ;(

    Und ich habe versaeumt eine SL brutal einzuhalten bei der...auch so eine scheiss von Frrrrrrrrrr ustri ! :boese:

    XCAL..... :wall: 7 cents

  • Servas,
    ja, war gar nicht so schlecht. Aber das Tor darf er nicht kriegen.
    Am 5er stehen, da schenkst 5 Meter her, und dann hat er auch nur noch die rechte hand raufbracht. Stellungsfehler.
    Schad, dass der Hickersberger bleibt.....
    Die rechten Außenverteidiger waren bei beiden die stärksten. Lahm und Garics.

    Türkei-Kroatien wird der Hammer in Wien.
    Was glaubst, was da nachher in Ottakring (nur als Beispiel) los ist........ :D

    Die X-CAL hab ich auch noch......
    Kings Minerals wird was..........

    Genco management mit Antwort:

    Genco responds to Dissident Circular
    Tuesday June 17, 1:09 pm ET
    Trading Symbol TSX: GGC
    VANCOUVER, June 17 /CNW Telbec/ - Genco Resources Ltd. (TSX: GGC - News; "Genco" or the "Company") wishes to respond to certain misleading and erroneous statements contained in the circular issued by James Anderson (the "Dissident"). Genco reminds all shareholders to protect their investment and vote the WHITE proxy in favour of Genco's current management team, board of directors (the "Board"), strategy and growth plans.Setting the Record Straight
    The Company feels obligated to specifically respond to some of the numerous misleading and erroneous statements contained in the Dissident's circular, though the format of this communication does not allow for a full response. Regardless, the Company wishes to set the record straight as follows:
    - For the years prior to 2006, Robert Gardner ("Gardner") and Gordon
    Blankstein ("Blankstein") were significantly underpaid as the Company's
    liquidity and cash flow could not support market compensation. Over the
    last five years, Gardner and Blankstein have each received compensation
    comprised of salary and bonus on average totalling approximately
    $198,000 per annum.

    - The Dissident alleges the consulting agreements with Gardner and
    Blankstein were 'back-dated' despite the fact that it was always
    intended the agreements be made effective as of Q4 of fiscal 2006 and
    each draft of the agreements, a number of which were reviewed by, and
    revised at the request of, the Dissident, were clearly marked as being
    made and entered into effective as of October 1, 2006. These agreements
    had been provided to and were reviewed by the Toronto Stock Exchange.

    - The Dissident circular focuses on short-term production statistics.
    However, as the Dissident is aware, Genco's focus is on the long-term
    objective of defining a world-class silver deposit, based on aggressive
    drilling and exploration, through expanding the size of the proven
    deposit at La Guitarra. We have successfully increased the proven and
    probable silver resource by 320% and the measured and indicated
    resource by 400% from when we first acquired the mine.

    - The Dissident misstates the net purchases and sales of shares by Brian
    Smith ("Smith"), Blankstein and Gardner by only including market
    transactions and excluding warrant and option exercises (which,
    individually, helped finance Genco operations). The actual net
    purchases (sales) for Smith, Blankstein and Gardner for the period
    January 2006 to May 2008, the same period referred to in the Dissident
    circular are 18,504, 10,950 and (22,456), respectively. These figures
    differ greatly from the misleading numbers provided by the Dissident
    and do not support the negative connotation that the Dissident was
    asking shareholders to draw.

    - In his attempt to discredit the Board, the Dissident personally attacks
    Gardner and Blankstein. Gardner and Blankstein, not only brought La
    Guitarra to Genco, but have worked tirelessly towards building the
    project into a world-class mine.

    - The Dissident's reference to related party transactions is not only
    inaccurate but fails to mention that the Dissident both negotiated and
    approved the Andover Ventures Inc. transaction while he was the
    chairman of the Independent Committee of Genco's Board that was formed
    to evaluate and execute the transaction.

    - As disclosed in our Management Information Circular dated May 27, 2008,
    each of the Audit, Corporate Governance and Compensation Committees of
    the Board are comprised solely of independent directors. Consistent
    with the pattern of misinformation contained in the Dissident circular,
    the Dissident wrongly mischaracterizes the composition of these

    Experienced Team

    Genco's current management and board of directors have over 100 years of
    combined mining experience, and significant track records as directors of
    public companies.
    The Dissident proposes to replace Smith, Blankstein and Gardner with
    himself, and two hand-picked associates, Charles Schroeder and Lyle
    Weismantel. The Dissident's nominees have no disclosed experience in running a
    publicly traded mining company. Nor do their resumes reflect the skills
    necessary to develop Genco's silver properties in Mexico. The Dissident and
    his hand-picked nominees, all of whom reside in the United States, have no
    disclosed experience as board members of Canadian publicly-traded companies,
    nor with companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, except for the
    Dissident's brief stint as a director of Genco. On the other hand, Smith,
    Blankstein and Gardner have extensive backgrounds in the mineral and finance
    sectors. Smith has served as Minister of Energy and Mines, Education Minister
    and Attorney General for the Province of British Columbia, as well as Chairman
    of BC Hydro and Chairman of Canadian National Railways. Blankstein is a
    venture capitalist, who has raised well in excess of a billion dollars for
    numerous companies, many of which he helped build into successful enterprises.
    He has served as a director of approximately 15 public companies in Canada,
    the United States and Europe. Gardner has served as a board member for
    approximately 10 publicly traded companies in Canada and the United States and
    was instrumental in the acquisition of Genco's La Guitarra mine.
    Greg Liller ("Liller"), who has led the development of La Guitarra as
    President of Genco, has expressed to the Board that he intends to resign if
    the Dissident is successful. In earlier correspondence pre-dating the
    Dissident's resignation from the Board, Liller lamented that "it would appear
    that my attempts to explain the concept of proper mine development to
    Mr. Anderson have fallen on deaf ears." There can be no assurances that the
    rest of management will not follow suit if the Dissident is allowed to seize
    control of Genco.

    Recent Developments

    Leslie D. Goodman has orally advised the Company of his resignation as a
    director of Genco and that he will subsequently provide the requisite written

    How to Cast your WHITE proxy

    You can support Genco by voting the WHITE proxy form shareholders received
    in the mail with a VOTE FOR the resolutions contained therein. If you have
    already voted using the Dissident proxy you have every right to change your
    vote by simply executing the WHITE proxy. It is only your latest dated proxy
    that will be counted. Your WHITE proxy must be voted by any one of the methods
    described on the form no later than 11:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) on Tuesday,
    June 24, 2008. The time limit for the deposit of proxies may be waived by the
    Board at its discretion without notice.
    The Board recommends that you discard any materials received from the
    If you have any questions about the information contained in the news
    release or require assistance in completing your WHITE proxy, please contact
    Genco's proxy solicitation agent at:

    Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc.
    North American Toll Free Number: 1-866-581-1024
    Facsimile No: 1-866-545-5580

    Please visit our website for regular updates at

    The Toronto Stock Exchange does not accept responsibility for the
    adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    For further information
    Wayne Moorhouse, Vice-President, Finance and Corporate Secretary, (604) 682-2205,
    Renmark Financial Communications Inc.: Neil Murray-Lyon:
    Dan Symons:, (514) 939-3989, Fax: (514) 939-3717,

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tschonko

    KMN mit Marktkapitalisierung von 44 Mio. CAD , bei Kurs von 0,20 AUD.
    Der 65%-Anteil an SNN "deckt" ca. 36 Mill. CAD, was hat denn KMN noch zu bieten ausser
    zu entwickelnde Projekte?

    Ich glaube, Dein Kauf - heute in D- war trotzdem gut gewählt- :thumbup: die sollten heute Nacht in Ausiland laufen...

  • timesystem,
    das hätte ich mir auch gedacht.
    Die Meldung wurde nicht inhaliert....
    Vielleicht brauchens länger... :D
    Vorerst mal verspekuliert.

    Bewertung passt so, wie sie jetzt ist. SNN.TO braucht bald Geld.

    Das haben sie noch zu bieten:…ISA/tabid/60/Default.aspx

    Die Molywerte sind teilweise sehr gut. Mt. Isa wird insgesamt als gebiet entdeckt. MAR.AX u.a.


    Impact kann eine viel größere geschichte werden, als man auf den ersten Blick glaubt.

    IMPACT Silver Updates Production and Samples 657 g/t Silver Over 2.85 m at the Chivo Mine
    Tuesday June 17, 5:04 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 17, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to provide an update on production with information on its new mines, Chivo and San Ramon, in the central part of the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District as well as significant equipment purchases.
    The Chivo Mine started commercial production in January, one month ahead of schedule, at 60 tonnes per day (see IMPACT news release dated September 20, 2007). Underground access is via a 92-metre long crosscut adit. With good grades and good metallurgy from the Chivo Zone, mining has now been ramped up to 150 tonnes per day.
    The first production stope was developed over a length of 60 meters in 10-meter raises. Samples from this initial 60-meter long mining stope averaged 269 g/t silver, 0.74 g/t gold, 3.01% zinc and 1.08% lead across a true width of 3.3 meters ranging to a high of 657 g/t silver, 0.60 g/t gold, 1.13% zinc and 0.18% lead across a true width of 2.85 meters. At the point where the access adit intersected the vein, the rock section above the vein contained a series of additional sheeted veins which, when combined with the main vein, averaged 220 g/t silver across 20.1 meters including one sheeted vein which assayed 392 g/t silver across a true width of 5.2 meters. The full extent of this wide bulk mineable section will be further investigated as mining and underground exploration proceed. The 60-meter section now being mined is only a small portion of the Chivo Zone, which has now been defined by surface drilling to be at least 200 meters in length and 220 meters down dip. Drilling is continuing to expand the zone in all directions and a second production stope north of the access adit has been brought into production.
    Last week, work began on a second adit to access the Chivo Zone 60 meters below the first adit. The second adit and more working faces are scheduled to be in place by the end of the year, and will serve to further increase production.
    Chivo was discovered in 2005 when IMPACT crews found high grade veins in old mine workings (see IMPACT news release dated September 7, 2005). Samples from the veins assayed 1,095 g/t silver and 0.38 g/t gold across 1.25 meters true width in the workings and 2,640 g/t silver and 1.36 g/t gold across 0.85 meters on surface. Subsequent drill programs consisting of 21 holes returned highlights of 937 g/t silver, 0.35 g/t gold, 1.88% zinc and 0.75% lead across 2.7 meters true width (Drill hole Z-06-10) and 378 g/t silver, 0.30 g/t gold, 4.25% zinc and 1.76% lead across 4.7 meters true width (Drill hole Z07-03) (see IMPACT news releases dated October 12, 2006 and July 12, 2007).
    Presently the Royal Mines of Zacualpan operations are producing at 300 tonnes per day. Plans are to expand production to 500 tonnes per day over the next 12 months mainly sourcing additional high grade mineral from the Chivo Mine supplemented by redevelopment in the Guadalupe Mine to source mineral from the Kena Vein area and production from the Gallega and San Ramon Mines. To facilitate this significant increase in production, IMPACT has budgeted $2 million towards underground mine development, new equipment, plant upgrades and expansion of the tailings dam. Two new scoop trams have already been received and put into operation. These upgrades will be completed over the next eight months and will allow IMPACT to meet its production forecasts.
    George Gorzynski, P. Eng., a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical content of this news release. Channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces in mine workings over a continuous representative interval using a moil and hammer. All samples were securely stored at the IMPACT base camp until shipment. A total of 5% assay standards and 5% blanks were inserted into the sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30 gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10 gram split was analyzed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.
    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan, the 200-square-kilometer advanced Mamatla Silver District and a portfolio of projects with a producing mill at Zacatecas.
    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.,
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO
    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    Contact:Darrell Rader
    IMPACT Silver Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    "Wenn Bilder sprechen könnten." Oder Charts.....

    Der Vergleich einiger Silberexplorer und -Juniors vs.Silber, hier Silver Trust, wirkt mehr als bizarr.

    Habe hierbei einige Zwerge reingestellt, die ich allesamt mal HATTE. :rolleyes:

    Ohne weiteren Kommentar.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ohne weiteren Kommentar. :whistling: :D

    Doch noch einer:

    "Vertrauen ist die größte Selbstaufopferung."

    An diesen Spruch habe ich gelegentlich gedacht beim Anschauen der Signatur von Tschonko.
    Ethisch ist seine gut und richtig, aber:

    Die PM -und Minenmärkte sind derzeit ziemlich unethisch. :evil:


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo edel,
    und schon ist sie geändert, die Signatur... :D
    Chart: das ist aber auch nicht anders zu erwarten.
    Blöd ist nur, wenn man die alle hat.
    Dann muss herkules ran....

    wenn du Kings meinst, sehr dünn, Gold ist Trinkgeld, CU auch eher mies, aber die Moly grades sind sehr gut, teilweise.
    Die Mischung könnt´s bringen, wenn bulk tonnage möglich ist.
    Aber das muss man auch erst erleben... :D

    Genco wird munter: Resourcenupdate. Kratzt aber auch keine Sau....

    Genco Increases Mining Reserves by 76% and Measured and Indicated Resources by 751%
    Tuesday June 17, 7:01 pm ET
    Trading Symbol TSX: GGC
    VANCOUVER, June 17 /CNW Telbec/ - Genco Resources Ltd. announces the results of an updated resource and reserve audit for its La Guitarra silver/gold mine and Temascaltepec Mining District. Reserves and resources are reported as of March 2008 in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Qualified Person under NI 43-101 for this reserve and resource estimate is Glenn R. Clark, P.Eng., of Glenn R. Clark and Associates Limited. He is arm's length to Genco and has prepared or supervised the preparation of the information that forms the basis for this news release and verified the data disclosed.........................



  • Tschonko

    Genco : +14%, geht doch, genau zu "richtigen" Zeit, jetzt haben die 130 Mill. Unzen bzw. Äquivalent....wenn ich das im Verhältnis zur MK sehe..., klar, Sie müssen
    auch irgendwann mal Gewinne machen. :boese: Hätte gern nachgekauft. :thumbup:

    Der Silberpreis heute mit 17,50 USD und dann wieder im Minuten/Sekundentakt auf 17,15 USD.. :hae:
    Hatte schon gedacht, das der "neue" Butler-Wochenkommentar dafür verantwortlich war..., aber wohl Pustekuchen.

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