Beiträge von Eldorado

    Edel, so wie ich es verstanden habe trifft dem Euro das selbe Leid wie den USD wenn ploetzlich der die nummer eins Waehrung ist im Welthandel.
    Darum ist die EZB gar nicht so scharf das der Euro den USD ueberholt in der Nachfrage beim WElthandel und gleicht schon ab 1.59 wieder ab da es der EU Kunjunktur schadet.
    Die Amis wollen ihre Arbeitslosenzahlen unten halten die EZB kuemmert sich in erster Line um die Konjunktur, jeder haelt was anders hier in Schach.
    Wohin fluechten mit den Fiatwaehrungen ?, Rohstoffe, Agrar, Sachwerte, Gold, wobei eine neue "gedeckte" Waehrung besser an Gold angekoppelt ist weil man dort keine Institution benoetigt die sie verwaltet sagte der Mann.
    Die FED/EZB kann man nur zwingen eine neue Waehrung die mit etwas anderes gestuetzt wird einzufuehren denn freiwillig werden sie die nicht machen.
    Die Leute zweifeln mehr und mehr an den eigentlichen wert dieser fiat waehrungen, still und heimlich wechselt man schon sein Fiatgeld.
    Das beste beispiel war in dem vortrag als er sagte das lebensmittel nicht so stark ansteigen koennen da sich der verbrauch in den letzten 6 monaten in der welt sich nicht schlagartig verdoppelt kann. Es sei denn du und ich essen nun das doppelte als vorher. :D Die Blasen die hier entstanden sind kommen vom Tausch von Fiatgeld in diese Sachwerte bzw. Rohstoffe.
    Hier wurde schon mal gebunkert, hoffentlich bald bei den Edelmetallen. Er schliesst nicht aus das in der zukunft neben dem tausch gueter gegen fiat auch noch gueter gegen gueter handel gefuehrt wird von den regierungen und auf den strassen mit barterhandel wenn mehr leute anfangen an geld zu zweifeln und lieber sachwerte wie gold z.b. haben wollen.
    Das ganze ist eine zeitbombe bis die hyperinflation kommt, dann sind wir fein raus mit gold und silber in der hand. ;)

    Have a nice day


    Schablonski, ich bin nach wie vor optimstisch das Gold ueber 850-870 stehen wird egal was nun der USD macht in den naechsten 10 Wochen.
    Alle Drachen fallen vom Himmel, so auch der USD nach dem sie ihn steigen lassen.
    Es sind noch max drei monate schwitzen fuer die Gold und Silberbugs spaetestens dann kommt der Ausbruch ueber 1000 $ POG/ 20 $ Silber.
    Bis dort hin nicht bange machen lassen, geniesst den Sommer und grillt Euch was gutes waerend das Tauziehen weiter geht.
    Mit physischen Euro/CHF Gold und Silber koennt ihr ganz ruhig schlafen, die PM Aktien will noch keiner die werden leider noch mehr geshorted von den Bastards.
    Ich bin froh das ich auf fast 48% physischen sitze, das beruhigt und schuetzt beim dem grossen Margin der nun zu 78% mit EM gedeckt ist. ;)
    Die 52% Aktien sind weiter ein risiko wobei ich nur hoffe kann die 400-410 HUI halten.
    Ich bin noch bis Ende Juni auf dem Wachposten dann schalte ich ab fuer 7 Wochen und mir ist es egal was das PPT wieder anstellt.
    Die kochen auch nur mit Wasser und das wird immer unglaubwuerdiger.
    Ich hoerte vorhin ein gutes audio wo der Mann behaupted das die Investoren bereits ihre USD in Rohstoffe/Sachwerte heimlich stecken darum hatten wir die Blase bei Lebensmittel und Oil etc. Bald kommt Gold auf die Einkaufsliste zum Teil wird schon gekauft damit man vor den anderen die USD schon in Euro oder Sachwerte getauscht hat, weit vor der grossen Panik.
    Wenn die grossen Investoren anfangen Gold und Silber zu kaufen muessen dann die Zentralbanken auch mitziehen.
    Dollar Index USDX - Ziel 61
    Die Flucht aus dem Fiatgeld kommt noch,der Euro kommt nur spaeter dran, keine Sorge. ;)

    Geduld !!!



    Koenigswasser, danke fuer den link, ich hatte sogar neben dem text das audi und verstand alles.
    Na dann wollen wir hoffen das die Zentralbanken wieder Gold kaufen und Digital Gold Realitaet wird.
    Dann wird in gramm abgerechnet beim shopping, mit einer neuen Gold Card ! :thumbup:

    Hier ein paar Kommentare dazu: :hae:

    Crowded trade - yes! A drop in oil prices will spur a bear market rally, pushing down the price of gold. By the fall, the rally will reverse and gold will be back at +$900 an ounce. The consumer is tapped out and a drop of $0.50 a gallon will not spell relief. The Fed will not raise interest rates for fear of destabilizing the shadow banking's derivatives market. Asset deflation in housing coupled with price inflation in necessary goods will return the market to its general uneasiness and put a floor of $850 under gold.

    I would say that a far bigger problem for gold is that the eight biggest bullion banks open interest is short by over 80%. 8o
    The '8 or less' traders in gold currently hold 81.6% of the entire short position on the Comex. [For silver, it's 78.2% short.] It is hard for gold to go up when it is negatively controled by so few traders. My guess is that they are working with the government to make the dollar seem better than it is. Since they don't control oil, it has gone up to more accurately reflect the flood of dollars through the Fed over the past six months.

    There are just too many variables involved for anyone one the planet to really know what is going to happen in the short run to the gold market, or any commodity for that matter. Charts are only history, and are little better than tea leaves.

    Gold is easily moved in either direction by factors outside the gold market itself.

    A "contrarian bearish reading" is nothing more than a "mainstream bullish reading." :thumbup:

    All of the charts ever created, and all of the talk ever uttered, will never replace the fundamental fact that paper money has no backing. ;)

    Jim Sinclair:
    Dear Friends,

    Today is the same as yesterday, and the day before, and all the days before that.

    At 4am in comes the ESF and the Big Six into the euro and gold market.
    At 7am the Spin begins.
    At 9am the Gold Gang barfs one more time.
    All the spin and stabilization cannot prevent the imminent consequences from the bailing out of every bank and financial agency that has issued OTC derivatives.

    The consequence is a form of the Weimar experience. The consequence is Gold at $1650. The consequence is a substantially lower dollar.

    Spin and stabilization cannot stop the onslaught of these consequences. Bernanke cannot play the Hawk without trashing what is left of the financials.

    Bernanke needs ammunition for further problems so of course he has rates on hold. The show rate, also known as the discount rate, is so low that he needs a point and a half in reserve for the next crisis.

    Don't be fooled. Let the fools be fooled.



    Es ist zum.. :wall: ;( :whistling: ...der PFUI faellt weiter, bei 400 punkten platzt mir die Hutschnur. :boese:

    Short Term Warning for Gold Bugs

    Sentiment models are flashing caution for gold again. The Commitment of Traders data chart below shows the large speculator (hedge fund) net position in gold bullion, readings are moving into the crowded long zone despite the recent weakness in the gold price. This is a contrarian bearish reading.…erm-warning-for-gold-bugs

    Kevin haelt nicht viel von ETF's...

    The dollar is a victim of globalization

    Commentary: Gold bars and a strong lock might be the best answer

    By Kevin Kerr, MarketWatch
    Last Update: 12:01 AM ET Jun 2, 2008
    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- It's easy these days in our drive-through, MTV, 24-hour a day American lifestyle to forget that we live in a truly global community.

    We have become so accustomed to our way of life that the idea that our currency is not at the center of the economic universe, is unthinkable. Even so, the cracks are starting to show for the greenback and one beneficiary has a storied history as a haven when paper currency weakens: gold.

    The reality of globalization

    The benefits of globalization are many but the impacts are significant, and will only get more intense. As the middle class in key countries like India and China swell, their cultures will surpass that of Europe and America. Already we are seeing huge increases in demand for energy of all kinds, grains from rice to wheat and base and precious metals are in record demand.

    Regardless, if speculators and traders are helping to propel the prices higher, demand is the real culprit. In other words demand is the cake and speculators are simply the icing. To lay the blame (as many are trying to do now) on speculators alone is foolish.

    The demand destruction so many economists have talked about for several years now has simply not come to pass. The old saying back in the 1980s and 1990s in the trading pits was, "The cure for high prices is high prices." That may have been true then but we simply didn't have the pent-up global demand we have now. So the high price theory may work it just may be at much higher levels than in the past. That's the power of globalization and the new reality. So what does that really mean for the U.S. dollar?

    Shredding the myth of paper currency

    CNBC's Larry Kudlow refers to the U.S. currency lately as the American peso. With the way the U.S. Federal Reserve failed to defend the dollar, calling it the American peso may just be an insult to the peso. The relentless cuts in interest rates and poor fiscal policy, to say the least, led us to the precipice of new all-time lows for the U.S. dollar index ($DXY). Precarious times indeed for those of us with most of our assets denominated in US dollars and who also happen to get paid in the currency. I was in London recently and got a real taste of just how weak the currency is on the global market. It's one thing to look at an exchange rate, it's a very different experience to actually go buy a hamburger and chili at a pub and have it cost $40.

    Inflation at home is real too regardless of the constant cavalcade of data from the government that shows otherwise. With gas prices for regular (near my house in Connecticut) reaching $4.40 a gallon, 10 ears of corn (not good quality) costing $3.99, milk, bread, tuition, and rents all rising, the average consumer could care less what the government numbers say; the evidence is clear.

    But the printing presses seem never to run out of ink at the Fed and so the beat goes on.

    No room at the bunker

    While I have been a commodities trader for 20 years, I'm not a gold bug. Still, I'm a fan of gold and believe that most of us have little understanding of how important gold is in most major societies. Sure, most of us all probably have a little gold here and there. A ring, a watch, a filling or two... but we have little concept of the power of gold in many cultures. Gold is and always has been a store house of value, a flight to quality vehicle in time of economic strife or fear, or simply as a hedge to inflation, but it is much more.

    I was recently in China, Singapore and then Dubai; these are good examples of countries and cultures where gold carries not only a financial importance but also a significant cultural importance. The difference between now and in the past is that we have never had the wealth creation for most of these people as we do now. As Indian and Chinese middle-class wealth grows, so too will the demand for the yellow metal. In Dubai I visited the gold souk, which is simply a gold market that cannot be rivaled. Dubai after all, is called the city of gold.

    We live in changing times and the global economy has brought with it some very positive aspects but also many potential catalysts for conflict. Already battles over various resources are happening around the planet, and as a growing hungry world demands more of almost everything, supplies will tighten and countries will become desperate.

    Clearly, the idea of a world in which we live in bunkers eating canned food and barter with shotguns and gold, is not a place most of us want to live out our days.

    Not taking things to such an extreme, we can still envision a world in which paper currency becomes less desirable and a shift to tangible assets (such as gold) becomes far more portable. Is it really that hard to accept that the U.S. dollar's reign may be coming to an end, or at least taking a serious pause?

    There are many ways to diversify away from a dollar centric portfolio and have at least some exposure to gold.

    The shining path for your portfolio

    The path to financial prosperity may well be paved with gold, but the question is which path is the best one to take. With gold exchange-traded funds, gold stocks, gold coins, gold bullion and even e-gold, what is an investor's best choice to reap the benefits?

    There is no hard and fast answer but clearly paper gold (certainly the ones not backed by bullion) has little advantage over paper currency. Paper is paper and it's only worth what's printed on it, and more importantly, what backs it up. No, it seems to me that the idea of adding gold to a portfolio is a non-correlated play for most non-goldbugs. Therefore adding a paper gold play whether it be ETFs or mining companies to me seems counterproductive. Instead I would go all in and by the actual metal. That's right, not paper or plastic, but gold, the real deal.

    Get a safe deposit box and then accumulate bullion in bar form. Many people like coins, but if you don't know what you're doing it can burn you and it becomes less of an investment and more of a hobby. If that's what you're looking for, collect stamps or butterflies. When it comes to investing I suggest buying the bars or futures and options contracts backed by gold.

    The further you get from actually possessing the metal itself, the further you get from the true value of gold.
    As gold regains its footing and contemplates the next run above $1000, I believe to $1400 within six to nine months, if not far sooner, you can always get a bigger safe deposit box and have peace of mind to boot.

    Eigentlich ist jeder für sich selbst verantwortlich aber die Politiker bemerken langsam das sie wenigstens die Personen schützen müssen die keine Drogen nehmen wollen. Deshalb bin ich froh das endlich was gegen die legalen Drogen gemacht wird und der Zigarettequalm in der Öffenlichkeit verboten wird, Todesstrafe für Zigarettenverkauf wäre aber zu drastisch.


    Ach du schon wieder :D ...sicher sind dann auch jugendliche fuer sich selbst verantwortlich.
    Wenns nach Dir ginge dann haettest du gerne die Zigaretten Raucher auch gleich aufgehaengt wenn du ehrlich bist.
    Es ist meine Lunge, aber wenn ein Mc Donalds Fresser der mit seinen Auspuff die Umwelt schaedigt oder pfurzt sowie aus seinen Mund stinkt dem sollte man dann die selbe Strafe geben.
    In Spanien haben sie ueberall die Rauchverbot Schilder und die Leute rauchen trotzdem, diese "Umweltsretter" polluten eben auf eine andere Weise die anderen.
    Erwachsene Menschen werden nun vom Staat wie Kinder behandelt damit sie bis 70 arbeiten sollen und nicht viel kosten, sonst nichts !
    Bald wird noch vorgeschrieben was ich essen und bumsen darf... die sind total bescheuert, die Gastronome verlieren an Gaesten und der Staat ist froh wenn ihr zuhause bleibt und in die Glotze schaut und am naechsten morgen fuer die Kunjunktur beitragt und keiner krank ist.
    Ich brauche keinen politischen Schutz, erst recht nicht aus Amerika oder aus Deutschland !!!
    Ich kenne einige Sportler und Mueslifresser die nicht Alkohol und Tabak genossen haben, die starben frueher als sie dachten. :D


    ..." Die harten illegalen Drogen wirken nur deshalb derart verheerend, _weil_ sie illegal sind."" :D :D :D
    Man sieht wieder du hast null Ahnung wie verheeren die sind, egal ob legal oder illegal.
    Werde ein Junkie, dann weisst du es. :D

    Milly :wall: ...soviel Selbstrespekt und Moral habe ich noch das ich Waffenindustrie oder Opiumaktien nicht anfasse.
    Anscheinend ein schlechter Witz mit deinen Futures, oder hat dich die Gier nun voll erwischt ?
    Ich habe schon einige Bekannte kaputt gehen sehen, wer damit handelt sollte oeffentlich aufgehaengt werden mit dem Gift und Waffen die sie verkaufen.
    Ich applaudiere das es Laender wie Singapore gibt die Todestrafe fuer Drogenschmuggler aussprechen die unsere Kinder vergiften wollen.
    Vom mir aus sollen sie Cannabis ab 18 Jahre legalisieren aber alles drueber die Ruebe ab sobald man es als Eigengebrauch nicht ausweisen kann.
    Am besten gleich den ganzen Haufen von CIA an die Laterne knuepfen die un das 5 fache aus Afghanistan exportiert bei ihren Kampf gegen Terror.

    ...The greenback has fallen 45 percent against the euro in the past six years, and its status as the world's reserve currency is at an end. Worrying parallels are seen between the dollar's fall and the decline of sterling as a reserve currency, more than a half a century ago As a store of wealth, the dollar's performance has been dismal and the flight out of it has picked up momentum. The Far East uses more and more foreign dollars because they have too many dollars. Foreign exchange stockpiles have tripled in the past decade. China alone has $1.7 trillion. Today, 40 per cent of Japan's exports are in yen, not dollars. And in Europe, the euro is held in 28 percent of developing countries' reserves, up from 19 percent. The Middle East and others are threatening to loosen the peg against the dollar or re-price their goods in euros.

    Worse for the Americans, foreigners have slowed down their purchases of U.S. assets in the past six months. U.S. foreign direct investment inflows declined 13.4 percent in the 2007 fourth quarter from the year-earlier period. And the drop in foreign purchases came despite a weaker dollar.

    In saving Wall Street, policymakers have created new problems. Inflation is the easiest way out for policymakers. The world has lost confidence in the currencies issued by the central banks. So investors are hedging their bets by buying oil, food, commodities and gold, suspecting Wall Street's problem will create more dollars they do not want. And there is fear that the next president will have inflationary policies, which would be bad for the dollar but good for gold.

    There was a time when gold was money. In today's uncertain world of cheap money and inflation, gold is back in fashion as an attractive investment.
    We expect gold to recover and to trade as high as $1,200 an ounce this year en route to a high of $2,500.
    Part of gold's allure is its traditional status as a safe haven. Gold can't be printed, doesn't have counterparty risk and is the ultimate store of value. The remedies of today, such as devaluation, protectionism or inflation, will not work. Gold is money and is the solution to what ails us. We believe that as the global financial crisis unwinds, gold will rise, riding an inflation tide.

    No Viva Nevada...yet.

    Interessant und schwer gehaemmert wurden unter anderen viele Aktien von Nevada.


    Die koennten nun ein bargain sein nach der Dusche der Hedgefonds.