Beiträge von shadow


    Mal sehen, ob sich Trades später anbieten.

    Werde sie nicht mehr traden.

    Ich bevozuge im Moment lieber GWY.
    VEN bohrt in das südwestliche Gebiet richtung GWY. Wenn dort die erwarteten Ergebnisse zutreffen, dann kann man vermuten, dass in
    Galways Gebiet noch die höheren Grades an Gold sind.

    Bei den letzten Bohrergebnissen von VEN vom 20.11 schmierte Ventana ab, und bei GWY gings UP ;)

    Ich denke, die amis werden den POG heute wieder etwas in die Höhe ziehen.
    Ich denke, man will die 1200$/1300$ sehen....

    Erst dann, vermute ich, dass eine Korrektur in den Bereich von 1100$ erfolgen wird.
    Dort wird der Minensektor sowiso am übergekauften Level angekommen sein. Jetz sind noch genügend Käufer vorhanden.

    Ich denke sowiso im Zeitraum der nächsten 2 bis 3 Jahre. So gesehen ist das Heute eine Nachkaufmöglichkeit. ;)

    Sieht gar nicht so schlimm aus in meinem Depot :D

    Vancouver, B.C., November 26, 2009 – Ventana Gold Corp. (TSX: VEN) (“Ventana” or “the
    Company”) has been advised that Sociedad Minera La Bodega Limitada (or the “Vendor”), the owner of
    the mineral rights to the La Bodega property in Colombia, is seeking an arbitration in relation to an option
    agreement (the “Option Agreement”) with CVS Explorations Ltda. (“CVS”), Ventana’s 100%-owned
    subsidiary. The Option Agreement provides for CVS to acquire the La Bodega property mineral rights
    through a series of staged payments as detailed below.
    The request for arbitration is an attempt by the Vendor to invalidate the Option Agreement and have the
    property returned to the Vendor. CVS has operated under the Option Agreement for almost four years
    without any performance default or allegation of default. The Vendor’s request for arbitration is based on
    arguments that the Option Agreement fails to comply with applicable Colombian law and the Vendor has
    refused to abide by the terms of the Option Agreement.
    Ventana has well respected Colombian legal counsel who prepared the Option Agreement. This counsel,
    together with counsel from one of Colombia’s largest and most respected legal firms, from whom
    Ventana has sought a second opinion, has advised Ventana that the Vendor’s argument that the Option
    Agreement fails to comply with applicable Colombian law is wholly without merit. Both sets of counsel
    fully expect the Option Agreement to be upheld as valid and enforceable by the arbitration panel.
    Ventana will exercise all means to protect its rights under the Option Agreement.
    Ventana President and CEO Steve Orr said: “We believe this is an attempt to obtain more money for the
    mineral rights now that we have substantially increased the value of the property through our exploration
    success. There have been no changes to the mining laws and there are no government agencies
    involved in the dispute. We are confident in the integrity of the regulatory system and the application of
    justice in Colombia. Ventana has all the necessary permits in place to continue exploration and technical
    work on the property and the Vendor cannot legally stop Ventana from doing further work on the
    Ventana’s initial 43-101 resource estimate on the La Bodega property is due in the first quarter of next
    year and the Company has a scoping study under way, with completion expected mid-2010. This work
    remains on schedule.
    Option Agreement
    Sociedad Minera La Bodega Limitada is a private company controlled by certain members of the Gelvez
    family of Bucaramanga, Colombia, and is the title holder to Concession Contract #3451 (the La Bodega
    property) granted by the Colombian mining authority. CVS entered into the Option Agreement in
    February 2006 which calls for a series of staged payments, as follows:
    Cash ($US) Shares
    On Signing - February 2006 (Paid) $ 300,000 -
    February 8, 2007 (Paid) $ 400,000 250,000
    February 8, 2008 (Paid) $ 500,000 250,000
    February 8, 2009 (Paid) $ 2,800,000 250,000
    February 8, 2010 (Payment attempted Nov. 20, 2009) $ 3,000,000 250,000
    Suite 400 – 837 West Hastings Street
    Vancouver, BC, V6C 3N6
    Tel: 604-687-1717
    Fax: 604-687-1715
    $ 7,000,000 1,000,000
    Ventana has met all the conditions of the Option Agreement and the first four payments have been
    made. The final payment payable by February 8, 2010 was attempted (the Option Agreement allows for
    CVS to exercise the option in full at any time prior to the date of the final payment) but the Vendor has
    refused to accept the payment, which is a breach of the Option Agreement.
    Arbitration Process
    A claim has been filed by CVS with the Chamber of Commerce in Bucaramanga, Colombia for breach of
    the obligation by the Vendor to accept payment and the Chamber is now in the process of establishing
    the arbitration panel. Once the arbitrators have been chosen a settlement hearing will be held and
    arbitration costs established. The parties then have 10 days to deposit the assessed cost. If neither party
    pays, the arbitration is terminated and can be converted to a lawsuit in the courts. Otherwise it proceeds
    to hearings to collect and present evidence. Once under way, the arbitration cannot be stopped unless
    both parties agree, and the final decision is binding. It can be appealed before a Colombian high court
    based on a failure of procedure.
    Ventana’s advice, and that of Colombian counsel, is that the Vendor’s claim is completely without merit
    and Ventana is confident it will prevail.…_2009_VEN_arbitration.pdf

    per stop loss tschüss und weg.

    investiere diesen teil in yng. mal sehen.... :whistling:


    NOV 24, 2009 - 14:48 ET

    Lake Shore Gold Announces Changes to Board of Directors

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 24, 2009) - Lake Shore Gold Corp. (TSX:LSG) ("Lake Shore Gold" or "the Company") today announced that Roberto Danino has joined the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") and that Jorge Benavides has resigned from the Board.

    Mr. Danino is currently Deputy Chairman of the Board of Hochschild Mining plc ("Hochschild"). He joined Hochschild in 1995, where he remained until 2001 when he left to serve in the Peruvian Government as Prime Minister and later as Peru's Ambassador to the United States. He rejoined Hochschild in 2006, after serving as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the World Bank Group and Secretary General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Previously, he was a partner of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering in Washington DC and has worked for over 30 years throughout Latin America, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and was the founding General Counsel of the Inter-American Investment Corporation, the private sector arm of the Inter American Development Bank. He holds Law degrees from Harvard Law School and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. He serves in a number of corporate and nonprofit boards in Peru, the U.K., the USA, and South Africa.

    Jorge Benavides joined Lake Shore Gold's Board in February 2008, following the completion of a strategic alliance agreement between Lake Shore Gold and Hochschild. Mr. Benavides departs the Company's Board having recently been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Zincore Metals Inc.

    Alan Moon, Chairman of Lake Shore Gold, commented: "We are very pleased to welcome Roberto Danino to Lake Shore Gold's Board and we are looking forward to drawing on his extensive and diverse experience developed in the private sector, and in senior government positions. We also wish to express our appreciation to Jorge Benavides for his contribution to the Board and the Company. Jorge's advice and counsel has been of significant value and we wish him the best in his new endeavour."

    November 23, 2009, Perth Australia -- Andean Resources (AND:ASX; AND:TSX) is pleased to
    report another new vein discovery from the ongoing exploration drill program at its 100% owned
    Cerro Negro project in Southern Argentina. Today’s release includes the results of four new drillholes
    at 100 meter spacing over a strike length of 300 meters and approximately 150 meters
    beneath the surface:
    SRC-901: 22m of 8.5 g/t gold and 58 g/t silver from 181m
    SRC-902: 16m of 10.3 g/t gold and 86 g/t silver from 195m
    SRC-903: 7m of 8.1 g/t gold and 77 g/t silver from 189m
    SRC-904 1m of 6.8 g/t gold and 62 g/t silver from 189m
    A fifth hole, SRC-905, was drilled 100m west of SRC-904 and did not intersect the vein.
    The widths reported above are intersected widths, which are generally, but not always less than the
    true widths. Andean has assumed an underground cut-off grade of 2.5 g/t gold at San Marcos for
    all the interval summaries reported in this release.
    The first ore-shoot at San Marcos has been intersected over a strike length of 300 meters and is
    open to the east and to depth. The widest intersection is SRC-901 with an intersected width of 22m
    and is the eastern-most hole. The vein narrows to the west with sequential holes SRC-902, SRC-
    903, and SRC-904, all of which obtained successively narrower intersections. Further drilling is in
    progress with results pending to test the extension east of SRC-901.
    Wayne Hubert, Andean’s President and CEO commented, “This new discovery is another testament
    to the highly prospective exploration potential at Cerro Negro. San Marcos is a new gold and silver
    discovery on the northern part of the property position. This new discovery now opens up the
    potential for additional discoveries along strike in a north-west direction between the Bajo Negro and
    San Marcos veins, as well as for parallel veins at the Mariana targets between Eureka and San
    Marcos. The exploration team continues to focus on adding value through the drill bit at the Cerro
    Negro site.”

    gerade eben dieser chart gibt mir auch zu denken.

    bin seit februar drinnen und sitze auf einem schönen gewinn.

    was solls, gibt ja auch noch andere schöne minen.

    danke für Deine rückmeldung.


    osisko, eldorado und ein teil des gewinnes von romarco verkauft.

    überlege mir GSS zu verkaufen. ist mir aber irgendwie ans herz gewachsen [smilie_blume] oder was meint ihr?

    neuaufnahmen: LSG, JIN, AND. alles eine kleine anfangsposi.

    habe stopp loss nachgezogen, da der goldpreis irgendwann korrigieren wird.

    besitze noch 20% meines depotwertes cash. warte noch mit investitionen.

    Ich grüsse hiermit alle Gold- & Silberbugs.

    Ich lese hier schon einige zeit mit. nun wurde es zeit mich auch anzumelden (letzte woche).

    bin erst seit letzten Dezember in gold- und silberminen eingestiegen. hatte gleich mit orezone res. einen totalen

    glückstreffer. seitdem bin ich unter anderem ein fan von iamgold geworden. [smilie_blume] meine grösste position.

    so habe ich mir nach und nach mein depot aufgebaut, dass ich diese woche ein bisschen umgeschichtet habe. werde dies noch hier aktualisieren.

    meine schwäche: mein englisch ist absolute katastrophe. bereue es bis heute, dass ich es nie gelernt habe.

    so, freue mich, hier in diesem forum dabei zu sein.

    happy weekend wünsche ich allen, liebe grüsse

    shadow :)

    ich bin seit ein paar monaten in einem kurs, aber ich tue mich schwer.


    Bin neu hier im Forum.

    Bin seit einiger zeit in Ventana/VEN, Romarco/R, Intl. Tower Hill/ITH, Rubicon/RMX und seit neustem in Galway/GWY investiert.

    Galway finde ich interessant, weil das Gebiet direkt neben Ventana und Greystar angrenzt, richtung südwesten. ;)

    Schaut es euch an.