Beiträge von Antonio de Curtis

    Beeindruckend, momentan 1,22 C$ + 12 %. Eine Korrektur wird sicher eintreten, nähme auch den Kaufdruck etwas heraus. Auf mittlere Sicht sehen wir hier eine weitere Kursvervielfachung [smilie_blume] , vielleicht sollte man einen Peervergleich aktualisieren.


    hallo edel,

    ich weiß nicht, ob ein erneuter vergleich sinn macht (siehe ein paar seiten zuvor die vergleiche). dafür ist prophecy einfach immer noch viel zu unterbewertet, egal welche peer firma man vergleicht. im prinzip hat sich nichts geändert wegen der paar prozent.

    anbei sei noch gesagt: ja, ich rechne auch mit einer konsolidierung. ABER! ich habe schon einige beispiele gezeigt (western coal/southgobi) wo es, zwar auch mit starken schwankungen, einfach über monate hinweg stieg.

    jeder der aussteigt sollte sich bewusst sein, dass der zug einfach ohne ihn weiterfahren könnte. denn prophecy ist weiterhin massivst unterbewertet.

    suum cuique ;)

    gestern mein ganzer bildschirm blurot bei den minen und explorern. der einzige lichtblick war pcy.

    aufgrund dieser stärke rechne mit einem schnellen erreichen der alten hochs.

    da ist noch lange nicht das potential ausgereizt. ein konsolidierung des aktienpreises wäre zwar schön aber ich vermute eher, dass der zug einfach weiterfährt.

    besonders wenn klar wird wer der investor und partner sein wird, der die kraftwerke bauen wird.

    außerdem wird immer mehr werbung für prophecy gemacht.

    Elissa Makes Multi Zone Light and Heavy REE (to 10.6%) Discoveries at Its Thor REE Project, Nevada-Near Mountain Pass Mine .

    Press Release Source: Elissa Resources Ltd. On Tuesday November 16, 2010, 8:00 am EST
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 11/16/10) - Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") (a Reporting Issuer) reports that extensive surface exploration on its 100% owned Thor REE Project ("Thor" or the "Project") has defined several strongly anomalous REE (Rare Earth Elements) bearing discovery zones, all of which are large enough and rich enough to constitute targets of significant exploration interest. Assays of samples from each zone indicate that the REE mineralization is unusually enriched in HREE (Heavy REE), which are typically rarer and much more valuable than the LREE (Light REE).

    The Thor REE Project is located in the eastern Mojave Desert Region, 119 km (74 miles) south of Las Vegas, Nevada and 32 km (20 miles) east of Molycorp's Mountain Pass REE Mine, California. The Project consists of 198 contiguous unpatented lode mining claims, totalling approximately 1,481 hectares (3,660 acres). Work carried out by Elissa to date includes surface mapping, a district-scale detailed high-resolution airborne magnetic geophysical survey, extensive ground radiometric surveys, satellite imagery studies, petrographic studies, and sampling programs including channel sampling and the sampling of historical surface workings that are remnants of a 1950s uranium-thorium prospecting rush. This work has identified significant REE +/- thorium mineralization in nine widely separate prospect localities within three discovery zones known as the Lopez Trend, the Black Butte area and the NED area. A fourth area of interest is the Santos Trend.

    The Thor Project occurs in Precambrian rocks somewhat similar to those at the neighbouring Mountain Pass Mine, site of the world's largest and richest REE mine until closure in the 1990s. The owner of the Mountain Pass Mine, Molycorp (NYSE-MCP), is in the process of reopening the mine due to the recent upsurge in REE prices. Elissa's work indicates that the REE mineralization at Thor may be quite different than that at Mountain Pass, where the REE occur in an igneous carbonate body mainly as a carbonate mineral (bastnasite) that is rich in LREE but contains only scant amounts of the more valuable HREE. At Thor, the REE occur in structurally-controlled zones consisting of phosphate minerals (monazite-apatite-xenotime) which are unusually enriched in HREE.

    To date, Elissa has collected 127 total rock samples from the Thor Project, mostly continuous channel samples taken across widths of one to several metres from limited rock exposures throughout the project area. More than half of these samples (70 total) returned assays showing anomalous (greater than 0.1%) to very significant (greater than 0.5%) amounts of REE, with at least 22 samples returning assays of 1.2% to 10.6% (average 2.6%) total REE. These 22 higher-grade samples represent various targets within each of the several separate discovery zones. Significantly, they are unusually enriched in HREE, with the HREE comprising 2.6% to 9.3% of the total REE present in the samples. The following table (Table A: summarizes the REE assays of these 22 samples.…w-351409886.html?x=0&.v=1

    [quote='valueman','index.php?page=Thread&postID=615375#post615375']Nach längerem Zaudern bin ich hier letzte Woche mit einer Anfangsposition eingestiegen die aktuell 30% im Plus liegt.....werde versuchen mich hier konstuktiv zu beteiligen.....

    super :thumbup:

    auf gute diskussionen :)

    das sieht doch prima aus :thumbup:

    Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment Approved for 600 MW pit-mouth powerplant by Prophecy's 1.2 billion tonne Chandgana coal project, Mongolia

    Vancouver, British Columbia, November 15, 2010: Prophecy Resource Corp. (“Prophecy” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) reports that a Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) pertaining to the construction of a pit-mouth 600MW coal fired power plant by Prophecy’s 1.2-billion-tonne Chandgana Coal Project has been approved by the Mongolian Ministry of Nature and the Environment.

    The DEIA is a 139 page document that was prepared for Prophecy by the leading independent Mongolian environmental consulting firm. The DEIA considered social and labour issues, climate and environmental circumstances representative of the proposed power plant. The approved study concluded that there are no major impediments to the project and provided recommendations on best practices for conservation of the environment and the community. :!:
    According to the preliminary plan of construction as outlined in the DEIA, the 600MW power station will be built and put into operation within 20 months and supply :!: electricity through connection of220 KW electricity transmission lines from the power plant to the Central Energy System (150km away) and Eastern Energy System (60km away). 2 x 220 kV Central Electricity System (CES) transmission lines power 90% of Mongolian electricity demand. Furthermore, Chandgana is right on the path of a Government approved future CES grid extension.

    With the DEIA, the Mongolian Ministry of Nature and the Environment concluded “that the 600MW Chandgana power station project can be fully implemented, provided the measures to reduce adverse impacts and measures to prevent possible unexpected accidents envisaged in the detailed environmental impact assessment will be considered and taken to operate the power station.” John Lee CEO of Prophecy Resource Corp stated that:

    “The DEIA approval is a major milestone clearing the way for full scale permitting in early 2011. Prophecy is committed to investing heavily in Mongolia and looks forward to working with all major Mongolian stakeholders to ensure Chandgana’s smooth rollout to providing affordable and reliable electricity to sustain the country’s rapid growth.”

    With a population of 2.7 million and an aging installed base of 650 MW, Mongolia runs an energy deficit of over 120 MW, which is made up from Russian electricity import at over US 7cents per kilowatt hour. The deficit is expected to balloon to 500MW by 2013 fueled by its GDP growth and new mission-critical mill and smelter openings.

    Chandgana is approximately 1,000 km from Beijing and 350km from the Chinese border. Mongolia’s Choibalsan City, where Mongolian East Energy System ends, is merely 70km from the Chinese border. Chandgana’s endowed base of 1.2 billion tonnes is ideally suited for future 4,200MW to 10,000 MW 8| 8o installed base; vast potential exists to supply Chandgana electricity to China via dedicated 800kv DC lines.

    The initial 2x300 MW power plants will be built on Prophecy owned land and serviced by 2.4 million tonnes of coal annually from Prophecy’s 150-million-tonne Chandgana Tal coal project with a strip ratio of 0.5 to 1. Future plant expansions will be serviced by Prophecy’s 1.05 billion tonne Chandgana Khavtgai coal project (9km from Tal) with a strip ratio of 2 to 1. Chandgana Tal has a renewable 40-year mining license and the coal mine can be fully commissioned within 90 days, as was the case for Prophecy’s Ulaan Ovoo Coal Mine, Northern Mongolia.

    Details of the Chandgana Coal Projects are summarized in the following table:

    Prophecy has received expressions of interest from several local and international entities. Prophecy is evaluating proposals and offers on power off take, design and constructions of plant and transmission lines, and investment. Prophecy would like to caution that discussions are early stage that there are no assurances of positive conclusions in the imminent horizon. The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Danniel Oosterman P. Geo, a Prophecy geologist and also a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

    For more information about Prophecy, please contact Paul McKenzie at +1.604.642.2625 ext. 107 or John Lee at +1.800.851.1528.

    ich erwarte in den kommenden zwei wochen wichtige news. wichtig wären nun konkrete abnahmeverträge aus denen dann auch die margin ersichtlich werden würde. dies wird pcy zu einer neubewertung verhelfen.

    anbei nochmal die news. mit einigen hervorhebungen meinerseits:

    Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia, Opening Ceremony November, 20

    Vancouver, British Columbia, November 11, 2010: Prophecy Resource Corp. (“Prophecy” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9th, the Company received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal mining project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of very few international mining companies to achieve such a significant milestone. The mine is production ready, with an official mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20, 2010.

    John Lee, CEO of Prophecy states:

    "On behalf of Prophecy shareholders, I would like to thank the Government of Mongolia for the expeditious manner in which this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs over 65 competent Mongolian nationals and 4 expats. The Company also wishes to reaffirm its commitment to deliver coal to local Edernet and Darkhan powerplants in Mongolia :!: ."

    The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10km from the Russian border and within 120km from Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and by extension to Russia’s eastern seaports :!: . Thermal coal prices are trading at 2 year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.

    Leighton Engineering is contracted to mine Ulaan Ovoo coal and trucking operations have commenced in transporting coal by established road for 120km from the mine site to Sukhbaatar rail station. :!: .

    Prophecy has received several Russian written expressions of interest and is working to finalize coal sales (off take) contracts with Russian entities. :!: :!: :!:

    hallo edel,

    diese woche kamen einige bohrergebnisse des wellgreen projekts. die ergebnisse scheinen recht ansehnlich zu sein. mit dem wellgreen projekt hat lee ein gutes näschen gehabt, muss man wohl zugeben. in anbetracht steigender rohstoffpreise scheint wellgreen immer interessanter zu werden. allerdings ist man von einem produktionsstart wohl einge jahre und viele millionen dollar entfernt.

    wie würdest du die bohrergebnisse bewerten?

    Prophecy Reports Multiple 1g/t Rhodium and 10g/t Platinum Group Metals Chip Samples from Extensive 2.5km Tunnel Sampling (Assay Files Included)


    A government commission appointed by the Mongolian Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy has told Prophecy Resource Corp. following an on-site inspection at the Ulaan Ovoo mine site that it will be granted the mining license soon and has asked it to prepare to begin production operations. The eight-member commission was satisfied with how the company had complied with all legal requirements so far.

    Grant of the mining license will make Prophecy the second Canadian company after SouthGobi Resources to receive a permit to mine in Mongolia. Leighton and Prophecy have deployed over 50 staff at the Ulaan Ovoo mine, with a full line of mining equipment. Initial production will be at the rate of 120,000 tons a month. Over 2 million tons of waste has already been removed to expose the project"s massive coal seam at surface.

    Prophecy hopes to become contract coal shipper to local power plants and beyond. As part of a trial run prior to the official commissioning of the mine, and at the Ministry"s request, the company has already provided 10,000 tons of coal to power stations in Darkhan and Erdenet.

    Prophecy has 100% interest in the 208.8-million-ton Ulaan Ovoo project. The mining license will be a fully transferable one, valid for 30 year that can be extended by an additional 40 years.


    schon die dritte umkehrcandle. nach einem kleinen abverkauf wieder alle verlust wett gemacht und 1 cent im plus geschlossen.

    sieht eigentlich alles sehr bullish aus. [Blockierte Grafik:]

    gerüchteweise stehen nächste woche news bezüglich chandgana und wellgreen an (stockhouse forum).

    würde auch mit dem weiteren vorgehen von mr. lee übereinstimmen.

    Next Steps

    •Applying for a mining permit
    •Commissioning of a 600MW power plant with extension to eventual 4,200MW

    besonders die fortschritte bei chandgana interessieren mich. würde pcy einen partner für den kraftwerksbau präsentieren, wäre das ein riesen erfolg.

    bei allen positiven news die zu erwarten sind, wäre es dennoch zeit für die offizielle abbaugenehmigung.

    ohne diese geht nämlich nix.

    guten morgen allerseits,

    charttechnisch sieht es weiterhin gut aus. wichtig wäre es über 0,75 cad $ zu bleiben. am besten wäre eine konsolidierung von einigen tagen.

    wenn man aber bedenkt, dass der kurs praktisch ein halbes jahr konsolidiert hat, so steigen doch die chancen zusammen mit der fundamentalen lage, dass es einfach weiter steigt richtung 1 cad $.

    besonders der weekly chart zeigt, wie viel platz da noch nach oben ist.

    es ist klar, dass hier die offizielle abbaugenehmigung bzw. die zukünftige "CASH FLOW COW" eingepreist wird.

    wird interessant zu sehen was passiert, wenn sie endlich da ist.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    sodele, nochmal charttechnische zusammenfassung. also wie gesagt, das gap muss nicht geschlossen werden. diejenigen, die darauf warten, gehen eine heiße wette ein.

    wenn natürlich die "imminent very important news" net kümmt, dann wird's halt geschlossen :wacko:

    widerstände sind folgende bereiche: 0,70-0,73 cad; 0,98-1,0 cad; 1,17-1,20 cad.

    den weekly chart halte ich für erste sahne, wie im bilderbüchle :rolleyes:

    macd weekly hat auch gekreuzt (für diejenigen, die an so indikatorengedöns glauben)

    ich erwarte auch noch etliche news:

    1.) wardrop studie, welche mr. lee vermutlich schon vorliegt aber erst veröffentlicht wird, wenn der stempel auf der abbaugenehmigung trocken ist.

    2.) abnahmeverträge mit japanischen und russischen firmen.

    3.) bohrergebnisse von wellgreen

    4.) und noch so manches anderes schmankerl :]

    5.) und natürlich die abbaugenehmigung (am besten gleich am montag).

    schönes wochenende.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]