Beiträge von Antonio de Curtis

    Once the drilling is completed, approximately how long will it take to get the assay
    results back for the shallow holes and for the deep holes?

    The cycle time from when drilling is completed to results received and QC checked may
    be 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how busy the analytical laboratory is at the time.
    We will be following the same disclosure process as last year, so results (good or bad)
    will be released on a milestone basis to keep our shareholders and interested parties
    informed of the progress. For the shallow drilling, I think we will wait until all the targets
    are drilled and results received before disclosing in a press release medium, but interim
    results will be released as updates on the Web site.
    For the deep drilling programme, holes may take a month to drill, so we can keep up with
    the logging and sampling while drilling, and sample dispatch is usually within a couple
    of days on completion. We will probably release the results of deep drill holes on an
    individual basis.…nterview%20with%20SRM.pdf

    Meine damalige Zurückhaltung war offensichtlich richtig, noch immer bin ich nicht ganz überzeugt, zumindest was den Kursverlauf anbetrifft, anders als bei Prophecy Platinum NKL. :)

    ich bin erst seit vorgestern neu eingestiegen ;)

    von daher keinen schlechten start erwischt.

    glückwunsch zu nkl. dein gespür ist beneidenswert [smilie_blume]

    na dann auf! PP geht schon wieder ab, das ist unglaublich.
    Irgendwann müsste doch da auch mal Schluß sein [smilie_happy]

    ja, ich verstehe deinen ärger nur zu gut.

    ich habe allerdings auch oft zu meinen anfängen große gewinne gehabt und am ende blieb wenig übrig, nur weil ich der meinung war es müsse weiter steigen.

    PP habe ich unterschätzt. shit happens.

    PCY werde ich nicht unterschätzen ;)

    man kann es nicht oft genug wiederholen. PCY ist mit 8 cent je tonne bewertet. irrsinn!!!

    meine highlights für die kommenden 6 monate:

    - mögliche zusammenarbeit mit VALE
    - verkauf von VALE-kohlemine an PCY (WARUM WAR LEE BEI BATISTA??? )
    - changana genehmigung
    - offtake für ulaan ovoo
    - großer bekanntheitsgrad von PCY dank PP
    - verkauf von PP??? würde PCY etwa 300-500 MIO CAD einbringen. macht etwa 1,2 bis 2,2 CAD je PCY Aktie die an erlös erwirtschaftet würden!!!

    alles spekulation, keine kaufempfehlung




    Elissa Resources is a well financed, multi commodity exploration company enhancing projects of significant merit in Nevada and Idaho. Elissa's Management Team has a long track record of exploration success, having made several major resource discoveries internationally. The company is named after the tall ship Elissa, an American icon symbolizing American ingenuity and its pioneering spirit. In addition to gold, Elissa Resources intends to provide additional domestic sources of the metals and fuels of the future, rare earth elements (REE) and lithium; which are deemed vital to America's continued competitiveness, ingenuity and security.

    Thor REE Project, Nevada

    Multiple Heavy enriched REE Discovery Zones each constituting targets of significant merit
    Within 26 km (16 miles) east of Mountain Pass, REE Mine
    100% owned, Nevada
    Includes over 2.5 km (1.2 miles) long REE structural zone
    HREE & LREE grading to > 10%

    Project Details:

    Exploration on Elissa's 100% owned Thor REE Project, Nevada has defined several strongly anomalous REE (Rare Earth Elements) bearing discovery zones, all of which are large enough and rich enough to constitute targets of significant exploration interest. Assays of samples from each zone indicate that the REE mineralization is unusually enriched in HREE (Heavy REE), which are typically rarer and much more valuable than the LREE (Light REE).

    The Project is located in the eastern Mojave Desert Region, 119 km (74 miles) south of Las Vegas, Nevada and 26 km (16 miles) east of Molycorp's Mountain Pass REE Mine, California. The Project consists of 198 contiguous unpatented lode mining claims, totalling approximately 1,481 hectares (3,660 acres). Work carried out by Elissa to date includes surface mapping, a district-scale detailed high-resolution airborne magnetic geophysical survey, extensive ground radiometric surveys, satellite imagery studies, petrographic studies, and sampling programs including channel sampling and the sampling of historical surface workings that are remnants of a 1950s uranium-thorium prospecting rush. This work has identified significant REE +/- thorium mineralization in nine widely separate prospect localities within three discovery zones known as the Lopez Trend, the Black Butte area and the NED area. A fourth area of interest is the Santos Trend.

    The Thor Project occurs in Precambrian rocks somewhat similar to those at the neighbouring Mountain Pass Mine, site of the world's largest and richest REE mine until closure in the 1990s. The owner of the Mountain Pass Mine, Molycorp (NYSE-MCP), is in the process of reopening the mine due to the recent upsurge in REE prices. Elissa's work indicates that the REE mineralization at Thor may be quite different than that at Mountain Pass, where the REE occur in an igneous carbonate body mainly as a carbonate mineral (bastnasite) that is rich in LREE but contains only scant amounts of the more valuable HREE. At Thor, the REE occur in structurally-controlled zones consisting of phosphate minerals (monazite-apatite-xenotime) which are unusually enriched in HREE.

    To date, Elissa has collected 127 total rock samples from the Thor Project, (link "Assays" again here).mostly continuous channel samples taken across widths of one to several metres from limited rock exposures throughout the project area. More than half of these samples (70 total) returned assays showing anomalous (> 0.1%) to very significant (>0.5%) amounts of REE, with at least 22 samples returning assays of 1.0% to 10.0% total REE. These 22 higher-grade samples, which represent various targets within each of the several separate discovery zones, contain an average of 2.58% REE, with the HREE comprising about 5% to 10% of the total REE content.

    Note: The assay values mentioned here are of the REE metals themselves, not REO (rare earth oxides). REO values are 14 to 27 percent larger than REE The total REE values herein include Yttrium (Y) which is technically not a REE but is classed with the HREE because of chemical and geochemical similarities; however, because Yttrium has value and abundance more similar to the LREE than the HREE, it has been excluded from the HREE contents reported herein.

    möglicherweise ist die bodenbildung vollzogen:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    keine kaufempfehlung

    generell ist es doch dann so, dass dieses Recht auch einen Wert hat, sollte man sich nun noch weitere Aktien dazukaufen oder reicht es lediglich das Vorkaufsrecht abzustoßen.

    Ich bin eigentlich mit genug Geld in diesem Unternehmen investiert. Da möchte ich ungern Geld nachlegen.

    Liege ich richtig mit meiner Annahme?

    ich nehme an, dass man nicht verpflichtet ist die aktien zu kaufen. wahrscheinlich hat man das recht innerhalb einer bestimmten zeitspanne die aktien zu kaufen. falls du dies nicht machst verfällt dein anspruch. ist eine vermutung von mir.

    wenn du neue aktien hinzukaufst werden diese keine bezugsrechte erhalten. da ex. tag der 20.07. war.

    ich verstehe das so, sofern eine feindliche übernahme kommen sollte, jeder aktienbesitzer das recht hat stammaktien zu beziehen. und zwar so viele, wie er bis zum börsenschluss am 20.07.2011 in canada hielt.

    zu welchem preis er diese beziehen kann ist noch nicht bekannt.

    es wird eine übernahme erschwert, da der käufer durch die stark ansteigende aktienanzahl mehr für die übernahme bezahlen muss.

    ich sehe diese maßnahme als sehr positiv an!

    Shareholder rights plans

    The target company issues rights to existing shareholders to acquire a large number of new securities, usually common stock or preferred stock. The new rights typically allow holders (other than a bidder) to convert the right into a large number of common shares if anyone acquires more than a set amount of the target's stock (typically 15%). They dilute the percentage of the target owned by the bidder, and make it more expensive to acquire control of the target. This form of poison pill is sometimes called a shareholder rights plan because it provides shareholders (other than the bidder) with rights to buy more stock in the event of a control acquisition.

    The goal of a shareholder rights plan is to force a bidder to negotiate with the target's board and not directly with the shareholders. The effects are twofold:

    - It gives management time to find competing offers that maximizes selling price.
    - Several studies indicate that companies with poison pills (shareholder rights plans) have received higher takeover premiums than companies without poison pills. This results in increased shareholder value. The theory is that an increase in the negotiating power of the target is reflected in higher acquisition premiums.

    wie ist denn die Nachricht zu deuten?

    Man möchte sich gegen eine zu günstige feindliche Übernahme wehren? Kann das funktionieren und wie wird sich das auf den Kurs auswirken?

    finde ich sehr gut!

    spontan sage ich, dass es sich sehr positiv auf den kurs auswirken wird. da nun eine übernahme im "raum" steht.

    weitere infos:

    edit: finde es in der englischen version besser erläutert.