keine Frage , Gold und auch Silber sind keineswegs da wo man auf Basis langfristiger Charts oder Indikatoren ein TIEF erwartet. Es sei denn als eingefleischter Dauer-Fundamentalbulle. Ansonsten erscheint ein HOCH hier plausibler. Der Trend allerdings ist momentan in keiner Weise in Gefahr. Weder kurz- noch mittelfristig und schon garnicht langfristig. Gold hat den Aufwärtstrendkanal zum 4. mal nach oben gebrochen.
hallo woernie,
falls sich deine aussage auf die aussagen armstrongs beziehen sollte, so merkt dieser selbst an dass:
"There appears to be no major market that will peak or bottom in a big dramatic way. Most of the base metals appear to be poised for lows such as Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Tin, and Zinc. Gold does not appear to be in a serious over-bought phase whereas silver has always been the target of manipulators and as such it tends to be extremely volatile compared to gold. The markets that tend to be approaching highs are the interest rate markets. This tends to suggest that the debt crisis will get worse over the next 4.3 years into 2016 and that we are more likely than not going to see rising interest rates regardless of what the governments wish to create."
und weiter unten:
"Charting gold in Euros shows it has continued to make new highs as contrasted with the dollar. This divergence indicated that gold is not in a bubble top formation. However, this does not preclude a pause in the uptrend for a brief period. This also strongly suggests that the rally in gold is far from over, but the timing will extend into 2016 at the earliest and 2020 for the latest where we will see the dramatic high that should reach at least the $5,000 level".
..."Traditionally, a high for gold on June 13th/14th with a low in the dollar would signal a reversal of fortune leading to an opposite move for each. However, we cannot lose sight of the problems presented by the Sovereign Debt Crisis.
..."Gold is not really backing off, and this raises the possibility of a pause in trend in dollar terms, while gold is likely to remain generally high and base-building for the next launch. Without question, we are in a serious position for the next 8.6 years and things will get much worse rather than better".