Beiträge von Edel Man

    Hallo Tschonko

    Richtig gelesen .Übergekauft.
    Ist aber relativ.Ich weiß auch, daß die schon 300000 St.täglich hatten.
    Meinte den Money flow, der so hoch steht ,wie im Juni bei rd 0,70C$.
    Aber das sagt tatsächlich alleine noch nix.Also schaumermal.

    Vielleicht krieg ich auch mal meine Charts hier rein, verd....



    Original von Eldorado
    Da kennt sich dann jeder aus wo es lang geht :D

    Die Ampeln stehen auf kaufen oder verkaufen, oder halten ? ?(

    Klare Antwort:Ja!! Ja!! Ja!! :D
    Wenn man so viele Geister im Forum koordinieren will, weiß der eine Kopf der Hydra nicht mehr genau, was der andere sieht! ;) :) :D

    ;)Vielfache Grüsse ;)


    Original von goldbaum

    Aber ich denke mal, ohne Stahl kann man ja keinen Reaktor bauen oder? ;)

    ........ Und keine Tresore für all unser Gold und Silber, wenn wir alle reich gworden sind :D

    Hallo Goldbaum,
    Von Deiner Frage fühl ich mich auch angesprochen,weil es da ein Thread "Uranminen"
    Sorry Tschonko,nach Dir.


    Hallo Eldorado,
    hebb ik doch emmer sogt!
    Die ganze Chose garnicht so kurzfristig sehen. ;)


    Noorddütsch Platt kloar?


    Original von Eldorado
    @ Edel Man

    Der Guru hat sich das so wie es aussieht das nicht aus der Nase gezogen denn da sind andere Astrologen die fast in die selbe Richtung prognosen machen die in diese Richtung gehen.
    Jetzt muss man nur den Boden erkennen und dann kaufen, aber den muss jeder selber finden. :D
    Nur eine Richtlinie, schaut mal oefters rein, diese Webseite habe ich von Tschonko bekommen.

    Warum heißt der andere dann "Merriman"?
    Nur en Joke. Mal in Ruhe reinstöbern.
    Wenn Du es nicht erwähnt hättest: wir haben in den div.Threads unsere eigenen Sterndeuter, mal gucken , was die so sehen. ;)


    Hallo CBE - Fans.
    Eure Unruhe,sprich Bauchgefühl, steckt mich an:
    Heute +8%,wenn ich nicht so investiert wäre....
    CBE scheint etwas überkauft?? Money flow 80%.


    ??? Blubbbb. ;)
    So schlau sind wir alle auch.

    Edel Man says : "Each drop is a buying opportunity" :D

    By the way,Eldorado:
    Dich trifft nicht der Bannstrahl des Meisters, weil Du freundlicherweise seine "Alerts" hier reinstellst.
    Seit kurzem macht er sie auch öffentlich.
    Wenn mehr, wie Du, sein teures Abo kündigten, hätten wir vermutlich indirekt so auch Vorteile.
    Nämlich des frühen Unterhaltungswertes. :))



    Original von Eldorado
    Dear Members,
    Oil prices are higher and I see them falling sharply from the last week of August (indeed, even the current period is not a very good one). The fall in oil prices may result to a little buying in the market. However, do not buy during that period because the fall of oil will not have any positive impact on the stock markets.
    Mahendra 17 August 7.00 am Dubai

    Da hält Resource Investor dagegen:

    How Long Will the Energy Stock Pullback Last?

    By Michael J. DesLauriers
    17 Aug 2005 at 06:23 PM EDT

    TORONTO ( (Auszug! E.)

    From its recent peak of 312.80 on 11 August, the TSX Energy Index is only down around 7% to 291.37 at today’s close. It is important to note that the index started off 2005 all the way back at 200 and was 172, just 12 months ago - a very impressive move of over 80%!

    Is the run over? Despite what some commentators might be saying on CNBC, the answer is clearly, no. After a move of that magnitude it would actually be unhealthy not to pullback and odds are this correction still has a ways to go, especially if oil prices correct as well. That said, long-term holders now in a loss situation don’t really have any reason for concern, although taking a loss and buying back a little lower in the coming weeks could well turn out to be a profitable course of action.

    As Resource Investor readers may have noticed in today’s blog, George Soros “unloaded energy stocks in the quarter ended June 30.” Well, the famed Mr. Soros certainly left something on the table by getting out that early, but rest assured, he’ll be back. Today’s $3 drop in oil prices probably shook out a few additional weak, frightened hands, but oil would have to drop quite a bit more than that to derail this bull market. Despite rising inventories of crude, we’re still above $60 and nothing has really changed fundamentally.

    As Jesse Livermore once said, “Be right and sit tight.”


    How Long Will the Energy Stock Pullback Last?

    By Michael J. DesLauriers
    17 Aug 2005 at 06:23 PM EDT

    TORONTO ( -- Over the last few months Resource Investor has written extensively on the subject of oil. Peak oil, energy stocks, the oil sands, the energy bill, natural gas prices...the list goes on. In terms of equities, the proportion of bulls to bears has shifted significantly, and things seem to have come to a head over the last week or so. After all, most investors are well aware of what happens when everyone is on the same side of the trade - who’s the greater fool? When the media starts comparing the moves in, for example, oil sands stocks to the tech bubble, something must be truly wrong.

    For starters, oil sands stocks, for the most part, have solid fundamentals and, if already in production, are throwing off cash like crazy. These are real companies. But people are usually afraid of what they don’t understand, and many fund managers have no conception of valuation other than the never ending red-ink in the tech game. The truth is that while oil stocks may have been ahead of themselves in the short run, the move is only just getting underway. Although the pullback may still have a ways to go in order to bleed out the excesses of the year and re-balance profits and losses more appropriately, the smart money will be waiting for the next inevitable leg.

    From its recent peak of 312.80 on 11 August, the TSX Energy Index is only down around 7% to 291.37 at today’s clos-e. It is important to note that the index started off 2005 all the way back at 200 and was 172, just 12 months ago - a very impressive move of over 80%!

    Is the run over? Despite what some commentators might be saying on CNBC, the answer is clearly, no. After a move of that magnitude it would actually be unhealthy not to pullback and odds are this correction still has a ways to go, especially if oil prices correct as well. That said, long-term holders now in a loss situation don’t really have any reason for concern, although taking a loss and buying back a little lower in the coming weeks could well turn out to be a profitable course of action.

    As Resource Investor readers may have noticed in today’s blog, George Soros “unloaded energy stocks in the quarter ended June 30.” Well, the famed Mr. Soros certainly left something on the table by getting out that early, but rest assured, he’ll be back. Today’s $3 drop in oil prices probably shook out a few additional weak, frightened hands, but oil would have to drop quite a bit more than that to derail this bull market. Despite rising inventories of crude, we’re still above $60 and nothing has really changed fundamentally.

    The bottom line for investors in energy related stocks is that short-term corrections should be expected and even embraced as buying opportunities. That said, one must always seek the best entry or re-entry price possible and there is no sense in trying to catch a falling knife. When everyone starts saying that the oil-bubble has burst and the key indices have had a meaningful pullback relative to its massive run, it will be time to get back in. As a reasonable comparison, many of the big base metal stocks went through a similar purge back in April and May, only to march back to new highs. The comparison is valid because these stories also have great fundamentals and are making tonnes of money due to high commodity prices.

    As Jesse Livermore once said, “Be right and sit tight.”
    ANMERKUNG von Edel Man: Das Livermore-Zitat hat der Autor reingestellt! ;)

    Ein kurzer Auszug aus seinem Beitrag von heute:

    Phil Spicer saw the news that "On July 6, one ounce of gold purchased fewer than seven barrels of crude oil for the first time in recent history. July's monthly average ratio of 7.23 barrels per ounce was also a record, and showed a whopping one third decline from the recent monthly average high of 11.03bbl/oz set last November. July's monthly average ratio of 7.23 barrels per ounce was also a record, and showed a whopping one third decline from the recent monthly average high of 11.03bbl/oz set last November."

    Actually, the report notes that "The all-time high in the ratio is 48.65bbl/oz recorded more than three decades ago in June 1973." So, to be fair, there is room for things to get worse, meaning that gold will remain cheap, which means that you can leisurely buy gold.

    But maybe not, as the report goes on to say "Based on the long-term average ratio going back to January 1970, the implied price for gold is $1,161/oz and the price for oil is $25.56/bbl."

    This has not escaped the attention of Big Hoye of, who writes "In June 2003, the gold/crude ratio was 11.7 and only a few months ago it reached 7.2, which was something like a 15-year low. As of yesterday (Aug 12) , it was at 6.72, which makes energy very expensive relative to gold. Going the other way, to get the big perspective for investors, gold is exceptionally cheap relative to crude."

    Bill Murphy at sees us talking about this and smoking cigarettes and putting our feet on the table and having fun, and he joins in with, "The price of gold vis-à-vis its historic relationship to oil is hugely undervalued by more than two standard deviations. The logical play is to load up on gold at these cheap prices, especially with a number of the speakers at Gold Rush 21 predicting the price of gold to rocket far, far higher than $1,000 per ounce."


    Wo Du das so sagst: der Sinclair hatte vor längerer Zeit gemeint, daß der Guru eigentlich nur noch ein paar vernünftige Analysten brauche.

    Aber das ist es: Vernuft und Vision widersprechen öfter einander.
    Der hat mit Sicherheit einen Analystenstab, aber dabei ist evtll. einiges seiner Vosionen abhanden gekommen.

    Nur kurz zu J.Sinclair heute:ER hat ,was immer seltener wird, einige Aktien angeschaut, u.a SSRI,HL,CDE,HMY etc.Sehenswert!
    Hecla desaströs, hoffentlich haste der kürzlich nicht zu sehr in die Augen geschaut,meine: gekauft,You remember? ;)
    Achso: irgendwo erwähnt er Silber 8,5$.


    NS:Auch RANGE ist dabei, ohne comments,why? ;)