Beiträge von Edel Man


    Original von goldbaum
    Wart's mal ab value, Du wirst noch richtig reich damit. Dein Schaden soll es bestimmt nicht sein.

    Und wenn Ihr dann so richtig reich seid, spricht Ihr doch noch mit nem "kleinen Edel Man"? ;) :]


    Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 3:42:00 PM EST

    Nothing New: Dollar Weakness Equals Gold Strength

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    Dear CIGA:

    If you want reasons for gold moving higher we will review the economics and thinking of the day. However, it is all hot air because the action in gold fulfilled what we said last evening.

    For gold to rise off the trend line we needed the dollar to weaken, hopefully overnight. Well it took until 8AM this morning for the dollar to turn south and then gold turned north rising to a high of $451.80 off a low of $446.20. It actually showed more enthusiasm for the upside than the dollar had for the downside.

    Gold is a tad rich now on the very short term trading side but nonetheless is actually doing quite well ona daily and weekly basis, holding open the potential of going for the old high. The US dollar will be the determinant so for the gold trader the dollar bears the closest focus. For the investor, the magnet is pulling hard from $480 and $518-$529. For the investor it matters not if that is accomplished now or in the first quarter of 2006.

    Click here for the US dollar and gold charts.


    Dear Jim:

    In my life the most influential individuals have been and always will be Mr. Jim Sinclair and Mr. Jim Rogers. I have made money on both the men above. By mere suggestions or secular changes within the market. I'm a bit confused at the moment as Jim Rogers thinks Central Banks are loaded with gold and could sell, thus depressing gold.

    Mr. Sinclair sees gold going to $1650 and I suspect it will by 2012. My question to Mr. Sinclair: What risk do the Central Banks hold over us gold bulls based on supply/demand?

    I Remain,

    CIGA Michael P.

    Dear Michael:

    That argument has lurked in the halls of gold all the way from 1968 to 1980. IMF and Central Banks did sell. You may recall the scheduled selling by the IMF and the unscheduled selling by various central banks.

    With all the respect due to Mr. James Rogers for his many accomplishments, he is now in “my neighborhood.” Clearly, he sees gold as a commodity because such a statement is totally devoid of recognition that gold and the US dollar have an inverse relationship that will not be broken. That’s because gold is a CURRENCY. By this stated position he is saying that one should hold their losing positions and sell their winning positions which if true would certainly have quickly destroyed his career as an investor.

    His opinion of gold smacks of Columbia University thinking and an Ivy League type background. He has a George Soros background and knows the potential extreme risk that the US dollar portends. Clearly he fails to connect the gold and currency but he will learn.

    Central Bank selling in the 1970s allowed big buyers to obtain large gold positions at singular prices in many cases free of commission costs. Therefore Central Bank selling was in practice one of the key bullish factors that resulted in gold rising to $887.50

    I respectfully disagree with Mr. Rogers. Exactly who is right will be seen soon and certainly in 2012.


    Edel Man


    Original von goldbaum
    Ich werde auch nochmal kräftig nachlegen und auf 50 % Depotwert umschichten. :)
    Ja Edel, Du hast richtig gehört, so sicher bin ich mir da! :D

    Mich hauts echt um. Ich dachte, schon mein Anteil mit über 7 %sei hoch.
    Entweder ist Dein Depot so klein, daß 50% nicht so bedeutsam ;), oder
    Dich überkommt glatt Euphorie., oder beides :]
    Oder Deine grossen Käufe treiben den Kurs zusätzlich an.

    Nun im Ernst: Hast du mit Herrn CDY :)persönlichen Kontakt,
    oder wem,daß Dich die Wonne so überkommt?
    Laß es uns auch gelegentlich wissen.! :D



    Original von Misanthrop

    Leider kann ich dir nicht sagen aus welchem Metall die versilberten Barren waren. Könnte sich aber durchaus um Nickel gehandelt haben....

    Nickel wohl kaum:
    Spez. Gewicht Silber rd. 10,5
    Spez. Gewicht Nickel rd. 8,4

    Es könnte sich aber um eine Blei-Spritzguss-Legierung gehandelt haben.
    Die bekäme man passend hin!!
    Spez. Gewicht Blei rd.10,6

    Mit spritzigem Gruß :]


    Kann unsereins aus alledem Lehren ziehen?

    Gegen derartige Machenschaften , die Eldorado (und Edel Man) in anderen Threads,
    va.Thai Guru..,beklagte, ist leider kein Kraut gewachsen.
    Kommt immer wieder,viel zu oft,vor.

    Die einzige Lehre, die ich ziehe:
    bei derartigen Panikattacken den Pulverdampf legen lassen und kaufen ,oder nachkaufen.
    Wenn ich von der Aktie grundsätzlich überzeugt bin,und cash genug da ist.

    Was hier erfolgte.


    Der ist einer meiner Warte - Zwerge.
    Hab mal den Chart angeguckt: der Kurs könnte mE.noch einiges abbröckeln
    Auch hier würde ich,wie Tschonko andenkt,einen Ausbruch abwarten.


    Zu CDU/CDY haben wir alle das nötge getan, denk ich,sogar die Sterne ;)
    Nur kurz zu CBE: ich meinte das im Vergleich zu MFL,wo nun wirklich alle "Bads News"
    auf dem Tisch liegen.

    Mir gefällt die Story mit den Dienstleistungen auch, mal was anderes.In Cabo mehr dazu.

    Mit MFN wird auch sowas wie der Mut zum Risiko angesprochen.



    Original von Ulfur
    Könnte sein, daß Edel Man mit seiner These der Manipulation durch Leerverkäufe Recht hat:

    Investors Burned in Plunder of Crystallex Consider Action

    Hatte er, leider.Auch danke für den Link, hab mal einge Passagen ausgepickt und markiert:
    Stock Manipulation by Masters

    As of July 15, the open short interest for KRY on the AMEX was in excess of 7 million shares with an additional unknown number in Canada. The reported Canadian short interest can be misleading due to the way short sales are reported there, but it is likely the combined short position was in excess of 9 or 10 million shares. Crystallex had by far the highest reported short interest among metals miners on the American Stock Exchange for the month of July, which indicates it was a target of the larger short players (see table).

    Itýs a Raid!

    The 7-plus million shares sold short on Crystallex in July was apparently not enough for rapacious shorters. All through the day on Wednesday, July 27, a large (over 50K) short sell order was kept at or just above the offer. Reliable sources confirm that particular order came through a U.S. full service brokerage located in the U.S. heartland.[1] Then, in the morning of the 28, an enormous market sell order was dumped into the already weakened bid, shattering all support. That immediately triggered a chain-reaction waterfall of sell stops all the way from around $3 to $2 in the span of a few minutes.

    By the end of the day KRY had recovered much of the price damage, but not before the volume had reached a staggering 5.4 million shares on the AMEX. (The average volume is closer to 900,000 shares daily.)

    Timing is Everything

    The perpetrators of the short raid chose the timing for their ýback-breakerý well.
    Investors and brokers who follow Crystallex closely and keep up with the company though cyber-communities and company press releases knew that Crystallex Chairman Robert Fung and President Todd Bruce had traveled to Venezuela for meetings about the final permit. Shareholders were waiting for news of those meetings on the 28.

    The raid also came one day before a much ballyhooed internet message board discussion about the first meeting of the ICSID on the Vannessa arbitration matter. Message board posters heralded that first meeting repeatedly in the days prior.

    The good news for Crystallex shareholders who survived the raid is that most likely the interests who engineered this assault have more than likely now covered many of those millions of shares they borrowed and perhaps have even now reversed course and taken long positions.

    They know that the ýreasonsý for the raid were mostly of their own making.


    Edel Man



    Das erklärt manches bei den Geistern. ;)


    Empfehle mal mein Lieblingsbuch, auch im Thread vorgestellt:

    STRATEGEME, Lebens-und Überlebenlisten der Chinesen
    Harro von Senger

    Das ist zudem unterhaltsam.


    Original von Eldorado

    INVESTOR ALERT--"Top 10" investment frauds

    MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA (August 15, 2005) – Joseph P. Borg, Director of the Alabama Securities Commission, today released an updated list of the “Top 10” scams, risky investments or sales practice abuses they’re fighting. New to the third annual list are unscrupulous brokers, conflicts of interest in analyst research, charitable gift annuities, and oil and natural gas scams.
    mising high returns – upwards of 15 percent monthly – with little or no risk.
    - more -

    Moin moin

    Gut Infos.Die Markierungen sind von Dir?
    Solche und ähnliche Hinweise hätte mancher hier gern vorher gehabt, bevor er sich in das Abenteuer "Börse" einließ.

    Sollte den AGB`s beigelegt werden. ;) ;)
