• Hallo Tschonko,

    wenn ich mit die Kursentwicklung von CABO in den letzten Tagen anschaue, tendiere ich dazu, dass bei diesem Wert die "Saure Gurkenzeit" vorbei ist. Jetzt rein wäre mit Sicherheit nicht der schlechteste Zeitpunkt. Das gleiche gilt meiner Meinung nach für Capstone Gold.

    Grüsse und schönen Feiertag

  • Hallo Value,
    ich kann´s kaum erwarten. :D

    Gut wäre es:
    1. Mehr volumen
    2. Nachhaltig von 0,5 bis 0,55 Gefilden weg. Also sollte sich mal so mit mehr Volumen um 0,6 einpendeln. das wäre ideal.
    Im Herbst (muss mal schauen, wann die naächsten zahlen kommen), kann es abgehen.

    Capstone beobachte ich kaum.

    Mehr schon Abcourt (hab ich zwar auch nicht), da könnte auch was kommen. So oder so. Gebohrt wird heftig.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Der ist einer meiner Warte - Zwerge.
    Hab mal den Chart angeguckt: der Kurs könnte mE.noch einiges abbröckeln
    Auch hier würde ich,wie Tschonko andenkt,einen Ausbruch abwarten.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo CBE - Fans.
    Eure Unruhe,sprich Bauchgefühl, steckt mich an:
    Heute +8%,wenn ich nicht so investiert wäre....
    CBE scheint etwas überkauft?? Money flow 80%.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo,
    du meinst wohl überverkauft? Wir haben kaum Umsätze.
    Soll mir recht sein.
    Man müsste wissen, wieviele warrants schon heraußen sind.
    Etwas an Käufern, dann sind da schnell mal 20% drin.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Tschonko

    Richtig gelesen .Übergekauft.
    Ist aber relativ.Ich weiß auch, daß die schon 300000 St.täglich hatten.
    Meinte den Money flow, der so hoch steht ,wie im Juni bei rd 0,70C$.
    Aber das sagt tatsächlich alleine noch nix.Also schaumermal.

    Vielleicht krieg ich auch mal meine Charts hier rein, verd....


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Edelman, könntest du mir erklären, warum die übergekauft sind?

    kanns nur versuchen.Die Chartleserei ist ein heikles Thema,sh.eigenen Thread!
    Manche sagen: vergess es.Bin zudem kein Profi.
    Jeder hat seine eigene Deutung.
    Wir sprachen vor Tagen davon.

    Ich stelle mal eine von vielen Indikatoren rein: Money Flow Index
    .Stark vereinfacht :es fließt relativ viel Geld rein.Wenn er hoch ist, wie hier,ist überkauft.

    Hab aber gleich gesagt, daß das allein Zitat "alleine noch nix" sei.

    Kurz: vor allem Institutionelle kaufen bei sinkenden Kursen, was gut ist.
    Aber die anderen Indikatoren,wie STO, va.MACD usw zeigen, daß der Kurs schwächelt.


  • Ja, ja, wieder ein neuer Drilling Vertrag.
    So grob geschätzt, der 12. seit Juni.

    Weiß wer, wie da verdient wird, d.h. kann man es auch so blöd anstellen, dass man nichts verdient?
    Klar, kann man immer.
    2. Frage, wann das in den Bilanzen auftaucht, bzw. wann und wie abgerechnet wird.
    also wenn sich da wer auskennt,mit ein paar Sätzen reinstellen.
    Ich hab da keine Ahnung.

    Ich hab Cabo jedenfalls noch mal nachgelegt gegen jede vernunft, weil ja schon reichlcih vorhanden.


  • "Ich hab Cabo jedenfalls noch mal nachgelegt gegen jede vernunft, weil ja schon reichlcih vorhanden." :D

    Tschonko, schmeisst du auch Kissen ? :D

    Uebertreibs net, gestern hast mich beruhigt, aber ich habe das gegenteil gemacht weil ich es auch nicht verstand. :D

    Auch bei Cabo gibts Vertraege, wie in Venezuela. :D

    Evacuate schreins in den US, gestern bei den Latina's wars genauso.

    Good Luck ich habe auch einen "Cabo Libre". :D

  • Yeeesssss! :D :D
    bist a wilder Hund! (für die Deutschen: unter Österreichern eine Anerkennung und keine Beleidigung)

    Hoffentlich können die bei Cabo Verträge machen, nehmen Cash und lassen sich nicht mit Firmenaktien abspeisen. 8)


  • Tschonko

    Cabo scheint wieder auf den rechten Weg zurückgebracht. Ich glaube dass Du jetzt dann wieder ein bisschen mehr Freude damit haben wirst.
    Gibt es für die steigenden Kurse eine Erklärung/Meldung oder ist es einfach "die Börse". Ich konnte nix finden


  • Value,
    fand auch nichts.
    Aber es ist der ca 15. Drillingvertrag seit Juni.

    Ist ja meine größte Position und war bis vor 2 Tagen meine größte Verlustposition. (unter den lebenden :D)
    Da aber mein 4. und letzter kauf 40% der gesamtposition war, ebensoviel wie meine ersten beiden zusammen, hat es die position ziemlich gehoben, obwöhl sie nur 10c stieg.
    Letzter kauf: 0,44.
    Nochmal 10c und ich bin mit der Geamtposition im Plus.
    Ich hoffe nur, dass die 0,4 halten.

    Viel hängt vom nächsten Bericht ab, der sollte doch schon schwarz sein, der im Frühjahr 06 müsste es sein.

    Das sind die Erwartungen für kanada: Drilling etc.
    Sollte 2006 noch steigen.
    Cabo sind die 3.größten in Canada. Sie haben 4 voneinander unabhängige Firmen, die aber zentral gesteurt werden.

    Expenditures Exceed $1Billion
    Preliminary exploration and deposit appraisal expenditures reported by 653 project operators reached
    $1,091 million in 2004 compared to $687 million in 2003, an increase of nearly 60%. This is the first
    time that expenditures have exceeded $1billion (in 2004 constant dollars) since 1997. A further
    increase of 3% to $1,128 million (in current dollar) is anticipated for 2005 as global market dynamics
    for mineral exploration and development remain buoyant.
    Ontario, Quebec, Nunavut and British Columbia (in decreasing order of expenditures) accounted for
    74% and 70% of the total Canadian exploration and deposit appraisal expenditures for 2004 and 2005,
    respectively. In 2004, expenditures increased by over 100% in each of New Brunswick, British
    Columbia and the Northwest Territories.

    Ein Elfmeter, wenn nicht irgendwo ein hook ist.

    As of March 31, 2005

    Share Structure -
    Authorized shares: 30,256,575

    Shares outstanding: 30,256,575

    Warrants outstanding 5,807,156

    Options outstanding: 2,029,000

    Working Capital: $ 6,300,000

    Current Assets: 10, 690,000

    Long-term Debt: 265,000


  • Hoffen wir das Best für Dich....bin nicht drin.....aber der Grund hierfür ist nicht meine Einschätzung von Cabo sondern schlicht und ergreifend dass ich derzeit nix mache. Nachdem ich mir noch ne Portion Cumberland ins Depot geholt habe war mein Feld bestellt...und ich warte nun auf die Erntezeit.


  • "Cobalt property results and resignation of director"

    Bericht: weil er so lang ist, hier der Link:

    Für mich sind die Ergebnisse nicht so schlecht.
    Berücksichtigwen muss man folgendes:

    "Cobalt Type deposits are classified as being epigenetic, narrow vein deposits. The most common ore minerals are silver (Ag) and cobalt (Co). Past production records indicate that a typical ore lens measured less than 0.3 metres in width by from 30 to 100 metres in length by less than 50 metres vertical. Their small size was offset by their extremely high grade, often in the thousands of ounces of Ag per ton range. More than 500 million ounces of silver has already been produced from approximately 70 mines that are collectively referred to as the Cobalt Mining Camp. Past discoveries have been attributed to natural and man made surface exposures and from chance discoveries made during underground development of known deposits. Drilling has historically been avoided by explorers because, statistically, a drill hole penetrating a proven ore lens has a very low probability of intersecting "ore grade" silver. Therefore values of 1 oz/ton Ag over 1 foot (34.3 g/t Ag over 0.3 m) are considered to have a high probability of being in or near an ore lens and require additional detailed drilling.

    The 2005 exploration program was focused partly on the confirmation of known vein zones on the property and partly on the exploration of areas containing geology that is favourable for hosting undiscovered deposits."

    Frage ist: Warum geht Brad Bond?

    Cabo fällt, das Muster ist gleich: Zuerst verkauft einer so 500 bis 1000 Stück zum niedrigen bid Preis.
    Dann pegelt sich zu diesem Kurs ein Volumen von 30-50 t. Stück ein.
    gefällt mir.


  • Tschonko, rein schon chartmaessig sieht Cabo und Formation Capital bestens aus fuer einen Kauf.

    Ich will aber nicht uebergewichten und lasse die erstmal in der Schublade bis mehr Spielgeld da ist. Im Schnitt bin ich ca. 27% im Keller mit beiden aber was ist das schon fuer einen Junior der sich schnell wieder erholen kann.
    Ich hoffe es geht nicht noch weiter runter und wuensche Dir bei dem Gewicht das du hast viel Glueck.



  • Die Zahlen sind da, die langerwarteten.
    Meiner Ansicht nach nicht schlecht.
    Aber solche Berichte richtig lesen/verstehen und ich sind nicht ganz kompatibel.
    Sie sind auf gutem Weg.

    Sie verdienen wieder etwas und die Explorationstätigkeit der eigenen gebiete wurde auch gesteigert.



    Cabo Announces Quarterly and Annual Results
    Thursday October 27, 8:59 pm ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Oct. 27, 2005) - Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. ("Cabo" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News) today reported results for its fourth quarter and the fiscal year 2005 ended June 30.

    4th QUARTER & ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 months 3 months
    (CDN $000s, except ending ending
    earnings per share) June 30-05 June 30-04 FY 2005 FY2004
    Revenue 7,339 Nil 23,222 Nil
    Net Earnings (Loss)
    Before Interest, Tax,
    Amortization and
    Stock-based Compensation
    (EBITDA) 94 76 525 (336)
    Net Earnings (Loss) After
    Interest, Tax,
    Amortization and
    Stock-based Compensation (575) 74 (752) (345)
    Net Earnings (Loss) After
    Tax and Before
    Stock-based Compensation (224) 74 265 (345)
    Earnings (Loss) per Share
    ($) Basic Before Interest,
    Tax, Amortization and
    Stock-based Compensation 0.00 0.00 0.02 (0.03)
    Earnings (Loss) per Share ($)
    Basic After Interest, Tax,
    Amortization and Stock-based
    Compensation (0.02) 0.00 (0.03) (0.03)
    Cash from operations(1) 23 77 454 (336)
    Gross Margin % 21.1% N/A 16.4% N/A
    Working Capital (deficiency) 4,704 6,562 4,704 6,562
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) before changes in non-cash working capital items
    The Company reports:

    - Its highest quarterly revenue of $7.339 million in the 4th quarter of 2005, up over $1.441 million compared to 3rd quarter revenue of $5.898 million of fiscal 2005, and nil revenue for the 4th quarter fiscal 2004.

    - Net 4th quarter earnings before interest, tax, amortization and stock-based compensation of $0.094 million and a net loss of $0.575 million after interest, tax, amortization and stock-based compensation resulting in 4th quarter earnings of $0.003 per share and a loss of $0.02 per share, respectively. This compares with the 3rd quarter fiscal 2005 loss of $0.023 million before interest, tax, amortization, and stock-based compensation and $0.239 net earnings after interest, tax, amortization, and stock-based compensation and net earnings before tax and amortization of $0.076 million and $0.074 million after tax and amortization for the 4th quarter fiscal year 2004.

    - Net after tax earnings for the fiscal year 2005 of $0.265 million before stock based compensation compared to net after tax loss for the fiscal 2004 of $0.345 million.

    - Gross margin percentage for the 4th quarter fiscal 2005 was 21.1%, compared with a gross margin of 11.4% in the 3rd quarter of fiscal 2005 and 0% in the fiscal 2004 4th quarter.

    - Cash from operations, before changes in non-cash working capital items, was $0.023 million for the 4th quarter and $0.454 million for fiscal 2005, compared to 3rd quarter fiscal 2005 year cash from operations of $0.030 million and $0.077 million for the 4th quarter fiscal year 2004 and a loss of $0.336 for fiscal 2004.

    - A current asset balance of $10.80 million and working capital of $4.7 million.

    - Total assets of $23.09 million and total liabilities of $7.8 million.

    "Our fiscal year 2005 marked the beginning of a new era for Cabo as our company shifted from its sole focus of mineral exploration to also providing mineral exploration and alternate drilling services," said John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President & CEO of Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. "With one full year of capital-intensive acquisitions now behind us, we have entered the next phase of our strategic direction."

    "The 4th quarter was the strongest quarter in fiscal 2005, delivering a new record for quarterly revenues of $7.339 million," said Mr. Versfelt. "Cabo experienced a significant increase in new contracts and the re-negotiation of existing contracts due to strong demand for drilling services. Our acquisition growth is visible in our first full year of revenue, which reached $23.22 million."

    "Gross margin performance for the 4th quarter improved despite the increases in labour, fuel and steel costs," said Mr. Versfelt. "We ended the fourth quarter of 2005 with gross margin (as a percentage of revenue) of 21.1 percent, bringing our overall gross margin for the year to 16.4 percent or $3.80 million. Our goal for 2006 is to increase our gross margin to the 23 percent range."

    "Our fiscal year 2006, looks at the stability, reliability and growth we're building in our company," stated Mr. Versfelt. "We are now focused on streamlining our operations, realizing economies of scale and moving into new geographical areas with our drilling services."

    "The Company's evolution will continue in fiscal 2006 with the planned sale of our exploration properties to another public mineral exploration company for shares in that company. Our plan is to distribute the majority of the shares we receive from the company that purchases the properties to our shareholders," stated Mr. Versfelt. "Following this transaction, the Company will be renamed as Cabo Drilling Corp. and we will focus on expanding the services we offer in mineral exploration drilling and alternative drilling sectors, including geotechnical, geoenviromental and geothermal drilling."

    "Going forward, the outlook for Cabo continues to be positive. Base metal prices remain at historically high levels, gold prices remain above US$400 per ounce," said Mr. Versfelt. "Considering that approximately 52% of all exploration dollars are expended on drilling, Cabo is positioning itself to continue to strengthen its existing operations and selectively expand its market share both nationally and internationally."

    Fourth quarter ended June 30, 2005

    The Company's fourth quarter revenue of $7.339 million is higher than all previous quarters. Most of the increase is due to the improvement in drilling services demand that began in March 2005. The increase in sales can also be attributed to the additional revenues included in Cabo's operations as a result of the Advanced Drilling Group of Companies and Les Forages de Montreal (1988) Inc. acquisitions.

    The overall gross margin for the quarter improved by 85.1 percent to 21.1% percent, compared to 11.4% for the 3rd quarter of fiscal 2005. With the increase in revenue, gross profit for the quarter increased $0.828 million to $1.498 million from $0.670 million for the 3rd quarter of fiscal 2005.

    General and administrative costs were $1.202 million for the quarter, compared to $0.915 million for the 3rd quarter of fiscal 2005, an increase of $0.287 million. This increase can be partially attributed to the additional G&A expenses of the different drilling companies that have been acquired throughout the year and subsequently consolidated with the existing operations. Additional marketing, travel and integration costs during the quarter have also contributed to the increase in G&A costs.

    Amortization expense for the final quarter 2005 was $0.284 million as compared to $0.158 in the third quarter, fiscal 2005. The increase can partially be attributed to the decision to push the acquisition goodwill down to the various subsidiaries. The push down caused an increase in the capital cost of the major asset class, Drilling Equipment. This push down cost increased the total amortization in the fourth quarter, fiscal 2005 by $0.133 million. The remainder of the increase is a result of the Advanced Drilling Group of Companies and Les Forages de Montreal acquisitions and new equipment and software amortization purchased in the third quarter.

    Net earnings for the quarter before interest, tax, amortization and stock-based compensation were $0.094 million with a net loss of $0.575 million after interest, tax, amortization and stock-based compensation resulting in earnings of $0.003 per share basic and a loss of $0.02 per share basic respectively. This compares with the 3rd quarter fiscal 2005 loss of $0.023 million before interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation, and $0.239 million net earnings after interest, tax, amortization, and stock-based compensation, and $0.046 million net earnings before interest, tax, and amortization and net earnings of $0.044 million after interest, tax, and amortization in the same period in fiscal 2004.

    Year ended June 30, 2005

    The results of operations reflect the consolidated performance of Cabo and its drilling subsidiaries. Revenue from new acquisitions is included from the date of acquisition. The Company was not involved in providing drilling services until the beginning of the Company's fiscal year and as such no appropriate comparatives are available. The Company does not have revenue from its mineral properties.

    July 1, 2004 marked the beginning of a new era for Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. as it shifted from its sole focus of mineral exploration to also providing mineral exploration and alternative drilling services. Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc. and Petro Drilling Company Limited acquired on June 30, 2004 combined with the acquisitions of Stratacan Inc. and Stratacan (Quebec) Inc. on September 30, 2004, Advanced Drilling Group of Companies on February 28, 2005 and Les Forages de Montreal (1988) Inc. on March 31, 2005 have resulted in 2005 revenues of $23.22 million, acquisitions of over 110 drilling rigs and employment of approximately 250 employees.

    The total revenue for the fiscal year 2005 of $23.222 million is broken down into surface drilling: $15.259 million; underground drilling: $7.375 million; and geotechnical/geoenvironmental drilling: $0.588 million. Gross margin percentage for the year was 16.38%.

    General and administrative ("G&A") costs for the fiscal year 2005 were $3.345 million compared to $0.420 million for fiscal 2004 an increase of $2.925 million. This increase can be primarily attributed to the additional G&A expenses of the various drilling companies that have been acquired throughout the year and subsequently consolidated with the existing operations. Additional marketing, travel and integration costs during the year have also contributed to the increase in G&A costs.

    Cabo reported a pre-tax loss of $1.107 million for the 12 months ended June 30, 2005, compared to a pre-tax loss of $0.345 million for the 12 months ended June 30, 2004. This loss is largely due to a charge of $1.017 million for stock-based compensation. Excluding the stock-based compensation, the Company earned an after tax income of $0.265 million. Cabo's operating performance has not met management's expectations; however, the Company incurred significant expenditures in 2005 that should provide benefits in future years. Management continues to review the organization to seek operational and administrative efficiencies.

    Cash flow from operations (before changes in non-cash operating working capital items) was $0.454 million for the 12 months ended June 30, 2005, up $0.790 million or 222% from the $0.336 million loss in the year ended June 30, 2004. The improvement is a direct result of the change in Cabo's business from mineral exploration to include drilling services.

    Working capital decreased by $1.858 million from $6.562 million at June 30, 2004 to $4.704 million at June 30, 2005. This decrease was partially due to the acquisition of Stratacan Group, Advanced Drilling Group of Companies and Les Forages de Montreal (1988) Inc. of $1.882 million which was offset by higher accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable resulting in the net decrease.

    The Company remains in a relatively strong financial position with cash reserves of $1.973 million and working capital of $4.704 million. The Company does not anticipate any problems over the next year in financing any capital requirements within its drilling operations and maintaining its mineral properties in good standing.

    In fiscal 2005, Cabo experienced a significant increase in new contracts and the re-negotiation of existing contracts due to strong demand for drilling services. The mineral market growth has translated into improved revenues for the Heath & Sherwood and Petro Drilling subsidiaries and this trend is expected to continue for all subsidiaries in the 2006 fiscal year.

    As part of the Company's strategy to expand its presence in the drilling services industry, its integration and operational improvement initiatives have resulted in expenditures beyond typical levels for a mineral drilling business. These initiatives include equipment improvements, staff recruitment and training, centralization of administrative functions, computer system integration and other related expenses. These expenses have been mitigated by the adoption and standardization of inventory recording and management by all operating entities.

    Cabo is well positioned to capture an increase in revenues as the demand for mineral exploration, development and mining grows and continues to remain high. The Company's strategy is to focus on growth by expanding its existing long term customer base revenues, attracting new customers, and by achieving operating and administrative efficiencies.

    During fiscal 2005, the Company also continued its mineral exploration activities. Cabo spent $1.688 million, compared to $0.276 million for 2004, to conduct mineral exploration and to secure additional exploration rights for new and existing properties. The Company raised $1.0 million by way of flow through financing of which approximately $300,000 remains to be spent as at June 30, 2005. Cabo maintains its mineral properties in good standing and they have good potential for the discovery of mineral reserves that could add value to the Company.

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides services through its subsidiaries Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montreal, Quebec; Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc., of Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. Cabo also holds interests in mineral exploration properties located near Cobalt, Kenora and Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.

    ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD(signed "John A .Versfelt")John A. Versfelt
    Chairman, President and CEO
    Further information about the Company can be found on the Cabo website (http://www.cabo.ca) and SEDAR (http://www.sedar.com).

    This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, potential mineral recovery processes and other business transactions timing. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

    John A. Versfelt
    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp.
    Chairman, President and CEO
    (604) 984-8894
    (604) 983-8056 (FAX)

    Ms. Sheri Barton
    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp.
    Investor Relations
    (403) 217-5830
    Email: cabo@cabo.ca
    Website: http://www.cabo.ca

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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