• Morpheus,
    der CEO hat ja mächtig verkauft.
    Da hab ich aber mehr shares.
    Versfelt ist auch CEO von International Millenium.

    Ex-Tag wird wahrscheinlich sein, wenn der Deal steht.

    "Glasklarer Kauf " ist das keiner, dann schon lieber IMA!
    Das warst ja du, oder?


  • Heute ist Versammlung.

    Wenn das durchgeht, schaut es so aus.

    Beispiel: Für 12000 CBE kriegt man dann 4000 IMMC plus einen 1300 warrants zu 0,35 in bis zu 2 Jahren ausübbar.
    Die letzten 2 Handelstage waren nicht schlecht. +10% und + 8%.
    Der Extag würde mich noch interessieren, dürfte aber erst kommen.

    Hier noch mal der text vom 28.12.: Wer liest was anderes raus??

    Pursuant to the Transaction, the Company proposes to transfer all of its Properties to IMMC in exchange for 10,000,000 units of IMMC, each unit consisting of one IMMC common share and one-third of a warrant, each full warrant entitling the holder to purchase one share in the capital stock of IMMC for thirty-five cents for a period of two years following the date of issue. The Company will subsequently redistribute no less than seventy-five percent of the Units to its Shareholders on a ratio of one IMMC unit for each four shares of the Company that they will hold on a record date to be determined. The net effect will be that Shareholders will continue to hold their shares of the Company and receive units in the capital of IMMC.

  • Morpheus,
    kann schon noch etwas dauern mit D. :D

    Der Vollständigkeit halber:
    Exdate ist noch nicht benannt. Man sollte sich mal homepage von MMMC anschauen.
    Das ist also der "Vertrag".


    North Vancouver, BC - Cabo Drilling Corp. (TSX-V:CBE) (“Cabo” or the “Company”) announces that at the Company’s Adjourned Annual General and Special Meeting of the Shareholders, held Monday, January 23, 2006, the disinterested shareholders overwhelming approved the previously announced sale of Cabo’s mineral properties to International Millennium Mining Corp. (the “Transaction”), voting 94.3% in favour.

    Pursuant to the Transaction, the Company will transfer all of its mineral property interests to International Millennium Mining Corp. (“IMMC”) in exchange for 10,000,000 units of IMMC, each unit consisting of one (1) IMMC common share and one-third (1/3) of a warrant, each full warrant entitling the holder to purchase one (1) share in the capital stock of IMMC for thirty-five cents ($0.35) for a period of two (2) years following the date of issue (the “Units). The Company will subsequently redistribute no less than 75% of the Units to its shareholders on a ratio of one (1) IMMC unit for each four (4) shares of the Company held on a record date to be determined. The net effect will be that shareholders will continue to hold shares of the Company and receive units in the capital of IMMC. A four month hold period will apply to the redistributed IMMC shares. This transaction is subject to a number of conditions including, approval of the Board of IMMC, acceptance by the Exchange, completion by IMMC of a private placement of no less than $2,500,000, of which no less than $1,000,000 is to be expended on the mineral properties and to the Shareholders of IMMC approving the Transaction.
    “A significant amount of work has gone into the sale of the mineral properties since our initial announcement in the Fall, 2005” stated John Versfelt, Cabo’s Chairman, President & CEO. “Following completion and closing of the Transaction, the Company’s shareholders will benefit by holding shares in two companies, one focused specifically on mineral and specialty drilling and the other focused on exploration and development of its mineral properties. Both companies are well positioned to benefit as the demand for metals continues to grow from markets around the world.”

    Granting of Stock Options

    Pursuant to the Company’s stock option plan, re-approved at its annual general meeting December 15, 2005, incentive stock options have been granted to new employees, officers and directors to purchase 450,000 common shares of the Company at various prices ranging from $0.50 to $1.00 per share. Following the grant of the options, the Company will have unexercised director and employee stock options totaling 2,408,000 common shares.

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides services through its subsidiaries Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montréal, Quebec; Heath & Sherwood Drilling Inc., of Kirkland

    Lake, Ontario; and Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. The Company’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.

    (signed “John A. Versfelt”)
    John A. Versfelt
    Chairman, President and CEO

  • Morpheus,
    schaut fast so aus, meldung gab´s aber keine, aber nur fast.... :D
    Dann würd die IMMC so um die 10 cents kosten.

    Was dagegen spricht: Kurs fiel beständig und nicht auf einmal.
    Also vielleicht extag, aber noch keine ausbuchung, dann müsste der kurs ja noch mal fallen. Oder?
    Sind halt mehr auf die gebiete heiiß als auf Cabo. Im 2. Quartzal wissen wir mehr, wie lukrativ das drillen ist.

    Gratuliere zur Punktlandung bei Fortuna, sauba dawischt.... :]


  • "weisst du wann ex-tag ist?"

    Das weiss CABO selbst nicht.

    Dort wurde eine Vertragskonstruktion gewählt,

    als hätte jeder vorher 0,5 l Bourbon konsumiert.

    Normalerweise löst das bei mir den Fluchtreflex aus.

    Aber hier riech ich das Schmieröl an den Scharnieren

    und seh (gedanklich) den CEO im Blaumann schrauben.


  • @...........,
    "on a record date to be determined." Also, wird erst bestimmt.
    Morpheus, hast eh g´hört was gogh sagte. :D

    Positiv ist auch dieses: "..stock options have been granted to new employees, officers and directors to purchase 450,000 common shares of the Company at various prices ranging from $0.50 to $1.00 per share. "

    Ich glaub, die wollen und werden auch verdienen.

    Cabo wird ja noch nicht als Drillingfirma wahrgenommen.

    Gogh, zu den Visionen.
    Ich hatte auch eine vor ein paar Monaten.

    Cabo wird ihre eigenen abgegebenen gebiete gegen Bezahlung drillen.
    Ist doch auch schön!
    Versfelt, der CEO, redet ja auch mächtig bei IMMC mit.
    2006 wird als Drillingjahr bezeichnet werden.
    Alle haben geld und wollen gebohrt werden.
    Wehe denen, die nicht fündig werden, die gehen in den Orkus.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Diese Aktie gibt aber Rätsel auf!
    Auftrag nach Auftrag,und dann sowas wie heute -12,5% ?(

    Aber sie hat öfter komische heftige Ausschläge.
    Hatte den Einstieg verpasst,der Chart ist eigentlich manierlich.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    wo siehst du Rätsel?
    15000 Stück Umsatz!
    Was soll das?
    Da hab ja ich mehr. :D

    Wir sind in der Range 0,45 bis 0,55.
    wenn die 0,55 überwunden werden, sind wir so was von schnell auf 0,7.
    Wenn die 0,45 fallen, dann kauf ich wieder. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Naja,Rätsel klingt schon dramatisch.
    Es gibt halt immer wieder Hasenfüsse.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Weiß nicht recht, was ich davon halten soll.
    Die brauchen schon wieder Geld.

    Cabo Announces New Commercial Bank and $4 Million Finance Facility

    North Vancouver, BC – Cabo Drilling Corp. (“Cabo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:CBE) is pleased to announce that HSBC Bank Canada has been appointed as the Company’s commercial bank. This is a very significant step for Cabo in its development as one of Canada’s leading mineral and specialty drilling services companies.

    Cabo has secured a $ 4.0 million debt finance facility with HSBC Bank Canada comprised of a $2.5 million operating loan secured by accounts receivable and a $1.5 million demand loan. The demand loan is secured by a general security agreement charge over Company assets and the cost of both facilities is Canadian bank prime plus 1%. The demand loan can be drawn down in multiple advances and is repayable in monthly payments over 5 years. The funds will be used for working capital.

    The Company will pay a 2.12% finder’s fee to E-Capital Networks Group Inc. for arranging the financing.

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides services through its subsidiaries Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montréal, Quebec; Heath & Sherwood Drilling Inc., of Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. The Company’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.

    (signed “John A .Versfelt”)

    John A. Versfelt Chairman, President and CEO

  • Die Zahlen: wenigstens ein bisserl schwarz. Wird scho werden! :D

    Cabo Revenue & Margin Up Over 2nd Quarter Last Year
    Thursday February 23, 8:30 am ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 23, 2006) - Cabo Drilling Corp. ("Cabo" or the "Company") (TSX VENTRURE:CBE) today reported results for its second quarter ended December 31, 2005.

    2ND QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS---------------------------------------------------------------------
    (CDN $000s, except 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months
    earnings per share) ending ending ending ending
    Dec 31-05 Dec 31-04 Dec 31-05 Dec 31-04
    Revenue 6,410 4,694 15,229 9,985
    Net Earnings (Loss)
    Before Interest, Tax,
    Amortization and
    Stock Based
    Compensation (EBITDA) 462 4 932 454
    Net Earnings (Loss)
    After Taxes 110 (773) 227 (416)
    Earnings (Loss) per
    Share ($) Basic Before
    Interest, Tax, and
    Amortization (EBITDA) 0.015 0.00 0.03 0.016
    Earnings (Loss)
    per Share ($) Basic 0.004 (0.028) 0.007 (0.015)
    Cash from operations(i) 340 (26) 676 401
    Gross Margin % 25.1% 14.7% 20.4% 16.4%
    Working Capital 5,293 7,304 5,293 7,304
    (1)before changes in non-cash working capital items
    The Company reports:

    - 2nd quarter revenue of $6.410 million in FY2006, a 37% increase over revenue of $4.694 million in the 2nd quarter of FY2005.

    - Net 2nd quarter FY2006 earnings before interest, tax, amortization and stock based compensation of $0.462 million compared to a 2nd quarter FY2005 earnings before interest, tax, amortization and stock based compensation of $4,045.

    - Net earnings after taxes for the 2nd quarter of FY2006 of $0.110 million compared to a 2nd quarter FY2005 net loss after taxes of $0.773 million resulting in 2nd quarter FY2006 earnings of $0.004 per share compared to a loss of 0.028 per share in 2nd quarter FY2005.

    - Gross margin percentage for the 2nd quarter FY2006 was 25.1% compared with a gross margin of 14.7% in the 2nd quarter of FY2005.

    - Cash from operations, before changes in non-cash working capital items, was $0.340 million for the 2nd quarter FY2006 compared to 2nd quarter FY2005 decrease in cash from operations of $ 25,955.

    - A current asset balance of $9.34 million and working capital of $5.293 million.

    - Total assets of $21.509 million and total liabilities of $6.038 million.

    - The Company has secured a $4.0 million debt financing facility with HSBC Bank Canada comprised of a $2.5 million operating loan secured by accounts receivable and a $1.5 million demand loan.

    "Cabo continues to show steady growth and in this quarter delivered improved top and bottom line performances," said Mr. John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President & CEO of Cabo Drilling Corp. "Revenues for the quarter were $6.410 million, almost 37% higher than revenues of $4.694 recorded during the same quarter last year. The Company recorded its highest gross margin of 25.1% compared to 17% in the last quarter and 21.1% in the fourth quarter fiscal 2005. Our gross margin percentage is becoming better as a result of improved pricing, greater operational efficiencies and longer term projects."

    "The Company recorded EBITDA of $0.462 million during the second quarter of fiscal 2006 compared to EBITDA of $0.469 million recorded during the first quarter of fiscal 2006 for a combined EBITDA for the first six months of fiscal 2006 of $0.932 million compared to $0.454 million EBITDA recorded during the first six months of fiscal 2005," stated Mr. Versfelt. "Indicating steady growing performance as the industry improves."

    "During the second quarter of fiscal 2006 the Company improved its cash reserves by $0.375 million to $1.582 million compared to $1.207 million at the end of the last quarter, "said Mr. Versfelt. "Working capital also increased during this quarter to $5.293 million from $4.576 million, a $0.717 million increase. Increased cash reserves, combined with the commitment from HSBC Bank Canada will provide Cabo with sufficient funds for its growing drilling operations."

    "Net earnings for the quarter were $0.110 million an increase of $0.883 million compared to a net loss of $0.773 million during the same period of fiscal 2005," said Mr. Versfelt. "The primary reasons for the difference are increased revenues and strengthening of the Company's margins and no stock based compensation. ($0.666 million recorded in the second quarter of fiscal 2005)."

    "The continued strengthening of mineral exploration and mine development in the Americas coupled together with the Company's improved productivity, focus on cost control and operating efficiencies should increase the profitability of Cabo providing a good return to our shareholders," said Mr. Versfelt.

    2nd Quarter Ended December 31, 2005 - Results of Operations

    Revenue in this quarter of $6.410 million represents a 37% increase from $4.694 million in the same quarter for last year. The majority of the increase is a result of revenues earned by Advanced Drilling Group and Forages Cabo Inc., which were acquired in the 3rd and 4th quarters of fiscal 2005. Second quarter revenues decreased 27% compared to the first quarter fiscal 2006 due to planned shutdowns during the holiday season.

    Drilling operations follow seasonal patterns, with the first and fourth quarter (April through September) being the most active. Summer and fall months generally provide the best drilling conditions. December through early February months are typically the weakest due to general slowdown in the mineral exploration activity, as well as the holiday season.

    Gross margin for the second quarter of fiscal 2006 was 25.1% compared to 16.4 % for fiscal 2005 and significantly higher than the 17.0% earned in the first quarter of fiscal 2006. The improved margins are a result of improved pricing, improved labor productivity and strengthening cost controls implemented during the previous quarter. The Company continues to look for further improvements in efficiencies through standardization of procedures and the sharing of technology and expertise across the divisions.

    General and administrative ("G&A") expenses increased by $89,765 from the previous quarter to $1.157 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2006. The increase in G&A expenses in the second quarter of 2006 compared to the first quarter of 2006 can be largely attributed to higher costs incurred for travel, investor relations costs and professional fees. G&A costs increased by $0.473 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2006 compared to the second quarter of 2005. This increase can be attributed to the additional G&A expenses of the drilling companies that were acquired throughout the year and subsequently consolidated with existing operations. Investor relation costs and travel expenses also contributed to the higher costs during the second quarter of fiscal 2006.

    Amortization expense for the second quarter of fiscal 2006 was $0.268 million as compared to $0.278 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2006 and $80,920 in the second quarter of 2005. The increase is a result of a larger asset base compared to last year.

    Cabo's current cash (marketable securities and cash equivalents) position at December 31, 2005, is $1.611 million as compared to $1.259 million at September 30, 2005. The increase in cash can be attributed to new financing for a building and property in Montreal, fewer resource property expenditures during the second quarter and further improvements in operations.

    Cash flow from operations (before changes in non-cash operating working capital items) was $0.340 million, up marginally from $0.336 million in the quarter ended September 30, 2005. Cash flow increased 68% from the same period last year from $0.401 million to $0.676 million.

    Working capital increased by $0.718 million during the quarter due to new financing and from overall improvements in operations.

    Mineral exploration expenses and mineral property payments for the second quarter of 2006 were $76,590 compared to $0.180 million for the same period in 2005. Cabo remains committed to funding and operating its exploration activities separately from its drilling operations until the proposed sale of the mineral properties to International Millennium Mining Corp. has closed.

    In fiscal 2006, Cabo is well positioned to capture an increase in revenues as the demand for mineral exploration, development and mining grows and continues to remain high. The Company's strategy is to focus on growth by expanding its existing long term customer base revenues, attracting new customers, and by achieving operating and administrative efficiencies.

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides services through its subsidiaries Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montreal, Quebec; Heath & Sherwood Drilling Inc., of Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.


    (signed "John A .Versfelt")

    John A. Versfelt Chairman, President and CEO

    Further information about the Company can be found on the Cabo website (http://www.cabo.ca) and SEDAR (http://www.sedar.com).

  • Der shareholder newsletter für winter 06.
    Den haben sie noch nicht auf der homepage.
    Find ich auch nett diese 2 letters im Jahr, einmal spring, einmal fall letter.

    Also irgendwie freu ich mich schon auf die International millenium.
    Die sache liegt zur Zeit bei der TSX exchange.

    Dear Shareholders,
    Much has happened over the last couple of months. Cabo has taken two significant steps towards establishing itself as one of Canada’s top drillers. On December 15, 2005 the majority of the shareholders voted to change the Company’s name. On January 12 2006 we officially started trading on the TSX-V Exchange under the name Cabo Drilling Corp. In addition to this, on January 23, 2006, 96% of the disinterested
    shareholders, at the Company’s meeting, approved the sale of Cabo’s mineral properties to International Millennium Mining Corp. Both of these changes are significant. Our name now reflects our core business and being a 100% drilling company will allow us to better market our Company to the financial community, our customers and to potential shareholders. International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisitions and exploration of mineral properties in the Americas, focused on precious metal polymetallic projects. International Millennium acquired and is presently exploring mineral properties in British Columbia, Canada;
    Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include: silver, gold, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals. In addition to these properties, International Millennium will acquire Cabo’s properties, all of which are located in the Province of Ontario. These Ontario properties include the Cobalt Area
    silver/ base metal project, the Skead Lake gold, copper, nickel and platinum group metals property near Sudbury, the Electrum Lake gold, copper, silver and molybdenum prospect and the Hope Lake gold properties, both located near Kenora in Western Ontario.
    The acquisition of Cabo’s properties doubles and complements International
    Millennium’s already strong Canada, Nevada and Mexico, precious metal polymetallic portfolio. The most exciting feature of this transaction for our shareholders is that International Millennium will be issuing 10,000,000 units (1 common share and 1/3 warrant) to Cabo.
    Consequently, upon TSX Venture Exchange acceptance of the transaction and the completion and closing of the sale of Cabo’s properties to International Millennium, you, the shareholders, will benefit by holding shares in two companies, one focused specifically on mineral and specialty drilling, and the other focused on exploration and
    development of its mineral properties. Both companies will be positioned to benefit as the demand for metals grows over the next few years.
    We thank you for your continued support and we will continue to work diligently to serve our customers and create value for our shareholders.
    “John A. Versfelt”
    John A. Versfelt
    Chairman, President and CEO

    Dann kommen noch 3 Seiten mit Fotos, Drilling firmen etc.

    Eine davon:

    For fiscal year 2006 Cabo had set out a number of objectives. One of these objectives was to build stability within the Company. As announced on February 17, 2006 Cabo has secured a $ 4.0 million debt finance facility with HSBC Bank Canada comprised of a $2.5 million operating loan secured by accounts receivable and a $1.5 million demand loan. The demand loan is secured by a general security agreement charge over Company assets and the cost of both facilities is Canadian bank prime plus 1%. The demand loan can be drawn
    down in multiple advances and is repayable in monthly payments over 5 years.
    This is a significant step for Cabo in building stability. Having a bank facility with HSBC Bank Canada is an integral part of the Company’s cash management strategy. Cabo is pleased to have established this association with HSBC Bank Canada and looks forward to continuing to build upon this relationship.
    The following information regarding HSBC Bank Canada is from an article that appeared in the Vancouver Sun on February 15, 2006:
    “We want to position HSBC as a company that appreciates people have different points of view and different needs”, bank president Lindsay Gordon said. “We’re flexible, adaptive and creative to meeting those needs. Historically, in people’s minds, banks have not been very good at that.” Gordon said the bank is relatively happy with its network of 36 Greater Vancouver branches but plans to add about 20 new Toronto-area HSBC branches over the next two and a half years to the 33 that currently exist in Canada’s largest urban market. The bank plans to relocate a few BC branches this year and open one new
    branch in the province – in Langford in April.
    He said the bank’s strong financial performance in 2005 reflects healthy economic growth across Canada,
    particularly in BC and Alberta, where the bank does about 60 per cent of its business. Total Bank assets grew by 13.6 per cent last year to $49.2 billion while total funds under management
    increased by 15.8 per cent to $20.5 billion. The bank said return on average common equity grew to 21.3 per cent last year from 18.3 per cent in 2004.
    Quoted from: The Vancouver Sun
    Wednesday, February 15, 2006
    Business Section
    As written by: Bruce Constantineau


  • del

    Wer sich wundert, dass da immer wieder del steht. Nur so bring ich die auf die erste Seite.
    Also, es war noch immer der Beitrag vom 23.2. auf Seite 2 angezeigt.
    Wenn man dorthin ging, war mein heutiger Beitrag schon drin.

    Woran liegt das?
    Aufklärung biiiittee! :D

  • Cabo Wins Contract Extension from Barrick Gold Corporation

    announces that its Advanced Drilling Ltd. division has been awarded a contract extension from Barrick Gold Corporation to continue drilling at its Eskay Creek Mine. The Eskay Creek Mine is located in northwestern British Columbia, approximately 80 kilometers by air north of Stewart, BC. The mine is an underground, trackless operation, which is accessible through three surface portals and utilizes a drift and fill mining method with cemented rock backfill. This remote mine has a camp where workers live while on their shift rotation..........

    Adresse Barrick bringt Öffentlichkeit.
    Man ist in einem sehr guten Gebiet.....
    Eskay Creek Mine und Umgebung: da gibt´s viieel Arebit.
    Vielleicht können sie durch folgeauftrag gleich dort bleiben.

    Noch mal nachgelegt........ jetzt reicht´s aber mal!!
    Seh gerade, dass heut mal wieder die Unterstützung getestet wird ... :D
    Kurs 0,43
    Bid: 0,45

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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