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Media Releases
13 December 2005
Johannesburg, South Africa. 13 December 2005. DRDGOLD Limited (JSE: DRD; NASDAQ: DROOY; ASX: DRD; POM SoX: DRD). Chairman of DRDGOLD South Africa (DRDGOLD SA) Dr Paseka Ncholo announced today that, as a consequence of continuing seismicity, a new mining plan was being implemented at DRDGOLD SA’s Blyvooruitzicht (Blyvoor) mine near Carletonville.
“The new mining plan will result in a reduction in yield to about 6.0 grams per tonne but the impact of this will be offset to some degree by an increase in tonnage and resultant lower unit costs,” Ncholo said.
“More importantly, however, it is imperative that we take steps to ensure the continuing safety of our employees underground and preserve Blyvoor’s strong safety record, as evidenced by its seven consecutive wins in the West Rand Mine Managers’ Association Inter-mine Safety Competition.”
Blyvoor reported seismicity-induced impacts on production at the end of the September quarter. A consequent risk review, together with continuing seismicity affecting some 14 panels – approximately 30% of the mine’s production – had prompted the new mine plan, Ncholo said.
Features of the new mining plan include:
a reduction in the centare profile in the B5A area in accordance with rock mechanics recommendations;
substitution of this tonnage from lower grade Main Reef panels elsewhere on the mine;
additional development costs of R5.9 million and;
a full risk review and assessment of Phase 2 of the 2A sub-shaft project, with Phase 1, comprising mining above 15 level, continuing as planned.
Further details of the new Blyvoor mining plan will be released with DRDGOLD’s results for the quarter ending 31 December 2005, Ncholo said.