Das neue Südafrika

  • Lucky, das ist nun der bittere Preis der Demokratie mit unseren neuen Management das der Westen angestrebt hat.
    Das ist der erste Teil den die Freimauren erreichen wollten.
    Im zweiten kommt es noch schlimmer, Beispiele wie Zimbabwe gibt es genug.
    Den Typen ist doch egal was der ANC anstellt und wie es den Menschen hier oder dort geht.
    Nach dem grossen Chaos werden sie wieder gerettet mit Fiat Gelder fuer Rohstoffe um die es eigentlich nur geht die ganze Zeit.
    Apartheid war doch nur das Aushaengeschild, der ANC erledigt nun den Rest um ans Ziel zu kommen.
    Die Konten im Ausland und ein Gastland geben zumindest Sicherheit fuer ihre Anfuehrer.

    Und was ist mit unserer Sicherheit ?

    Cést la vie RSA



  • Kebble plane death plan 'cruel'

    2006-12-14 23:15


    Brett Kebble's alleged original assisted suicide plan - to spike the pilot's drink and die in an air crash - would be feasible, but very cruel.
    That's the view of a pilot who frequently flew Kebble between Johannesburg and Cape Town in a Gulfstream G200-jetplane.

    "Brett was brilliant and could possibly have devised something like that, but I think it's more likely one of (Glenn) Agliotti's fantasies. Who would be able to fathom something like that? I suppose it would have been feasible, but cruel," said the flyer, whose name is withheld on request.

    Glenn Agliotti, 50, the suspect in the murder trial of mining magnate Brett Kebble, revealed details of this bizarre original plan when he was granted bail in Johannesburg regional court on Wednesday.

    Shock at statement

    Agliotti alleges that Kebble's death was the result of a well-honed assisted suicide plan, and he says that the plan to use a plane was revised when he (Agliotti) became involved in the planning and execution of an assisted suicide.

    "Kebble aided and abetted in his own death - after I became involved in its planning, it was changed to make it look more like a hijacking," Agliotti's statement said.

    The pilot told Beeld that Agliotti's statement came as a surprise.

    I often flew Brett around, and it was a shock to hear something like that. Many people in the industry phoned me after reading the newspaper reports. I suppose we'll never know if there was such a plan or not. Brett was far too clever, and played his cards close to his chest."

    Little contact with passengers

    One of his colleagues was a bit more sceptical.

    "Pilots don't take drinks from passengers: and I sure never have."

    Kebble was usually alone in the cabin and would open and pour his own wine.

    "The crew are in the cockpit and there is seldom contact with passengers during the flight. It doesn't sound practical, but it would be very disturbing if there was any truth in it," said the colleague (name also withheld on request).

    The jetliner that is apparently in question belonged to a former Kebble company, Baobab Aviation, before being sold to a concern in India, and exported there.

    Agliotti is out on bail of R500 000 but he will be watched closely by the Scorpions, while under house arrest, until his trial is over.


  • Cop kills three robbers

    2006-12-15 08:38


    An off-duty policeman shot and killed three men during a robbery at a restaurant in Emmarentia, Johannesburg police said on Friday.
    Director Govindsamy Mariemuthoo said the incident happened at a restaurant on the corner of Levubu and Olifants Road on Thursday around 20:00.

    Five men entered the restaurant and ordered the patrons to put their valuables on the tables, said Mariemuthoo.

    An off-duty policeman who was inside the restaurant at the time opened fire, killing three men. The other two fled.

    No one was injured.

    Mariemuthoo said the vehicle the robbers abandoned near the restaurant was believed to have been hijacked earlier on Thursday in Sandringham.

    Johannesburg police were investigating.


  • A visiting European swimming official has been gang-raped near the Durban beachfront paddling pools while her male companion, also a tourist, was held down.

    The shocking attack on Wednesday was at the Lower Marine Parade children’s paddling pools, the scene of the gang rape of three teenagers on December 16, the Day of Reconciliation, last year.

    The latest gang-rape came just a day after Durban unveiled its beefed up holiday safety programme. :D

    The victim, whose age is unknown, was in town with her team which was competing in this week’s International Paralympic Committee’s (IPC) Swimming World Championships at the King’s Park Aquatic Centre.

    She is not believed to be disabled.

    Reliable sources said that the woman, who was staying in a beachfront hotel, decided to go for a walk on the beach with a male swimming official from another country.

    It was just before 1am when the unsuspecting couple were attacked by four young men.

    “The man was held down while she was gang-raped,” a source said.

    The victim was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is understood to have returned to the championships on Thursday.

    Four suspects have been arrested, SAPS provincial spokeswoman, Senior Superintendant Phindile Hadebe confirmed last night.

    A source in the hospitality industry described the incident as outrageous, but wondered why the couple had ignored clear safety tips in their hotel.

    Said another: “This is horrifying, but what were they thinking going for a walk at that time of night?” ?(

    She was worried that if the suspects were “young men” they would be released from custody and be back on the streets to attack again.

    “If the authorities got rid of the street children and vagrants along the beachfront, then surely those still hanging around have to be criminals and the police could act. Often the police drive past criminals, believing them to be street children and vagrants.”

    The attack comes at a time when South Africa is observing 16 days of activism against women and children and follows the recent mugging of 11 cruise liner passengers at Durban’s North Beach.

    Crime came under the spotlight during the recent provincial tourism conference in Durban, when delegates were told that the city had the most significant tourism development potential in the country – but also the biggest safety and security problem.

    City manager Michael Sutcliffe could not be contacted on Thursday night and it could not be established if security would be increased at the paddling pools at night.

    Source: Independent Online (IOL)
    URL: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php…t_id=iol1165559373328R113

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wer ist wohl 'no one'?? ich kann bis zehn zählen und ich komme auf drei ?(

    Da kannst du ja hoffen, dass 'deiner' auch 'no one' war :rolleyes:

    Oder hat der legasthenische Redaktor einfach 'else' vergessen (no one else)?


  • Lucky

    I do not want to get wasted, would you ?
    I and you have a right to live, and when it gets to the point , you have react to save what is left.

    No compromise, otherwise you're gone or lost your self worth.

    Today ?

    What a kak dag for the goldbugs international. :(

    The final wash out, now waiting for the new moon... :]

    Lets get lucky one day, me or Ben.

    Life is a bitch and then you die.

    God or the Universe is laughing while we make plans.

    Life happens while you make plans they say.

    Gnight, I call it a day but it will not ruin my life or my weekend.
    I'm still a believer, I guess you too.


  • South AfricaSA's shocking suicide stats

    2006-12-16 08:09


    One person commits suicide in South Africa about every hour.
    This shocking statistic is contained in the book Suicidal Behaviour in South Africa by Professor Lourens Schlebusch, head of the Department of Behavioural Medicine at the UKZN's Nelson Mandela Medical School.

    Schlebusch says that between 6 893 and 8 000 South Africans commit suicide every year, which translates into 667 deaths a month, 154 every week, and 22 every day.

    Fifteen in every 100 000 people commit suicide in Johannesburg every year, making it the city with the most suicides in the country.
    Durban is not far behind, with 14 in every 100 000 people.

    This emerged from a recent study by the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System (NIMSS) in all the metropolitan areas of South Africa.

    The investigation also found that the most suicides occur between the ages of 25 and 29 and that whites (26,7%) are the group in which the most suicides are committed.

    The festive season brings with it rampant depression and suicide, says Roshni Parbhoo, development manager of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag).

    She says teens and students are more inclined towards suicide at this time of the year because of stress about exam results. Teens also become depressed because financial problems mean that they cannot go on luxury holidays.

    During the festive season older people often mourn those who have died, says Parbhoo, or they become lonely when their children go on holiday and leave them behind.

    She also says business people often do not experience Christmas as a happy time, because they can't escape from their routine. Christmas family gatherings can also lead to depression, because relatives like mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law don't always hit it off, but have to pretend that they're happy.

    According to Schlebusch, who is also an international expert on stress and suicide, the attempted suicide picture is equally shocking.

    It has been calculated that for every suicide that occurs in South Africa, there are 20 or unsuccessful suicide attempts.

    He says that every year between 137 860 and 160 000 South Africans try unsuccessfully to commit suicide.

    That means 13 333 attempts every month, 3 077 a week, 438 a day and 18 or more every hour. This calculation excludes unreported attempts. In contrast with successful suicides, studies show that more women than men are unsuccessful in their suicide attempts.

    If you need assistance, phone the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag)

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    PS: Suicide rates in Switzerland are one of the highest in the world per head of the population, and that for decades already, mainly very old people ('Bilanzselbstmord') and very young people (Pubertätskrise und Konsorten)

  • SPIEGEL ONLINE - 17. Dezember 2006, 13:06

    URL: http://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/0,1518,455045,00.html


    Welle der Kriminalität erreicht Nationalparks

    Schrecken im Tourismusparadies: Nach mindestens fünf bewaffneten Raubüberfällen im südafrikanischen Krüger-Nationalpark hat die Verwaltung die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen drastisch verstärkt. Touristengruppen wurden auch am Tafelberg und in einem Township bei Kapstadt ausgeraubt.

    Johannesburg - Zur Weihnachtszeit hat die Behörde im Krüger-Nationalpark die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Park und der Umgebung des Kapstädter Tafelbergs verschärft. Nach Angaben der Zeitung "Saturday Star" reagiert die Parkbehörde mit ihren verschärften Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf mindestens fünf bewaffnete Überfälle im Krüger-Nationalpark innerhalb der vergangenen zwölf Monate sowie den jüngsten Überfall am Tafelberg. Dabei wurden in der vergangenen Woche drei ausländische Touristengruppen überfallen und ausgeraubt.

    Kapstadt: Südafrikas Diva
    Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (6 Bilder)

    "Dieses Jahr haben wir eine Zunahme an Raubüberfällen an den Eingangstoren (zum Krüger-Park) erlebt", sagte Behördensprecherin Wanda Mkutshulwa. Touristen seien dabei bisher nicht zu Schaden gekommen. Auch der rund um Kapstadts Wahrzeichen gelegene Naturpark am Tafelberg sei Ziel von Kriminellen. "Da das Verbrechen innerhalb der Stadt eskaliert, ist auch der Nationalpark betroffen", erklärte sie. In einem bei Kapstadt gelegenen Township wurden Anfang Dezember zwei ausländische Touristengruppen ausgeraubt.

    Der US-Botschafter in der Kap-Republik, Eric Bost, warnte erneut vor Auswirkungen auf die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2010 in Südafrika. "Ich denke, es ist noch immer ein Problem", erklärte er der Zeitung "Sunday Independent". Bost hatte bereits vor drei Wochen vor den Folgen der hohen Kriminalität auf die WM 2010 gewarnt.

    Der Hafenstadt Durban haben Tourismusunternehmen nach mehreren Überfällen auf europäische Urlauber bereits mit Boykott gedroht, sollte sich die Sicherheitslage nicht deutlich verbessern.


  • Hoechste Zeit der Regierung ein Ultimatum zu stellen endlich wieder fuer Recht und Ordnung zu sorgen oder abzudanken.
    Unmoeglich die Besucher oder Fans zu schuetzen unter den Umstaenden heute.
    Wie viele muessen noch ueberfallen, ermordet und vergewaltigt werden bis etwas gemacht wird frage ich mich oft.

    Z.B. der neue Strecke und Zug ""Gautrain"" fuer eine Strecke von Pretoria nach Johannesburg den hinterher keiner braucht kostet min. 20 - 40 billion Rand. Die Gewerkschaft Cosatu will das Projekt stoppen da es dem Armen nichts hilft, nur der Elite. Fuer diese Summe baut man besser 500.000 Haeuser fuer die Obdachlosen. Die gesamten Kosten sind ca. 320 Billion Rand die besser wo anders aufgehoben sind. Woher das Geld kommen soll weiss ich auch nicht. Das ganze ist ein Fars und rausgeschmissenes Geld. Was man nicht alles macht um zu sagen FM Weltmeisterschaft in Afrika..... Hurra, VIVA Grenadilla !

    Ich habe nicht mehr viel Hoffnung, irgend jemand will das Chaos fuer seinen Vorteil, die Welt schaut zu und keinen kuemmert es habe ich das Gefuehl. Da wird es einige geben die werden geschmiert um die Auftraege zu genehmigen, die einzigen die von der WM kraeftig profitieren.......

    Damals unter der ""Apartheid"" wenn ein paar schwarze Randalierer von der Polizei erschossen wurden regte sich die ganze Welt auf und rufte nach Sanktionen.

    Und heute ?



  • Ich sehe gerade einen Bericht auf Carte Blance ueber den Urlaubsort Knysna auf der Garden Route.

    Knysna ist nun ein Drogendorf so wie es ausschaut, die Polizei korrupt schaut zu und Heroin kann man wie Gemuese auf den Markt kaufen.

    Ein suechtiger Polizist der Mandrax handelte wurde geschnappt, er wurde kurz suspendiert und dann befoerdert, heute ist er wieder im Dienst.

    Das Alter der Heroin Verbraucher ist teilweise 13 Jahre.

    Mit den harten Drogen kommt die Gewalt und Verbrechen.

    Mehr und mehr Morde, Einbrueche, Ueberfaelle, selbst in Knysna gehts Bergab.



  • naja.... werde da mal weiter hinhören. Meine Eltern sind vor kurzem nach Knysna gezogen, aus Kapstadt, weil es ihnen dort zu ungemütlich wurde...

    .....aus dem kochenden Topf gesprungen und auf der heißen Herdplatte gelandet???

  • What SA domestics earn 8o

    2006-12-18 11:51

    Cape Town

    Domestic workers' wages will rise to R1 066.90 per month from this month (December) for employees working for more than 27 hours a week in the higher paid areas of South Africa, according to the sectoral determination made public by Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana on Monday.

    Domestic workers in the so-called "area A" - which includes the big metropolitan cities of Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town - were earning R997.04 a month in the last year.

    The rises are based on a CPIX of 5% - based on the official October figure - plus 2%, taking the rises to 7%.

    Domestic workers working for 27 hours per week or less in the higher paid areas are entitled to R756.09 compared with R706.63 paid in the last year.

    Employees who work for 27 hours per week or less in the lower paid areas - "area B" - will earn R613.39 compared with R573.26 paid in the last year.

    Meanwhile, those who work for more than 27 hours in the lower paid areas will receive R865.54, up from R808.92, according to Mdladlana's spokesperson Mokgadi Pela.

    The hourly rate in the "area A" municipal areas has risen from R5.11 to R5.47 while the weekly rate has risen from R230.10 to R246.21.

    In rural areas - in "area B" - the housely rate has risen from R4.90 to R5.24, with the weekly rate from R132.3 to R141.56.

    These figures will apply until November 30 next year.

    I-Net Bridge (Business)

  • South Africa Phumzile flights investigated

    2006-12-18 13:50

    Pretoria - Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota has appointed a committee to probe costly flights by deputy president Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka and other VIPs, he announced on Monday.

    The investigation would start in the first week of January and would be headed by former SA National Defence Force member Kgomotso Moroka SC and Reserve Force General Benno Smit, he said.

    "It will place the public in a position where objectively the public may be able to determine whether there is a deliberate and illegal or corrupt attempt to provide what people call the gravy plane to certain individuals."

    Lekota said the committee would look into all defence department aircraft charters between April 27 2004 and December 10 2006.

    It would be charged with determining whether aircraft charters were efficient and cost effective.

    The investigation comes after a flight which cost R4.55m to charter from Switzerland was sanctioned to take Mlambo-Ngcuka on an official visit to the United Kingdom.
    It followed her R700 000 flight to the United Arab Emirates in December last year and a R75 000 flight to Sun City from Pretoria. :D

    The department of defence is responsible for arranging flights for the president, deputy president, former presidents some government ministers and senior SANDF officers.

    While it charters planes when the SA Air Force fleet is unable to meet demand, Lekota described the UK flight as "irregular and way out of proportion with reasonable standards".

    Lekota expected the probe to take three months. He said that although the committee's full report would be available only to the defence department, its findings would be made public.

    "There is limitation on information one may release... There may be things in the details that I might come to the conclusion it is not in the interest of the country to release," Lekota said.


    more flights... :D...Don't trust a black pilot.

    Beeld reported that a plane had to be flown from Switzerland to take Mlambo-Ngcuka and her entourage to the UK -- because there were not enough pilots in South Africa trained to fly the air forces' presidential jets. :D

    "Earlier this year ... it became known that the three top students in training -- who happened to be white -- were not allowed to proceed with further training as fighter pilots because of the Defence Force's affirmative action requirements."

    He said Lekota had assured the party last year that there were three pilots qualified to fly presidential jets and a further 12 in training.


  • Interesting read:

    Very Rare Booklet: Communist Plans & Leaders for S.Africa

    I decided to include the Two Phase Revolution pages, because the SACP is currently thinking of splitting away from the ANC. It seems the CIA's influence in the ANC has been strong enough to cause a split. But the split could also mean that the CIA's plans are in trouble... if President Mbeki's wing of the ANC loses to the SACP and COSATU alliance. Recently, I was chatting to a black man I know who is an avid supporter of the Jacob Zuma faction. He told me that COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions) is the key factor in the tripartite alliance. Dr Chris Jordaan (ex-Military Intelligence), always referred to COSATU as the "hands" of the SACP - the "doers" who make it happen on the streets. In his definition the SACP are the "brains", the ANC is the "mouth" (propaganda) and COSATU are the hands.....more


  • South Africa...Thieves party at cop station

    2006-12-19 09:02

    Johannesburg - A charge office full of police members and private security guards failed to stop burglars from breaking into the office of a Johannesburg police commissioner and starting a fire on the wooden floor.
    Apparently the burglars also quenched their thirst with liquor from the officers' canteen.

    Not even the electronic security doors in front of the office of commissioner Simon Mpembe on the seventh floor of the western wing of the Johannesburg Central police station could stop the thieves from stealing Mpemba's "treasured golden teaspoons" on Friday evening.

    The burglars also took sweets from his secretary Juanita Matthysen's office drawers.

    It later came to light that a burglary also took place at the Norwood police station in Patterson Road, where the burglars took the food supply of the prisoners.

    At Johannesburg Central, the burglars gained entrance to Matthysen's office, which is next door to Mpemba's, by breaking a window after somehow entering through the security gate in the passage.

    Investigation at a 'very sensitive stage'

    Besides Mpemba's teaspoons, two Nokia cellphones, which were the property of the state, were stolen and the wall-to-wall carpet in Matthysen's office was damaged by fire.

    The burglars also found their way to the officer canteen on the seventh floor of the eastern wing.

    According to a reliable police source the burglars had climbed through the window of a women's toilet and over the roof of the kitchen to reach the canteen.

    Cigarettes worth more than R3 000, which were locked away, also disappeared without a trace. The thieves drank some of the brandy, whiskey and rum and left the empty bottles on the bar counter.

    A senior police officer smelled a rat on Saturday when he wanted to deliver a case docket at the commissioner's office.

    Sergeant Sanku Tsunke, a police spokesperson, confirmed on Monday that the police were investigating both burglaries.

    "No arrests have yet been made and the investigations into both cases are continuing," said Tsunke. :D

    Mpemba had ordered Tsunke not to provide any more details as the investigation was at a "very sensitive stage".

    Matthysen also didn't want to comment, but according to police sources sweets were stolen from her drawers.

    The police also didn't want to comment on the fact that a private security firm was being paid to provide extra security around the Johannesburg Central police station.

    Guards were used for access control as well as after-hour routine inspections on at least 10 floors of the building.


  • South Africa... Fury over latest farm killing

    Sitting ducks...Zimbabwe here we come.... :(

    2006-12-19 20:56

    Bloemfontein - Organised agriculture has reacted with anger to the slaying of yet another elderly Free State farming couple, saying it confirms that farmers are among the groups most at risk of murder in South Africa.

    Jan Greyling, 67, and his wife Johanna, 63, were found dead in their homestead on Florida Farm in the Trompsburg district on Monday afternoon.

    Workers became suspicious when neither came out of the house during the day, and called the police.

    Southern Free State area commissioner Baile Motswenyane said on Tuesday that Greyling was found with a bullet wound in the head and "multiple wounds".

    Mrs Greyling was found in a chair in a bedroom with two bullet wounds behind the left ear.

    Motswenyane said it was possible guns were stolen from a safe which was found open in the bedroom.

    'We've had enough'

    Two other elderly couples were murdered on farms in the province in separate incidents last month.

    Free State Agriculture president Louw Steytler told Sapa that at a government imbizo in Trompsburg two weeks ago, he had specifically asked deputy president Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and provincial premier Beatrice Marshoff to speak out in condemnation of farm killings.

    "Thus far not one single word has been said about it," he said.

    "Every single weekend, if my telephone rings on a Sunday afternoon, I shudder to answer it, because I know that some farmer in this province has been murdered... and we've had enough."

    He said the union was already taking government to court over the lack of proper policing along the crime-ridden Lesotho border, and could mount a similar challenge to government over farm murders.

    "It is they who govern South Africa; it is they who are in charge of the State machinery and the security forces, and it is time that they govern us properly," he said.

    He said there were far more murders per head in the farming community than in any other.
    80 farm attacks in two months

    Director of corporate liaison for AgriSA Kobus Visser said that as a professional group, farmers ran second only to the police in terms of risk of being murdered.

    He said that according to AgriSA's unofficial figures, in November and October there were more than 80 farm attacks around the country, involving at least ten murders.

    The farming community was a national asset, and that the killings were eroding this asset.

    Visser said government should speed up the appointment and training of police reservists in rural areas as part of a sector policing plan which had produced dramatic results where it had already been implemented.

    Murder rate

    Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder claimed earlier this year that the murder rate for farmers was 313 per 100 000, more than twice the figure for police.

    He also said the likelihood of a victim dying during a farm attack was three times higher than during a cash-in-transit heist.

    Southern Free State police spokesperson superintendent Motantsi Makhale said the serious and violent crimes unit was working "around the clock" on the Greyling killings.

    He said the police had responded to farmers' larger concerns over security, and were recruiting former members of the commandos as police reservists. :D....... Blacks I guess !

    "It's not like we're sitting doing nothing," he said.


  • Crime tops SA worry list

    2006-12-20 12:05

    Cape Town

    South Africans are among the least optimistic nations about local job prospects and the future of the economy in the next 12 months, a 46-country survey showed on Wednesday.

    According to ACNielsen's bi-annual Consumer Confidence Index major concerns bugging consumers worldwide are the economy, health and job security.

    Crime (58%), however, stays top on South Africans' worry list, followed by the economy (34%), health (32%) and job security (29%).

    Other countries where consumers list crime as a major concern include New Zealand (32%), Malaysia (28%), Estonia (25%) and Russia (22%).

    Although the world's least optimistic markets hail mostly from Europe, Turkey (82) remains at the bottom of the list, along with Korea, Portugal Japan and another three countries.

    Across Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EEMEA) countries, Greece and South Africa rate among the least optimistic along with Turkey, with scores of 100 apiece - just above the global average of 99.

    UAE riding wave of confidence

    Clinching the top three places in the index are Indians (137), Norwegians (134) and Danes (129). Russians' confidence also continues to ride high, with the country being among the top 16 leaders in ACNielsen's Confidence Index, scoring 107 (+2 from the previous survey).

    ACNielsen highlights the UAE, in 4th place with a score of 123, as riding high on a wave of strong consumer confidence.

    "There is no doubt that the UAE are riding the crest of an economic well-being - recording one of the highest Confidence Index scores affirms the solid performance of the market in terms of economic growth and job prospects," said Lennart Bengtsson, Regional President, ACNielsen, EEMEA (Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa).

    Globally, consumers in Indonesia and Thailand are most worried about the economy (65%), followed by Taiwan (62%) and Hong Kong (61%). In EEMEA, Greece and Turkey are most concerned about the economy (46%), followed by Russia, Latvia and Lithuania (all 44%).

    According to the ACNielsen survey health remains one of the top concerns for third world consumers, but the level of concern has declined substantially for Europe despite 6 of the top 10 most concerned markets originating from the region.

    Hungarians worry most about jobs

    Hungary, which topped the world as the most concerned about health in the first half of 2006 has been overtaken by China as the world's most concerned about health (67%), followed by Czechs (51%) and Finns (49%).

    Topping the world as the most concerned about job security is Hungary where nearly two thirds of consumers worry about their jobs. Chilean and Vietnamese consumers follow closely with 62% and 60% respectively.

    Bengtsson said it is worth noting that concern about terrorism has not been sustained following the renewed terrorist threats since mid 2006. "Globally, only 15% of consumers considered terrorism a major concern, led by India (31%), the UK (26%), and Denmark (25%)."

    Least on the minds of consumers is global warming, with only 7% citing it as a major concern.

    According to ACNielsen the Consumer Confidence Index is developed based on consumer's confidence in the job market, status of their personal finance and their readiness to spend.

    The latest survey, conducted in late October/early November, polled about 25 408 internet users in 46 markets from Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, the Baltics and the Middle East. EEMEA Region countries included in the survey are Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and UAE.

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