Das neue Südafrika

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Thanks, Eldo, for keeping us informed.

    Had a Swiss client today, who is on christmas Holiday in CH. She returns to Zululand in January, where she is working at a Mission Station.

    She said crime is rife, every day someone is murdered, lots of burglaries. She obviously can live with it and can arrange her life around the lurking dangers. Her christian belief may help her to face it...

    Friede auf Erden den Menschen, die guten Willens sind...


  • Hi Lucky,

    es hoert nicht auf, es wird hier taeglich schlimmer und es geht schneller zur Anarchie als manche glauben.
    Irgend jemand gibt den Verbrechern gruenes Licht kommt mir vor.
    Viele haben keinen Respekt mehr fuer Besitz, Leben, und Gesetze.
    Sie wissen es passiert ihnen nicht viel wenn sie erwischt werden, sie lachen sich eines und machen munter weiter.
    Die Befreiung der Schwarzen und die Aufhebung der Apartheid hat nichts gutes gebracht, im Gegenteil, es gibt nun zigmal mehr Mord und Totschlag.
    Depremierend, ich poste nur einen Teil was taeglich passiert, da ist noch mehr Gewalt und Verbrechen im Land als das hier:

    Fleeing teen mowed down

    2006-12-20 23:13

    Modimolle - A late night chat in the park near her home with a friend has ended in the cold-blooded murder of a teenager.
    Yolandi Terblanche, 19, was shot three times as she tried to flee from two men who'd accosted her and Keith Schabort, 16.

    Keith was shot in the leg.

    The men, who'd both been armed, wanted to know what the teens were doing in the park.

    Police say it isn't clear exactly what happened after that, but Yolandi and Keith tried to make a run for it.

    Yolandi, who wrote matric this year, had almost reached the safety of a house adjacent to the park, when she was felled down.

    The men fled the scene.

    Another couple who'd also been in the park, managed to hide from the attackers.

    Police spokesperson Gabasahane Moseki says nothing was taken from the teens, adding that there is no clear motive.

    He says there have never been problems at the park before.

    However, a policeman who didn't want to be named told Beeld there had been "strange" goings-on at the park.

    He wouldn't elaborate.

  • Rand's run baffles analysts

    2006-12-21 09:29

    South Africa's rand was steady against the dollar on Thursday, after strengthening significantly in overnight trade, baffling analysts as it moved in a different direction than other emerging markets.

    The rand stood at R6.9175/US$ at 09:00, little changed from the New York close of R6.9150, after the weakest level of R6.9250 in the session.

    Analysts said the local currency's movements could have been exaggerated due to thin liquidity in the markets ahead of the Christmas holidays.

    "It's a bit of a strange situation, because the metals' prices are softer, and other emerging markets are weaker," Ion de Vleeschauwer, Rennies Bank chief dealer said.

    "I think what's driving it is corporate orders being pushed through in thin market conditions, and moves tend to be exaggerated in those conditions," he said.

    Traders said the rand was likely to strengthen further to reach the next level of R6.85/$.

    "It's difficult to say how long it (rand strength) will last for but it will probably continue until next week. General importer demand is not there because most corporates are on holiday," de Vleeschauwer said.

    "The rand is likely to break stronger because the dollar is still a bit weaker," another trader said.

    The rand was also supported by the euro, currency of South Africa's largest trading partner, which was trading next to its 20-month high seen in early December.

    The euro inched up to $1.3190, within a 20-month high seen in early December.

    Spot gold was still down at $621.30. South Africa is the largest producer and exporter of the precious metal, earning most of its foreign currency from it.

    The markets would be eyeing the producer inflation data (PPI) due at 11:30.

    "If the PPI comes lower than expected, it's likely to be supportive of the rand. But the currency has not been phased by data lately," de Vleeschauwer said.

    Economists polled by Reuters expected producer inflation to accelerate to 10.2% in November.

    Government bonds were also firmer on Thursday, with yields on the most-traded R153 bond due 2010 falling three basis points to 8.10% from Wednesday's closing levels while those on the benchmark R157 due 2015 were also down one basis point at 7.935%.


  • South Africa Mbeki's popularity wanes: poll

    2006-12-21 12:30

    Johannesburg - President Thabo Mbeki's approval rating has dropped to its lowest level in four years following a series of scandals involving the governing ANC party, a poll showed on Thursday.

    The poll by the Johannesburg-based Research Surveys institute showed that Mbeki had a 53% approval rating, eight percent down on the figure recorded six months ago.

    Mbeki, who is due to stand down as head of the African National Congress next year and president of the country in 2009, has presided over a series of embarrassing incidents in recent months during which the party's chief whip has been expelled for sexual harassment and a string of lawmakers convicted of, or admitting to, fiddling their expenses.

    Research Surveys director Neil Higgs said Mbeki's support had also tailed off as a result of the government's failure to fight the rampant crime rate.

    A temporary boost to his rating which followed his decision to sack deputy president Jacob Zuma last year had since faded, with Zuma's supporters constantly sniping at the president.

    Mbeki's first three years in office from 2000 saw him struggle with approval ratings that hovered around the 30% mark as he tried to shake off the shadow of his popular predecessor Nelson Mandela. However his popularity shot up when South Africa won the right to stage the 2010 World Cup.

    A total of 2 000 people were questioned for the survey which has a 2.5% margin of error.


    Gnade uns Gott wenn Jacob Zuma ans Ruder kommt....siehe Bild unten.

  • Check this out and more ;)...



    Two recent court cases have earned the attention of newspaper readers in South Africa. One person was fined R1 000 for not having a TV licence. Another was released on bail for R500 after being arrested for murder. The moral of this South African story: if you do not have a TV licence and the inspector comes round, kill him. You'll save R500.


    Burglars greeted their victim at the front door of his house in Kroonstad, Free State, and apologised for breaking into his house. According to them, they did not realise that he was black.

    Sgt. Stephen Thakeng of the SAPD said that the owner of the house, who wishes to remain anonymous, and his wife was awakened by a noise at 02:00. Three armed burglars obtained entry into the house by forcing the burglar bars of a window. The burglars asked the man whether he was the owner of the house. When he replied "yes", they apologised and said they were under the impression that the house was owned by whites. They only burglarise white people's houses, they assured him.

    The burglars took the man's cellphone, cut his telephone line, and greeted him by hand at the front door before disappearing into the night.

  • 'Suicide' could cost Kebbles R30m

    2006-12-22 08:48

    Johannesburg - Murdered mining magnate Brett Kebble's family faces the bleak prospect of having to pay back R30m in insurance money if he indeed died in a bizarre assisted suicide.

    Kebble took out life insurance with Liberty Life and Discovery Life only a few months before he was gunned down in Johannesburg in September 2005.

    Glenn Agliotti, 50, a business associate of Kebble and the alleged mobster accused of killing the mining magnate, told the Johannesburg regional court in a bail application last week that Kebble planned his own death.

    He allegedly had to make sure that Kebble died in what had to look like a botched hijacking, he told the court.

    According to life insurance policy conditions, no payments are made if the client committed suicide.

    Kebble's estate, his wife and children were the beneficiaries of the policies, which had already been paid out.

    According to Liberty Life spokesperson Mandy Denton the company never suspected any foul play after their forensic investigation into the murder had been completed.

    Liberty paid out about R10m.

    "It seemed like a normal murder. The new allegations and the turnout would indicate our future course of action.

    "Insurance is based on insuring against the unforeseen and not something that had been planned," she said.

    It seldom happens that the beneficiaries have to pay back the money, she said.

    "We'd never recorded any cases of assisted suicide before. This case is definitely unique. We will have to find a way to get the money back if Kebble's death was indeed suicide."

    Insurance companies usually ask beneficiaries to pay back the money voluntarily, but if there's no reaction, they turn to legal action.

    Discovery Life confirmed Liberty's statements and agreed that assisted suicide was very rare.

    Kenny Rabson, senior actuary at Discovery Life, said Kebble took out life insurance of about R20m, which had already been paid out to his estate as no other beneficiaries had been nominated.

    "Should the suicide allegations be proven, we could claim against the estate.

    "But we will have to keep in mind that the estate is insolvent and that Discovery is a concurrent creditor and not a preferred creditor (such as the South African Revenue Services), said Rabson.


  • Ich lese wieder seit langer Zeit unser Dorfzeitung.

    15 Hauseinbrueche in der Woche.
    Das Wasserreservoir wurde schwer beschaedigt als Metalldiebe es zerlegten, millionen von Liter Trinkwasser rannten den Berg runter.
    Alles was nicht Niet und Nagelfest ist wie Kupferschilder an der Wand werden weggerissen von den Haueser, die Bibliotek hat es auch erwischt.
    Die Armen brauchen Geld, das Leben ist zu teuer, zum sterben zu viel, zum Leben zu wenig.

    Leider schon wieder.. :(

    Teen raped, shot five times

    2006-12-22 10:28


    A 13-year-old girl has been raped, shot five times and left in the veld in Daveyton, Ekurhuleni metro police said on Friday.
    Inspector Vusi Mabanga said the bleeding teenager was found by a passer-by at 06:00.

    She told metro police she was abducted by a group of men at the Ebumnandini squatter camp on Thursday night.

    She was raped and one of the men later shot her five times in the back and left her to die. ...... BASTARDS !!! X(

    Mabanga said the girl was in a critical condition when he arrived at scene, but she was able to tell officers her name and a few details of what happened.

    She was airlifted to the Johannesburg hospital

  • Finance24

    Mbeki boasts about SA economy

    President Thabo Mbeki said that South Africa's good economic performance in 2006 which had produced "some of the best news about our country" gained world recognition in 2006.

    In his internet column, ANC Today, on Friday, the president focussed on the strength of the business and fiscal environment.

    He points first at the American non-governmental organisation, Open Budget Index, which conducted a study of 59 countries and ranked South Africa in the top four countries worldwide "in terms of the transparency surrounding our national budgets" relating to the quantity and quality of information provided to citizens. :D

    "New Zealand scored the highest on the index, at 89 points, followed by France with 87 points, Britain with 86 points and then South Africa with 85," noted Mbeki. ;(


  • 2010 will be a success - Mbeki ;(

    2006-12-22 11:15

    Cape Town - President Thabo Mbeki on Friday rubbished suggestions South Africa will fail to successfully stage the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup. The truth is South Africa is way ahead in preparations for hosting a successful tournament, he said in his last weekly newsletter for 2006 on the African National Congress (ANC) website.

    Mbeki said some people, both locally and abroad, had done their best this year to convince the nation it would fail to create the conditions for a successful 2010 World Cup.

    "Media suggestions were floated liberally that some countries were already standing by to take over this responsibility from us, since it was certain that we would definitely fail to do the things Fifa required of us, to ensure that the 2010 Soccer World Cup would actually take place in our country.

    "Most fortunately, consistently, the President of Fifa, Sepp Blatter, insisted correctly that our country was perfectly capable of hosting the World Cup, and would indeed do so, setting new benchmarks in terms of the success of this most important global sports tournament," Mbeki said.

    "The truth is that with regard to 2010, we have beaten all previous records with regard to the preparations for the successful hosting of the Fifa Soccer World Cup, including the benchmarks set by the highly successful 2006 German Fifa World Cup. :D

    "This includes the financial sponsorships without which it would be impossible to hold the tournament."
    The work done to prepare for 2010 represented one of the most prominent items of good news of which South Africans should be proud.
    Mbeki also had a word of inspiration for the national team, Bafana Bafana.

    "The appointment of a new coach, Carlos Alberto Parreira, is an opportunity to leave recent disappointments behind and make progress towards a successful campaign in 2010.

    "History suggests that an uplifting performance by the host country is often an integral element in a successful Fifa World Cup, and we are confident that the hope of the nation, Bafana Bafana, will rise to the occasion in 2010," he said. :D


  • Gold set to shine in 2007

    2006-12-28 Johannesburg

    - Although gold has struggled to recoup its momentum after soaring to a 26-year high of $730/oz in May, a medium term view shows the metal is still trading about $100/oz more than it was a year ago and has far outdone many expert forecasts made at that time.
    Investors are again seen as the driver of the phenomenon and they again hold the key to potential further advances in 2007.

    In fact 2006 will be the fifth year of gold's current bull trend, which has seen the price more than double from the 2001 closing price of $278.95/oz.

    Over the three-year period between 1999 and 2001, the gold price averaged a meagre $271/oz, but in May of the latter year, the bear market ended and the bull market began.

    The bull has not stopped running and earlier this year, the gold price touched $730.30/oz, almost three times the $254.75/oz it bottomed at in April 2001, immediately preceding the bull trend.

    The rise to the 26 year high, due partly to number one producer Barrick Gold's massive dehedging of the Placer Dome forward sales book, which it had recently acquired, proved unsustainable and within a month gold had fallen by nearly $200/oz.

    Gold seen trumping highs

    GFMS has since returned with an update to its latest survey, saying that gold would trump these levels again. First it said this would happen by the end of this year, but has since prolonged the occurrence to the first quarter of 2007.

    Standard Bank of London says that while gold is hovering around $620/oz at the moment, its uptrend is expected to continue from early next year.

    Merrill Lynch also recently kept its 2007 gold forecast unchanged at $675/oz, and it upped its forecast for the next three years after that from $600/oz to $650/oz.

    According to research earlier this year, GFMS points out that investors have been buying gold for its impressive performance compared to stocks and bonds.

    "The rally of the last few months of 2005 in particular seems to have eradicated any residual 'anti-gold' sentiment that had been lingering since the 1990s, when a disappointing price performance had taken gold off the radar screen of most investors," said GFMS.

    The introduction of the gold ETF, has been a key feature of this gold bull trend, and the global holding of this product, has been named the 'People's Central Bank', a phrase coined by David Davis, gold analyst at Andisa Securities.

    Attracting investors

    This easier access to physical gold for investors has attracted large amounts of investors to the product. The product launched by the World Gold Council (WGC), an industry body, has grown rapidly since its launch on various exchanges a few years back.

    This year alone, the US product, by far the largest, has added another 188.73 tonnes to its vault, up 72% to 452.01 tonnes since the start of 2006.

    "Over the five years from 2001 through 2005 investors have added 194.5 million ounces (5514 tonnes) of gold to their collective coffers, to the point in early 2006 where private investors now own more gold than the governments of the world," said New York based consultancy, CPM in its annual survey earlier this year.

    Investors are flocking to the yellow metal for a number of reasons, according to CPM. These include concerns over the future course of currency exchange rates, and others are buying to diversify their portfolios.

    Gold also carries certain safe haven properties, and with nuclear threats and Middle East tensions continuing, this factor remains high.

    While as a hedge against inflation, oil prices have also been highly correlated with gold this year.

    These factors have not waned, and some economists still expect a considerable weakness in the dollar, as long as the US' massive trade deficits remain.

    I-Net Bridge (Business)

  • Btw, Kapstadt hat sehr viele Muslims (ca.30%) die einigen Schaden anrichten koennten als Racheakt speziell bei der Fussball WM.

    Pipe bombs 'intended for V&A

    '2006-12-29 08:20

    Cape Town

    Eight pipe bombs that were to have been used in urban terrorist attacks apparently were still in circulation in the Western Cape, a court in Malmesbury was told on Thursday.

    The SABC reported on Thursday that Malmesbury magistrate's court had denied bail to Shahied Davids, 46, of Athlone.

    It is claimed that three pipe bombs were found in his white bakkie on the N7 highway at Chatsworth near Malmesbury on December 11.

    Investigating officer Paul Hendrikse, who opposed bail, apparently testified that the bombs which were found in Davids's possession, were to have been used for blasts at the V&A Waterfront.

    Maureen Thompson, spokesperson for the Waterfront, confirmed that they, too, had heard such rumours on the radio.

    Usually boost security in season :rolleyes:

    "Our security staff were in contact with police to confirm whether the report was the truth. We are still waiting for an answer.

    "We usually boost security measures at the centre at this time of year.

    "We are waiting for police to tell us what is really happening before we decide what else to do," said Thompson.

    Davids will remain in custody until his next hearing on February 5.

    He is being charged with the illegal possession of explosive devices.

    The SABC reported that Davids, who is claimed to have had ties with Pagad, apparently was arrested after police had been tipped off about his activities.

    11 pipe bombs 'in circulation'

    According to the report, suburban terrorists apparently planned an attack on the Waterfront.

    The person who tipped off police apparently said there were 11 pipe bombs in circulation in the province.

    Pagad, which was involved in terrorist attacks in the Peninsula during the late 1990s, could not be reached for comment about Davids's links with their organisation.

    Die Burger

    Wandern am Tafelberg: :rolleyes:

    Two British tourists were robbed and stabbed on Table Mountain on Friday afternoon, Western Cape police said.


  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    Btw, Kapstadt hat sehr viele Muslims (ca.30%) die einigen Schaden anrichten koennten als Racheakt speziell bei der Fussball WM.

    Pagad, which was involved in terrorist attacks in the Peninsula during the late 1990s, could not be reached for comment about Davids's links with their organisation.

    PAGAD = People Against Gangsterism And Drugs

    Die grösste Verarschung,die ich jeh gesehen habe. Die haben in den 90ern ein paar Bomben in Kapstadt losgelassen. Eigentlich wurden die doch gegründet um gegen die Gangster in den Cape Flats (=Township/Slums der Farbigen, nicht Schwarzen...) anzugehen. Alles Muslims. Als sich dann herausstellte, dass die auch Drogendealer waren gab es ein paar Strassenschlachten (man erinnert an die Rashid/Rashaad Staggie Saga in Woodstock..). Und dann stellte sich heraus, das PAGAD Bomben in Kapstadt gezündet hatte. Letztendlich nix anderes als dreckige Islamisten/Terroristen...

  • Hi Fs-fra

    Ich war gerade nur zwei Tage in Plettenberg Bay und Knysna.
    Bin anstatt 6 Tage bis ins neue Jahr zurueck nach Kapstadt weil es mir ueberhaupt nicht gefallen hat.
    Erstens sind nun die Townships vor oder hinter jeden Dorf enorm gewachsen, selbst dort haben die Schwarzen den Laden uebernommen.
    Der Service in den Restaurant in Keurboom wo ich war, ein schlechter Witz. Fazit, zwei Stunden warten und betteln fuer eine Pizza und Getraenke, die meisten hatten danach Durchfall und kotzten wie die Reiher. Viele Leute die dort leben sind fad und ungluecklich, ein trauriges Bild in einer schoenen Gegend, man schluckt alles denn man hat bedingungslos kapituliert und ist froh das man noch leben darf.
    Der Tourismus ging kraeftig zurueck wegen der Kriminalitaet, schlechter Service und freche Preise die dort verlangt werden.
    Fuer mich ist die Garten Route gestorben und werde dort nicht mehr hinfahren.
    Das ganze war rausgeschmissene Zeit und Geld,nochmal lasse ich mich nicht mehr anlocken.

    Schade fuer die Gegend, leider ist die nun auch in schwarzer Hand, dementsprechend auch der Service und Unterhaltungs und Erholungswert.
    Btw, laut der letzten Statistik starben 50 Menschen am Tag bei Verkehrsunfaelle im Land seit 1.Dezember 2006.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldo,

    wenn die mal gemerkt haben werden, was alles putt is, wird's zu spät sein. Ist intensiv zu befürchten.

    Hatte den Traum 'Gardenroute' einmal erleben können, vor Jahren. Werde für den Rest meines Lebens davon träumen. Pansy shells, calamares wie man sie in ganz Europa nirgends bekommen kann. U.v.a.m. Eine Hälfte einer Riesenmuschel (tridacna gigas, 38 kg schwer, aus Muschel-Shop im Kap) im Handgepäck im Flugzeug nach Hause transportiert. Geht heute auch nicht mehr 8) . Nur der Whisky war mittelprächtig, das war zu verschmerzen :D

    Wie ist das mit den Ohren? Du weisst schon..............


  • Hi Lucky

    Das mit den Ohren kapiere ich nicht, never mind !
    Hier soll noch einmal jemand sagen das die Schwarzen niemals eine Erziehung und Ausbildung geniessen konnten.
    Jetzt haben sie die seit 1994 und was kommt raus ?:

    South Africa: 0% pass rate 'unacceptable

    '2006-12-29 22:25

    It is unacceptable that 139 schools nationwide still have a matric pass rate of between 0% en 20% said Duncan Hindle, director general of education.

    He said a proper investigation had to be launched to help such schools break free of the cycle.

    The number of schools with a pass rate of between 0% en 20% decreased from last year's 148 to this year's 139.
    But the department was concerned about the 140 schools that had weaker performances compared to last year.

    Education Minister Naledi Pandor said intervention could work at schools.

    Of the 114 schools that underachieved last year, 99% had improved their pass rate. About 480 schools had a pass rate of 100%

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ...wie der Haase in der Wiese. Ist eine Redensart, Durchhaltewillen wünschend. Man kann auch noch anderes steif halten ;) (z.B. den Hemdenkragen).

    Durchaus ein Neujahrswunsch für dich, Eldo (bald ist Februar).


  • Sci-Tech

    UFO crashes in SA

    2007-1-2 23:13

    Pretoria - A UFO was sighted at Lephalale, where it was described as a strange object "on an orange cloud, singing like a million turbines" - hitting the earth with a bang at 04:33 on Saturday.

    That's according to Leonie Ras, the administrative manager of Lephalale (Ellisras) who witnessed the spectacle at her daughter's farm just east of the town on Saturday morning.

    "I was lying on my bed reading SMS-messages when I heard a noise like an Airbus aircraft firing up its motors."

    "It was raining but there was no thunder or lightning. The noise grew louder and eventually it sounded like a million turbines screaming in unison," Ras said.

    She walked to the bedroom window and saw the clouds taking on a bright orange-red colour.

    "Suddenly, a bright object plunged from the clouds to the earth, at a terrible speed, and hit the ground with an almighty bang."

    "It looked like Haley's comet, round in the front and with an orange-red tail following behind."

    When the UFO hit the ground the low-lying clouds went orange.

    "It was so exceptional that I started crying. I wished my children and grandchildren could have seen it. I had not been drinking and I was in full control of my faculties," she said.

    She calculated that the object must have hit the ground near Beauty, between the Tambotie and Palele rivers.

    Cobus Nel, her son-in-law, who was also in the house, woke up from the commotion.

    "I woke up to a terrible rumbling, followed by a sound like an explosion. I woke my wife up, so that she could also listen, because the rumbling lasted more than a minute, becoming louder, then we heard the bang," Nel said.

    Lephlale's fire service, police and disaster control centres seemed to have slept through the commotion.

    "I want someone to go and have a look. The farms here are big, and it could have fallen somewhere, where the farmer doesn't even know about it," Ras said.


  • 'SA doubly dangerous for kids

    '2007-1-3 10:36

    Cape Town

    It's official - South Africa is a dangerous place for children.

    Children here have double the chance of dying an unnatural death compared with kids elsewhere in the world.

    And, nearly 8 000 a year are treated for trauma at Red Cross Children's hospital in Cape Town.

    These shocking statistics have come to light in a study by Professor Sebastian van As, head of the Children Accident Prevention Foundation South Africa (Capfsa) and also head of the trauma unit of Red Cross Hospital.

    Van As is a world authority on paediatric surgery and child-trauma cases.

    He and co-author Sudishni Naidoo examine the underlying causes in their recent publication, Paediatric Trauma & Child Abuse

    Unnatural causes kill 1 238

    Their book reveals that at least 1 128 children were murdered between April 1 2004 and March 31 2005. 22 486 were raped.

    In 2003, 1 238 children died of unnatural causes.

    The biggest cause of unnatural deaths among children is motor vehicle accidents, says Van As.

    Statistics show that in 28% of unnatural deaths in 2003, the victims were pedestrians and in 8% they were passengers in vehicles.

    Hospital and Capfsa records show the ages of the nearly 8 000 children admitted to the Red Cross Children's Hospital each year for trauma treatment, vary from less than a year to 14.

    More than 1 000 of the injuries to children under 14 each year relate to vehicle accidents.

    About 500 children a year are treated for burns and 200 are admitted for child abuse or sexual assault.

    Accidents in the home also claim a large number. About 2 000 a year are treated for falls: off beds, down stairs and in playgrounds.

    Doctors also treat 800 cases of choking and asphyxiation a year.

    Burn wounds and dog bites usually happen near home, and this is where most of the choking cases happen as well.

    Van As says the home is regarded as the most-dangerous place for childhood accidents.

    In 2003, 14% of children who died unnatural deaths drowned, and 13% because of burns.

    The Red Cross hospital treats more than 500 cases of accidental consumption of medication (such as antibiotics and heart pills that are prescribed for other family members) as well as household cleansing agents, rat and other poisons.

    Van As said many trauma-related cases involving children were linked to social and economic circumstances.

    Altogether, 73% of the children from the Khayelitsha area who were admitted to the Red Cross for treatment, had been hit by cars.

    Parents warned

    "Children play in the street rather than in playgrounds, and there is insufficient supervision over them.

    "The chances of a child from Cape Town having to go to hospital for treatment of violent injuries, is 25 times as high as that of a child in Birmingham, England."

    He said children under eight years often did not have the capacity to identify situations that could present danger.

    "Parents should be more alert and take more responsibility for the actions of their children," he said.

    Die Burger

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