Das neue Südafrika

  • South Africa Crime fight 'became too much

    '2007-1-4 08:32

    Port Elizabeth - "Abe was one of those people who fought the good fight against crime and wickedness in the world, day by day."

    "We are at the funeral of a man who knew God, but for whom it all just became too much."

    With those stirring words, Pastor Bas Peters led the funeral service for magistrate Abe Marais, 61, whose suicide last week sent shock waves through the legal circles of the Eastern Cape.

    Marais left a suicide note on his desk before he shot himself in the head at the magistrate's court in Port Elizabeth.

    Wore their court gowns

    The funeral service at the NG church in Walmer Boulevard in Port Elizabeth was attended by family, friends, fellow magistrates, state prosecutors and lawyers.

    The legal fraternity wore their gowns as a mark of respect for their departed colleague.

    Peters chose a verse from the bible quoting the prophet Elijah, who also became weary and dejected.

    He said many people would be able to identify with Elijah, who had reached a point of no return.

    "I want to appeal to all people to be sensitive and to listen, because there may be someone who needs you."

    "In Abe's case, no one saw that something was wrong."

    Peters said the workers of the justice department were like Elijah, who fought against the forces of evil.

    Peters said: "To be confronted every day by evil, such as the photos we see in our files, could break anyone."

    "You must examine yourself daily, and if things become too much, move closer to the Lord before you do what Abe did,".

    Drawing of crying girl

    Marais's wife, Alida, his children and grandchildren all wrote letters that were published in the funeral service leaflet.

    One was from Nadine McCarthy who thanked her grandfather for teaching her to "swim like a mermaid".

    She added a drawing of a crying girl, with the message that she would always love him.

    Die Burger

  • Gang-rapists carried on braaing

    2007-1-4 10:32

    Durban - During a three-hour gang-rape ordeal at a South Coast holiday house at the New Year weekend, three attackers carried on with the victims' braai, cooking and helping themselves to beers.

    According to sources, the attackers also allegedly forced their victims to eat meat from the braai.

    Police said a man was taken in for questioning on Wednesday about the gang rape of three young women in Pennington on Saturday night, but no arrests had been made.

    Superintendent Anton Booysen of the South Coast serious and violent crimes unit said late on Wednesday that reports of arrests were untrue.

    Were having a braai (BBQ)

    Instead, the investigating team comprising various units spent the whole of Wednesday scouring the crime scene.

    He said dogs were used to search the holiday cottage for evidence and forensic experts had also been called in.

    The three victims - aged 18, 19 and 20 - were part of a group of five young people spending the New Year weekend in Pennington.

    They were braaing on the verandah of a holiday cottage in a residential complex on Saturday night when they were allegedly confronted by three men armed with guns and a knife.

    All were tied up and forced back into the house. The young men were pushed on to the floor and the young women repeatedly raped.

    All the while, the attackers continued to braai meat and eat and drink.

    Just 1½ hours later, a couple from Gauteng were accosted while cleaning the kitchen of their holiday home in the same complex.

    The wife was indecently assaulted. Booysen said the police team was looking into possible links between the two cases.

    He said the modus operandi was the same as well as key elements of the descriptions provided by victims.

    Too much coincidence

    It is believed that some clothing taken during the first robbery may have been worn during the second.

    "There is too much coincidence. I would be very surprised if they were not linked in some way," he said.

    Hechter said police were investigating links to burglaries in the area in the past couple of months.

    The Witness

  • Eine Bekannte von mir sagte mir das ihr Grossvater nachdem er eine Weihnachtsfeier bezahlte fuer seine Arbeiter auf der Farm hinterher zu Tode gepruegelt worden ist von einen Arbeiter der Jahre fuer ihm gearbeitet hat.

    Ein Nachbar der aber in Johannesburg die meiste Zeit lebt berichtet das er ueberfallen und angestochen worden ist vom Sohn seiner Maid die 16 Jahre fuer ihn gearbeitet hat bei einem Einbruch.
    Er geht wieder zurueck nach Italien nach 35 Jahre im Land , er hat die Nase voll von den Bastards hier. X(

  • R350 000 robbery: Pastor held :D

    2007-1-4 14:21

    Kwaggafontein - A pastor and a bottle-store manager appeared in court on Thursday in connection with a R350 000 armed robbery at a liquor outlet in Kwaggafontein, Mpumalanga.

    Solomon Tshukudu, 45, manager of the Rebel bottle store, his assistant, Cedric Ntoane, 32, a local pastor, Hendrick Mahlangu, 48, and Sonnyboy Nkoana, 32, were not asked to plead during their brief appearance in Makobole magistrate's court.

    They were released on bail of R3 000 each and are due to appear again on January 30.

    Captain Frank Maloka of Highveld police said Tshukudu contacted the police on Tuesday morning, saying the bottle store had been robbed.

    The manager claimed that six armed men accosted him and his assistant as they walked out the back entrance shortly before the store was due to open.

    Had to move safe with forklift

    According to Maloka, Tshukudu claimed the robbers had forced them back inside the store and ordered him to open the built-in safe and use a forklift to remove it with the money still inside.

    He and his assistant were then locked in a storeroom and the robbers escaped with about R350 000 in cash.

    Police later arrested the four suspects, and the safe and an undisclosed amount of cash were handed to the local police station commissioner.

    African Eye

  • SAA bosses in sex pest shock

    2007-1-7 09:11

    Johannesburg - Two South African Airways (SAA) managers and one former manager have been implicated on various charges including attempted rapeand sexual harassment for allegedly imposing themselves on subordinates, City Press reported on Sunday.

    The incidents allegedly took place in boardrooms, offices, car parks and hotels where team-building sessions were being held, the report read.

    SAA spokeswoman Jacqui O'Sullivan confirmed the three cases.

    Eric Kumkani, recently suspended as acting general manager of human resources, allegedly forcibly undressed a woman, threw her on a boardroom table at OR Tambo Airport and attempted sex.

    A police officer confirmed that a case of attempted rape was being investigated by police at the airport, the paper said.

    A case of sexual harassment was opened against Moagi Molebatsi who resigned as SAA general manager of marketing before a disciplinary hearing was heard.

    The woman involved has reportedly instructed her attorneys to sue SAA, the article said.

    In the third incident Alfred Mahlangu, general manager of flight operations, allegedly forcibly kissed and imposed himself on a cabin crew relationship manager.

    A disciplinary hearing will be held on Monday, City Press reported.

    In reporting on the case, the Sunday Times quoted the woman saying Mahlangu had made unwelcome advances for nine months and had forced his way into her room at a team-building weekend. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldo,

    Also ähnliches kommt in den besten Familien vor, unabhängig von der Hautfarbe...

    Eine meiner Freundinnen aus der Studentenzeit war von einem katholischen Prister vergewaltigt worden, in einem kleinen hübschen Bauerndörfchen mit etwas Industrie, nicht weit weg von Zürich. Der wurde danch einfach vom Bischof in eine andere Pfarre bugsiert....Man nimmt aber auch keinen jungen Priester nach der Abendandacht zum Kaffee ins Junggesellinnenzimmer :D . Dass sie zu zweit waren (die Freundinnen und die Priester) hat sie wohl in falscher Sicherheit gewiegt :rolleyes:

    In den Institutionen, in welchen ich unter Apartheid-Regime gearbeitet hatte, wurden junge, hübsche, schwarze Frauen von weissen Vorgesetzten im privaten small-talk als 'cunt-meat' bezeichnet. 8o X( Hatte mir meine damalige Frau, die solche Institutionen viel besser und länger kannte als ich, gesagt.

    PS für nicht eingeweihte Deutschsprachige: 'affirmative action' heisst die staatlich verordnete Öffnung der Firmen und Instutionen in RSA gegenüber allen Rassen. 'cunt meat' : meat heisst Fleisch, cunt grober Ausdruck für weiblichen Körperteil 15 cm unterhalb des Bauchnabels.


  • Lucky, Affirmative ist hier was anderes, die Firmen muessen erst Schwarze beschaeftigen, es sei denn man findet keinen. :D
    Erst dann erst nimmt man einen Weissen, so siehts aus.
    Minimum 70% der Beschaeftigten muessen Schwarz sein soweit ich gehoert habe.
    Die Weissen die mit der Ausbildung/Schule fertig sind stehen ganz hinten an, so hat sich das Rad gedreht.



  • Man killed for R40

    2007-1-8 14:03

    Johannesburg - Two robbers shot dead a cafe owner and fled with R40 at the Mbeding Village in Motetema next to Groblersdal, Limpopo police said on Monday.

    Captain Maphaswa Seabi said the two men stormed into the Lehutjo Cafe and robbed and shot the owner around 22:00 on Sunday.

    The owner died at the scene from a gun wound to the stomach and the robbers fled with the money.

    Police were investigating.


    'Surge in contract killings'


  • Robbers kill 14 dogs

    2007-1-9 23:15


    Three armed robbers are thought to have poisoned 14 dogs and two cats in one street early on Tuesday, to make it easier for them to break into the homes of their owners.

    Residents in the street in East Lynne watched aghast as their pets died of poison.

    Diale Ratsela, an inspector of the Tshwane SPCA, said there was chaos when pet owners in Heuningvoël Street discovered their dead and dying pets.

    Neighbours warned each other after one homeowner saw a robber in his garden mixing poison into some polony, to give to his dogs.

    When Gregory McGiddy heard his dogs bark and went to investigate immediately, he saw three men sitting under a tree.

    "I first hit the panic button, then chased them down the street with an axe."

    The men already had poisoned animals at houses across the road, on either side of his home and further down the street.

    Caught red-handed

    McGiddy then woke his neighbours, who discovered their poisoned dogs and cats.

    An upset Hans Scheepers said: "I swear, if I catch those bliksems, that'll be the end of them."

    He was quite sure the robbers meant to hit East Lynne, because there had been an armed robbery and a hijacking a few blocks away.

    Ratsela was called, along with metro police and a security company, when the three suspected burglars were caught red-handed with the polony.

    The SPCA said on Tuesday that the poison could have been aldicarb, which is known by farmers as two-step.

  • Our climate

    It is time to get out the sunblock, wherever you live in South Africa. Our country is getting warm as toast. East-coasters would be wise to build their houses far from rivers and flood plains, while those in the west will have to cut down on water use.

    According to Leonie Joubert, author of Scorched: South Africa’s Changing Climate, summer temperatures are due to rise between 0,5 and four degrees Celsius in the next few decades.

    She also predicts that droughts will intensify in the west, while floods will increase in the east. The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism’s national climate-change response strategy report also warns that floods might increase.

    A Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) report, released last year, on how climate change is affecting Durban, predicted that the city’s maximum temperature will rise by three degrees Celsius and minimum temperatures by four degrees by 2070.

    Durban will also experience longer periods without rain followed by short periods of intense showers, which means more floods. In the Western Cape there will be less winter rainfall and more summer rainfall, with a drying trend from east to west, according to a study by the South African Biodiversity Institute. The mercury here will also be climbing steadily.

    Water resources

    Water is becoming scarcer. Much of the country is arid or semi-arid and is constantly subjected to droughts and floods, which will only worsen.

    South Africa’s weather service says it is a known fact that higher temperatures will influence rainfall. “It could increase in some parts of the country, and decrease in other parts,” the service says.

    Our water supplies are largely stored in dams and interbasin water transfer schemes. “South Africa’s rainfall is already highly variable in spatial distribution and unpredictable, both within and between years,” the environmental department says in its climate change report, adding that a reduction in the amount or reliability of rainfall, or an increase in evaporation will worsen the lack of surface and ground water resources.

    Desertification, which is already a problem in South Africa, will be further exacerbated by climate change, scientists warn.


    South Africa has about 10% of all of the world’s plant species, of which about half are endemic. But, warns climate change expert Harold Winkler from the University of Cape Town, the viability of key ecosystems is put at risk by a temperature change of only one to two degrees Celsius.

    Conservationists are particularly concerned about the Cape floral kingdom, which is at risk because of increasing temperatures and a change in the rainfall pattern. The South African Biodiversity Institute study says in a worst-case scenario up to 30% of the region’s floral treasure might be lost.


    Your grandchildren are likely to battle malaria, even if they live in Johannesburg. In the government’s projected climate-change scenarios, malaria is expected to flourish. A rise in temperature, even if it is small, will allow malaria to spread into cooler parts of the country.

    Skin cancer is another major concern as is the expected increase in water-borne diseases as a result of floods.


    Just less than three-quarters of total grain production in South Africa consists of maize. In a hotter, drier climate, maize production will decrease by up to 20%, mostly in the drier western regions. But changing rainfall and climate patterns might also sound a death knell for speciality crops such as apples and wine, which are grown in environmentally favourable areas such the Western Cape.

    Grazing will come under pressure as the country becomes more arid, especially where overgrazing is already taking place. Even though higher carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere will make grass grow faster, it will contain less protein. As the number of trees increases as a result of a higher concentration of carbon dioxide, they will start to move into grassland areas. The department predicts that fire outbreaks will increase significantly.

    Coastal zones

    Think twice about building your dream house on the coast. Your children might inherit nothing more than a watery ruin. Scientists have warned, in several reports, that continued global warming will lead to a 7m rise in sea level in the next 1 000 years. South Africa’s coastline is relatively steep, but coastal cities such as Durban have already started to plan ahead.

    The CSIR report on Durban’s changing climate predicts that the sea level will rise by an average of 4,5cm every 10 years, suggesting that it will have risen by almost half a metre by 2100.

    A climate-change assessment report for the Western Cape, tabled before the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, warned that the greater Cape Town metropole, the Southern Cape, Port Elizabeth, the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast and Durban might also be vulnerable.


    South Africa’s fisheries are swimming into murky water. Already variation in ocean currents has caused major changes in several fish resources. The department of environmental affairs says the predicted rise in sea surface temperature will result in the migration of species residing along the coast.

    Changes in sea temperatures could also lead to alterations in near-shore currents, which would have a significant impact on rocky shore ecosystems. Studies have indicated that there would be an increase in the occurrences of the harmful “red tide” events on the west coast which cause mass mortalities among marine life and other animals.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    - dann kläffen sie nicht unnötig
    - beissen keine Jogger oder Radfahrer in die Waden
    - fressen nichts, das nicht aus der Hand des Meisters/der Meisterin kommt

    Hier im lieblichen Schweizerländle wurden zwei meiner Katzen vergiftet (eine hat überlebt, nachdem ich verbreitet hatte, ich würde Strafanzeige gegen unbekannt erheben) - weshalb wohl?? - weil sie in Nachbars Garten schissen und Salatköpfe exhumierten.

    Hat eine lange Tradition in gewissen Gegenden hier, Haustiere zu vergiften. Hier, in einer Kleinstadt wurden vor wenigen Jahren während einem Fussballländerspiel am hellichten Tag in mehrere EFH eingebrochen. Die Polizei fand ein paar Täter (ich verschweige deren Nationalität, biedere Schweizer waren aber auch dabei), in deren Besitz eine genaue Karte der EFH-Quartiere mit genauen Eintragungen, wo ein Hund und wo kein Hund. Vor zwei Jahren wurde vor Weihnachten in meine Geschäftsräume eingebrochen, Täter nie gefunden. In der gleichen Nacht wurden noch 14 weitere Geschäftsräume aufgebrochen, Täter auch nie gefunden. Ein Augenoptiker am Ort ist nicht mehr versicherbar, weil sein Geschäft zweimal komplett ausgeräumt worden war in der Nacht. Vor anderthalb Jahren geschah hier in dem lieblichen kleinen Kaff in den Schweizer Bergen auch ein Rammbock-Überfall auf ein Bankgeschäft: Täter rissen danach den freistehenden Bankomat aus dem Vorraum vor dem Schalter mit Stahlseil aus der Verankerung und transportierten den ab.

    Werd' nicht paranoid, Eldo!

    Im Tibet ist es seit Jahrhunderten akzeptiert, dass demjenigen recht geschieht, dem sein Eigentum gestohlen wird, wenn er es nicht genügend sichert und verteidigt.

    Und was Poly - Ticker hier in Europa alles dem Volk stehlen, dass geht auf keine Kuhhaut.

    Du solltest vielleicht mit einer Zeitmaschine ins Nepal des frühen letzten Jahrhunderts auswandern, wo man seine Koffer in Kathmandu in der Kneipe in eine Ecke stellen konnte und drei monate in den Himalaya wandern gehen, und bei der Rückkehr den Koffer samt Inhalt wieder vorfand. :D

    Die Zeiten ändern sich, und wir uns in ihnen.


  • Hi Lucky

    Paranoid :D...bestimmt nicht.

    Die Leute die anderen ihre Haustiere vergiften soll man auch ein wenig Gift einverleiben so dass sie Schmerzen fuer Wochen haben, schon ist das Problem geloest. Diese feigen Schweine verdienen nichts besseres.
    Der Durchreiseverkehr in die Schweiz kann auch Probleme machen fuer manchen Hausbesitzer oder Bank.
    Mich wundert es das nicht mehr passiert da man fast keine Polizei dort sieht.
    Ruckzuck ist man wieder raus aus der Schweiz,der Kofferaum voll mit Umzugsgut. :D
    Die offenen Grenzen haben auch ihre Vor und Nachteile.

    Well, im Vergleich zu RSA kann die Schweiz aber nicht mithalten.
    Koennen wir nicht die Gangster und Kriminaltaet im Land austauschen. :D
    Loesung ? : Arabische Gesetze und schon ist die Hand abgehackt bei Diebstahl. Oder ab in den Steinbruch fuer ein Jahr anstatt ins Gefaengnishotel. Bei Auslaender sofort ein ewiges Einreiseverbot und sofortige Abschiebung am selben Tag anstatt zu bezahlen wenn sie ihre Haftstrafe bequem absitzen.
    Dann kann ich auch meinen Koffer irgendwo in der Schweiz stehen lassen und brauche nicht nach Nepal fliegen.
    Wenn die Nachbarn ein wenig aufpassen und zusammenhalten was sie zum Grossteil nicht machen passiert auch weniger.
    Den meisten ist es Wurst ob beim Nachbarn eingebrochen wurde, Hauptsache man hat selber keinen.
    In manchen Townships hier werden Einbrecher/Verbrecher vom Mob gelyncht und keiner hat was gesehen.
    Dort braucht man keine Polizei, die Leute erledigen das selbst.

    Abschreckung und ein hartes Strafmass ist die beste Loesung. IMO
    Mit den ""liberalen"" Strafen schreckt man aber keinen ab, die Gangster lachen sich eines in Europa und RSA.

    Deinen Koffer kannst du in einen Muslim Land auch ruhig abstellen.
    Einmal war ich in Kairo da ging der Goldhaendler in die Moschee.Der legte ueber seinen Tisch voll mit Gold nur ein Tuch und ging weg.
    Wehe dem der unter das Tuch greift und sich was nimmt.
    Bei der Abreise sah ich einen der hatte beide Arme bis zum Ellbogen weg und beide Beine bis zum Knie. Erst dachte ich es ist ein Hund der neben dem Auto sich bewegte. Der muss einiges angestellt haben so wie der aussah.

    Ueber solche Strafen regen sich die Amis/Welt aber nicht auf, schon seltsam :rolleyes:
    In einigen Bundesstaaten haben sie die Todesstrafe und wo anders in der Welt sind sie dagegen.

    Ihre Oil Freunde in Arabien duerfen aber alles machen, da haelt man den Mund.

    Hoert sich alles hart und brutal an aber mit einem weichen Strafmass wird keiner abgeschreckt.



  • "Die Spanne zwischen armer und reicher Bevölkerung ist nach wie vor groß. Während die reichen Einwohner des Landes, zunehmend auch Schwarze, in abgeschlossenen Wohnsiedlungen leben, die oft von Zäunen und Sicherheitspersonal umgeben sind, wohnt die Mehrzahl der Armen, hauptsächlich schwarze Bürger, weiter in den sogenannten Townships. Aids ist trotz der Bemühungen seitens der Regierung weiterhin ein Hauptproblem. Ein weiteres großes Problem ist die enorm hohe Kriminalitätsrate, die Brutalität der Verbrechen und die Erfolglosigkeit von Polizei und Justiz.

    Weiß, gebildet, aber chancenlos. Viele Anwälte, Ingenieure, Lehrer, Ärzte und Programmierer wollen deshalb gehen. Auch weil sie um Studienplätze für ihre Kinder fürchten. Für die potentiellen Auswanderer gibt es eine immer größere Zahl an Beratungsseminaren. Die beliebtesten Zielländer sind Australien und Neuseeland. Klima, Sprache und Landschaft sind Südafrika noch am nächsten. Wie das Südafrikanische Institut für Rassenbeziehungen in Johannesburg ermittelte, haben seit 1995 fast eine Million weiße Südafrikaner und damit etwa ein Fünftel dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe das Land verlassen."


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Da gingen die Klügsten, oft unter einem harmlosen Vorwand, wie Auslandjahr an einer britischen oder kanadischen Uni oder Einladung für eine Gastprofessur in die USA. Die meisten liessen dann Familie oder Freundin nachkommen und kehrten nicht zurück. Man konnte auch noch recht Kohle mitnehmen und der Rand war zwei Franken vierzig Rappen wert!!!! Heute ein paar Rappen.

    Man möchte jammern, aber das hilft nix.

    Eldo, schau mal auf der Landkarte, was südlich von Kärnten liegt 8)


  • @Lucky....die Karawanken :D

    Die Slovenen oder Italiener jucken Joerg Haider nicht, der haut die gleich ueber die Grenze wenn sie was anstellen.
    Maria Elend und Judendorf gibt es auch dort. :D
    Btw, Slovenien ist schoen gruen mir viel Waldgebieten.
    Die Frauen schaun auch gut aus... :D



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldo,

    erfuhr vor kurzem, dass man in der Schweiz wahrscheinlich einen Schlafzimmer-Einbrecher töten könnte und straflos oder mit minimalsten Sanktionen davonkäme, solange nur der Einschuss von vorne ist und nicht von hinten. Die Gerichtsmediziner können einwandfrei zwischen Einschuss- und Ausschusswunde unterscheiden.
    Vorgekommen ist es in einer Serie von Schlafzimmer-Einbrüchen in CH noch nie,
    aber die Stimmungslage unter den Staatsanwälten (bei denen könnte ja auch mal ein ungebetener Gast im Schlafzimmer erscheinen, der dann nicht Filmaufnahmen machen möchte) ist so, dass sie im Falle eines Falles allergrösste Milde walten liessen.


  • Lucky, interessant was du schreibst, bei dem Einbrecher ging der Schuss seitlich in die Achsehoehle zum Herz wo er stecken blieb.

    South AfricaIFP: Crime will affect 2010 SWG

    Cape Town - The 2010 Soccer World Cup will be a "monumental flop" if South Africa (SA) does nothing to counter international perceptions that the country is a criminal haven, warned Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi on Friday.

    "SA, unfortunately, is perceived in many parts of the world as a criminal haven. A walk down London's Regent Street or Sydney's Oxford Street will, sadly, provide ample anecdotal evidence to support this perception," he said.

    Once a perception was cast, it could prove almost impossible to shift.

    The 2010 World Cup was expected to attract about 450 000 visitors to SA.

    "But if prospective international visitors judge our country not safe enough to travel to, the event could turn out to be a monumental flop, and any economic gains hoped for will vanish into thin air."

    'Justice system on the verge of collapse'

    Buthelezi said it was totally unacceptable that tens of thousands of rapists, murderers, paedophiles, vehicle hijackers, drug dealers and thieves, as well as national and international criminal syndicates, "strike every hour and everyday in SA - usually with impunity".

    The country's criminal justice system was on the verge of collapse.

    "The government's inability to identify, combat, isolate and successfully prosecute and incarcerate criminals is a national disgrace."

    However, the reason for this was not because government was soft on crime, despite perceptions to that effect.

    "The problem is... that in many ways the country's state is weak and ineffective. The fight against crime is another reason why we must win the political argument that the decentralised state is more effective than the unitary state in delivering essential services.

    "Policing in the country, for example, remains highly centralised, while countries such as the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Germany, have a multiplicity of policing agencies at the national, state and local levels.

    'Policing must be decentralised'

    "The recent appalling crime statistics illustrate that the highly centralised system of policing much favoured by the ANC alliance is an abject failure.

    "Policing must be decentralised as a matter of urgency with a new and competent leadership," he said.

    Buthelezi noted it would be necessary to identify and remove "unhealthy, unfit, semi-literate police officers untrained in detective work and forensics" from the SA Police Service (SAPS).

    He said crime was sometimes "glamorised" in the country's townships.

    "This culture must be condemned and citizens must accept the truth of the saying that 'he who profits from crime, commits it'. The purchase of stolen goods, for instance, must be seen for what it is: a crime."

    Buthelezi also called for tax rebates for the many South Africans who had been forced to pay private security firms to safeguard their homes and families.


  • Lucky, interessant was du schreibst, bei dem Einbrecher ging der Schuss seitlich in die Achsehoehle zum Herz wo er stecken blieb.

    South AfricaI FP : Crime will affect 2010 SWG

    Cape Town - The 2010 Soccer World Cup will be a "monumental flop" if South Africa (SA) does nothing to counter international perceptions that the country is a criminal haven, warned Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi on Friday.

    "SA, unfortunately, is perceived in many parts of the world as a criminal haven. A walk down London's Regent Street or Sydney's Oxford Street will, sadly, provide ample anecdotal evidence to support this perception," he said.

    Once a perception was cast, it could prove almost impossible to shift.

    The 2010 World Cup was expected to attract about 450 000 visitors to SA.

    "But if prospective international visitors judge our country not safe enough to travel to, the event could turn out to be a monumental flop, and any economic gains hoped for will vanish into thin air."

    'Justice system on the verge of collapse'

    Buthelezi said it was totally unacceptable that tens of thousands of rapists, murderers, paedophiles, vehicle hijackers, drug dealers and thieves, as well as national and international criminal syndicates, "strike every hour and everyday in SA - usually with impunity".

    The country's criminal justice system was on the verge of collapse.

    "The government's inability to identify, combat, isolate and successfully prosecute and incarcerate criminals is a national disgrace."

    However, the reason for this was not because government was soft on crime, despite perceptions to that effect.

    "The problem is... that in many ways the country's state is weak and ineffective. The fight against crime is another reason why we must win the political argument that the decentralised state is more effective than the unitary state in delivering essential services.

    "Policing in the country, for example, remains highly centralised, while countries such as the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Germany, have a multiplicity of policing agencies at the national, state and local levels.

    'Policing must be decentralised'

    "The recent appalling crime statistics illustrate that the highly centralised system of policing much favoured by the ANC alliance is an abject failure.

    "Policing must be decentralised as a matter of urgency with a new and competent leadership," he said.

    Buthelezi noted it would be necessary to identify and remove "unhealthy, unfit, semi-literate police officers untrained in detective work and forensics" from the SA Police Service (SAPS).

    He said crime was sometimes "glamorised" in the country's townships.

    "This culture must be condemned and citizens must accept the truth of the saying that 'he who profits from crime, commits it'. The purchase of stolen goods, for instance, must be seen for what it is: a crime."

    Buthelezi also called for tax rebates for the many South Africans who had been forced to pay private security firms to safeguard their homes and families.


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