Juniors aus Kanada

  • Jürgen, eldo,
    bei CZN ist es dasselbe wie bei SRLM. die sind beide raketenartig gestiegen im Jahre 03.
    Schaut euch den 2-jahreschart an.

    IMA: da muss ich auch noch mal zulangen, aber wann.
    Möglich, dass ich erst gute meldungen abwarte und gleich mal was liegen lasse.

    was ist denn eigentlich mit MYNG.OB los.
    Außer dass die Schulden bis zum Hosenknopf haben?
    Bei der Brasil Finanzierung dürfte es ja auch Schwierigkeiten gegeben haben.
    Ich hab noch mein gesamtes paket. Hast du die noch?


  • @ tschonko

    Ein scheiss Adler ist GE, auch im keller.
    Vielleicht soll ich ihn fliegen lassen. :D
    Diese OB Leiche ! :D
    Schon gefroren mit -45 . X( X( in der truhe, aber nicht viel.
    Kann nur mehr eine erfolgsstory werden wie DRD, z.B.
    Sterling ist -33 eingefroren, all juniors on -16, seniors at +8 for red wine.

    But the temperatures will change, that's for sure !

    I don't like cold all the time !

    I like it hot !!! :D

    Well, .....

    Mmmm IMA :P,.... kak I'm out of ammu ! :(

    Cowboys ! :D



  • Nix Tiefgrube, nur Sandkasten,
    aber bis die mal die Mill in Südamerica haben.
    jetzt arbeiten sie eh schon auf Leasing. Da fehlt der Sand (Money!)

    Wie soll auch ein goldener adler fliegen?
    Viel zu schwer.
    Aber viel Kupfer haben die nicht oder? Nur Goldsand.


  • Tschonko

    Wenn ich mich nicht irre :D :D :D, dann habe ich irgendwo gelesen das sie nun auf viel kupfer sitzen, die geier !! :D
    Ja, im Urwald geht es zu, wie bei uns bald in der zukunft. :D
    Mbeki hat die wahl Mugabe's anerkannt,weil sie ja buddies sind. ;)
    Diese Saubeutel ! X(
    Ein bluehendes Land war mal Rhodesien, Futterkammer von Afrika.
    Nun eine tiefgrube mit Mugabe, der sagt Tony Blair talks rubbish and he can kiss his.....
    Denen moechte GB die schulden erlassen und gold verkaufen. :D
    read history :http://white-history.com/hwr56.htm
    Bloody British diese Roi Neks !
    Aber jetzt ist RSA wieder im club, hurrah !! :P

    ....So, jetzt gehe ich ins pub und hoer mir dort die news an. ;)


    XEX 8)

  • Tschonko

    Ich kann jetzt selber schmunzeln was traeume so angeht.
    Am 16 Januar, Martin Luther King Day, weisst schon, der typ mit I have a dream, wurde ich von Einbrechern uberfallen und ziemlich verletzt.
    Bin noch ein paar jahre beschaeftigt meine finger wieder zu rehabilitieren. Es war ein Alptraum und wake up call zugleich. :(

    Ok, its history, sagt mal welches trading signal wuerdet ihr nun fuer Sterling geben. Buy, hold,or sell ???

    Ich denke da immer an die schweizer philosophy, wenn du nicht weisst was du tun sollst, dann mach erstmal gar nichts ! :D

    Der markt diese woche wird nicht einfach werden und der Druck auf die Goldbulls wird sich wieder aufbauen. Diese Ungewissheit kann einen schon auf nerven gehen, da braucht jeder nerven wie drahtseile um im sattel zu bleiben.

    Lets see what the week has in store.

    Have a good one ! ;)


    XEX 8)

  • Silver Dragon Resources Inc. Signs Letter of Intent with Sino Silver
    April 4, 2005 - TORONTO, April 4, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Silver Dragon Resources Inc. (OTCBB:SDRG) today announced the signing of a Letter of Intent with Sino Silver Corp. ("Sino Silver") (OTCBB:SSLV) relating to the acquisition of 50% of Sino Silver's interest in the net proceeds from the sale of minerals or the sale of mining rights as a result of the exploration, evaluation and development of a property located in the Erbaohuo Silver District in Northern China. Sino Silver owns 60% of the equity in a Chinese company, Sino-Top Resources & Technology, Ltd., which holds the exploration and mining rights to several properties, including the one that is the subject of the Letter of Intent.

    The acquisition is subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, the delivery by Sino Silver of all geological and technical data related to the property, and the execution of a definitive agreement. The transaction requires a payment of US$350,000 over a two year period, US$150,000 of which is in escrow to be delivered to Sino Silver along with 250,000 shares of restricted common stock upon the signing of the agreement and another 250,000 shares to be delivered to Sino Silver one year later.

    "Silver Dragon's joint venture with Sino Silver is a major step in our intention to build a diversified, highly leveraged portfolio of silver mining interests in China. Sino Silver has strong relationships with key partners in China, and has secured mining interests in a historic silver district that we can now participate in. China's appetite for silver, combined with the potential for rising silver prices, make this an exciting opportunity for Silver Dragon and our shareholders. Our immediate objective is to finalize the acquisition and then focus on assisting Sino Silver's development plans for the property," said Marc Hazout, President and CEO.
    Silver Dragon is a mining and metal company focused on acquiring and developing a portfolio of silver properties in proven silver districts globally. Silver Dragon's objective is to acquire silver mining assets that contain promising exploration targets, have highly-leveraged, out-of-the-money silver deposits and former producing properties with significant untapped exploration potential.

    Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


    CONTACT: Silver Dragon Resources, Inc.

    Marc Hazout, President & CEO

    (416) 661-4989


  • News from MAG.V

    MAG Silver Joins Forces with Penoles at Juanicipio

    Joins Forces with Penoles at Juanicipio
    Eric Zaunscherb, CFA (604) 659-8234

    Stock Price $1.15
    Stock Rating OUTPERFORM 2
    6-12 Month Target $1.50
    Dividend Yield N/A
    Target Total Return 30%
    Market Capitalization (mln) $30

    4-Week MA Daily Volume 45,498
    NAV per Share $1.12
    Working Capital per Share $0.10
    Shares Outstanding (mln) 25.8
    Fully Diluted (mln) 29.3
    All figures in C$ unless otherwise noted.

    We are maintaining our OUTPERFORM rating and $1.50 target on MAG Silver. Yesterday, the company announced a joint venture with Industrias Penoles S.A. de C.V., the largest primary silver producer in the world, on MAG's Juanicipio property in Mexico. MAG's property is located adjacent to Penoles' Fresnillo Mine, one of the richest silver producing operations in the world. Penoles has been motivated to ink the joint venture with MAG due to its recent exploration successes near the east side of MAG's Juanicipio property where high-grade "Saucito" veins have been identified. Significant silver intersections by MAG on its Juanicipio property along the projection of the Saucito veins suggest MAG may have the extension of these veins. The joint venture's first order of business is to trace this mineralization. Penoles can earn a 56% interest in Juanicipio by conducting US$5 million in exploration on or before the end of the fourth year of the agreement. Penoles is obligated to spend US$750,000 conducting at least 3,000 metres of drilling in the first year. We believe this joint venture is a logical and mutually beneficial arrangement for the advancement of the property. A reduction in the attributable value of the Juanicipio property in our model decreases our NAVPS to $1.12 from $1.50. However, these factors -- (a) the added credibility of Penoles' direct involvement in exploration, and (b) the increased exploration potential due to Penoles' recent discovery of the Saucito veins -- adequately justifies an increase our P/NAV multiple. Using our new 1.3x P/NAV multiple, up from 1.0x, generates our target.


    Eric Zaunscherb, B.Sc. (Geology), CFA

  • Ulfur Thanks ;)

    Ich habe eine frage an euch, ich schleppe schon ewig ein paar esel von hommel hinterher deren performance im negativen bereich ist.


    Was denkt ihr ueber diese, einer soll the richest hill on earth sein aber ich merke bis jetzt noch nichts. Hommel hat sich in Samex damals gross eingekauft mit private placements.



  • @eldo,
    die haben was gemeinsam, sind am 52 Wochen Tief.

    SAMEX und NAMEX kenn ich nicht. (sind das Zwilling`?)

    OT Mining würd ich auf jeden Fall behalten.

    STEALTH sind gar nicht so übel, wollt ich auch mal.

    Zu OT gab´s neulich einen Aufsatz von Hommel.


    Das hab ich gefunden zu OT, aber nicht den Aufsatz:
    OTMN.PK (O.T. MINING) (I own shares)
    info@otmining.com Jim Hess Tel: 514-935-2445
    12.8 mil shares fully diluted (May 15, 2004)
    @ $4.74/share
    $61 mil MC
    The O.T. Mining Corp. Diamond Drilling Intersects Porphyry Copper Mineralization; New Claims Staked and Additional Patented Claims Acquired

    Excerpt: The mineralized zone occurs between 665 feet and 1916 feet below surface (which is the current bottom of the hole), for a mineralized intercept of approximately 1251 feet. Alteration intensity, chalcopyrite concentrations, and the width of quartz/sulfide veins and replacements increase with depth. The hole remained in copper mineralization and associated alteration to its final depth of 1916 feet, when it was halted due to restrictions on winter drilling required by the U.S. Forest Service. O.T. intends to re-enter and continue the hole as soon as possible in 2005 to determine the vertical extent of this mineralization.The O.T. technical team feels that these results are very significant geologically, and interprets the mineralized drill intersection to be representative of ``porphyry copper-type'' mineralization. Porphyry deposits commonly form large tonnage, bulk mineable zones containing copper, molybdenum and gold. The mineralization at nearby Butte, Montana (known as the ``Richest Hill On Earth'') is one such porphyry copper deposit.

    Historic silver production for the Butte district, from 1880 to 2000 was 714,643,005 oz. silver.
    They think their deposit may be bigger than "the richest hill on earth", which is located near their property, in the Butte district.
    The exploration potential for this company is astounding, if they are right.

    I'm anxiously awaiting lab results of the 1251-foot mineralization core sample.

    "The Ruby property encompasses the past-producing high-grade Ruby gold-silver deposit which produced an average of 2.44 ounces per ton gold and 38.66 ounces silver per ton. A 193 ton bulk sample of a high-grade base metal mineralized zone associated with the Ruby deposit returned 7.6% lead, 5.19% zinc and 1.31% copper per ton."

    "...This deposit is situated adjacent to the Ruby property and according to old reports contained 0.88-34.28 ounces per ton gold, 35-527 ounces per ton silver, 1.96-11.84% lead, and up to 5% copper."

    In the March/April 2005 Edition of "The Prospector", Mark Fedikow wrote the following about the Mobile Metal Ions Process that was used to help O.T. Mining determine where to drill:

    "The recognition of a high-contrast MMI soil geochemical signature of a porphyry Cu-Mo system beneath 202 meters of barren volcanic and intrusive rock demonstrates the potential MMI holds for exploration for bulk mineable porphyr-type mineralization."

    In other words, Mark seems to be saying that the success of O.T. Mining's drill hole proves that the Mobil Metal Ions process is successful!

    Interestingly enough for potential investors, the stock price for O.T. Mining has not yet seemed to recognize the success of their last drill hole that found copper porphyry mineralization to a depth of 584 meters, that grows richer at depth. The stock price still seems at the low end of the range between $4-$6/share.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tschonko

    Danke fuer die Nachricht, irgendwie sind zwei miteinander verbunden so wie ich mich errinnern kann. Ansich wenig Volumen,hatte oft geordert und selten bekommen. Sieht so aus dass nur wenige verkaufen wollen und darauf sitzen bis der huegel aufgerissen wird.

    OT Mining hat ca.18% Anteile bei Namex Exploration

    Samex: Explorer

    Eskapa: , Bolivia Au, Ag, Cu -Data comp., drill
    Los Zorros: , Chile Au, Ag, Cu -Data comp., drill
    Chile Generative: Au, Ag, Cu -prospect reviews & acquisitions
    Wara Wara: , Bolivia Zn, Pb, Ag, Cu -dormant
    El Desierto: , Bolivia Au, Cu -dormant
    Santa Isabel: , Bolivia Zn, Ag, Pb, Cu, Au -dormant
    Walter: , Bolivia Au, Ag, Zn, Cu, Bi -dormant
    Yaretani: , Bolivia Au -dormant


  • Eldo, das hab ich gemeint: Hab´s gefunden :D

    Interessanter wert, hoffentlich stimmt die Lage (sage nur MGN und Naturschutzgebiet)


    Last week, O.T. Mining (OTMN) announced drill results:

    Friday, March 4 OTMN.PK Assay Results from O.T. Mining Corporation's Porphyry Copper Drill Intercept, DDH NA04-6, Ruby Property Preliminary Assessment - PrimeZone Media Network

    Immediately, I did a calculation that revealed that the rock was about $5/ton rock, including only the copper, at the higher grades. So, I was very disappointed, but what do I know, as I'm not a geologist... Besides, I was headed to the PDAC on Mar 6-9, and so I decided to hold my questions until then.

    At the show, I met up with Jim Hess and 4 of the geologists who work on the MMI process. In all, I heard positive enthusiasm from 8 geologists, and positive second hand reports from 3 more. I questioned 3 geologists at the MMI booth, and before I introduced myself, I asked them pointed questions about the low grade, and why this should mean anything positive at all.

    There were several answers, and I'm not going to be good at reproducing the technical ones, but I'll do my best.
    First of all, it's a good hole, because O.T. hit the copper porphyry on the first try! It's like hitting a bull's eye. Some company exploration programs may take 50-150 drill holes until they find a copper porphyry system.

    Second, this particular copper porphyry system is huge, very huge, and also potentially very rich, due to the proximity to the "richest hill on earth" which produced in excess of 700 million ounces of silver--and silver was not the big money from the other deposit.

    So, I asked "how huge"? I didn't get an exact answer, but the geologists said that they might do the next step out drill to the side about 200-400 meters away.

    The other factor was that the mineralization was nearly continuous for such a very long intercept, 1250 feet, that isn't even finished, since it was richer, and open, at depth--and they will continue to finish the hole!

    Another factor was that the drill result matched the predicted model, in that they were looking for deep mineralization that was well under several hundred feet of overburdon--or non-mineralized rock and dirt on top.

    But I insisted, "If it's uneconomic, what's the point?" The answer is the most technical one. "You'd have to understand the geology of a copper porphyry system." Apparantly, the other key minerals, gold and silver, will "precipitate out" at different temperatures and in different places nearby, and now they know the general area where to look, and that it is now much safer to do more drilling in the area.

    This particular hole, apparantly, was not targeting the high grade gold or silver anyway, but instead, was looking for the copper porphyry, which they found. The MMI survey maps show no gold in the drill hole, but gold surrounding the area on two sides.

    Now, there are also reports by other geologists. They were commenting about how the majors were really, really interested in O.T. Mining now. So, I countered, "So what? The majors are always making mistakes. They hedged for years, and got caught going the wrong way against rising gold prices. And then they stopped exploring for a few years." The other geologists said, "Yes, but it was not the geologists making those decisions. And one thing the majors do have is money, and they can afford to hire the best and smartest geologists on the earth, and they know what this drill hole means, and they understand what a copper porphyry is."

    Apparantly, the geologists from the majors didn't even care about the low grades.

    Next were other reports from other geologists, who were giving advice to Jim Hess. They were saying "Don't sell to the majors yet! Wait, and drill some more, and wait for your stock price to rise first!" Cool!

    So, again, the skeptic in me asked a few of the geologists, "So, are you going to go out and buy O.T. Mining now?" Well, here, my question seemed to embarass them. Most simply were not investors, but apparantly, they spend most of their income. One said, "Well, I only own a little bit of 4 stocks." Problem is, life is hard. It's hard enough to earn, harder to save, and harder still to invest.

    My dad was in advertising during the early tech boom, working in silicon valley, and was offered stock options on so many projects, he figures he lost millions in missed opportunities over the years, so I know how easy it is to miss what seems obvious at the time, and take cash instead, when you have a life that requires cash needs...

    But here's what some of the geologists gushed enthusiastically...

    Now, when I was standing around trying to listen to their technical industry gargon talk back and forth among themselves, but being mostly confused, I learned that they were quite concerned with whether or not other geologists would recognize the success of their new process, given the O.T. Mining result. They felt a bit concerned that "the world typically refuses to recognize the new"--even after the hard evidence that proves the success, simply because of entrenched interests.

    So, after I introduced myself more formally as a key investor in O.T. Mining, then they asked me a bit more directly why I decided to finance their project! Again, these are process guys, mostly concerned with whether the world will recognize their process--which I must have done, since I funded it. I said that although I knew nothing about MMI, it sounded plausible, and I had faith in Jim Hess. I also liked the proximity to the richest hill on earth. I also liked all the other research that was done on pre-drilling exploration on this particular project for so many years. Finally, I also bought into the private placement to fund the drilling because the share price was particularly low at the time, at $1.25/share, U.S., around Dec.-Jan. 2004.

    After that, I heard statements such as, "You will be a very rich man." Also, "You just made the best investment of your entire life."

    There was not one single negative comment about the O.T. Mining drill result from any of the geologists that I spoke to.

    It's a crazy business. There's nothing quantifiable yet that I can measure against the market cap, and I like to quantify as much as I can in my silver report. O.T. Mining is my largest holding, and I'll be holding my stock--I have no choice, since my hold time extends for one more year. I have a few more warrants that expire in a few months that I plan to exercise at $2.50/share.

    For more information:
    info@otmining.com Jim Hess Tel: 514-935-2445

  • Press Release Source: Yukon Zinc Corporation

    Yukon Zinc Completes Mobilization For Wolverine Test Mining Program
    Tuesday April 5, 9:30 am ET

    VANCOUVER, April 5 /CNW/ - Yukon Zinc Corporation (TSX.V - YZC) is pleased to report that the mining equipment and most of supplies have been mobilized to the site of the proposed portal for the test mining program at Wolverine. The winter road is now being decommissioned. The portal face has been excavated and the preparation of the portal facilities and services is underway.
    The test mining program includes an exploration decline from surface to access the Wolverine deposit and test mining of the massive sulphide mineralization to confirm mining conditions and remove additional sample material for final metallurgical testwork.

    Planned lateral development will provide an underground platform for definition drilling of the deeper parts of the deposit. Definition drilling from surface of the upper part of the deposit is progressing with 25 fill-in holes completed. With completion of the definition drilling most of the resources will be converted into reserves. The new mining, metallurgy and reserve information will be used in the Wolverine bankable feasibility study planned for completion in late 2005.

    The test mining and definition drilling program is estimated to cost approximately $14 million and should be completed by December 2005. The decline and other underground workings form part of the proposed development required for production; therefore, reducing pre-development lead time and capital costs of the mine. Permitting and engineering work continues on schedule.

    Good progress has been made with several groups regarding project financing and concentrate sales. Preliminary discussions indicate that all concentrates are readily saleable with reasonable terms.

    Yukon Zinc Corporation is the successor to Expatriate Resources Ltd. and is focused on the development of the Wolverine deposit as the Yukon's next significant zinc-silver mine and the exploration of the Finlayson District as Canada's newest Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide District.


  • Barometerlesung bitte ! :rolleyes:


    Wenn man das N fuer Naturschutz wegnimmt dann koennten die ein MG Spitfire sein,der Governor von Montana begruesst das project aber was werden die Naturschutzaktivisten dagegen machen. ?(
    Sollte man voruebergehend erstmal sichern und spaeter wieder rein nach dem die sache irgendwie geregelt ist.?
    Dachte an haelfte weg und den rest bei +/- null, ebenso verkaufen.

    Eure meinung ???



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