Juniors aus Kanada

  • Das war mal nicht so übel bei den juniors heute.

    MMGG.OB wieder auf Kaufniveau, nur sollte das 52 Wochen Tief halten.

    Das war´s mehr oder minder, auch wenn Gold u. Silber fallen sollten.
    Da tut sich nicht mehr viel nach unten.

    Wenn ich mich nicht irre,

  • Petzi,
    Das mag schon sein,
    aber wir reden von verschiedenen sachen.
    Juniors u. Explorer, die haben mit dem Gold- und Silberpreis oft sehr wenig zu tun.

    Ich glaub, davon hast du wenig Ahnung.
    Wär auch nichts für dich. Dazu bist du zu flipsig.

    Schönes Wochenende wünscht dir

    PS.: Kommst in ein Dilemma, wenn der Peter wieder da ist???
    Was machst´ denn dann mit dir, petzi? :D

  • Minesite gibt einen Wochenbericht für London und Frankfurt raus.


    Nicht viel dabei. YGC Resources ist interessant.
    Was bei Corriente los ist, weiß ich nicht.
    Eaglecrest ist zur Zeit gepusht.


    Feature Story
    Date: May 02, 2005

    That Was The Week That Was …. In London And Frankfurt.

    Minews. Hello London Correspondent. Gather you are away for the holiday weekend after a somewhat miserable week.

    LC. The mood in London is grim after the value of the junior mining sector fell by more than 5 per cent over the course of the week. The major miners also fell sharply though ended up oversold and by the close had staged something of a recovery. The underlying cause would seem to be concerns that commodity prices may have topped as LME stocks of both copper and aluminium have started to rise, albeit slowly and, in the case of copper at least, from a very low level.

    On the other hand, the fundamental gap between supply and demand for most commodities is still very real and the outlook is for it to remain so for at least the next couple of years. However, that is not the message that the market is currently listening to.

    Minews. That is certainly what Rob Davies has been saying in his weekly Commodities column.

    LC .Unsurprisingly, given the state of the market, the recent flood of miners and explorers joining the AIM has now reduced to a trickle. The week saw just one new arrival, a cash shell named Coal International that has raised £20m to invest in coal assets in Russia and the USA. The stock had a reasonable debut considering the state of the market and by the close had gained 3 per cent to finish at 77.5p. The week to come should two new arrivals on AIM: Magnesium International and Eastern Mediterranean Resources.

    A few of the smaller stocks did manage to post some respectable gains, though for the great majority the selling pressure was relentless and buyers were clearly sitting back waiting for signs of a turn. There was not much in the way of newsflow and most of the larger moves seem to have been driven by the usual combination of rumour and speculation.

    Ovoca Resources managed to gain 32 per cent to end the week at 9.25p which presumably signals that some good news is expected as the company has not released an update since last month. Similarly, African Diamonds reversed its recent negative trend to close at 62.5p, a gain of 24 per cent. Most of African Diamonds’ run occurred on Friday which would suggest that an announcement may be expected next week. There are apparently rules that should prevent those with advance knowledge from trading the stocks in question, but clearly these have not worked in these cases (assuming of course that news is coming).

    Minews. How right you are. We are making a lists of companies where there are regular share movements ahead of announcements. Could surprise a few people.

    LC Anglesey Mining continued its run up after the previous week’s announcement that it had completed a fundraising and was to restart work on its Parys Mountain project. At one point the stock was trading above 7p but it then fell victim to day-traders taking profits and it closed at 5.75p, up a net 21 per cent.

    On the negative side, most of the worst performers were small cash shells which were hit hard as speculators stampeded for the door. The worst performer amongst those companies that actually profess to do something was Conroy Diamonds and Gold, which fell by 35 per cent to 2.75p as speculators bailed out - there was no new news to report.

    Tertiary Minerals had a bit of a rough week; it lost some 29 per cent of its value to end at 6p. The company announced that it was in the process of splitting off its diamond interests into a new company: Sunrise Diamonds. Some seed capital was raised for Sunrise though more will be needed before it floats on AIM.

    The suspension of Petra Diamonds was finally lifted after it published the necessary documentation relating to its merger with Crown Diamonds. At the same time it announced that it had raised £17m at 85p which was substantially below the price at which the stock was suspended. The company presumably took all of the money on offer as there was no demand left for the after-market and by the end of the week it had given up a further 7.5p to close at 77.5p, a net fall of 18 per ent from the
    price at suspension.

    Minews. Thanks LC. Now over to Germany, where the summer has arriving fast in the last few days. How was the week on the Frankfurt market, hopefully not only clouds were hanging over the market last week ?

    FC. No, there weren’t too many new stories getting the attention of the German mining community, but some of well known names here in Frankfurt moved up and down with quite huge volumes. The big winner was again as predicted last week the Canadian gold junior Eaglecrest Exploration mentioned by your Canadian correspondent. On the downside Bougainville Copper got a hard hit last week, after some investors took some gains off the table without any real bad news.

    Only a few small North American companies like Golden Eagle, Franklin Mining, Orvana Minerals, Apogee Minerals and the big american silver companies Coeur D’Alene and Apex Silver have worked in Bolivia over the years. Eaglecrest has performed better than all of them in recent weeks. The last news release hit the wires about a week ago, but it seems some Canadian and European investors are betting on further positive drilling results in the weeks ahead. The shares started trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange at 0.12 Euro and closed with a impressive gain of 50 per cent over the week at 0.18 Euro on Friday. Indications from Canada are that it could perform even better next week.

    Minews It’s interesting to hear this story from you, because here in London only a few people ever heard of this small Canadian company. Now tell us more about Bougainville as it seems to be a favourite of German investors.

    FC. Yes, most of the German buyers were following the recommendations of a small number of newsletters covering that sector, so they were hit hard when the shares dropped 24.6 per cent to 0.46 Euro during the week. Maybe a few of the speculators are trying to shake out some of the nervous or weak holders to buy more shares at a lower price. We will see next week, but the volume of shares traded last Friday alone was very high.

    Minenews : Any other stories or rumours out of Germany we should pay attention to ?

    FC. Yes, a short comment about the Canadian company Corriente, which hit a new 18 months low last week. The company tries to tell their investors to keep calm about the recent political situation in Ecuador, but the investors are getting out of the stock for the second week in a row. Not much fun for the management team as it recently got a very positive research comment from Wellington West’s analyst with a price target of C$5.00 only a short time ago.

    Minews. Are there any new arrivals on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange ?

    FC. Sorry, I have just forgot to report about them. The most important was the second largest uranium producer in Canada, Denison Mines. This dual listing will add some real good uranium exposure for the uranium bugs and with their new Uranium Participation stock coming to the market in the near term as a direct investment opportunity in the uranium yellow cake market we should take a closer look at them. The Canadian juniors North American Gold and YGC Resources will also have their trading debut on Tuesday.

  • Clifton und Silberkolloid: Kolloid gegen Malaria. Kolloid gewinnt.


    Press Release Source: Clifton Mining Company

    Utah Company Testifies Before Congress On Malaria
    Monday May 2, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, May 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Clifton Mining Company (Clifton)(OTC:CFTN - News) announces William D. Moeller Chairman of Clifton and President of American Biotech Labs (ABL) was invited to testify before the Congressional House International Relations Committee, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International operations. Mr. Moeller testified concerning the ability (according to three completed human studies) of ABL products to treat malaria to full recovery in an average of just 5 days. Clifton Mining is the largest individual shareholder in ABL a private biotech company.

    Malaria Major Killer of Children and Pregnant Woman


    Malaria is reportedly the second leading cause of death by infection on the earth. Estimates are that there were as much as 500 million new cases of Malaria last year. The original drug treatments for malaria have ceased to work because of resistance. New drugs have been developed from the sweet wormwood plant, but can not be made in large enough quantities to fill the need. It is expected that only 30 million doses of the new drug will be available this year. An April 22 article on the Shortfall in Malaria Drugs reported on Reuters, stated, "Some 30 million people will not get treatment and this will certainly lead to thousands of deaths". Malaria in Africa kills thousands of people daily, mostly children and pregnant woman. For this reason Mr. Moeller was invited to speak.

    Results Encouraging


    Mr. Moeller reported that human studies had gone exceeding well, using the ASAP 10 supplement against malaria that 100% of 41 treated patients in four different hospitals and medical facilities had reached full recovery from Malaria in an average of 4-6 days. Mr. Moeller went on to state that the biggest problem in the studies was that the patients felt so good after a few days that they failed to report back, severely limiting the number of patients reported in the final numbers. Mr. Moeller told of how one group of 11 very ill children in Rwanda were given the ASAP 10 product in baby bottles, by a doctor to treat their Malaria. All eleven children lived and were reported as fully recovered in less than a week. Mr. Moeller was sad to learn that all of the other children in the medical facility, who had not received the product, had died.

    New Studies And Other Testimonies


    Mr. Moeller reported that a fourth human study from a fifth medical facility in Africa had just been completed and results would be made available very soon. He also reported that a 660 patient study had been planned but had not yet started.

    Other groups who testified at the hearing included, The World Health Organization, USAID, and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership etc. For a full copy of William Moeller's Testimony as well as those of the others please see (http://wwwc.house.gov/international_relations/afhear.htm) the government website or find the link on the main page of Clifton's website.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • @eldo,
    die Renaissance hat bereits in den USA Ende der 90er Jahre begonnen.
    Es gibt so ca. 10 größere Firmen, die das vertreiben.

    ABL (American Biotech labs) ist eine davon mit ihren ASAP Produkten.
    Interessant dabei sit auch, dass die Krankheitserreger ersticken.
    Wirkung ist inzwischen einwandfrei nachgewiesen, bei der Kolloid Zusammensetzung gibt´s meinungsunterschiede.
    CFTN hat einen 28% Anteil.
    Unter Dies&Das sind auch 2 Threads.

    CFTN dürfte sich jedenfalls erfangen haben.


  • Und was erfreut den Petzi?
    Ist EON gestiegen?
    Oder ist es Schadenfreude?
    Hauptsache, es geht dir gut und du erfreust dich deines daseins?

    Was machst du eigentlich anlagemäßig?
    Hast dir Cash aufgebaut? Sparbuch Oma?
    Erzähl mal, ich will lernen.


  • genosse tschonko??,
    wohl in der DDR aufgewachsen?

    "behelligen??" Das wär ja dann "Aktion Licht ins Dunkel"
    Das ist doch nicht der Sachverhalt.
    Du sollst doch Licht in mein Dunkel bringen.

    Die Fragen sind gestellt, soll ich mir sie wohl selber per Boardmail beantworten?

    Wenn du meinst, ich stelle sie nochmal, dann zweifle ich an deiner Auffassungsgabe.


    PS: Wieso BN, kann mir vorstellen, das wollen auch andere hören.
    Die trauen sich nur nicht fragen.

  • Wir haben diese Woche eine ähnliche Situation wie letzte Woche nur mit umgekehrten Vorzeichen. Gold runter, Xau rauf (zumindest heute). Das heisst nach Adam Riese die goldminen bestätigen den Goldpreisverfall nicht. Beruhigt mich so wie es mich letzte Woche richtigerweise umgekehrt beunruhigt hat.

  • Diese Physik und Logik ist ein anzeichen fuer einen manipulierten markt, was runter fallen sollte faellt aber rauf. Bald ist dieser Zauber/Trick vorbei, schaetze spaetestens am Ende der Woche. Greenspan der magician im Zirkus Finanzen kann auf dauer auch nicht die selben Hasen aus dem Hut ziehen. :D
    Ich bin nicht mehr beunruhigt,die Asiaten stuetzen den Goldpreis mit weiteren heimlichen und langsamen Kaeufen. Da spielt bloss einer mit der Digital Uhr.


    B A

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