Juniors aus Kanada

  • ECU.V die solltet ihr mal anschauen, der Clive Maund hat vor kurzen einen write-up gemacht aber der ist nur fuer members.

    Ich finde die preiswert und unterbewertet fuer 0.255 CAD.
    Ich habe sie im Depo als long-timer in der selben Wertstellung wie IMA ASM NPG etc.. und erwarte nur mehr positives bei den Kurs.
    Vielleicht erwarte ich auch zu viel. :D

    Anschaun solltet ihr die Euch ob ihr sie braucht ist eine andere Sache.

    Hier nur ein paar langweilige :P bohrergebnisse, leider nur von Dezember 2004.




    Michel Roy, President 011-52-871-727-1061 or 819-797-1210 ecu@ecu.qc.ca
    = "145 mil shares fully diluted-about" verbal, from IR dept. (Sept. 9th, 2004)--including "about 5 mil shares in Sept 21 financing."
    @ $.24/share Cdn x .82 US/Cdn = $.20
    $28 mil MC
    ECU.V is also exploring other gold properties.

    ECU Silver announced the closing of a private placement resulting in gross proceeds of $7,000,000 received in four (4) installments by ECU Silver.

    Pursuant to this private placement, ECU Silver issued an aggregate of 24,137,931 units at a price of $0.29 per unit, each unit being comprised of one (1) common share in the share capital of ECU Silver and one third (1/3) of a common share purchase warrant, with each whole common share purchase warrant entitling its holder to acquire one common share at a price of $0.35

    ECU is now a producer: Producing about $100,000 of ore per week in May, 2005. --223 tonnes/day, $76/tonne ore. Costs to produce that ore were not yet specified in recent news releases.

    Bill Murphy and I are in a contest of the speakers for Cambridge House. Bill's stock pick as of June 10th was ECU at $.26/share Cdn. My stock pick was Capstone gold at $.72/share Cdn. The contest is to see which stock outperforms by the Toronto show this fall, Oct 2-3. see goldshow.ca for info on the show. Interestingly, I'm the silver bug, and I pick Capstone "Gold", and Bill, the gold bull from GATA picks ECU "Silver" Mini! Interestingly, both companies had market caps around $30 million. ECU: $30.5 mil US, CSG.TO: $34 mil US.

  • Hallo,
    pinnacle war schon irgendwie klar. In einem Monat haben wir dann den Bericht zu Fortuna Silver vom Moriaty. Könnt ein Spielchen werden.
    Einstieg vor der Trommlerei. und dann ein bisserl mitshaken. :D

    Aber MTB.V. Die haben heute 47% dazu. Die sind ja im JV mit pinnacle die federführenden. Die waren vorher schon am 52 wochen Hochstand.
    (o,2 auf 0,56 in 14 Tagen)
    Nur ich hab die wieder nicht handeln können in Kanada, nur an der nasdaq.

    Die Scheiß Unico sind auch 50% gestiegen. Ich brauch 1000%.
    Wär aber mit 500 auch schon zufrieden. :D

    Nice Weekend mit Vollmond

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Staccato Gold (0.18 CAD)


    The following is a company we have been watching for a while.

    “Staccato Gold is a growing gold exploration company, publicly traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V: CAT). The company was established in the fall of 2003 and HAS SINCE ASSEMBLED A SUITE OF HIGH QUALITY, HIGHLY PROSPECTIVE EXPLORATION ASSETS, WITH OPERATIONS AND EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES IN THE CARLIN, BATTLE MOUNTAIN/EUREKA AND INDEPENDENCE TRENDS IN NEVADA.” "We're pleased to have assembled in a short time such an impressive portfolio of projects with some of the best partners in the industry," said Robert Lipsett, president of Staccato Gold. - click here...

    This is an area play close to the Cortez Trend. The property shows promise as interest builds in the Cortez area & its primary attraction at present is its cheap stock price. Gold Letter Editor

    “The suite of properties includes 615,000 ounces in situ in the measured, indicated and inferred categories.” “Each of Staccato's properties fits the company's strategy of combining the lower risk of advanced-stage projects with the raw potential of world-class locations.” - click here...

    The market cap for this company is considerably low considering its sizeable & substantial holdings. The price is starting to rise as of this writing & if you look at this play & think it worthy you might want to hurry & stake a position. Gold Letter Editor


    At the time of this writing its market cap is still under 5 million U.S. but more than likely heading higher. Remember our last review – US Gold? Staccato also has holdings in the Cortez Trend just as US Gold. But Staccato isn’t as important a play as US Gold. US Gold’s excitement was a result of the company being taken over directly by Robert McEwan – of Goldcorp fame. Gold Letter Editor

    “VANCOUVER - August 16, 2005 - Staccato Gold Resources Ltd. (CAT: TSX-V) is pleased to announce that Staccato is advised that Placer Dome submitted a Notice of Intent permit to the US Bureau of Land Management on July 21, 2005 for 11 drill sites at Staccato's 100% owned Long Peak property in the Cortez/Battle Mountain trend, Nevada.” “Pending granting of the permit, DRILLING IS PLANNED TO COMMENCE IN EARLY SEPTEMBER.” “The Long Peak project is situated between the Lone Tree mine (Newmont) and the Marigold mine (Glamis) to the northwest, the Surprise/Labrador deposits to the east and the Fortitude/Phoenix complex (Newmont) to the southwest. TO DATE OVER 10 MILLION OUNCES OF GOLD HAVE BEEN PRODUCED FROM THIS DISTRICT. The Long Peak property has potential for both open pit, low grade copper/gold deposits and underground, high grade gold targets similar to nearby operations.” - click here...

    Regardless, Staccato does still represent a good speculation for having a significant property holding in this Cortez Trend area. MORE THAN LIKELY GROWING OVER ALL INVESTOR INTEREST IN THE CORTEZ AREA WILL DRIVE STACCATO’S SHARE PRICE HIGHER. Drilling will ultimately determine the value of Staccatto Gold. Consider this as an aggressive speculation as Staccato Gold begins their drilling program to determine what is in the ground. Gold Letter Editor

    Staccato Gold (CAT.V)

    For a knowledgeable gold analyst & former gold mining executive/geologist call:

    Steve Todoruk, P.Geo.
    Global Resource Investments Ltd.
    Investment Executive

  • @ Tschonko

    Old habits die hard, Straziatella Eis muss heute her, rein in den Eiskasten. Straccato Tschokolato ! :D

    Legte mal mit 20 cents rein,mal schaun ob die heute gehen.

    Tambok hat mich auch heiss auf die Kangaroos gemacht,morgen hole ich mir seine Aussenseiter, die koennten was werden, ich verlasse mich auf ihn. (BTV CRS DOM).AX

    Ich setze einen Stoploss das wars als Sicherheit.

    Weil man nicht schon genug hat von den Juniors lege ich ein wenig oben drauf "" auf den ASX """ :D.

    Den wollte ich nicht nochmals spielen,jetzt muss ich frueher aufstehen um live dabei zu sein. :D

    Mal schaun :rolleyes:



  • @ Tschonko

    Die Katze ist im Sack. :D
    Leider fiel sie von 0.19 auf 0.18 nach meinen Kauf. :(

    Was ist nur mit PLL.V los. :rolleyes:

    ASX = Australian Stock Exchange

    Ich habe mir denen gewuerfelt die er im Uebersicht ueber Minen angedeutet hat .

    Er sagte die kommen ! :D :P :D

    Die sollen einige Reserven im Boden haben und sind momentan noch verwaesserter Penny stock.

    Mal ausprobieren :))

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado
    @ Tschonko
    Weil man nicht schon genug hat von den Juniors lege ich ein wenig oben drauf "" auf den ASX """ :D.
    Den wollte ich nicht nochmals spielen,jetzt muss ich frueher aufstehen um live dabei zu sein. :D

    Das hat man davon, wenn der Harem einem nicht groß genug ist! :]
    Do´nt worry,mußt ja nicht permanent die Schönen beäugen.
    Dann kriegste mal zwischendurch ein Auge zu. :D


    Entschuldige diese Zwischengedanken.E.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die schauen so vergnügt alpenländisch drein,
    was für Tschonko?
    Oder habt Ihr sie?

    Mannomann, die läuft so wie vorher USGL.
    Könnt Ihr sowas nicht vorher verklickern? ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    die vielen Zwerge........,sorry.
    Das hängt damit zusammen, daß die nicht aufdr watchlist stehen.

    Und Kompliment!

    Apropos:hab mir ua. auch mal die USGL angeguckt,
    die wollen nicht runter,trotz kleinster Umsätze.
    Fantasie erstmal raus, Investoren drin!?


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Die sollte sich auch bald ruehren und aufwachen, liegt am Dachboden. :D

    ORM.V ( 0.50 CAD)

    Herewith attached, you will find an UPDATE REPORT on one of the Member Companies, in this case Oremex Resources Inc. (TSXV-ORM). The company became a public company as recent as November 2003 with a property portfolio of 6 silver and gold properties in Mexico, mostly in the State of Durango.

    Since its introduction, it has progressed considerably with its exploration program on the Tejamen Silver Property and a drilling program at its San Lucas Silver Property. At the Tejamen, it has established a mineralization with a gross in-the-ground value of approximately US$280 million of silver equivalent. Drilling is continuing to increase this figures.

    The Tejamen project has great open pit potential with the possibility for underground mineralization too. Knowing the management of Oremex as a team of highly qualified mining professionals, I am confident that they will be able to guide the company from a silver exploration company to a silver producing company over the next few years. That is what they intended to do when they brought the company to the market and that is what they aim to accomplish.

    As is the case with so many other companies, the Canadian stock markets does not reflect the qualities and potential of Oremex and its main project. In my view, the company deserves better. Read the report in order to learn more about my observations of the company.

    In case you have questions, remarks, other feed back and/or you require further information, I would appreciate to hear from you.

    Best regards,

    Henk J. Krasenberg

    European Gold Centre

  • Vielleicht auch einen 2. blick wert!

    Andean American Mining Corp.
    Rocio Echegaray
    (604) 681-6186 or Toll Free: 1-888-356-4784
    Fax: (604) 681-3652

    Andean Expands Exploration Plans in Peru; Andean Announces 80% Average Continuous Mineralization to Date for Sinchao Project
    Monday August 22, 11:51 am ET

    VANCOVUER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Aug. 22, 2005) - The Board of Directors of Andean American Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AAG - News) is pleased to announce, further to our news release of July 18, 2005 and August 3, 2005, the activation of our Sinchao Project.

    "This is a day I have waited on since being elected to the executive of the Company. The continuity of the mineralization is just too strong to be ignored. This property is worthy of all the questions and deserves a program to be put into place to find the answers," stated John Huguet, Chairman.

    The Company has patiently waited clarification of all the land titles for the Sinchao project. In March of 2004 Valle de Sinchao numbers 1 and 3 were granted to the Company. The recent acquisition from ABX - PERU (a subsidiary of Barrick ABX-Z) of Sinchao numbers 1, 2 and 3, and the assurance from the Mines Registry Office in Peru on the petitions for Valle de Sinchao numbers 2 and 4 has allowed the Company to proceed with exploration plans for Sinchao.

    The Company has completed the required environmental review and filed it with the appropriate authorities. The Company has reached an agreement with the communities of Tingo and Chugur for up to a 28-hole drill program, documentation for which should be completed by the end of August, 2005 this month. The Company is relying heavily on a non 43-101 Compliant Technical Report filed in June of 1999 and the results of their previous drill programs from 1997 and 1998 totaling approximately 8,500 meters.

    The mineralization encountered to date is a true polymetallic with copper, gold, silver, zinc and molybdenum. No one value is particularly high but the CONTINUITY OF MINERALIZATION is the outstanding feature of the deposit.

    The focus will be on a 1,300 meter by 900 meter magnetic and induced polarity anomaly which has been diamond drill tested to over 700 meters depth. The mineralization in this anomaly has averaged 80% to date from our previous drill programs. This is a sulfides deposit with specific gravity running approximately 3.2 tonnes per cubic meter.

    Interval Au Ag Cu Zn ized
    Hole # From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)
    SDH-05 104 452 348 0.37 14.7 0.52 0.44 348/452
    equals 77%
    including: 230 452 222 0.42 17.4 0.68 0.34
    SDH-06 68 88 20 0.24 14.4 0.31 1.18 582/720
    equals 81%
    and 158 720 562 0.26 4.6 0.27 0.31
    including: 158 466 308 0.31 5.8 0.26 0.51
    including: 356 466 110 0.62 5.8 0.30 0.74
    SDH-07 11 387 376 0.55 14.1 0.31 0.29 376/387
    equals 97%
    including: 189 387 198 0.88 24.6 0.58 0.34
    including: 305 373 68 1.00 46.4 1.11 0.25
    SDH-10 78 406 328 0.60 18.0 0.45 0.32 328/406
    equals 81%
    including: 78 294 216 0.63 20.4 0.55 0.47
    SRC-7 8 76 68 1.20 45.8 1.97 0.54 68/76
    equals 89%
    SRC-11 98 300 202 0.60 17.3 0.45 0.82 202/300
    equals 67%
    including: 240 300 60 1.11 26.5 0.95 0.97

    The Company intends to further define the extent of mineralization with a new 5000-meter diamond drill program scheduled for this fall.

    In addition the Company will continue with metallurgical and in house scoping, studies, which were refreshed in 2004 based on new proven recovery methods and modular manufactured plant components. Previously the Molybdenum values were not, based on market factors, considered viable. Today's environment with molybdenum at $29.00 per pound represents added value worth investigating.

    Price sensitivities will be explored over the term of the scoping study, scheduled for completion following the Drill Program (approximately six months thereafter).

    "No one mineral in a true polymetallic has dominant values but collectively, if continuity holds together, can form the basis for robust mine economics," stated Rolando Davila, General Manager, Peru Operations.

    Andean American Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AAG - News) is focused on gold mining, exploration and development with its head office in Vancouver and operations in Peru. The company is a low cost, profitable producer with sales up 111% in 2005. Andean is actively pursuing new opportunities and has recently acquired lands from Barrick. With its current and new properties, with its strong management team and with a commitment to steady growth and financial viability, Andean is well positioned to become a leading organization in the mining industry.

    On behalf of Andean American Mining Corp.,
    John Huguet, President & CEO Sedar Profile # 00003879

  • €ldo,
    NMC ist Nustar Mining.
    Batavia: wird viel gezockt mit dem papier, was ja kein fehler ist.

    PLL.V: gilt dasselbe wie bei batavia. Hab den Fehler gemacht, nicht gleich nach dem Anstieg zu verkaufen. Bin ja schon zum 2. mal drin.
    Ende August soll ja eine Abstimmung kommen. Nicht so schlimm.

    Zur zeit schwemmt es eine menge Juniors/Explorer auf die Oberfläche. Was für ein Auftrieb.

    Moriarty: die nächsten 2 Berichte: Grönland, vielleicht sogar Ulfurs Crew Gold.
    Danach kommt in Peru Fortuna Silver.

    USGL interessiert mich im Moment nicht mehr. Sollen mal bohren etc.
    Muss man sich ausrechnen mit MK und shares.
    MTB ist auch schon gut gelaufen.
    Pinnacle interessiert mich schon mehr.


  • Kennst du die golden rule Tschonko ?
    The one who has the gold, rules !
    Stell Dir vor die kniet vor Dir beim Bach nicht weit weg von Dir.
    Wuerdest dann wegrennen ! :D

    Habe gerade eine Idee gehabt mit FVI.V und Radius, aber als ich das bild anschau war sie schon wieder weg.

    ?( FVI,V Why not ?

  • Das mit der Nixe ist nur ein Ablenkungsmanöver.

    Eldo holt in der nächsten Flußbiegung haselnußgroße

    Nuggets aus dem Sand.

    Übrigens wenn´s aktuell ums Zocken in Australien geht.

    Da ist TNG (Tennant Creek Gold) gerade angesagt.

    Bin da von Ulfur drauf gestoßen worden, der sich

    über das dreiste Pushen in einem W+O Thread beklagte.

    Das Gepushe ist wirklich unter aller Sau.

    Da ich mir aber aber immer nach meiner eigenen Facon

    die blutige Nase hole habe ich "recherchiert".

    TNG ist solide.

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A