Juniors aus Kanada

  • Es kommt meistens anders als man denkt Tschonko, ich bin nicht ins Pub. Bin do wieder pickn bliem. :D

    GMX.TO verpasst... :(

    Ansich sollte das Drill Geschaeft gut laufen,ich habe mir den quarterly nicht so genau angeschaut.

    Den Arnie Bericht kenne ich nicht, leg mal rein, ist eh nix los.

    Gnight OA


  • Ja, Gmx hab ich auch......verpasst.

    das läuft alles wie ein reihumspiel.
    unsere werden auch wieder dran kommen.......irgendwann.
    Ich werd jetzt rigoroser.

    Hommel zu Arnie:

    Politics of Silver
    by Jason Hommel
    October 30th, 2005

    Last time I was excited about politics, I was a fool. I voted for Ross Perot, twice! And we idiots were in favor of protectionism. Today, I'm a firm believer in the benefits of free trade. After all, I'm now an investor and trader!

    These days, I'm quite a bit more educated about the issues, as I'm 35, and I'm now responsible for managing the family money. I've read the Bible, some sections hundreds of times, and I've studied economics from the point of view of honest money: gold. And so, understandably, there's virtually nothing in politics these days that I could ever actively support or endorse.

    But I'm impressed by California's Governor, in that I can actually agree that all four of Arnold Schwarzenegger's propositions would improve California. And I don't find much in politics that I can agree with at all!

    To read the 4 propositions, see http://www.joinarnold.com/

    Prop 74, which limits teacher tenure... that's a good start, but I'd actually do more than that... I'd do more than even abolish tenure... I'd fire the lot of them--if I could! Education should be private not public. Public education is the tenth of the ten planks of the communist manifesto, which says...

    "Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc."

    Public education is communism! There's no competition. Funded by the state, costs "nothing" but costs "everything"--as it's funded by a loss of property rights, bans the Bible, & dumbs down the kids (including myself) for several generations now. State schools must endorse communism, or die by fighting against the nature of their own funding. What state school would ever teach that real property rights cannot exist if there are property taxes, which fund the schools?

    Prop 75 “Paycheck Protection”.

    Currently, unionized state workers have their pay docked for union dues, and the money is spent for political purposes which the state workers may disagree with! How outrageous, right? Well, Prop 75 simply asks that unions get permission from the person paying the union dues to use the money for political purposes. Seems fair enough. This one is about freedom of choice, and to end the coercion that unions have over their members. Since the unions back Democrats, this one gives rights back to Republican firefighters and policemen.

    Prop 76 is a state spending limit.

    The Live Within Our Means Act, says no debt spending, and limits spending increases. I hate debt, as the Bible says, "The borrower is the servant to the lender.". Governments should never be in debt, because if they are, then who is really in control of the government? The lenders will be, and not the people.

    Prop 77 The Voter Empowerment Act

    Proposition 77 will allow independent judges to draw election districts instead of the politicians and allow voters to approve or reject those districts. This will end the gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is a disgusting form of redistricting in which constituency boundaries are manipulated in the favor of ruling incumbents.

    To contribute to helping these pass, see http://www.joinarnold.com/

    It appears to me as if Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's heart is in the right place.

    While all of these propositions are steps in the right direction, the best and most important step of all, in my opinion, would be to end the root of economic dishonesty in society, and stop the use of broken promises of unjust weights and measures (Federal paper dollars) now in use.

    The best step of all would be for California to obey the U.S. Constitution, which, in Article 10, Section 1, says:

    "No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; ..."

    But it would be crazy to demand that all State of California employees and contractors be paid in gold and silver coin tomorrow. California has an annual budget of over $100 billion dollars! At $500/oz. for gold, that's 200 million oz., which is just under the size of the U.S. official gold hoard of 261 million oz.! That's also 6220 tonnes, which is more than double world annual gold demand.

    So, that much worth of gold and silver coin, issued as payment by the California government, into the 5th largest economy on earth, can only happen in small steps, just like the Governor is taking small steps.

    So, to help begin a voluntary return to sound money now, I wrote up a Silver Coin Proposal, which I sent to all 50 Governors of all of the States.

    The State Government could start small, and allow people who wish, to take a small portion of their pay, in silver.

    In addition, I had the Northwest Territorial Mint make 1000 silver pieces as examples of what the State of California could use. I have sent 100 ounces of this silver, as samples, to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's office, last week.

    HIER gehört der Dateianhang rein!!

    My one-ounce silver piece design says at the top: "STATE OF CALIFORNIA", and "ECONOMIC STRENGTH THROUGH HONEST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES" and finally "99.9% PURE SILVER". On the top side, it has a picture of a well-known bodybuilder! Above and below him, it says, "SILVER IS MONEY" "2005" and "ONE OUNCE SILVER". Think that might appeal to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger?! --who is also always looking for ways to promote bodybuilding?

    While Mexico is seriously considering a return to using silver as money, we ought to make sure they don't gain the competitive edge against our economy, by getting there first. Believe me when I tell you, the world is in a race to return to using gold and silver as money, and he who returns first, will win the most.

    Mexico Mulls Silver Lining Against Currency Crash

    After all, with limited silver, it's "first come, first served."

    Silver Users Fear Silver Shortage

    I've already returned to silver. Have you?

    Therefore, after you buy your silver, please contact Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and ask him to seriously consider my Silver Coin Proposal. This is particularly important given the coming silver shortage.


    Jason Hommel

  • Tschonko, die sind aber schnell. ;) Thanx for Arnie Report,
    It appears to me as if Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's heart is in the right place. Halleluja, Steirer Bua. :D


    Ray forwarded your email to me. My name is Sheri Barton and I am the Manager of the Investor Relations Department.

    Cabo had a positive year last year and achieved most of the goals that it set out for itself in the fiscal year 2005.The overhang in the market is from a hedge fund X( that has decided to exit Cabo in a rather unfavourable way. As to why they choose to exit this way I can not answer, I, like you, can only speculate. As for individual investors, we do tend to see some tax loss selling at this time of year and the exploration sector does seem to be experiencing some of this. Additionally, I am sure this overhang has caused some panic and may have triggered some additional selling from shareholders.

    The investor relations team is on the phones and emailing any shareholders who have concerns regarding the stock price and the Company and reassuring, as best we can, that Cabo is fundamentally strong and working towards an even better year for 2006. Cabo’s focus for fiscal year 2006 will be the operations of the Company. Basically we will be looking at increasing our market share in our current market (Canada) as well as entering new market areas (Mexico). The other main focus will be to align any synergies between our subsidiaries and reduce or maximize operational costs where we are able.

    In answer to your question regarding the Cobalt Exploration property, Cabo's plans are to sell all of the exploration properties to another public exploration company. Cabo intends to vend out the properties into an exploration company and then that company will issue shares back to the shareholders and Cabo (Cabo will retain about 20% of the shares issued from the exploration company). This way Cabo and Cabo shareholders will still have a stake in the exploration properties. The benefit to Cabo and the shareholders will be that they now own shares in two companies – a drilling services company (which has share ownership in an exploration company) and an exploration company. This will allow both assets of the company to be developed to their fullest potential as well as allow the financial community (brokers, analysts etc. the ability to properly evaluate the companies as pure plays rather than as a hybrid – which is not very favourable with them).

    The process for the vending out of the exploration properties will be as follows:

    1. Identify a suitable exploration company for the properties.

    2. Negotiate a deal that will see the full value of the properties being issued to the shareholders through the issuance of shares in the exploration company.

    3. Management will seek the final approval from the Board of Directors.

    4. Upon approval from the Board of Directors management will call a special shareholders meeting where the shareholders will have the opportunity to review the information and then vote as to whether they want the sale to proceed.

    I have also attached some info relating specifically to the Cobalt property in Ontario.

    Cobalt Property, Cobalt, Ontario:

    Cabo staked additional claims in the Cobalt Property area and now holds an extensive land package comprised of 706 claim units. Exploration to date has focused on three principal targets: historic cobalt-type arsenide silver-cobalt vein deposits, diamond deposits associated with kimberlite and lamprophyre intrusions, and volcanic-associated massive sulphide base metals and/or gold deposits.

    Exploration work in the 2005 fiscal year, included trenching, grid lines, geochemistry and 3441 m drilling and has confirmed the existence of several silver-cobalt vein systems in local areas of the properties, in addition to the presence of diamonds in the southeastern part of the properties confirmed in previous exploration programs.

    A new NP43-101 Technical Report dated September 23, 2005 recommends a 2 phase strategy to assess the silver-cobalt and diamond prospects on the properties.

    If you would like to provide me with your phone number I would be happy to call and speak with you about this, or if you prefer you can email me back with any further questions you may have.

    Best regards,

    Sheri Barton
    Manager, Investor Relations

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp.



  • Aladin,
    die schnelle Antwort von Cabo hat mich auch überrascht.
    Werd mit deiner Erlaubnis das in den CABO Thread kopieren.
    Mehr dann dort.

    Klingt ja nicht schlecht, wird spannend.
    Aber für den Tax Verkauf zu Jahresende ist es noch zu früh, das nehm ich ihm nicht ab.

    Grrrr... wenn der auch noch kommt.
    Antwort hat mich aber etwas beruhigt.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Gut aufgelegt :D

    Der POG 474 befeuert zudem?
    Hoffentlich kein Strohfeuer heuer.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ohne Moos nix los! :]
    Guck mal Sinclairs TNX ;)

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Freue mich für den Sinclair mit,der hatte da lange warten müssen.

    Danke.Auch daß Dir der T. gefällt,demnächst im selben Stübchen. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Derer gab es einige,die es besonders eilig hatten:

    US Gold/ USGL 2,6$ +24%!! :]
    Miramar/ MAE 2,0C$+18%

    Die mal so herausgehoben aus der Schar
    der heute insgesamt so erfreulichen PM´s.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo Aladin,

    Du kaufst meine, ich Deine: seit gestern bin ich auch Förderer von NPG.
    Vorher hatte mich das Chart von SWG fasziniert, so daß ich sie gleich zu meinen Juniros hinzufügte.
    Mit dem Absturz von 42 auf 10 liebt sie die gleichen Pisten wie NPG. Nur steiler!
    Hab allerdings keine Story gefunden, die dahinterstecken muß. Weißt Du was dazu?
    Von der MK und dem Preis ist es allerdings eher ein Elefanten-Junior.
    Die Kurzinfo zu Almi tat gut, Merci!



  • Hi Emoba

    Die South Western ist ein 1.5% Depotanteil die ich mit 12.97 C$ im Schnitt gekauft habe. Um die 10 C$ ist sie so preiswert wie die Nevada wo ich auch nichts verkehrt finden kann, nur als dass die Investoren deppert sind und das nicht sehen. :rolleyes:

    Oder ich bin so bloed und seh etwas was nicht da ist. ?(

    SWG ist ein Elefanten Junior um den mache ich mir keine Sorgen mit Newmont im Kreuz. Ihr Projekt in China ist noch gar nicht richtig erfasst und von dort sollten bald good news kommen und die Leute wieder aufweckt. 8o

    John Embry hat bei denen viel Geld investiert.

    Eine Hand waescht die andere, beide das Gesicht, Emoba. ;)



  • emoba

    Schau auch mal auf die Mischung Jinshan, Dynasty, Avocet, Eldorado, Caledon,Goldrea, Ivanhoe, Entree Gold bei Gold in China und Mongolia sowie Minco, SVM.TO, bei Silber und finde die richtige Mischung wenn dich der ferne Osten interessiert. TVI hat auch den Fuss in der Tuer.
    Lese mal den neuen thread von Tambok ueber China, um das kommt es nun an, dann kommen die grossen nach.
    Bei Ivanhoe sitzt Faber als Director,der Typ taugt mir was er sagte ueber China. :P

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