Komisch, werten die Polen den Zloty ab in einem Moment der seltenen Einigkeit und dann stürzt das generalüberholte Flugzeug mit den entscheidenden Köpfen einfach so ab ... immer diese Zufälle
ZitatFrom the Wall Street Journal in an item dated April 9, 2010:
In one of those rare moments of unity, the National Bank of Poland and the Polish government agreed on the need to weaken the Polish zloty, which over recent weeks has rebounded close to its pre-crisis strength. The currency’s strength is now seen a possible threat to economic recovery. After several verbal interventions over the past few days, the central bank intervened with real money Friday, for the first time in more than a decade.
The bank followed through on its Thursday warnings that it is “technologically and psychologically” prepared to enter the currency market to prevent “excessive strengthening of the zloty.” Government officials also said earlier this week that the “strong zloty” is damaging growth and, after Friday’s intervention, said they fully back the central bank’s move