Gold und Silberminen im fernen Osten

  • In diesen thread koennen wir ueber minengesellschaften die in China,
    Mongolia, Papua, und sogar bis zu Philippinen, diskutieren.
    Ebenso die pro und contras in dieser noch unbekannten Region.
    Ich finde diese Laender fuer sehr interessant und bin ueberzeugt das China diesen Bereich weiter ausbauen wird.

    Ich beobachte schon laengere zeit folgende Minengesellschaften:

    Minco Mining, Entree Gold, Ivanhoe, Sino Silver, Caledon Resources,Southwestern Resources,
    Goldrea Resources, Afcan Mining, Jinshan Mining, TVI Pacific.

    Bei diesen habe ich mich auch beteiligt da ich glaube sie haben Potential.

    Es gibt vielleicht schon threads von den oben genannten minen die bereits einen fuss in dieser region haben. Dort kann man die einzelnen weiter diskutieren.



  • JIN halte ich noch einen kleinen Teil, die letzten Nachrichten sind wieder verheißungsvoller (Projekt 217 Gold, "has more than doubled the project's measured and indicated resources to approximately 2.2 million ounces and also has increased the project's inferred resource to approximately 1.0 million ounces."). Heute´gehts ja knapp 10% bergauf. 8)

    „Die Menschen sind so einfältig und hängen so sehr vom Eindruck des Augenblickes ab, dass einer, der sie täuschen will, stets jemanden findet, der sich täuschen lässt.“ (Niccolò Machiavelli)

  • SKN Resources kenne ich noch nicht. Hast Du mehr Infos?
    Auf das kanadische Unternehmen Jinshan bin ich mitte letzten Jahres aufmerksam geworden als ich Explorer in Zentralasien gesucht habe. Ich habe allerdings eher zu spät verkauft :rolleyes:

    „Die Menschen sind so einfältig und hängen so sehr vom Eindruck des Augenblickes ab, dass einer, der sie täuschen will, stets jemanden findet, der sich täuschen lässt.“ (Niccolò Machiavelli)

  • Warum China ? ?(

    Geringe Arbeitsloehne/Produktionskosten.
    Disziplin und Moral der Menschen.
    Produktives und positives Denken.
    Strenge respektierte Regierung obwohl sie kommunistisch ist.
    Noch viele gebiete sind unerforscht.
    Unbekannte Reserven im Boden.
    Bald eine respektierte Weltmacht die USA ueberholt.
    Politisches Risiko geringer als z.B. RSA.

    Kanadische Firmen willkommen ebenso Asiatische bei der Suche nach Gold und Silber und dessen Foerderung.
    Bereits gute Verbindungen mit dem Kanadischen Staat sowie Noranda.

    Einige Seniors habe sich bereits bei den Juniors teilweise eingekauft.
    da sie den Zug nicht verpassen wollen.

    China braucht Rohstoffe und Gold/Silber, darum wird es diese neuen Projekte foerdern weil sie gleich vor der Haustuer sind und man damit unabhaengiger ist vom Westen.


  • gogh

    Der ANC ist eigentlich ein getarnter kommunistischer Sauhaufen die erstmal mit demokratie beginnen und ala Mugabe die ein partei demokratie 8o eines Tages natuerlich mit genehmigung des westens wieder auf das zurueckkommen was sie eigentlich sind. In China geht es nicht alleine um die Rohstoffe wie in RSA und hat dafuer weniger politische stoerungen von aussen die sich diese in die Haende reissen wollen.
    Es geht und ging immer nur um die Rohstoffe von RSA, nicht um Demokratie die keiner essen kann hier lieber Gogh.

    Viele weisse die das Land eigentlich braucht verlassen das Land oder werden ersetzt durch schwarze die vorrang haben aber keine ahnung.
    Kein wunder wenn es grubenungluecke gibt, da hat der neue neger manager wieder auf den falschen knopf gedrueckt !

    In China kann es jedoch nur besser werden !
    Die sind autonom und werden Weltmacht.
    RSA wird ein Affenstall der nach den Trommeln vom Westen/Zionisten tanzen muss. :D , ganz demokratisch !

    Es gibt immer einen Ausbeuter in Afrika, entweder von innen oder von draussen !

    Der Neger ist von natur aus faul und reiner verbraucher, bei asiaten ist das gegenteil der fall. 8o

    Ich lebe zwanzig Jahre in Afrika und kenne auch die Nachbarstaaten.
    Ich habe mehr achtung und respekt von asiaten, die verlieren ihr gesicht nicht so leicht und haben selbstrespekt den viele menschen in der welt verloren haben.

    Es gibt Laender wie Peru z.b da ist das risiko ebenfalls hoeher als in China. Ueber die kann ich aber persoenlich weniger reden da ich sie nicht kenne wie unsere neger und dummen Afrikaaner wie Swanepoel.
    RSA ist ein korruptes Land, egal wo man hinschaut. In China droht todesstrafe die hier leider abgeschafft worden ist und die leute hier den respekt von law und order verloren haben. Demokratie kann auch stinken! Die neger verstehen nur eine demokratische diktatur mit kommunistischen ideen, meiner meinung.

    Any more questions ????, see SA und Rand thread.

    Just put the chinese on your radarscreen and watch buddy ! :P

    Gruss ;)


  • @ gogh

    Oh, bevor ich es vergesse, zaehlt nun streiks auch zu politischen risiko ?

    Ja, und wenn es nur die finanzpolitik der einzelnen laender ist die so etwas ausloesen. Morgen gehen 100.000 Minenarbeiter in RSA nicht zur arbeit und das haut auf die aktien und profit. Da kommt noch mehr mist auf uns zu hier.
    Ein streiklustiges volk unsere neger, die streiken wegen jedem mist.
    Jede firma muss mindestens einen schwarzen direktor haben, egal wo er herkommt.
    Ja, ich wuenschte ich waere 20 Jahre juenger dann haette ich schon laengst meine koffer gepackt und ab nach china. Dort die sprache lernen und mit zwei geisha leben. :D Nach Afrika kann man dann erst wieder wie nach Zimbabwe wenn die wieder weisse brauchen und daraufgekommen sind das sie ohne nicht auskommen koennen.

    China ist weniger streiksuechtig so weit ich weiss und ich vertraue lieber einen chinese/canadian management als eine schwarzen management !

    Im uebrigen moechte ich euch sagen das ich schon 65% von dem was ich in RSA reingesteckt habe dort in Asien investiert habe seit 18 monaten.
    Mit boersenplatz toronto und vancouver bin ich auch zufrieden. :)

    Ich bin froh wenn ich noch heil aus deren tiefgruben rauskomme und stecke nur mehr das notwendigste in diesen afrikanischen kontinent.

    Lieber eine sino und minco als ein rhino oder hippo ! :D

    Zurueck zum thema :)



  • @Eldo,

    in China wurde am offenen Herzen ohne Narkose operiert

    und der Patient hat dabei aus der Mao-Fibel vorgelesen.

    Nach Maos Tod führte seine Frau die Viererbande an.

    Da wurde der frisch Operierte im Arbeitslager umerzogen,

    weil er in der Mao-Fibel gelesen hatte.

    Was ich sagen will, da gibt es Wellen von Massenhysterie

    sowie in Deutschland Dosenpfand.

    Und Geishas sind in China eher selten.

    Es gibt zwar einen Sittenroman Ding Pin Meh, der ist aus der

    MingDynastie, die endete Mittte 17. Jahrhundert.

    Wenn in China ein Arzt eine Frau untersuchen muß

    bringt der einen als weibliche Aktfigur geschnitzten

    Hippo-Zahn mit, eine sogen. Doctor´s lady.

    An der Figur zeigt die Frau wo sie sich krank fühlt.

    (Wenn ich eine Frau wäre, müßte ich immer auf

    das Hirn zeigen.)



  • Zitat

    Original von gogh

    Was ich sagen will, da gibt es Wellen von Massenhysterie


    Ja, da hast du recht,..... weltweit !
    So eine art geisha,habe ich gemeint, ist dir muschi muschi lieber ? :D

    Und die Grosswildjaeger werden jammern wenn das hippo sie beisst weil man vergessen rechtzeitig zu schiessen oder zu laufen. :D

    Selbst der Schwan (epoel) hat ja auch schon ziemlichen schaden angerichtet.

    China ist etwas neues, wie eine neue Frau !
    Von den Hippo lasse ich mich scheiden. X(



  • Ivanhoe Mines and Mitsui & Co. form strategic alliance to develop major copper-gold, coal and infrastructure projects in Southern Mongolia
    Wednesday March 30, 8:21 am ET

    ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia, March 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Robert Friedland, Chairman of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., of Canada, and Katsuto Momii, Executive Director and Executive Vice-President of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., of Japan, announced today that Ivanhoe and Mitsui have agreed to work together to jointly develop copper/gold and coal projects, and to deliver related transportation, electrical energy and other infrastructure services, in Mongolia's South Gobi Region.
    Mr. Friedland and Mr. Momii announced the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) establishing their strategic alliance while hosting a reception attended by Mongolia's national leaders and parliamentarians.

    Ivanhoe Mines, with production, development and exploration projects in the Asia-Pacific region, and Mitsui & Co., one of Japan's leading companies, intend to play an important role in supporting the Mongolian government's recently announced South Gobi Development Initiative. The companies' contribution to the initiative will involve the construction of a modern, state-of-the-art electricity generating plant, transmission lines, roads and railways.

    The initial focus of the strategic alliance between Ivanhoe and Mitsui will be the integrated development of infrastructure projects in Mongolia's South Gobi Region to support the development of Ivanhoe's copper-gold and coal discoveries and other resource initiatives.

    Features of the MOU include:

    1. Agreement by Ivanhoe and Mitsui to jointly develop infrastructure
    projects in Mongolia's South Gobi. Ivanhoe has formed the South Gobi
    Power Development Corporation (SGPDC), a Japanese company with the
    specific objective of developing a new, environmentally friendly and
    state-of-the art source of electricity in the region. Mitsui will
    join the initiative and take an equity position in SGPDC. Ivanhoe and
    Mitsui will consider the participation by other strategic partners in
    SGPDC from Japan, China and Mongolia at a later date. The companies
    also will consider possible participation by Mitsui in the
    development of additional infrastructure necessary to support the
    operation of Ivanhoe's Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine.

    2. A declaration by Mitsui that it intends to participate in the
    development of Ivanhoe's recent coal discoveries and that it shares
    with Ivanhoe a common objective of acquiring a significant interest
    in the Tavan Tolgoi coal development. Ivanhoe currently is
    delineating substantial high-quality coal resources, including an
    unusually thick seam of high-quality bituminous coal in the Nariin
    Sukhait area on property controlled by Ivanhoe in Southern Mongolia,
    approximately 40 kilometres north of the Mongolia-China border.
    Ivanhoe and Mitsui also are jointly pursuing other coal-development
    projects and initiatives, including the Tavan Tolgoi deposit, in the
    South Gobi Region.

    3. Advancing the development of Ivanhoe's Oyu Tolgoi Copper-Gold Project
    in Mongolia's South Gobi Region. A series of discoveries by Ivanhoe
    Mines at Oyu Tolgoi during the past four years now constitute the
    world's largest, greenfields copper-gold mining project. Mitsui has
    declared its interest in participating in the development of Oyu
    Tolgoi and Ivanhoe has agreed to consider an opportunity for Mitsui
    to purchase an equity participation in the project.

    "Mitsui, a leading trading house with enormous resources and a long and honourable tradition as one of the pre-eminent business architects of the modern Japanese economy, is an ideal partner to work with Ivanhoe in building a powerful new engine of economic growth in Mongolia's South Gobi Region," Mr. Friedland said.

    "Through its direct investments and business activities around the world, Mitsui is highly respected in the global mining, metals and energy businesses. Mongolia is poised to become a significant contributor to world trade in copper, gold and coal. By working together, we can deliver a new generation of integrated resource assets in a timely, cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner that will ensure maximum benefits for the Mongolian economy and all Mongolians."

    "We are extremely excited and happy to be involved in the future development of the South Gobi region together with Ivanhoe Mines, a company that has a long-standing presence in Mongolia," Mr. Momii said. "It is our strong intention to contribute to Mongolia in the long term and we look forward to working closely with the Mongolian people."

    Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is a leading trading company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with more than 700 subsidiaries and associated companies around the world. Their trading activities include the investment, sale, distribution, purchase, marketing and supply of a wide variety of products, including iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, machinery, electronics, chemicals, energy- related commodities and products, food products, textiles, general merchandise and real estate. Annual revenue is in excess of USD$28 billion. It is one of Mitsui's core business strategies to invest in mineral resources, including coal, iron ore and copper. Mitsui has partnerships with leading mining companies BHP-Billiton, Rio Tinto, Anglo American, Falconbridge and CVRD in key mineral-production nations, including Australia, Chile, Brazil and India.

    Ivanhoe has a 100% interest in the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project and owns or controls exploration rights covering approximately 125,000 square kilometres in Mongolia, where additional copper, gold and coal discoveries are being delineated. Ivanhoe produces LME Grade A copper from its Monywa joint venture in Myanmar. Ivanhoe has previously announced a strategic-alliance agreement with China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) to pursue international projects to help China meet its rapidly growing demand for metals and energy. Ivanhoe also has MOUs with Jiangxi Copper Co. and China Non-Ferrous Metals Corporation to cooperate in the development of copper resources in the Greater China Region.

    Ivanhoe's shares are listed on the New York, Toronto and Australian stock exchanges under the symbol IVN.

  • Sorry, Dynasty Gold faellt mir noch ein, die sind auch dort, auch im depo.


    Dynasty Announces 2005 Exploration Program
    Wednesday March 30, 3:12 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - March 30, 2005) - Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:DYG - News; "Dynasty" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the 2005 exploration programs for its projects in North West China.

    Hatu Project, Xinjiang Province

    The Company has retained the services of SRK Consulting, to complete an independent technical report under the guidelines of NI 43-101. Dr. Jean-Francois Couture will act as the independent qualified person ("QP"). Dr. Couture is currently completing his site visit and expects to release the report before the end of April. His report will address Dynasty's previously released target potential of 1.0 - 1.7 million ounces of gold, (See Dynasty Press Release January 18, 2005) as well as confirm the proposed exploration program.

    At Hatu, the focus of this year's program will be to further define and expand the target potential, and follow up on the anomalies delineated by last year's surface program (See Dynasty Press Release December 13, 2004). The budget for the proposed program is estimated to be $840,000 USD. It will include additional surface sampling, a ground magnetics survey, an Induced Polarization ("IP") survey, trenching, and drilling of at least 10 holes.

    Red Valley Project, Qinghai Province

    The Company can earn up to 80% in the Red Valley project, which remains subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The 2005 exploration budget for the Red Valley project is estimated at $480,000 USD. The program will focus on surface sampling, trenching and drilling, with a goal to follow-up and enlarge the previously identified gold and trace element anomalies. (See Dynasty Press Release March 4, 2005.)

    Wild Horse Project, Gansu Province

    The Company can earn up to 80% in the Wild Horse project, which remains subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company is waiting for the award of the Business License prior to the commencement of the 2005 exploration season in Gansu. It is expected to be awarded in July this year. The period leading up to the exploration season will be spent prioritizing targets within Dynasty's 13,000 square kilometer Area of Mutual Interest, and developing the related exploration programs. The expenses will be covered by a deposit of $50,000 USD to hold the properties as part of the original agreement with the No.2 Institute of Geological and Mineral Resource Survey and Development Bureau of Gansu Province.

    The Company is looking forward to another successful exploration season that will expand the target at Hatu and lead to prospective targets at Red Valley and Wild Horse.

    Dynasty is a Canadian based junior resource company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing gold prospects in China.


    Brian R. McEwen, President

    Wild horse project, ist das was fuer cowboys ? :D

  • Afcan is a China focused company which owns 85% of the TJS (Tanjianshan) Gold Mine in Qinghai Province, China.

    The feasibility study was completed in March, 2005 with the following highlights:

    Capital cost : US$47.7million
    Production - year1 : 140,000 ounces
    Production - year2 : 155,000ounces
    Total production : 845,066 ounces
    Processing average recovery : 90%
    Mine life : 8 years
    Cash operating cost : US$33/tonne
    Cash operating cost : US$236/ounce
    Total operating cost : US$263/ounce (including a 4.5% royalty)

    Return on project:

    Pre-tax NPV (5%) $US 58.9 million (pure equity basis)
    IRR 29.0%
    Gold price US$420/ounce (un-hedged)

    Afcan has bought the SAG mill and has started detailed design of the plant.

    The upside potential is in the area immediately surrounding the current orebodies. Also developing the 23 known anomalies and discovering new orebodies within its 342km2 licence area, as well as expanding its exploration efforts throughout the province.

    Afcan has joint-ventured two of its West African properties, nickel in Guinea and gold in Sierra Leone.

  • Gold from central China
    By: Rhona O'Connell
    Posted: '31-MAR-05 12:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    LONDON ( -- Deregulation of China’s gold industry extends not only to the increasing liberalisation of private purchases and the formation of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, but also covers the mining sector. China has taken ages to open up to foreign investment and has tended in the past to allow foreign interests only on the more-testing deposits. But this too is changing. Central China Goldfields, a new company managed by directors with “on-site” experience in China, is looking to take advantage of this evolution.

    Central China Goldfields’ Chairman Nigel Clark is currently the managing director of the British Chamber of Commerce in China and is the Chairman of China International Mining Group; previously a Billiton business development manager, and a former general manager of two gold mines in Indonesia, has thirty years’ experience in the mining industry. Managing director Jeffrey Malaihollo is the head of research at Loeb Aron, having previously worked in generative programmes for Newcrest, Rio Tinto and Billiton in South-East Asia, China and Russia. Fund manager Merfyn Roberts is a non-executive director, while exploration manager Chris Ford has previous experience with Carlin-type deposits in China.

    Central China Goldfields was incorporated last November 3 with a view to acquiring Nexon Asia Group Limited, which, in turn, had in the previous April entered into a Cooperative Joint Venture Contact for gold exploration programmes with the Sichuan Bureau of Metallurgy and Geological Exploration (“SBMGE”) on the Snow Mountain project in the western Qinling folds belt in the northern Sichuan Province of China. This was duly completed on December 23and on March 30 the company listed on AIM with ticker symbol GGG and with a market capitalisation of £4.2 million ($7.9 million), of which £2.3 million ($4.3 million) is in cash.

    The capital raising was for £2 million at £0.08 per share, with a one-for-two listed warrants (symbol GGGW), also at £0.08 for thirteen months. In addition there are 3.07 million options at £0.06 for five years.

    The western Qinling fold belt contains a number of recent discoveries bearing similar characteristics to the Carlin trend in Nevada hosts several multi-million ounce deposits. The independent Competent Person’s reports (CSA Australia, earlier this year) describes the region as one of the most significant gold regions in China. The company has a large ground holding in the province, and while the company’s initial target is the Snow Mountain project, the area is prospective for further discoveries. The project includes seven contiguous exploration licenses covering approximately 54.31 square kilometers that are held by three subdivisions of the SBMGE and which are being transferred to the joint venture company. This, known in full as Sichuan Snow Mountain Mining Exploration Unite Center, or SSMMEUC. Central China Goldfields also has the first right of refusal to apply for licenses for SSMMEUC over two areas amounting to roughly 4,600 square kilometers on the western Qinling Belt.

    Infrastructure is good; the deposit lies 370km to the northwest of Chengdu on paved roads, with a hydroelectric dam under construction. The deposit was first discovered by SBMGE in 1986, and detailed mapping, sampling, trenching and adit development was carried out through to 1999, including 6,000 metres of adit development and 42 drill holes extending over 10,000 metres. To date 14 mineralised zones have been identified, of which many are open at depth. Significant intersection include 26 metres a 4.5g/t gold, 15 metres at 3.3g/t gold 8.5 metres at 5.4g/t gold and 11 metres at 4 g/t gold. This gives inferred Mineral Resources of 225,500 ounces on the 43-101 standard with a further 725,000 ounces identified under Chinese guidelines.

    The Cooperative Joint Venture Contract on the Snow Mountain project allows the company to earn a 75% interest in the joint venture through funding a $7.04 million six-year exploration programme, which commenced on 2nd December 2004, along with property payments totalling $640,000 over three years commencing on the same date. Once the 75% interest is achieved, further exploration costs will be divided pro rata, but the SBMGE holding must not drop below 12%. In addition, the Group may terminate the Cooperative Joint Venture Contract at any time after the first year’s contribution has been paid, at which point the rights would vest again wholly in SBMGE. This is an early example of foreign cooperative developments in China and its course of development will be a useful guideline for those that follow.

  • South Africa can not employ more people in low-skilled sectors as long as there was a minimum wage and countries such as India and China were prepared to pay workers less. This will eventually increase poverty and social unrest and strikes. Social unrest will disturb and hurt mining companies and shareholder value. There might be a new revolution, black against black on the arising. !!! 8o

    Die asiaten lernen mehr und schneller, bei uns vergessen die meisten neger was man ihnen gestern gezeigt hat. Die meisten fuer morgen nichts planen oder irgendwelche sicherheit schaffen. Today is the day 8), tomorrow is a new day,... hopefully ! :D ?(

    To educate Afrika, will take another 100 years,maybe never !


    NO OFFENSE !! ;)



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