Gold und Silberminen im fernen Osten

  • kritiker

    Ausser das du meisten nur kritisierst ist es immer wieder bemerkenswert wie sich die Konkurenz ein Loch ins Hemd freut wenn hier mal etwas schief laeuft.
    Wer weiss ""vielleicht"" sind die Maulwuerfe auch deren Botschafter. Meisten kommt keiner alleine so wie ich es in den letzten Tagen miterlebt habe.
    Ich wuerde darum bitten sich gegenseitig zu respektieren.
    Bitte bezeichne mich nicht als Kaffer (Schimpfwort) der vom Arbeitsamt in D lebt sonst haue ich Dir mit Cash die Ohren ab falls Du einen Beweis brauchst.
    Du kannst auch gerne ein Bild haben das zu dir oder deinen Kommentar passt, da bin ich nicht kleinlich.
    Auch fuer Dich treffen die Regeln zu wie vom Admin bereits erwaehnt.

    So, zurueck zum Thema und don't feed the trolls anymore.

    Ich begruesse ebenfalls den Vorschlag von Tschonko und Nemo.



  • Um mal wieder etwas zum eigentlichen Thema dieses Threads beizutragen:

    Schaut euch mal die Firma Jinshan Gold an (JIN.V). Den Chart als grauenhaft zu bezeichnen, ist massiv untertrieben. Scheint aber jetzt den Boden zu haben. Immerhin ist Ivanhoe Großaktionär und der Chef von denen ist auch Boss von Jinshan. Leider kann ich nicht mehr zu dem Landen sagen, vielleicht selber mal ansehen.



  • Lancelot

    Nicht nur Jinshan ist unten, die meisten Juniors haben es dicke abbekommen. Es gibt nicht viel gute/neue Nachrichten von ihren Projekt.
    Die Korrektur der Aktien scheint noch nicht vorueber zu sein, die Juniors haben am meisten gelitten.
    Heute noch Freitag der 13.,mal schaun ob Hannibal vom PPT wieder zubeisst. Momentan ist es schon frustrierend wie die meisten Aktien gehandelt werden, speziell fuer die sie schon haben. Die noch keine haben sollten diesen Zeitpunkt als Einstiegspunkt sehen und die Gelegenheit beim Schopf packen, falls ihr mich fragt.

    Die einzige auf meinen Radar die sich gut geschlagen hat ist ALMI.OB.
    Aber die gehoert in einen anderen thread.



  • China presents two stories at once. In the long run,
    the dragon's rise seems inexorable. It's hard to imagine anything that could thwart it. In the short run, however,
    China must deal with dangerous internal weakness, namely
    a rotten banking system, poor internal controls and a
    dangerous torrent of "hot money" - speculative capital
    in pursuit of aggressive returns - that threatens to boil
    over the economy and unleash massive instability down
    the road when it withdraws, similar to the Asian currency
    crisis of the late '90s."

    Ich bin mir sicher ihr wisst schon welcher nun der Beste im Fernen Osten ist......


    TVI Pacific announces financial and operating results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2005. All amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars. The highlights provided in this release should be read in conjunction with the Company’s consolidated, unaudited interim financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis for the first quarter which are available on Sedar at or at the Company’s website at

    Major Milestone Reached

    A major milestone for the Company occurred in the first quarter with the first mine in the history of the Company to be brought into commercial operations. This mine is a reflection of the determination of the Company’s management and employees who worked together in order for this mine to become a reality. The positive cash flow of $1,023,900 generated from mine operations is a reflection of the robust nature of the mine. The expected future cash flow from the mine will be used to fund our exploration programs and additional mining projects.

    First Quarter Highlights:

    The Company generated positive cash flow from consolidated operations in the first quarter of 2005 of $49,261 after including exploration expenses of $242,561.

    Effective January 1, 2005, the Canatuan mine has become a commercial operation. The revenue and expenses related to the Canatuan mine are being reported on the income statement starting January 1, 2005. On revenue of $2.8 million, the mine generated cash flow of $1,023,900.
    New capital investment of $586,004 was made to further expand the facilities at the Canatuan mine.

    Exploration has been re-established in the Philippines with applications being filed for new tenements. In April additional tenement applications were filed and an agreement was signed on the advanced-stage Balabag exploration property.

    TVI’s Chinese exploration program continues in the Golden Triangle region and in 2005 will focus on Guangxi and Yunnan portions of the Golden Triangle. The corporate exploration objective in 2005 for China is to acquire at least two additional properties of merit and to commence exploration work as soon as possible in 2005. The Shuikoushan project is still being re-negotiated prior to evaluating a second phase of exploration.

    TVI’s Drilling Division incurred a small cash loss in the first quarter ($23,194). The Division has undergone a major management change with the result that improved performance is now being experienced.

    A major exploration program is underway at Rapu Rapu with the objective of finding new resources which will extend mine life. Rapu Rapu has also started commissioning of its gold processing plant in late April. TVI expects therefore, to receive its first NSR payment from Rapu Rapu in the third quarter of 2005.

    The Company completed a private placement of convertible debentures for $1.5 million on February 24, 2005. The convertible debentures included the conversion of an existing loan from a shareholder.

    Significant financial highlights included:

    Cash of $667,665 as at March 31, 2005.

    Operations generated at positive cash flow of $49,261 in the first quarter of 2005 compared to a cash outflow of $161,999 in the same quarter of 2004.

    Total assets increased to $16,003,179 at March 31, 2005 compared to $15,929,233 at December 31, 2004.

    Consolidated net loss for the three months ending March 31, 2005 of $670,757 ($0.002 per share) compared to a net loss of $551,435 ($0.002 per share) in the same period in 2004. The net loss for the first quarter of 2005 included depreciation and accretion of $616,164 ($36,494 in 2004) and stock-based compensation expense of $85,911 ($354,255 in 2004). Exploration costs including both Philippines and China increased from $128,546 in 2004 to $242,561 for the 2005 quarter.

    Administrative and general expenses increased from $308,505 to $579,502 reflecting additional costs at the Canatuan mine related to the commercial operations, increased shareholders costs reflecting increased shareholders and the new website, increased legal and auditing fees and administrative costs for China.

    TVI’s focus is to increase cash flow from its Canatuan mine through increased production and increased recoveries. The final planned expansion of the mine in the Gossan Mining Phase is expected to be completed in July 2005 at which time throughput should reach 750 tpd with increased recoveries. The throughput at the mine is expected to decrease in May and June to allow completion of the expansion including the installation of a second ball mill and completion of the gossan tailings dam. TVI has re-established its exploration program in the Philippines with the application for new tenements and the signing of an agreement on the advanced stage Balabag property and is currently evaluating several other properties. The exploration program in China continues to focus on the Golden Triangle region. TVI intends to complete renegotiation of the Shuikhousan Gold Project property prior to starting a second phase exploration program. In the second quarter of 2005, the drilling division expects to see increased revenues with at least six drills operating by June 2005. The Company is focusing on improving overall performance of the drilling division operations through reduced overhead costs and better fleet utilization. A major exploration program is underway at Rapu Rapu with the objective of finding new resources which will extend mine life. Rapu Rapu has also started commissioning of its gold processing plant in late April. TVI expects therefore, to receive its first NSR payment from Rapu Rapu in the third quarter of 2005.

    The Company’s cash position is expected to remain tight in the short term with the further expansion of the Canatuan mine which is currently being financed from cash flow generated from mine operations and vendor credit. Management believes however, that its current cash position, together with the anticipated cash flow from operations, cash from anticipated option and warrant exercises and short term funding, if required, should be sufficient to fund current operations and meet obligations as they become due.

  • Ivanhoe to form Falcon(TM) exploration joint venture with world's largest mining company on 28,000 square kilometres in Mongolia's South Gobi region

    Tuesday May 17, 12:01 pm ET

    ULAANBAATAR, :D Mongolia, May 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Ivanhoe Mines Deputy Chairman Edward Flood announced today that the company has agreed to form a joint- venture partnership with BHP Billiton to use BHP Billiton's proprietary Falcon(TM) airborne gravity gradiometer system to explore approximately 28,000 square kilometres of Ivanhoe's non-core exploration ground in southern Mongolia. The new Ivanhoe-BHP Billiton joint-venture, called the Falcon Gobi Project, provides BHP Billiton the right to earn up to 50% of all minerals found on the project, other than coal, by spending US$8 million in exploration costs.
    The Falcon Gobi Project covers approximately 22% of Ivanhoe's land holdings in this region. Ivanhoe's advanced exploration and development-stage projects - Oyu Tolgoi, Kharmagtai, Yellow Hills and Bronze Fox - are not included in the Falcon Gobi Project.

    Under the terms of the agreement, and subject to the execution of the definitive Option and Joint-Venture agreements, BHP Billiton will use its proprietary Falcon system and solely fund a major geophysical survey of a minimum of 30,000 line kilometres over the whole or selected parts of the Falcon Gobi Project. BHP Billiton expects to complete its Falcon survey before December 31, 2006. BHP Billiton will fund all aspects of the survey; inclusive of mobilization, as well as processing and interpretation, using the most advanced and proprietary techniques. Following BHP Billiton's vesting in the project, a 50/50 joint venture will be established between BHP Billiton and Ivanhoe, and the parties will contribute all further exploration and development costs on a pro-rata basis.

    "This joint venture provides Ivanhoe with access to BHP Billiton's state- of-the art Falcon airborne technology to quickly evaluate a significant portion of our exploration ground in the South Gobi that is not amenable to conventional exploration techniques," said Mr. Flood.

    Falcon is an airborne gravity gradiometer that measures minute changes in the earth's gravity. This technology gives BHP Billiton a competitive advantage in the search for mineral and hydrocarbon deposits and has helped in the resource evaluation of some major operations, such as the Ekati Diamond Mine in Northwest Territories, Canada, and the Cannington Silver and Lead Mine in Queensland, Australia. This competitive advantage is backed by BHP Billiton's exclusivity on the technology coupled with its unique value-added processing and interpretation capabilities.

    Ivanhoe has a 100% interest in the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project in Mongolia and owns or controls exploration rights covering approximately 130,000 square kilometres in central and southern Mongolia, where additional copper-gold and coal discoveries have been made. Ivanhoe produces LME grade A copper from its Monywa joint venture in Myanmar.

  • Has Ivanhoe Capped the Upside on Entrée Gold?

    By Michael J. DesLauriers
    17 May 2005 at 02:18 PM EDT

    TORONTO ( -- Recent diamond drilling intersected high-grade copper at the northern end of Ivanhoe’s [TSX:IVN] Oyu Tolgoi deposit in Mongolia, and over the boundary into Entree Gold’s [TSXV:ETG] Lookout Hill property. The upshot is that investors in the latter are faced with a classic dilemma. The deal between the two companies calls for Ivanhoe to earn between 70-80% in Entrée’s property by spending $35 million and financing ETG’s subsequent share of project expenditures. So if one wishes to play the Mongolia/Oyu Tolgoi story, which vehicle presents better value?

    On the face of it, the odds of a continuation of high-grade material into Entree’s territory seem highly favourable, and given the quality of Ivanhoe’s Hugo North deposit the results of further drilling on Lookout Hill will be hotly anticipated. Given that probability, the reasonable assumption is that Ivanhoe will ultimately take-out their northern partner.

    Chinese Investment Surging in Mongolia

    Nothing Like it on Planet Earth - Robert Friedland's Tour d' Tolgoi
    Populists Target Miners in Mongolian Election Warm-Up
    Ivanhoe Says Finds 'Massive' Mongolia Coal Resource
    Ivanhoe Mines Pairs With Mitsui on Mongolian Mining Projects
    Friedland's Oyu Tolgoi "Not For Sale at Any Price"

    Despite the potential for the above to eventuate, Entrée’s shareholders now have to justify the company’s current market capitalization of nearly C$70 million and decide how much it could be worth going forward. The market is currently valuing Ivanhoe at about C$2.5 billion.

    Clearly, a comparison cannot be made on that basis, as Ivanhoe has completed 550 kilometers of drilling. That has produced a measured and indicated resource of 32.9 billion pounds of copper and 17.3 million ounces of gold.

    Entree on the other hand, despite excellent location and targets, has barely scratched the surface.

    Any of the company’s other assets aside; the market is placing its main bet specifically on the 22% (approx. 40,000 hectares) of the Lookout Hill property, which is the subject of its earn-in agreement with Ivanhoe. If Entrée’s twenty percent stake in this area is worth $51 million (market cap minus cash), without any real drilling, then simple math dictates that the market values the entire joint venture at $257 million (assigning no value for Entree’s other properties).

    A quarter of a billion dollars is a tall order for a largely untested project, even in the shadow of a world-class deposit. That said, Lookout Hill (Shivee Tolgoi) might be a higher-grade facsimile of Turquoise Hill (Oyu Tolgoi), but at this point only God is privy to that information.

    As mere mortals however, the majority of Entrée shareholders must decide where their tolerance lies on the spectrum of risk to reward. To justify a double from current levels and consequent market capitalization of C$140 million, the Entrée/Ivanhoe JV would have to find at least 5 million ounces of recoverable gold equivalent proven and probable ounces, or 1 million ounces net to Entree’s interest – that generously provides a current weighted average market valuation ($140/oz 2P), or a take-out multiple in the present environment.

    The latest exploration data indicates that most of the mineralization is below the depth at which Ivanhoe’s interest rises from 70% to 80% of the joint venture.

    As a proportion of Ivanhoe’s total resource and considering the size and proximity of Entrée’s property, a discovery of that magnitude is not implausible. But in view of Entrée’s current valuation and share structure, the time that it will take to prove up a resource that can underpin that size market capitalization, and the fact that Ivanhoe is the only realistic bidder, will investors be rewarded commensurately for their risk and patience?

    Ivanhoe currently owns roughly 18% of Entree, which stock changed hands at C$1.34 at Monday’s close in Toronto.

  • Dynasty Closes Private Placement

    Thursday May 19, 4:12 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 19, 2005) - Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE: DYG - News; "Dynasty" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to its news release of May 18, 2005, the Company has received TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange") final approval for the completion of its non-brokered private placement of 4,826,665 units at a subscription price of $0.30 each for gross proceeds of $1,448,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant, entitling the holder to purchase an additional common share of the Company at $0.40 per share for 24 months from the closing date. Finder's fees are payable on this transaction. The private placement units are subject to a four month hold period from the date of closing.

    The majority of the units are placed with European financial institutions, in a concerted effort to diversify and strengthen the Company's shareholder base. Caledon Resources PLC. has participated to maintain their 15% interest in Dynasty.

    Brian McEwen, President of Dynasty commented, "We are happy that despite the current financial market conditions we are able complete this placement so that we can move forward with our exploration programs. We are excited about this year's programs and look forward to updating our shareholders as the season progresses."

    The proceeds from this financing will mainly be used to fund the exploration programs at the Hatu and Red Valley properties in North West China. Details of these projects are available on the Company's website, and will be updated regularly as information is available.

    Dynasty Gold Corp. is a Canadian based junior resource company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing gold projects in China.

  • Eldorado und Afcan Mining sind nun zusammen in China.. ;)
    Somit bin ich jetzt auch in Eldorado :D

    Eldorado to Become Significant Gold Producer in China Through Acquisition of AFCAN Mining Corporation

    Tuesday May 31, 8:38 am ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO and VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 31, 2005) - AFCAN Mining Corporation (TSX:AFK - News; "Afcan") and Eldorado Gold Corporation ("Eldorado", the "Company" or "we") (TSX:ELD - News; AMEX:EGO - News)

    today announced that they have entered into an agreement whereby Eldorado will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Afcan. Afcan is an emerging gold producer that owns an 85% interest in Tanjianshan Gold Project in Qinghai Province in Western China. The transaction will join Eldorado's development, operations and financial strength with Afcan's high quality Tanjianshan development and exploration project to create one of the leading gold producers in China.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Afcan shareholders will receive one common shares of Eldorado for every six and one-half (6.5) common shares of Afcan. Based on the 30-day volume weighted average trading price for Eldorado common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange of Cdn$2.88, the transaction values each Afcan share at Cdn$0.44, a premium of 25% to Afcan shareholders based on Afcan's 30-day volume weighted average trading price. Eldorado will issue approximately 20.4 million common shares under the transaction such that at closing it will have approximately 296.9 million common shares outstanding. In addition, Eldorado will issue one Eldorado warrant for every 6.5 outstanding Afcan warrants. Each Eldorado warrant will have an exercise price equal to 6.5 times the exercise price of the Afcan warrant in respect of which such Eldorado warrant was exchanged and will have a term to expiry which is the same as such Afcan Warrant. All other terms and conditions of the Eldorad!
    o warrants will be substantially similar to those of the Afcan warrants.

    The Board of Directors of each company has unanimously approved the transaction. Certain shareholders, officers and directors of Afcan, holding approximately 37% of the outstanding shares of Afcan, have agreed to enter into lock-up and support arrangements with Eldorado under which they will vote in favor of the transaction. If Afcan terminates the transaction as a result of a superior offer, Eldorado will receive a break fee of Cdn$2.0 million.

    The transaction is expected to close no later than September 23, 2005 and is subject to, amongst other things, typical closing conditions, approval by Afcan shareholders and regulatory authorities and confirmatory due diligence by Eldorado within 30 days.

    A feasibility study compiled by independent consultants, RSG Global Pty. Ltd., in April 2005 estimates the Tanjianshan Project to contain proven and probable reserves of 944,000 ounces (6.0 million tonnes @ 4.9 grams per tonne). The feasibility study projects total gold production of 842,000 ounces over an eight year mine life with an Internal Rate of Return of 32%. Detailed engineering, design and procurement have commenced and gold production is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2007.

    David Netherway, President & CEO of Afcan commented, "This transaction ensures that the financing and construction of the Tanjianshan Gold Project is secure and will continue on schedule without further dilution to our shareholders at current market prices. Eldorado will become one of the leading gold producers in China with a stronger and more diversified production profile for the coming years."

    "This combination with Afcan contributes significantly to our strategy for China and is beneficial for shareholders of both companies." said Paul Wright, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eldorado. "Afcan shareholders receive a premium offer for their shares and an ensured timely development of the Tanjianshan Project. For Eldorado, the Tanjianshan Project represents a low cost, low risk entry into China that offers both immediate and long term value creation. We are extremely excited with the Tanjianshan Project, where we see significant opportunities to increase the reserve base as well as to improve project performance beyond the existing feasibility study. In addition, the prospective land position adjacent to the project has clearly established itself as being meritous of further exploration investment."

    Mr. Wright added, "This transaction is accretive on key financial metrics and significantly increases gold leverage per Eldorado share both in terms of reserves and production. Eldorado remains a pure gold company with no debt and is 100% unhedged." In addition, he stated, "The addition of the Tanjianshan Project enhances Eldorado's industry leading growth profile with annual production expected to grow to approximately 600,000 ounces by 2008 without further equity dilution."

    Afcan has retained Westwind Partners Inc. as its exclusive financial advisor. Orion Securities Inc. acted as financial advisor to Eldorado.

    Eldorado is a gold producing and exploration company actively growing businesses in Brazil, Turkey and China. Eldorado's international expertise in mining, finance and project development, together with highly skilled and dedicated staff, is well positioned to grow in value as the Company creates and pursues new opportunities.

    Afcan is a mining company focused on the exploration and development of gold and base metal deposits. Afcan's principal property asset, the Tanjianshan Gold Project, is located approximately 80 kilometers northwest of Dachaidan in Qinghai Province (northwest China). A feasibility study has been completed on the project and is filed under Afcan's name on SEDAR ( Afcan also possesses a number of other gold exploration licenses in West Africa.

  • Hallo

    Diesen Bericht habe ich auch wo anders abgelegt und denke mal man sollte die beiden auf den Radar legen. New Guinea wird immer interessanter da dort auch Lihir, Durban,Placer Dome und bald Harmony sich weiter ausdehnen wollen. Vielleicht werden diese Juniors von denen uebernommen ? South Pacific Minerals hat erst vor wenigen Tagen gelisted und ist ziemlich neu in Vancouver. Henk Krasenberg macht mir einen guten Eindruck und ist ansich sehr konservativ mit seinen Aussagen und Empfehlungen soweit ich ihn kenne. Eine Junior Spekulation ist es, in NGG bin ich schon investiert (-22%) aber ich habe nur wenig Aktien bis jetzt im Depot.

    Momentaner Kurs:

    NGG.V (0.36 CAD)
    SPZ. V (0.41 CAD)

    Mal schaun was die machen :rolleyes:

    Dear reader,

    I herewith send you the link to an Introduction Report on two Canadian companies that are exploring in Papua New Guinea, i.e.

    New Guinea Gold Corporation (TSXV-NGG) and South Pacific Minerals Corp. (TSXV-SPZ):

    Alles ueber New Guinea :

    Papua New Guinea has a long mining and exploration history with several major international mining companies involved. At present, four gold mines are in production in the country, but over the next two or three years, that number is about to double. New Guinea Gold Corporation will be one of the companies that will join the ranks of the producers.Although it will initially be a small producer with approximately 40,000 ounces of gold per year, it will bring three mines to production in 2005, 2006 and 2007, which could lead to an annual production rate of well over 100,000 ounces of gold.Besides this, the company focus for the next few years will be on finding and proving up additional resources for continuation of the production process.

    South Pacific Minerals Corp. is the result of a reverse take-over and re-designed to become a major contender in the exploration scene of Papua New Guinea. Through the acquisition of an extensive portfolio of properties,which is currently being completed, the company can be considered as one of the largest diversified land holders in the country. The principal project will be the Mount Bini property, which has an inferred resource of a contained 1.6 million ounces of gold and 750 million pounds of copper.

    Both companies have excellent prospects and are facing highly fascinating times.The current market valuation gives an opportunity to get into these situations at ground level, which does not happen too often.

    As always, your interest is appreciated!


    Henk J. Krasenberg

    NGG.V Chart

    European Gold Centre

  • Dynasty Gold Completes Resource Estimate at the Hatu Project, NW China

    Monday June 6, 8:44 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - June 6, 2005) - Dynasty Gold Corp. DYG.V - News; "Dynasty" or the "Company" is pleased to report the completion of an independent mineral resource estimate for the Qi-2 deposit of the Hatu property, Northwest China. The report estimates an Inferred Resource of 16.9 million tonnes grading 1.68 g/t gold for a total of 912,600 troy ounces of gold, at a cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t gold.
    Inferred Mineral Resources - Qi-2 Gold Deposit, Hatu project. SRK Consulting May 2005.

    Cut-off Grade Grade (g/t Au) Contained Gold
    (g/t Au) Tonnes (Capped at 30 g/t) (Troy oz)
    1.0 16,855,400 1.68 912,600

    In comparison, the mineral resource estimate report models gold mineralization at various cut-off grades, including 39,465,000 tons at 1.13 g/t Au for a total of 1,432,000 troy ounces of Au at a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off. This is similar to Dynasty's previously released internal "target potential" estimates which used a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade (Dynasty News Release January 18, 2005).

    Brian McEwen, P.Geol., President of Dynasty, states, "We are very happy with this estimate as it validates the work we have done and gives the company a solid resource to build on. The Qi-2 deposit is only one of over 300 gold showings on our Hatu property so this season we will be working towards expanding this deposit and adding resources throughout the property."

    2005 Hatu Exploration Program

    The 2005 exploration program for the Hatu project is budgeted at US$840,000 and will attempt to expand the Inferred Resource through diamond drilling at the Qi-2 deposit and other targets throughout the property. The Hatu camp, office and geological staff have been set up for the season, and geological mapping, trenching and surface geophysics have been started, with drilling planned to begin shortly.

    Resource Calculation

    The mineral resource estimation report was prepared by Dr. Jean-Francois Couture of SRK Consulting, Toronto, ("SRK") an independent Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The mineral resource estimate is based on 104 core boreholes totaling 18,000 drilled metres and 105 trenches totalling 6,570 trenched metres. The assay database contains approximately 8,000 assays obtained by acid digestion followed by atomic absorption spectrometry. After verification of the exploration database, SRK used a probabilistic indicator kriging approach using a 0.2 g/t gold cut-off and a 35 percent probability to outline to an auriferous grade shell envelope. Gold grades were capped at 30 g/t and interpolated into a three dimensional block model (3x3x3 metres) by ordinary kriging within the 35 percent probabilistic grade shell and within a 50-metre distance from the nearest composite. A spherical radius of 5 metres was applied to composites higher than 10.5 g/t gold to restri!
    ct the influence of high grade outliers.

    The resource estimate is classified as an Inferred Mineral Resource consistent with the guidelines in "CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves: Definitions and Guidelines" (August, 2000) as required by NI 43-101. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and by definition do not demonstrate economic viability. Dynasty is not aware of any environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other issues which may materially affect its estimate of mineral resources. This estimate will be presented in a NI 43-101 compliant Technical Report to be filed on SEDAR within 30 days. Dr. Jean-Francois Couture of SRK Consulting has read and approved the contents of this news release.

    About the Hatu Project

    Dynasty can earn up to 80% in the underlying Hatu project Sino joint-venture with Xinjiang Non-Ferrous Metals (Group) Co. Ltd. (XNF). The project currently encompasses a 2,200 square kilometre "Area of Mutual Interest" land package in the Tian Shan metallogenic belt that is host to some of the world's largest gold deposits, such as Muruntau and Kumtor. The Hatu property consists of approximately 1,000 square kilometres of exploration licenses and is accessible by paved highway, with dirt roads and power lines crossing the property. There are over 300 gold occurrences on the property, including the Qi-2 deposit that was the focus of the Company's first exploration season in 2004. Approximately seven kilometres west of the Qi-2 deposit is the operating Qi-1 gold mine. Mineralization on the Hatu property is classified as "orogenic", exhibiting strong relationships to regional arrays of major shear zones. There are several types of alteration associated with the mineralization a!
    t Qi-2, with low sulphide content. In addition to drill work to define the Qi-2 resource, exploration in 2004 included an extensive soil and surface sampling program which successfully delineated a large gold anomaly (1 x 3 km, greater than 35 ppb Au) one kilometre south of the Qi-2 deposit. This anomaly had not been identified in previous work by XNF, and will be the focus of additional trenching and drill work in 2005.

    Additional information on the project, as well as photographs and diagrams, can be found on Dynasty's website,

    Dynasty Gold Corp. is a Canadian based junior resource company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing gold projects in China.


    Brian R. McEwen, President

  • @ Mattihash

    Gerade angeschaut, die sind nahe dem Sawasdeekap Gebiet,kannte ich noch nicht. Nehme ich mir mal unter die Lupe, aber fast kein Volumen da wie ich geschaut habe am Pinksheet aber London ist busy. Die suchen und butteln in Indonesia,Malaysia,und Tajikstan Taliban Gegend :D

    Avocet Mining PLC

    Avocet is building a gold-mining business in Central and South-East Asia. Through the optimisation of existing operations and growth through exploration and strategic alliances, Avocet aims to establish itself as a market force and become a 1 million ounce producer with a ten year reserve base.

    Nicht schlecht Herr Specht, die hat sich ganz schoen verbaeugt 8o
    Erinnert mich an die Caledon, die buckelt auch so dahin. X(

  • Wuensche ich Dir,mein Korb laueft ueber, ich kann sie mir spaeter holen wenn sie nicht zu gross abhebt wie du sagst.
    Man sieht da deutlich den Tsunami vom Maerz, ist ein Recovery Stock auf alle Faelle. Ist schon auf meinen Radar, thanx ! ;)

    Viel Glueck


  • Nachdem nun Eldorado das in Brazil, Tuerkei, nun in China mit Afcan und Caledon indirekt sind, gehoert die auch hier rein.

    Spekulations / Recovery stock ?? :rolleyes:

    Oh, my China ! 8o

    Sieht fast so aus wie mein Biorythmus oder z.Zt. Depotwert im Vergleich.. :D.

    Reif fuer die Insel ! 8)

    A bissl ueber drei und I Bin awida dabei. ;)

    Na hoffentlich rennt die wieder auf die 4 USD... das wuerde gut tun. :P

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