*Recently, The Gold Cartel has prevented gold from moving up in anything other than dollar terms. What could change that in the near future?
Iraq is a fiasco. As it becomes more and more apparent the US is mired in a mess which will worsen our budget deficit, it will soon create further tension in financial markets around the world. As a result, demand for physical gold will increase even further.
US financial markets could undergo extreme turmoil in the weeks ahead. Interest in gold could explode as fear and safe-haven buying increases among those fleeing from more traditional markets.
A lot more to bring your way on this early December weekend:
From a fellow Café member:
"I found Brimelow's explanation of the Indian "ex duty premium" to be very helpful and thought I'd ask you to do those of us who are not traders (professional or otherwise) a favor and give us as good an explanation of a "commercial signal failure.’"
A Commercial Signal Failure is when the so-called commercials, or "physical trade" players, continue to build their positions as the market goes against them. On the other side of the trade the specs continue to increase their positions. The commercials, used to winning, keep expecting a correction. Sometimes the fundamentals are so extreme the commercials get buried. When their losses become too painful, they are forced to cover, usually in panic market conditions. This is when the failure occurs.
What is fascinating to me is NO ONE outside of the GATA camp is dealing with the unprecedented gold short position, which may be as high as 16,000 tonnes. This has never been the case throughout all of gold market history. Much of this position is related to leased gold used by The Gold Cartel to artificially suppress the price all these years. Sure, a good deal of these short gold positions might be forgiven by the US Government, Bundesbank, etc., but no way all of it will be. If only a fraction of these "commercial" shorts run for the hills at the same time, gold will go parabolic.
Then, there are some of the big hedgers who put on short positions with gold $100 to $150 lower than today’s price levels. With costs rising in local currency terms, many have to be choking on the hedged prices they are forced to live with. One of these days soon we are going to hear about another Daughters of Gwalia nightmare. Such an event could kick off my long-awaited "Commercial Signal Failure."
The fact that NO ONE OUTSIDE OF THE GATA CAMP even mentions such a potential happening is mind-boggling. Once again, this gold market is the least understood (by the industry itself and the investing public) and worst reported on one than any other in history.
Speaking of John Brimelow, his BRILLIANT explanation of the Indian premiums, so key to our understanding of why gold has acted so well for so long, has been posted at: