Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • gold Loewe

    Auch was dran was du schreibst , alles nicht vergleichbar mit der Vergangenheit da es heute Computer und neue Waffensysteme gibt nur als Beispiel.
    Aber oft ist es so das die Geschichte sich wiederholt. Seit Nixon den Goldstandard aufhob ist Amerika mit ihre Druckmaschine zu der groessten Schuldennation der Welt aufgestiegen und gleichzeitig zum Welt Imperialisten geworden dem sich alle nach deiner Meinung nun alle beugen muessen nur weil sie ein Gewehr haben ?(
    Wir werden es miterleben ob man bis zum Himmel drucken kann mit einer B52 auf der Runway und einen Hummer auf den Oilfeld weiter die Welt beherrscht. Es gibt auch andere "Waffen" gegen die selbst die Amerikaner nichts machen koennen.Der Nahe Osten kann ein zweites Vietnam werden, die Zeit arbeitet fuer die Gegner von USA.
    Fuer mich schiessen die sich selber ein Eigentor wenn sie nicht aufhoeren die Welt zu dominieren dieses noch nach Texas Manier.
    Hunger ist die gefaehrlichste Waffe und ebenso der Drang nach wahrer Freiheit. Die Religion ist die Wurzel allen Uebel.

    Ok, wenn jemand mit Gewalt meine Wohnung ""renovieren"" will dann lasse ich es ihn tun auf seine Kosten aber spaeter wenn die Zeit da ist schmeiss ich aber raus, dass denken sich die in Irak und Russland die bankrupt waren und aufhoerten zu drucken.

    Nothing last forever, there is always a payback time.
    Fly now, pay later ! :D

    All warfare is based on deception!
    He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight......

    The Art of war, there are many ways to kill a big fat cat :

    Na dann, Gute Nacht !

  • gold-loewe

    „Alle Macht kommt letztlich aus den Gewehrläufen“ (und nicht von Geld, Gold oder sonst was). Und wer hat ein Gewehr ?..........

    Sounds to me like two teenagers discussing their manliness as in “mine is ------ than yours.”

    Russia Working on Secret Weapons — Defense Minister
    Created: 04.05.2005 12:38 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:38 MSK , 13 hours 52 minutes ago

    Russia is working to create weapons that no other country possesses, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said in an interview with the Rossiyskaya Gazeta daily.
    “Many countries are working on…modern weapons systems, including us. Naturally, not a single partner or ally of ours knows anything about it and nor will they until they are tested,” he told the paper.

    Ivanov said that modern Russia does not need the kind of army that the Soviet Union used to have.
    “We do not want and we will not be a scarecrow for the whole world,” he stressed.


    Jim Sinclair’s Commentary:

    Here comes another special funding for military expenses of USD$82 billion. Have you read this yet in the US media? Keep in mind that the proposed reduction for calendar year 2005 in the US Federal Budget was predicated on a budget accounting that did NOT contain ANY expenses for the US military action in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2005. There are, however, costs for this and they are certain to go up, not down, thereby relegating predictions for a lower US Federal budget deficit directly into the trash can.

    US general warns of forces strain

    The top US general, Richard Myers, has warned that ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan could limit the ability of the US to fight another war.
    Current commitments can be met, but a new conflict could take longer and cause more casualties, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said. 8o

    He expressed his views in a classified report to Congress, parts of which have been leaked to the media.

    There are about 130,000 US troops in Iraq and some 16,000 in Afghanistan.


    Jim Sinclair’s Commentary:

    When I say this I thought of COT, the Plunge Protection Team, Financial TV and many international leaders.

    “As water changes according to the soil through which it flows, so a man assimilates the character of his associates. By knowing his thoughts, a man's mind is discovered. By knowing his associates, his character is revealed.

    -Tirukkural 46:452-453

    Jim Sinclair's Commentary:

    News seems now to be constant in its approach to “Never Disturb the Social Order” and “Cover Your Ass.” The net result is the best news show on TV is on the Comedy Channel - the Daily Show. Everything else is down right fabrication, deep tissue massage, outright disinformation and bad weather forecasting. :D

    Army withheld details on Tillman’s death
    Investigator quickly learned ‘friendly fire’ was responsible
    By Josh White

    The Washington Post
    Updated: 12:27 a.m. ET May 4, 2005

    The first Army investigator who looked into the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman in Afghanistan last year found within days that he was killed by his fellow Rangers in an act of "gross negligence," but Army officials decided not to inform Tillman's family or the public until weeks after a nationally televised memorial service.

    A new Army report on the death shows that top Army officials, including the theater commander, Gen. John P. Abizaid, were told that Tillman's death was fratricide days before the service.

    Soldiers on the scene said they were immediately sure Tillman was killed by a barrage of American bullets as he took shelter behind a large boulder during a twilight firefight along a narrow canyon road near the Pakistani border, according to nearly 2,000 pages of interview transcripts and investigative reports obtained by The Washington Post.

  • 'US invasion of Iraq was a resource war'

    By Melanie Gosling

    Cape Town - With the rapid decline of global oil supplies, the United States is heading for an economic crash unlike anything since the 1930s.
    And the collapse of the dollar will affect every nation on earth !!.

    This is the chilling warning from academic Richard Heinberg of the New College of California. Heinberg is in Cape Town, South Africa, this week to share his views on what governments and societies need to do to mitigate the imminent global crisis after world oil production peaks.

    "It's too late to maintain a 'business as usual' attitude. What is required is to manage the change that peak oil will bring in a way that causes the fewest casualties. This must be done at an economic and geopolitical level, to fend off resource wars. The US invasion of Iraq is clearly a resource war," Heinberg said on Monday.

    Global oil discovery peaked in the 1960s and oil production is likely to peak as soon as 2007. With a world economy based on fossil fuel, the economic and social consequences will be dire.

    'They say if they have 10 years to prepare, the economic and social chaos could be minimised'
    In his most recent book, Power Down: options and actions for a post-carbon world, Heinberg describes the options available to avoid catastrophe.

    Wearing a T-shirt that read: "Wake up! You are here," with an arrow pointing to a graph of a peak in oil production, Heinberg said world governments were aware of the pending crisis. The United States department of energy had commissioned a report on the probable impacts of "peak oil", the point at which global oil production will no longer meet demand, which was released in February.

    "The report was compiled mainly by ex-CIA people. The CIA has always kept a close watch on resources. They found that peak oil would provide the US and the world with an 'unprecedented risk and management problem'.

    "They say if they have 10 years to prepare, the economic and social chaos could be minimised. But if it's less, the US will face a serious problem and the government will have to manage it without public input. For that, read martial law. The report found oil price volatility will increase to unprecedented levels," Heinberg said.

    The US response is not to cut oil consumption by making major lifestyle changes, and scale back on economic activity, but to use the military to maintain control over oil in the Middle East.

    "The long-range plan is for the West to control the Middle East by the military so it can control the price of oil." X(

    This was formalised as far back as 1979 by former US president Jimmy Carter, in what became known as the Carter Doctrine, which stated that America would use the military to maintain access to the oil reserves in the Middle East.

    Clearly we need to find substitutes for oil, says Heinberg, but the available energy alternatives are not reassuring.

    Natural gas extraction will peak a few years after oil, extraction rates for coal will peak in decades, nuclear energy is dogged by unresolved problems of waste disposal and solar and wind energy will have to undergo rapid expansion if they are to replace even a fraction of the energy shortfall from oil. And the enthusiasm about a hydrogen economy comes from politics rather than science, he said.

    "Our real problem is that we are trapped in a perpetual growth machine. As long as modern societies need economic growth to stave off collapse (given existing debt-and-interest-based national currencies), we will continue to require ever more resources yearly. But the Earth has limited resources.
    "The energy conundrum is thus intimately tied to the fact that we anticipate perpetual growth within a finite system," Heinberg said.

    He sketches four main options available in response:

    Following the US leadership in competing for remaining resources through wars;

    Wishful thinking that the market or science will come to the rescue;

    Assuming that we are already in the early stages of disintegration, devoting our energies to preserving the most worthwhile cultural achievements of the past few centuries.

    "Powering down" - reducing energy resource use drastically through economic sacrifice, reducing the population size and developing alternative energy sources.

    "The sooner we choose wisely, the better off we and our descendants will be," Heinberg said.... End.

    Here you have it :

    First Oil, than Gold, and if needed Drinking Water ?(

    Well, with the barrel of a gun America is teaching ""Democracy"" !



    Every Dog gets his day, so will the mighty USA ! :D


    By Eric J. Fry

    Warning: A virulent epidemic is sweeping the nation. :(

    How many more victims the epidemic might claim is anyone's
    guess. But suffice to say that the rapid spread of this
    contagion is a serious national problem, which may produce
    several dire falling home prices, for

    Although the disease manifests itself in a variety of ways,
    it often produces behavior characterized by reckless
    borrowing and insatiable consumption. The disease, known as
    "affluenza," has infected millions of Americans already,
    but has reached epidemic proportions among California

    The onset of symptoms is often accompanied by a sense of
    euphoric invulnerability. Unfortunately, this delusional
    rapture promotes additional high-risk behavior, which
    usually worsens the infection. Many victims succumb to the
    disease, but the condition is treatable. Early diagnosis
    can promote a highly efficacious response. Curtailing high-
    risk activities, for example, can reduce the infection and
    – sometimes – restore the infected host to an asymptotic
    state known as "solvency."

    But many folks – because they are oblivious to their
    condition – continue borrowing and spending until the
    disease reaches its final and most serious phase, also know
    as "insolvency."

    We are not anticipating a widespread outbreak of
    insolvency. More likely, the growing awareness of the risks
    posed by affluenza will inspire a gradual return to low-
    risk behavior, like saving money and re-paying debts.
    Sadly, such practices, while healthy for the individual,
    are highly toxic for the national economy and for the
    country's over-inflated real estate markets.

  • Wake up or be eaten alive by inflation!

    Richard Daughty
    ...the angriest guy in economics X(
    The Mogambo Guru
    May 4, 2005

    - Chuck Butler, president of the Everbank and author of the of the Daily Pfennig column, says, "Looking at the spreads in the forward market, one has to conclude something's going on." And I am here to tell you that no more scary words were ever spoken, as I have seen too, too many movies where the cowboys are sneaking up to take a look at the Indian encampment, and there they all were, decked out in war paint, dancing and whooping it up around their campfire with drums going "boomity boom boom." After watching for a few moments, one cowboy leans over and whispers to the other one, "Something's going on." Now, I am not sure if Mr. Butler is referring to Indians on the warpath coming to shoot and scalp us and we will have to somehow rescue the beautiful schoolmarm. But the lesson is clear. 8o

  • Sean Rakhimov

    May 4, 2005
    Editor: Silver Strategies

    Silver is correcting again after a run to last year's high at $8.30. There seems to be a general consensus among silver gurus and commentators alike (David Morgan, Doug Casey, Jim Dines and others) that silver price has broken out of its 20 year downturn. Since silver equities typically outperform the metal, investor interest is slowly being drawn to silver mining stocks, which for variety of reasons aside from the rising price of the metal, present a unique investment opportunity.
    We are at the dawn of a new era for silver ...(and other "things" vs. "paper")…himov/rakhimov050405.html

  • 'Where is bin Laden?'.... where is Bin Adabei ? :D

    05/05/2005 16:51

    Islamabad - Interrogators questioning al-Qaeda's reputed No 3, Abu Farraj al-Libbi, have been repeating the same two questions over and over again: "Where is bin Laden?" and "What were your plans?", a senior Pakistani intelligence official said on Thursday.
    Al-Libbi remained silent for hours after his capture this week before finally confessing his identity to his interrogators, whose findings were passed on to US officials, a second intelligence official told The Associated Press.

    "Only two questions are being asked, over and over, and in different shifts: 'Where is bin Laden?' and 'What were your plans?"' said the first official, who has intimate knowledge of the interrogation.

    No intelligence or government official would speak about the questioning of al-Libbi on the record.

    Al-Libbi was arrested on Monday after a gunbattle with security forces in northwestern Pakistan.

    Information minister Sheikh Rashid confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday that al-Libbi was still in Pakistan's custody and that he was being questioned, but declined to give details.

    Two days after al-Libbi's arrest, security forces raided two homes in the northwestern tribal region of Bajor and arrested 11 terror suspects - three Uzbeks, an Afghan and seven Pakistanis.

    Another intelligence official said some al-Qaeda linked militants had also been arrested in another tribal region during the past week, but refused to give details.

    Meanwhile, security officials said on condition of anonymity that a junior air force technician, Mushtaq Ahmad, who was convicted and sentenced to death last year for involvement in the 2003 attacks on Musharraf has been recaptured after escaping custody in November. It wasn't clear where he was caught or when.

    The attacks were allegedly masterminded by al-Libbi, but a number of military personnel have also been implicated.

    Al-Libbi, who is thought to use at least five aliases, ranked below only Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahri and bin Laden himself in the terror group's hierarchy, US counter-terrorism officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    Commandos seized al-Libbi along with another foreigner on Monday after a firefight outside Mardan, Pakistani officials said.

    The arrests were announced on Wednesday.

    The other suspect was not identified.

    Witnesses said that armed Pakistani agents - some disguised in burqas, the all-encompassing garment worn by women in conservative Islamic families - ambushed two men as they rode a motorbike across a dusty graveyard on the outskirts of Mardan amid an exchange of gunfire.

    The unidentifed suspect was arrested there, but al-Libbi fled to a nearby private guest house, where he tried to hide.

    "I am a jihadi. Police are after me!" witness Bakht Munir quoted him as saying in the local Pashto language before the Libyan was tracked down by the commandos, who smoked him out of the guest house with tear gas and then led him away.


  • Historically, once gold stocks have become as weak as they are now in relative to gold, an important bottom has been made and the ratio has begun to rally. The only exception in the past fifteen years was in 2001 when a major bear market low was made. But we aren't in a gold bear market, so such an event is extremely unlikely at this point. Gold would have to go to below 350 for that to happen and that is not going to happen. The shares of the producers are now actually cheap on a valuation basis.

    The divergence between the XAU and gold has reached an extreme level only seen four times in the past five years. Each time the divergence has reached this level, the XAU has put on rallies of at least 70% started within three weeks of the time of the divergence.

    Although the downside is very limited, we may not have seen THE low in the XAU yet. I still think that gold is going to fall and catch up with the gold stocks. However, at this point, the weakness in the gold stocks relative to gold should be at an end. Any further drop in gold should see gold falling at a faster rate than the gold stocks and it is that type of action that marks important bottoms in both. Yesterday the stocks rose while the metal ended down. The bottom is in sight. ?(

  • Is The Gold Bull Market Over?

    By Nick Barisheff ?(

    In an April 28, 2005 news release, GFMS announced that the year-end price of gold could reach a 22 year high of US$500. With the price of precious metals in a trading range and mining stocks experiencing double digit declines this announcement comes as a surprise to many gold bugs and analysts. It is particularly noteworthy, since GFMS is notoriously conservative when it comes to predicting future gold price trends.

    Of even greater significance are the two main reasons behind GFMS’s position.

    First, GFMS states first that growing US deficits, a weakening US dollar and the prospect of a marked US economic slowdown will push up the market value of gold bullion this year and next. Ally that with an event driven rally in the oil price then gold heading for the $500 mark no longer looks fanciful. Second, the downside for the gold price is negligible. This is because of a “robust demand” for physical bullion, and an increased willingness on the part of investors to buy gold on price weakness.

    In its Gold Survey 2005, GFMS mentions several developments that together show an increasing interest in physical gold ownership.

    Gold coin fabrication rose 7.0 percent in 2004. :)
    Bar hoarding rose a whopping 38 percent in 2004. :))
    Producer de-hedging rose to record levels of just over 440 tonnes in 2004. :]
    Gold mine production fell by 5 percent. 8o
    Net official sector sales dropped 23 percent to a five-year low. :D
    Scrap gold supply fell to a three-year low of just 828 tonnes. ;)

  • Hallo Eldorado,

    ich werde demnächst bei meinem Buchmacher eine Wette abschließen, ob Du Schwabenpfeil mit den Beiträgen überholen kannst. Gibt es hier eigentlich auch noch was in deutscher Sprache? Liest Du das ganze Zeug von Zeit zu Zeit, oder geht es dir nur darum, Beiträge zu sammeln? Ich denke, letzteres trifft zu. Armer Eldo... geh mal zum Psychiater!!!



  • DEITSCH, JAWOI DEITSCH, aber wie kann ich das alles schreiben ?(

    ...Heisst Warren ?( und kann kein Englisch ? :D

    Schreib doch du weiter.......oder besser lerne Englisch in der Schule !
    Hoast mi, Oberlehrer Warren,fahr dir selber in den Karren ! :rolleyes:
    Du passt ja sehr gut zu deinen Avantar......hast wohl Duck on the Table mit F ausgesprochen und siehst jetzt so aus. :D
    Und ich distanziere mich von solchen Menschen wie Du....

  • *** The biggest number of booms in 30 years sweeps over ???..a site of idiotic geniuses...****

    This information is provided by the USGS
    National Earthquake Information Center.
    (Address problems to:

    These parameters are preliminary and subject to revision.

    A magnitude 2.7 earthquake SOUTH OF MUNICH has occurred at:
    5.10N 82.34W Depth 1m Thu May 6th 00:28:53 2005

    Somebody farted again from ! :D
    Nur in die falsche Richtung !!

  • Le Metropole Members,

    Hans Schicht has served commentary at The
    Toulouse-Lautrec Table entitled, "Mightier than all
    the Nations."

    "After only a short interlude, Russia and the USA are
    again confronting one another. But with the difference
    that this time the stakes are higher than they were during
    the cold war. It is not just ideological strife. It is
    the basic hunger for energy and raw materials, needed for
    plain survival, which lies at the root the present conflict. Besides direct war, the odds favor Russia, being rich
    in oil and minerals."

  • Warren

    Wie waere es mit Taliban ? :D
    Hast du noch keine Nachbarn ?(
    Manchen Deutschen kann man gar nichts Recht machen.
    Naja, das Bild von Dir beim Computer passt aber zu deinen Kommentar.
    Besser Du gehst zum Doctor,hast du vielleicht Minderwertigkeits Komplexe, erst Schwabenpfeil und jetzt Eldorado ??
    Wohl nur 1.62 gross ? :D Oder scheiss Vatertag hinter sich ?

    Gruss von Fallujah

    B A

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