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Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)
- ThaiGuru
- Geschlossen
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May 25, 2004
Gold - The Technical Take (Part I)
by Guy Lerner
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South Africa says no legal challenges to new mine law
Beim Silber stimmt die Richtung ebenfalls wieder!
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.kitco.com/images/live/silver.gif]
Nach welcher Berechnungsgrundlage man beim Goldpreis im 1. Quartal dieses Jahres von einem 150 Jahreshoch spechen kann, ist mir ein völliges Rätsel?
Ob das wohl etwas mit dem Namen Haliburton zu tun hat?
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.mineweb.net/pics/logo.gif]
Second quarter will be hedge barometer
By: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: '25-MAY-04 06:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004
RENO, NV (Mineweb.com) -- Gold analysts Jessica Cross of Virtual Metals London and Ted Reeve of Haliburton Mineral Services in Toronto recently reported that gold mining companies reduced their hedging programs by 2.5 million ounces to a total of 68.3 million ounces during the first quarter of this year.
Despite the decline in the global hedge book, the duo's analysis also determined that mining companies are increasingly using hedging as a tool for project financing.
The decision by mining companies to use hedging to help finance new mines and mine expansion "is a healthy response to higher dollar gold prices and as such this trend should be both expected and welcome," they wrote. "It is evidence of rejuvenation of the primary gold industry and in itself a very necessary occurrence."
In all, seven companies added 613,000 ounces to the hedge book. Project-related hedging which occurred during the first quarter include 21,000 ounces as forwards by Dioro Exploration, 275,000 ounces as forwards by Highlands Pacific, 40,000 ounces as forwards by Oxiana, and 320,000 ounces as puts and forwards by Resolute.
Cross and Reeve insisted that the real test of the extent of the project financing by hedging will be found during the second quarter of this year. "At the end of the first quarter, the price in fact was at a 150-year high of $427/oz and the subsequent fall has no doubt had a major impact on the attitudes of the primary decision makers. How is the collective mining industry going to respond to a gold price struggling to maintain a range of $375-$390/oz?"
Four responsible for major decline
In The Hedge Book, Cross and Reeve determined that four companies--Barrick, Placer Dome, AngloGold and Ashanti--were responsible for 60% of the net global fall in hedging with Barrick accounting for 20%. The largest hedge book remains the Americas with a hedge impact of 35.1 million ounces, a drop of 1.5 million ounces. The African book also fell by 700,000 ounces to 16.5 million ounces while the Australian book was essentially the same.
Interestingly, their analysis suggests that, due to the dominance of forwards, the hedge book is less sensitive to a wide range of prices than is commonly believed. "The greatest influence of changing gold prices is seen symmetrically in the amount of calls sold and puts bought."
Of the 100 mining companies studied for the hedge survey, 61 had a hedge program at the beginning of the quarter. By the end of March, 48 companies reduced their hedging, four eliminated hedging, and seven increased their hedging. The four who closed out their hedge books accounted for 70,000 ounces.
The global hedge book is dominated by forward contracts, which accounted for 78% of the total hedge impact. "In the Americas, where in tonnage terms the great contraction of the hedge book was measured, Barrick and Placer Dome led the field and by a wide margin, being responsible for three quarters of the regional decline," said the report. The Americas hedge impact during the first quarter of this year was 35.1 million ounces.
The merger of AngloGold and Ashanti impacted 85% of the African hedge book for the first quarter. In Australia, Newcrest and the Sons of Gwalia were the most apparent de-hedgers, the analysts said. The hedge impact of the Eurasia hedge book fell by 100,000 ounces to 1.7 million ounces during the quarter. "The Eurasia region is much less hedged than our other regions with only 2 months of production covered," noted Cross and Reeve. "This is mainly because of a number of unhedged companies with relatively larger production, such as Norilsk, Zijin Mining and Highland Gold." Xstrata accounts for most of the Eurasia hedge book.
Notwithstanding the broader decline in hedging, the mark-to-market position of the global hedge book at the end of the first quarter of 2004 was negative $5.2 billion, compared to negative $4.9 billion as of the fourth quarter of 2003. "One must be careful when drawing conclusions from of mark-to-market values," warned Cross and Reeve. "Mining companies are under no obligation to close out their entire hedge books now, and obviously most will not."
Cross and Reeve also stressed that the valuations are sensitive to a combinations of U.S. dollar gold prices, local currency gold prices, interest rates, swap rates and volatilities.
The analysts questioned if companies will buy back their hedges more aggressively at lower gold price levels in the belief that the price will recover back to over $410/oz. Cross and Reeve noted that April and May have been difficult months as NM Rothschild gave notice of withdrawing from commodities. They also expressed concern regarding the opposition by the Dutch government to mining projects, which, the analysts called "a major setback for the mining industry". The final straw, they noted, may be the efforts of the Chinese government to prevent their economy from overheating.
"Against this background of lower Q2 prices, our next report will no doubt reveal interesting changes in the global hedge book. Further declines can be expected from Barrick and AngloGold and thus we anticipate a substantial contraction of the global book between April and June this year," they concluded.
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25 May 2004
African gold giant turns attention to ChinaThe newly-formed African gold giant, AngloGold Ashanti, has signalled its intention to participate in the burgeoning economic growth out of China as it speeds up the pace of business development and prospecting across the world.
President Sam Jonah, who has taken over responsibility for new-business development and exploration, has recently returned from China and is reportedly bullish on prospects for the gold-miner in that country.
Auch beim Dollar stimmt die Richtung!
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Artikel vom 25. Mai 2004, 21:45 Uhr / Quelle: Blick Online
18´000 Gotteskrieger in 60 Ländern?LONDON – Drei Jahre nach dem Beginn des «Krieg gegen den Terror» dürfte US-Präsident Bush ernüchtert sein: Schätzungen zufolge treiben sich zehntausende Al-Kaida-Kämpfer in der Weltgeschichte rum.
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Anschlag auf das World Trade Center: Eine Reaktion auf die amerikanische Überlegenheit? FOTO: RDBLebt Osama bin Laden noch? Ist er tot? Fragen über Fragen – und keine Antworten. Bis heute nicht, fast drei Jahre nach den Anschlägen auf die USA und dem daraus resultierenden «Krieg gegen den Terror». Dafür ist der frühere irakische Staatspräsident Saddam Hussein hinter Gitter.
Wenn auch über den Verbleib von Osama Bin Laden nichts bekannt ist, über seine Gotteskrieger weiss man allerhand – vor allem beim Internationalen Institut für Strategische Studien (IISS) in London. Die dort tätigen Experten gehen davon aus, dass der Rest der Al-Kaida-Führung noch immer intakt ist.Bis zu 1000 Terroristen sollen in den Irak eingesickert sein. 20'000 wurden seit 1996 in Trainingslager in Afghanistan für den Dschihad geschult. Insgesamt befänden sich mehr als 18'000 mutmassliche Terroristen auf freiem Fuss.
Welche Länder von Anschlägen bedroht sind? Europäer und Israelis – und überhaupt US-Bürger. Dafür könnten die Islamisten durchaus auch auf Massenvernichtungswaffen zurückgreifen.
Und natürlich hagelte es auch Kritik an der USA. Diese hätten nicht verstanden, dass die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 die gewalttätige Reaktion auf die amerikanische Überlegenheit gewesen seien. Sie raten den Vereinigten Staaten deshalb, ihre Politik der Alleingänge zu mässigen.
Die Betonung liegt wohl auf vorläufig!
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Bundesbank-Präsident Axel Weber
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"Sollte der Ölpreis auf dem derzeit hohen Niveau verharren, wäre eine weitere Zinssenkung möglich."
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.reuters.de/images/topLogo.gif]
Berlin (Reuters) - Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist allein wegen eines kräftigen Impulses vom Export im ersten Quartal gewachsen, während die Binnenkonjunktur schwach blieb.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://wwwi.reuters.com/images…94_RTRDEOP_2_PICTURE0.jpg]
melde gehorsamst:
macht statistisches bundesamt auch schon hedonische buchführung wie amis.
computer- prozessor ist viermal so schnell wie vorher zum gleichen preis - und schon sind preise um 300% gesunken.
Natürlich gibt es auch hierzulande Möglichkeiten von Seiten des statistischen Bundesamtes zu schönigen bzw. zu mildern.
Dazu zählt in der Tat dein Beispiel mit den Prozessoren. Ein PC ist nämlich im Warenkorb vorhanden.
Werde morgen mal gucken, ob ich den aktuellen Warenkorb & Zahlen auftreiben kann....